HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/18/2016 Kent City Council Regular Workshop Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington The workshop meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m. by Council President Boyce. Councilmembers present: Berrios, Boyce, Budell, Fincher, Higgins, Ralph and Thomas. 2017/2018 Budget Process 1. Questions & Requests Log Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director provided an updated question log of pending items and indicated that responses to the gold-shaded items will be provided tonight. Included in the materials is the Kent City Code related to B&O taxes, as requested by Councilmember Berrios. 2. Use of Utility Tax in Capital Resources Fund Aaron BeMiller provided details regarding Councilmember Ralph's question of why, under revenue and other sources are there two utility taxes - (1) Utility Tax that sunsets in 2020 and (2) the 4% internal utility tax set aside for information technology and street projects in 2012. Councilmember Higgins explained the history of the voting on these items. 3. Department Presentations Administration Chief Administrative Officer Derek Matheson presented the budget for the Administration Department that includes a new Communications Department. Derek Matheson provided details regarding whether or not the internal departments would see an increase to the departments for multimedia internal service fund. He also clarified the budget allocations for the Communication Director and Cultural Communications Coordinator. Mayor Cooke provided information regarding the Cultural Communications Coordinator and the Communications Director. Dinah Wilson, presented information regarding the need to have both the Community Development Block Grant Coordinator and the Cultural Communications Coordinator. Parks and Recreation Department Interim Parks and Recreation Directors Merina Hanson and Garin Lee presented information regarding the Parks and Recreation Department budget that included their accomplishments, 2017 - 2018 base operating budget details, funding sources, base operating services, new appropriations, reductions, and unfunded needs. Merina and Garin responded to questions from the councilmembers regarding the new appropriations in their budget and will prepare detailed responses to some of the concerns the councilmembers voiced. Economic and Community Development Department Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director presented information regarding the Economic and Community Development budget that included Page 1 of 2 Kent City Council Regular Workshop Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington accomplishments, funding sources, base operating services, new appropriations, and unfunded needs. Ben Wolters responded to questions from the councilmembers regarding the Rental Housing Inspection Program and challenges with continuing to provide an emphasis on code enforcement. Ben Wolters advised that he would provide written documentation in response to Councilmember Fincher's question regarding the methodology used for the fee increase. Aaron BeMiller advised that the Law and Information Technology Departments will present their budgets during the October 25, 2016, City Council workshop. Additionally, the B&O Tax discussion regarding street trees and the sidewalk sweeper issues will be moved to the November 1, 2016, City Council Workshop, along with the discussion regarding the fiscal cliff. Meeting adjourned at r' Kimberley AKomoto City Clerk October 18, 2016 Page 2 of 2 Kent City Council Regular Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Berrios, Boyce, Budell, Fincher, Higgins, Ralph and Thomas. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA FROM COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION OR STAFF No changes to the agenda PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition - Councilmember Fincher recognized the Refugees of Burma's youth panel. B. Community Events - Councilmember Boyce advised that the Thunderbirds will be playing on October 21, 2016 @ 7:35 p.m. in addition to Saturday, October 22, 2016. 9t" Annual Rock and Worship show @ March 17, 2017. Harlem Globetrotters will play on February 17, 2017, and Monday February 20, 2017. Councilmember Ralph advised of the Kent Drug Free coalition town hall meeting is scheduled for October 19, 2016, at 6 p.m. at Mill Creek Middle School. The title is: "You are the first line of defense." Councilmember Fincher advised of the Kent Black Action Commission hosting a Candidate Forum to be held at the Kent Commons on October 19, 2016, at 6 p.m. Green Kent is hosting a clean-up on October 22, 2016, at Morrill Meadows Park that includes lunch provided by Farrington Court. C. Public Safety Report -Mayor Cooke and Chief Thomas advised that they just returned from a meeting at the Maleng Regional Justice Center where they provided public comment in opposition to the proposal in the King County Executive's budget to deplete some of the law and justice issues including closing the Maleng Regional Justice Center to bookings from Kent's Police. Lifesaving Awards - Chief Thomas presented the Lifesaving Awards to Officer Corey Chapman and Officer Jason Clift for their quick and outstanding work in response to an August 2016, incident where they administered first aid to a gunshot victim. The doctor's conveyed that without the quick and outstanding work of both officers, the victim would not have survived. Officer-Involved Shooting - Chief Thomas advised that there was an officer-involved shooting last week and all