HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 07/25/2016 LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD MINUTES JULY 25, 2016 1. Call to Order Chair Cornelius called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm 2. Roll Call  LUPB Members: Frank Cornelius Chair; Katherine Jones Vice Chair; Jack Ottini, Barbara Phillips and Randall Smith were in attendance.  City Staff: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager; Shawn Gilbertson, Environmental Engineering Supervisor; and David Galazin, Assistant City Attorney were in attendance. 3. Approval of Minutes Board Member Jones MOVED and Board Member Smith SECONDED a Motion to Approve the Minutes of June 27, 2016. MOTION PASSED Unanimously 5-0. 4. Added Items None 5. Communications None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings None 7. Public Hearing OUTDOOR STORAGE CODE AMENDMENT [ZCA-2016-8] Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that the purpose of this code amendment is to amend Section 15.02.315 of the Kent City Code, entitled “Outside storage” to include the term “Outdoor or” to provide clarity that outdoor storage and outside storage have the same meaning, and to resolve problems associated with code enforcement actions that refer to code sections that refer to ‘outdoor storage’. Cornelius opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no speakers, Chair Cornelius closed the Public Hearing and called for a Motion. Board Member Jones MOVED and Board Member Smith Second a Motion to recommend to the City Council approval of an amendment to section 15.02.315 of the Kent City Code, entitled “Outside storage,” to include the term “Outdoor or” to provide clarity that outdoor storage and outside storage have the same meaning. Chair Cornelius called for the vote. Motion PASSED Unanimously with 5 Yeas. Land Use & Planning Board Minutes July 25, 2016 Page 2 of 2 SANITARY SEWER CODE AMENDMENT [ZCA-2016-7] Gilbertson submitted the ‘Summary of Proposed Changes’ defined as Exhibit 1 for the record. Gilbertson stated that the purpose of this amendment is to adopt an updated version of the sanitary sewer code section (KCC 7.04), last updated 25 years ago. Updates define Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) facilities, and clarify what a FOG unit device is. He described the function of FOG facilities and stated that updated definitions mirror the Uniform Plumbing Code. Gilbertson explained that the Code includes additional enforcement provisions and updates code enforcement strategies, creates criminal penalties for negligent or knowing violations of the City’s Sewer Code, and allows the City to recover costs incurred in responding to violations. Galazin further defined the civil infraction and judicial process; explaining that the new code adds language to address criminal offense and penalty levels. Gilbertson spoke about edits made to account for technological advances in sewer pretreatment and for consistency with state and federal sewer and stormwater regulations. At the conclusion of the presentation, Chair Cornelius MOVED and Board Member Smith SECONDED a Motion to admit Exhibit 1 into the record. Motion PASSED 5-0. Cornelius opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no speakers, Chair Cornelius closed the Public Hearing and called for a Motion. Board Member Phillips MOVED and Board Member Ottini SECONDED a Motion to recommend to the full City Council Approval of the Ordinance to repeal the current sanitary sewer code (Kent City Code Chapter7.04) and re -adopt an updated version. Chair Cornelius called for the vote. Motion PASSED unanimously with 5 yeas. Adjournment Chair Cornelius adjourned the meeting at 7:25 pm. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager, LUPB Board Secretary