HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 04/25/2016 LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD MINUTES KENT APRIL 25, 2016 W A S H I N G T O N 1. Call to Order Chair Cornelius called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm 2. Roll Call ® LUPB Members: Frank Cornelius Chair; Katherine Jones Vice Chair; Barbara Phillips, and Jack Ottini were in attendance with Randall Smith Excused Absence. ® City Staff: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager; Hope Gibson, Parks Planning & Development Manager; and David Galazin, Assistant Civil Attorney were in attendance. 3. Approval of Minutes Board Member Jones MOVED and Board Member Phillips SECONDED a Motion to Approve the Minutes of March 28, 2016. MOTION PASSED 4-0. 4. Added Items None S. Communications None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings None 7. Public Hearing Park and Open Space Plan rCPA-2016-31 Gibson described where within the Park and Open Space Plan (the Plan) edits and amendments were made to the Plan. She stated that the draft Plan was brought before the Board for discussion at their March 28 th workshop. Gibson distributed to the Board; an amended Table CF.9 Parks Facilities Inventory-2015, and page two of Appendix A - Recreational Value/Level of Service Overview. Gibson submitted an email from Sandi Lynden dated April 22, 2016 drawing attention to concerns related to new park level of service standards and Park Fee- in-lieu Funds. Board Member Phillips MOVED and Board Member Ottini SECONDED a motion to accept this Email (defined as Exhibit 1) from Sandi Lynden, into the record. Chair Cornelius called for the vote. Motion PASSED 4-0. Gibson spoke about each of the Eight Chapters the Plan is comprised of: Chapter 1 defines the role of parks and open space in the city. Chapter 2 speaks about the public outreach efforts whereby staff assembled a citizens' task force, engaged the public through community events, invited attendees to participate in informal online surveys and hired a survey firm to execute a more formal, statistically valid survey. Chapter 3 speaks about four core themes: 1) Provide quality public spaces, 2) Maintain the parks system through performance based approach, 3) reinvestment approaches and 4) sustainable funding strategies. Chapter 4 addresses the new approach to level of service.. Chapter 5 discusses park classification and lays out strategic projects for every region in the city. Chapter 6 discusses various parks capital funding options, Chapter 7 address Parks Goals and Policies and lays out priorities related to continuing development and stewardship of City's park and open space system. Chapter 8 concludes the narrative and the following appendix provides transparency by including the questions and answers to the two surveys and other information pertaining to the park and open space system and the new Level of Service approach. Anderson stated that the Park and Open Space Plan is being incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan, and the Capital Facilities and Parks and Recreation Elements of Kent's'Comprehensive Plan' are being updated to reflect the updated Parks plan. She stated that staff proposes to update Table CF.9 in the Capital Facilities Element to reflect the current acreage of park categories. Anderson also proposed deletion of Table CF-10 including the 2015 level of service table (reflected on page 236 of the packet), and correction of the Level of Service Comparison table and Level of Service by City Region table with information from the corresponding tables in the 2016 Park and Open Space Plan. . Anderson described changes to the Parks and Recreation Element needed to reflect the latest iteration of the 2016 Park and Open Space Plan, referring to pages 4 through 43 of the Parks and Recreation Element portion of the agenda packet. In response to Board member Jones, Gibson stated that the surveys showed that the public desires trails, open space, and sports parks. Gibson stated that the survey showed that people prefer parks close to their homes that are open, clean, safe and nicely landscaped. Concluding deliberations, Board Chair Cornelius invited the audience to speak. Seeing no speakers, Cornelius closed the public hearing. Board Member Phillips MOVED and Board Member Jones SECONDED a Motion recommending to the City Council approval of proposals to adopt the 2016 Park and Open Space Plan Update, incorporate it into the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, and make associated amendments to the Capital Facilities and Parks and Recreation Elements of the Comprehensive Plan, as presented by staff. Motion PASSED unanimously 4-0. Adjournment Chair Cornelius adjourned the meeting at,8:07 pm 4 Charlene Anderson, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager, LLIPB Board Secretary Land Use& Planning Board Minutes April 25, 2016 Page 2 of 2