officers involved are okay. The officers are on administrative leave and the Valley Investigative Team is currently conducting an independent, outside investigation. Human trafficking - Chief Thomas recognized the City's outstanding investigators that are passionate in helping victims of human trafficking. The Kent Police department participated in "Operation Cross Country," a nationwide event put on by the FBI. Kent Police have two detectives assigned to the FBI Child Exploitation Task force and Page 1 of 10 Kent City Council Regular Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington currently conducted an investigation in the Kent region that resulted in the rescue of five juvenile victims of human-trafficking and the identification of two pimps. Kent Youth and Family Services Fundraiser Event - Chief Thomas presented information regarding the recent fundraiser that included a "Fund an Event" item (funding for an advocate that helps victims of human trafficking). $18,900.00 was raised during the Fund an Event item. Chief Thomas expressed his appreciation for Detective Dvorak, Sergeant Grove, and survivor Brittany's participation in the event. D. Intergovernmental Reports - Council President Boyce - Public Issue Committee - No report. Councilmember Budell - Sound City Association's Domestic Violence Initiative - Last and final meeting was in September. 2017 meeting dates are yet to be scheduled. Councilmember Higgins - King County Regional Transit Committee. The committee has been meeting weekly on the Metro Connects long range plan for 2025 - 2040. Kent's Senior Transportation Planner, Lacey Jane Wolfe will participate in the October 19, 2016, workshop in place of Councilmember Higgins. The discussion will include the alternative services along with any partnership opportunities in the plan. Councilmember Higgins indicated that Kent is well-represented in the plan. Councilmember Berrios - Puget Sound Regional Council Economic Development Committee. Currently working on the new regional economic strategy and will be meeting during the first week of November. Councilmember Ralph - Transportation Policy Board - Did not attend last week's meeting. In the place of Mayor Cooke, Councilmember Ralph attended the Puget Sound Gateway Executive Committee meeting. Discussed completing Highway 167 into the Port 'of Tacoma as well as the completion of 509 to connect to I-5. Conversation around the number of lanes that will include tolling and the location of on/off ramps. South County Area Transportation Board - Met October 18, 2016. Primary topic of conversation was surrounding expansion of airport. There were 42.3 million passengers in 2015 and project over 45 million passengers in 2016. Working on new terminals and proposed use of the Tyee golf course for a new maintenance facility. Councilmember Fincher - King Conservation District (KCD) and Mental Illness and Drug Dependency advisory committee meet in November. King Conservation District will be meeting every two months and currently hired a director. Visit KCD.org to see what has been funded in Kent with KCD monies. PUBLIC HEARING A. 2017-2018 Biennial Budget - Second Public Hearing. Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director presented an overview of the Mayor's 2017 - 2018 biennial budget proposal. Mayor Cooke opened the second public hearing on the 2017 - 2018 Biennial Budget. Speakers: Mel Roberts presented information regarding his request to have the City create and fund a bicycle coordinator position in the city of Kent. Page 2of10 Kent City Council Regular Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington Anita Veen presented information regarding her support of the council's funding of Kent parks. Kristy Herrick presented information in her support of the council's funding of sidewalks and encouraged the council to look at the budget very carefully and to spend the resident's money wisely. Councilmember Higgins moved to close the second public hearing on the 2017 - 2018 biennial budget, seconded by Councilmember Budell. Motion carried 7-0. B. 2017-2022 Capital Improvement Plan - Second Public Hearing. Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director presented an overview of the Mayor's 2017 - 2022 Capital Improvement Plan. Mayor Cooke opened the second public hearing on the 2017 - 2022 Capital Improvement Plan. No speakers were signed up to present public comment. Councilmember Boyce moved to close the second public hearing on the 2017 - 2022 Capital Improvement Plan, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion carried 7-0. C. Comprehensive Plan/Capital Facilities Element Amendment and Update to Kent City Code Chapter 12.13, School Impact Fees - Public Hearing. Erin George, City Planner presented the staff report for the Comprehensive Plan/Capital Facilities Element amendment and update to Kent City Code Chapter 12.13, School Impact Fees. The Plan considers the annual update of the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the most recent capital facilities plans of the Kent, Auburn, Federal Way, and Highline school districts. The Highline school district proposes to decrease their school impact fees. The Kent and Federal Way school districts propose to increase their school impact fees. The Auburn school district proposes to increase the single-family fee, but reduce the multi-family fees. The Federal Way school district was not able to attend, but have provided written materials to the council. Representatives from the auburn, Kent, and Highline school districts will present information during the public