HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 06/13/2016 LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD
T .DUNE 13, 2016 147�KKEN
W A 5 H I N G T O N
1. Call to Order
Chair Cornelius called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
2. Roll Call
® LUPB Members: Frank Cornelius Chair; Katherine Jones Vice Chair; Jack
Ottini, and Randall Smith were in attendance with Barbara Phillips
® City Staff: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager; Hayley
Bonsteel, Long Range Planner/GIS Coordinator; and David Galazin, Assistant
Civil Attorney were in attendance.
3. Approval of Minutes
Board Member Smith MOVED and Board Member Jones SECONDED a
Motion to Approve the Minutes of May 23, 2016. MOTION PASSED 4-0.
4. Added Items
5. Communications
6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings
7. Public Hearing
Bonsteel stated that complete streets are designed to operate safely and be
welcoming for all users regardless of age, ability or mode of transportation. Bonsteel
described the benefits of complete streets related to public health, congestion,
economic development. She also stated that passing a complete streets ordinance
would help the City when applying for grant funding.
The City has been moving towards a complete streets concept for many years and this
ordinance codifies what the City would like to do. The ordinance sets an expectation
that complete streets will be considered for all City roadway projects, plans, standards
and guidelines (such as stormwater plans and design guidelines) that could have
complete streets implications. The Transportation Master Plan update taking place
next year is one such opportunity to include complete streets in plan development.
The modified ordinance Bonsteel brought to the hearing clarifies issues related to ADA
accessibility (exempt from consideration) and what constitutes "small projects" (which
may be determined to be an exception to the provision of complete streets). Staff also
added a simple definition for historic structures to the modified ordinance.
Bonsteel submitted public comments for the record from Mel Roberts, Kent Bicycle
Advisory Board (KBAB) chair. She explained that the comments addressed the need
for performance metrics and agreed with the comments that there is nothing in the
ordinance related to how the City will measure success. Bonsteel explained that staff
feels that performance metrics belong in the Transportation Master Plan, which assess
the entire transportation system.
Staff believes this ordinance fits into City Council's strategic plan for safety and
Board Member Ottini MOVED and Board Member Smith SECONDED a Motion to
approve submittal of the public comments from Mel Roberts for the record.
Council member Jones questioned if there has been any further ideas for development
of the Par 3 golf course. Bonsteel explained that the complete streets ordinance is
City-wide and not particular to any specific part of the city. She questioned whether
Jones may be referring to the "Meet Me on Meeker Project" which Bonsteel clarified is
a separate project that could be furthered with some funding the City may be awarded
through a grant for complete streets. Bonsteel addressed additional questions related
to compliance with these new standards.
Concluding deliberations, Chair Cornelius opened the Public Hearing.
Mel Roberts, KBAB Chair, spoke about his concerns over performance measurements,
facility costs, connectivity issues and what the city has done to accommodate all users
over the course of the year. Roberts believes it would be beneficial to obtain counts of
bicyclists prior to implementing projects that create facilities and then an after count
to analyze the facilities' benefits.
Jones asks Roberts if he is aware of any Cities that tax bicycle riders for the use of the
bicycle facilities. Roberts states that with the percentage of riders within the city, it
would not bring in enough revenue to make a difference.
Seeing that there were no further speakers, Chair Cornelius closed the Public Hearing
and called for a motion.
Board Member Smith MOVED and Board Member Ottini SECONDED a Motion
to recommend that the City Council approve proposed amendments to the
(Cent City Code, related to Complete Streets, as presented by staff. Motion
Passed Unanimously 4-0.
Chair Cornelius adjourned the meeting at 7:27 p.m.
Charlene Anderson, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager,
LUPB Board Secretary
Land Use&Planning Board Minutes
June 13, 2016
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