HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 03/28/2016 LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD MINUTES KEN T MARCH 28, 2016 W A S H I N G T O N 1. Call to Order Chair Cornelius called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm 2. Roll Call • LUPB Members: Frank Cornelius Chair; Katherine Jones Vice Chair;; Barbara Phillips, and lack Ottini were in attendance with Randall Smith Excused Absence. • City Staff: Matt Gilbert, Current Planning Manager; Hayley Bonsteel, Long Range Planner; Jason Garnham, Planner; David Galazin, Assistant Civil Attorney were in attendance. 3. Approval of Minutes Board Member Jones MOVED and Board Member Ottini SECONDED a Motion to Approve the Minutes of March 14, 2016. MOTION PASSED 4-0. 4. Added Items None S. Communications None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings None 7. Public Hearing MI Industrial Park District Allowed Uses rZCA 2016-41 Jason Garnham, Planner, spoke on a proposal to amend Kent City zoning code 15.04, to expand the type of uses permitted in the M1 district to help retain and attract business that rely on industrial zoning which is essential to the City of Kent and the region as a whole. Garnham stated that the proposed amendment will expand the M1 district to match the uses currently in the M1-C district. This proposal follows the October 2015 City council approval to expand commercial opportunities in the industrial area and is promoted by the goals and policies of Land Use and Economic elements of the 2015 Comprehensive Plan. Staff believes the zoning change will support the location of businesses that are supportive of modern enterprises and their employees. David Galazin stated that a few minor technical corrections will be made before presentation to the council. He reminded the Board that whatever recommendation is made is based on the substance being proposed and that the final ordinance may be slightly different when it goes before the council committee. Board Member Jones MOVED and Board Member Ottini SECONDED the motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the proposed code amendments to Title 15 of the Kent City Code (KCC) including amendments to use tables and development conditions in KCC 15.04 as presented by staff. Motion passed 4-0 OPIATE SUBSTITUTION TREATMENT FACILITIES [ZCA-2016-3] Hayley Bonsteel, Long Range Planner & GIS Coordinator, spoke on the proposal to consider zoning code amendments pertaining to the location and operation of opiate substitution treatment facilities (OSTF). Bonsteel stated that state law allows the siting of OSTFs according to local land use ordinances. Kent does not have one of these facilities and staff determined that these facilities would be considered as a medical office. Staff felt that a separate definition and zoning requirements were needed because OSTFs can have different impacts from other medical offices. Medical offices are allowed in many zones with few conditions, so staff is recommending requiring a conditional use permit with specific documentation requirements for OSTFs, and relegating them to the CM-1 district. The Board requested at their last workshop a zoning analysis and why CM-1 was chosen. Bonsteel stated that the CM-1 zoning district was chosen as it allows a variety of uses within that district. Other jurisdictions allow these facilities in their industrial areas but staff feels there is limited opportunity for them in those areas because of large block sizes. The City is looking to conduct subarea planning in the near future to attract higher quality employers. Industrial areas could be considered for this use in the future as needed, but staff felt that CM-1 was the more appropriate choice at this time. Bonsteel stated that the state and county heavily regulate these facilities and the City will make the determination where they may be located and under what conditions, within the context of the zoning code. MOTION: Board Member Jones MOVED and Board Member Phillips seconded the motion to recommend that City Council approve the proposed code amendment to Title 15 of the Kent City Code (KCC) including amendments to use tables and development conditions in KCC 15.04 as presented by staff. Motion PASSED 4-0 Adjournment Chair Cornelius adjourned th hearing portion of he meeting at 7:55 pm. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager, LUPB Board Secretary Land Use& Planning Board Minutes Page 2 of 2 March 28, 2016