hearing. Councilmember Ralph requested that Erin speak to the amount of buildable lands available in Kent that feed into the Federal Way school district that would be affected by impact fees. Erin indicated that the area affected is zoned for multi-family and has already been built out, so there should be very little impact. Mayor Cooke opened the public hearing for the Comprehensive Plan/Capital Facilities Element Amendment and Update to Kent City Code Chapter 12.13, School Impact Fees. Page 3 of 10 Kent City Council Regular Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington Speakers: Bob Kenworthy from the Auburn School District requested approval of the Auburn School District's 2016 - 2022 Capital Facilities Plan. He indicated that the plan was approved by Auburn School District's Board of Directors on June 13, 2016. District- wide facility improvements funded by the 2009 capital levy and the Auburn High School reconstruction project are nearing completion. In past 3 years added 40+ classrooms and anticipate continuing to add portables to help reduce class size mandates and growth within the district boundaries. A bond issue proposition will be included on the November ballot to fund additional schools. Mr. Kenworthy provided details regarding the proposed fees. Ralph Fortunato from the Kent School District requested approval of the Kent School District's 2016 - 2022 Capital Facilities plan. Mr. Fortunato provided details on the proposed growth, recent developments, and state mandates affecting capacity. In April 2016, the bond measure failed by 212 votes, so the district has resubmitted the bond that is currently set on the November election. If passed, the bond would fund two new schools, add 20 additional classrooms. Mr. Fortunato provided details regarding the proposed fees. Scott Hodgins, Executive Director of Capital Planning and Construction for the Highline School District provided a brief history of failed bond measures, how the district responds to capacity needs, and the proposed reduction in impact fees. The district has a bond measure on the November Ballot. Councilmember Boyce moved to make the letter received from the Federal Way School Public Schools a part of the record for the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion carried 7-0. Councilmember Higgins moved to close the second public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan/Capital Facilities Element Amendment and Update to Kent City Code Chapter 12.13, School Impact Fees, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion carried 7-0. D. 2016 Tax Levy for 2017 Budget - Public Hearing. Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director presented an overview of the 2016 property tax levy for the 2017 budget and indicated the current numbers are still estimates. Mr. BeMiller provided details regarding the estimated assessed evaluations, the general millage rate, and the Mayor's budget proposal to use banked property tax capacity. Mr. BeMiller provided estimated property tax assessments on properties within the City. Mayor Cooke opened the second public hearing on the 2016 Tax levy for the 2017 Budget. No speakers were signed up to present public comment. Councilmember Boyce moved to close the public hearing on the 2017 tax levy for the 2017 budget, seconded by Councilmember Ralph. Motion carried 7-0. Page 4 of 10 Kent City Council Regular Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington PUBLIC COMMENT Richard Wilkinson spoke regarding the budget item related to fireworks. He indicated that the City banned fireworks, yet they are proposing to double the amount of funds donated to the Lake Meridian fireworks display. Mr. Wilkinson suggested that the City sponsors a fireworks display that it should put on fireworks displays in multiple locations throughout the City so that more residents can enjoy the displays. Finally Mr. Wilkinson asked for an effective communications plan to educate the residents regarding the fireworks ban. Gene Bremner spoke in opposition to proposed property tax levy. Maytham Alkinani expressed his concern regarding the high rental housing rates in the City and asked for assistance from the City. Michael Rosendale spoke regarding graffiti throughout the city of Kent. He indicated that graffiti affects all business within the City. Mr. Rosendale requested that people support the prosecution of people violating graffiti laws. Amiladdin Azizi expressed his concern regarding the high rental housing rates in the City. He requested the City provide opportunities to have refugees move into government housing during their first few years living in the City. Santos Contreres spoke in support of "Vote NO on ST3." Mr. Contreres spoke and provided written documents in support of his position. Kalee Mullah is a refugee and expressed his concern regarding the high rental housing rates in the City and the low wages paid to immigrants. Zandria Michaud is a member of Kent Parks and Recreation commission and, at the request of the Kent Parks and Recreation Commission, asked the council to explore a dedicated reallocation of existing funding. Abdul Feroz spoke expressing his concern over the high rental housing rates in the City. Renee Poitras spoke in support of the Parks Department. Ms. Poitras, a teacher at Kent Meridian High School. She requested input from the Council regarding their passion for local leadership and asked them to contact her if they would like to share their story with her students. Kristy Herrick spoke requesting the City assist the refugees and immigrants with the housing issues they are experiencing. She also suggested Kent residents sponsor some of these families. CONSENT CALENDAR Council President Boyce moved to approve Consent Calendar items A through L, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The Motion carried 7-0. Page 5of10 Kent City Council Regular Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington A. