HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 03/14/2016 LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD MINUTES KENT ® MARCH 14016 W A S H I N G T O N 1. Call to Order Chair Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm 2. Roll Call ® LUPB Members: Randall Smith, Chair; Barbara Phillips, Vice Chair; Frank Cornelius; Katherine Jones; and Jack Ottini were in attendance. • City Staff: Charlene Anderson, Long Range Planning Manager; Matt Gilbert, Current Planning Manager; Hayley Bonsteel, Long Range Planner; Jason Garnham, Planner; David Galazin, Assistant Civil Attorney were in attendance. 3. Approval of Minutes Board Member Cornelius MOVED and Board member Phillips SECONDED a Motion to Approve the Minutes of January 25, 2016. MOTION PASSED 5-0. 4. Added Items None 5. Communications None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings None 7. Public Hearing Plat Extensions LSCA-2016-11 Matt Gilbert, Current Planning Manager, stated that this item was discussed before the Land Use and Planning Board at workshop. Gilbert explained the city's review process for long subdivisions (aka plats) and explained why plat validity periods are important. He discussed past legisliative extensions that helped developers and builders while the housing market recovered from _the 2007 recession. Tonight's recommendation would allow a one year extension for projects approved in 2008 (consisting of six development projects) with proposed amendments to Kent City Code 12.04.221 Subdivision preliminary plat expiration. A. Subdivision preliminary plat approval shall remain valid for that period of time specified in Chapter 58.17 RCW, plus one (1) year. During this period, an applicant must submit a final plat based on the preliminary plat, or any phase thereof, and meeting all of the requirements of this chapter and Chapter 58.17 RCW, to the city council for approval, or the preliminary plat shall lapse and become void. B. For preliminary plats approved between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008, one (1) extension of one (1) year shall be granted to an applicant who files a written request with the planning department prior to the expiration of the preliminary plat validity period. Gilbert submitted two letters in support of plat extensions for preliminary plats approved in 2008; for the record defined as: Exhibit 1 from Clem Martin; and Exhibit 2 from Far Ghoddoussi. Board Member Ottini moved and Board Member Jones seconded a motion to accept the two exhibits from Clem Martin and Far Ghoddoussi into the record. Motion Passed 5-0. Concluding staff's presentation, Chair Smith Opened the Public Hearing. Far Ghoddoussi, 12120 SE 196h St, Kent, WA thanked staff for their consideration and spoke in support of extending plat validity periods. Heliana Sandulescu, 15315 72nd Ave NE, Kenmore, WA spoke in support of extending the plat validity periods. With no further speakers, Chair Smith Closed the Public Hearing. After brief deliberations, with the Board acknowledging the need to extend the validity periods; Board member Cornelius MOVED to recommend to full City Council approval of amendments to Kent City Code (KCC) 12.04.221 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Expiration as proposed by staff and shown on page two of the March 7th memo to grant a one-year extension to a maximum of six development projects approved in 2008. Board Member Jones Seconded the Notion. Notion Passed 5-0. Nomination and Election of Officers Board Member Ottini nominated Board Member Frank Cornelius for the position of Land Use and Planning Board Chair; seeing no further nominations for Chair; Chair Smith called for the vote. Vote was unanimous 5-0. Frank Cornelius was acknowledged as Chair for the 2016 calendar year. Board Member Ottini nominated Board Member Katherine Jones for the position of Land Use and Planning Board Vice-Chair; seeing no further nominations for Vice- Chair; Chair Smith called for the vote. Vote was unanimous 5-0. Katherine Jones was acknowledged as Vice-Chair for the 2016 calendar year. Adjournment Chair Smith adjourned the 25 pm. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager, LUPB Board Secretary Land Use&Planning Board Minutes Page 2 of 2 March 14, 2016