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the workshop and regular council meeting of July 19, 2016 and the regular council meeting of August 2, 2016 were approved. B. Approval of Bills. Bills received through September 15 and paid on September 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on October 4, 2016 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/15/2016 Wire Transfers 6808 - 6829 $2,405,119.65 9/15/2016 Regular Checks 707056 - 707593 $3,612,354.11 Void Checks ($5,000.00) 9/15/2016 Use Tax Payable $5,059.21 $5,354,469.97 Approval of checks issued for payroll for September 1 through September 15 and paid on September 20, 2016: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/20/2016 Checks $0.00 Voids and Reissues 9/20/2016 Advices 373816 - 374680 $1,515,116.44 $1,515,116.44 C. Ordinance Revising Enforcement Provisions of Illicit Discharge Code — Authorize. Ordinance No. 4215 was adopted, amending section 7.14.150 of the Kent City Code to expand the enforcement options available to the City when its illicit discharge code provisions are violated. D. Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resources Investigations with the U.S. Geological Survey — Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign the Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resources Investigations between the City of Kent and the U.S. Geological Survey upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and Public Works Director. E. Ordinance Amending Kent City Code 3.12.030 — Surplus of Real Property — Exempt Properties — Adopt. Ordinance No. 4216 was adopted, amending section 3.12.030 of the Kent City Code entitled "Exempt properties and property interests," to add an exemption to real property surplus procedures when transferring property to another public entity. F. Strategic Plan Resolution — Adopt. Resolution No. 1936 as adopted, incorporating and adopting the City's Strategic Plan. G. Linen and Uniform Services Agreement with Cintas Corporation — Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign a three year agreement with Cintas Corporation for the rental and laundering of uniforms and linens in an amount not to exceed $220,000, with terms and conditions acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. Page 6 of 10 Kent City Council Regular Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington H. 2015-2016 Police Services Agreement with Kent School District - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign the Police Services Agreement and School Resource Officer Agreement between the Kent Police Department and the Kent School District for the 2015-2016 school year, subject to final contract terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. I. 2016-2017 Police Services Agreement with Kent School District - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign the Police Services Agreement and School Resource Officer Agreement between the Kent Police Department and the Kent School District for the 2016-2017 school year, subject to final contract terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. J. 2016 Annual Docket Report — Approve. Council approved the 2016 Annual Docket Report and amended 2014 and 2015 Docket Reports. K. Hawkesbury Division I & II Plat Bill of Sale — Accent. Council accepted the Bill of Sale for Hawkesbury I&II Plat, Permit No. RECC-2082334, for: new streets including 4,079 linear feet of curb, sidewalk and paving; frontage improvements including 3,328 linear feet of 5' sidewalk and curb; storm sewers including 1,803 linear feet of 12 inch PVC sewer line, 371 linear feet of 15 inch PVC sewer line, and 781 linear feet of 12 inch SDR 21 sewer line along with 12 manholes and 28 catch basins. L. Heritage Bank Bill of Sale — Accent. Council accepted the Bill of Sale for Heritage Bank, Permit No. RECC-2123647, for: watermains including 1 irrigation deduct service; frontage improvements including 438 linear feet of variable width widening, channelization and sidewalk frontage; storm sewers, including 2 catch basins. OTHER BUSINESS Utility Tax Ordinance Revision - Adopt. Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director presented an overview on the proposed ordinance. Mr. LaPorte provided detailed information in support of the amendment making revisions to solid waste utility tax ordinance to allow funding for traffic calming devices. Councilmember Higgins moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4217 amending Kent City code 3.18.020(A)(5) to allow revenue from the solid waste utility tax to be used for the installation of residential traffic calming control devices, crosswalks and appurtenances, up to a maximum of $150,000 per year, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the city Attorney and Public Works director. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Ralph. Councilmember spoke in support of his motion. - Councilmember Berrios expressed his concern over spending B&O tax funds on additional projects. Councilmember Berrios moved to amend the main motion as follows: Adopt Ordinance No. 4217 amending Kent City code 3.18.020(A)(5) to allow revenue from the solid waste utility tax to be used for the installation of Page 7 of 10 Kent City Council Regular Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington residential traffic calming control devices, crosswalks and appurtenances, up to a maximum of $150,000 per year; provided the use of this fund for residential traffic calming shall be permitted only through December 31, 2018, unless this section is reenacted by ordinance, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the city Attorney and Public Works director. Council President Boyce seconded the motion. Derek Matheson clarified that if the amendment is approved, section 3.18.020.A.5 would be amended to add the following at the end of the section: ""The amount used from this fund for neighborhood traffic calming devices and crosswalks shall not exceed $150,000 in any year; provided the use of this fund for residential traffic calming shall be permitted only through December 31, 2018, unless this section is reenacted by ordinance. Councilmember Ralph spoke in opposition to the amendment to the motion adding a provision to expire the expenditure of funds in two years. Councilmember Fincher spoke in opposition to the amendment to the motion adding a provision to expire the expenditure of funds in two years. Councilmember Budell spoke to the amendment to the motion adding a provision to expire the expenditure of funds in two years. Councilmember Berrios spoke in support of his amendment to the motion adding a provision to expire the expenditure of funds in two years to provide for the opportunity to come up with another funding option for the residential traffic calming control devices. A roll call vote was ordered, and the vote was as follows: Councilmember Fincher - No Councilmember Thomas - No Council President Boyce - No Councilmember Ralph - No Councilmember Berrios - Yes Councilmember Higgins - No Councilmember Budell - No Amendment to the main motion failed 6-1. Councilmember Fincher moved to amend the main motion as follows: Adopt Ordinance No. 4217 amending Kent City code 3.18.020(A)(5) to allow revenue from the solid waste utility tax to be used for the installation of residential traffic calming control devices, crosswalks and appurtenances, up to a maximum of $150,000 per year; provided the use of this fund for residential traffic calming shall be permitted only through December 31, 2020, unless this section is reenacted by ordinance, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the city Attorney and Public Works director. Council President Boyce seconded the motion. Page 8 of 10 Kent City Council Regular Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington Amendment to the main motion failed for lack of a second. Council President Boyce spoke in support of the main motion. Councilmember Ralph spoke in support of the main motion and indicated that when the initial ordinance was adopted, there was no intent to exclude residential traffic calming. Councilmember Higgins spoke in his support of the motion and expressed his appreciation of the discussion on the motion. A roll call vote was ordered, and the vote was as follows: Councilmember Fincher - Yes Councilmember Thomas - Yes Council President Boyce - Yes Councilmember Ralph - Yes Councilmember Berrios - Yes Councilmember Higgins - Yes Councilmember Budell - Yes Motion carried 7-0. BIDS A. Briscoe-Desimone Levee Improvements Reach 1 River Mile 14.75 to 14.96 Mitigation Planting - Award. Tim LaPorte presented detailed information regarding work to be completed under the bid for the Briscoe-Desimone Levee Improvements Reach 1 River Mile 14.75 to 14.96 - Mitigation Planting project and recommended awarding the bid. Councilmember Higgins moved to award the Briscoe-Desimone Levee Improvements Reach 1 River Mile 14.75 to 14.96 Mitigation Planting Project to Watershed Environmental Solutions in the amount of $240,457.34 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, seconded by Councilmember Fincher. Motion carried 6-0. Council President Boyce was excused prior to this vote. Councilmember Higgins advised that this project is almost entirely grant funded with Washington State Department of Ecology and the King County Flood Control District grants. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES A. Council President. - No report. B. Mayor. - No report. Page 9of10 Kent City Council Regular Meeting October 18, 2016 Minutes Kent, Washington C. Chief Administrative Officer. - Derek Matheson indicated his report is included in the agenda packet and there is no executive session this evening. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. - No report E. Operations Committee. - Councilmember Ralph advised that the primary discussion at today's meeting was on the legislative agenda for next year and to focus on maintaining the status quo. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. - Councilmember Fincher had no report from the committee and reminded everyone of the Green Kent clean up and lunch at Morrill Meadows on October 22, 2016 9 - noon. G. Public Safety Committee. - Councilmember Berrios indicated the committee had a robust discussion on police overtime and additional information can be obtained by reading the minutes. H. Public Works Committee. - Councilmember Higgins encouraged everyone to either view the video or read the minutes. I. Regional Fire Authority. - Councilmember Thomas indicated the meeting scheduled for October 19, 2016, will focus on budget discussions. EXECUTIVE SESSION - No executive session. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m l_l 4 ' Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk October 18, 2016 Page 10 of 10