HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 1/5/2016 'I I KENT kENT�Q W A S H I N G T O N Kent City Council Workshop Minutes January 5, 2016 The workshop meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m. by Council President Ralph. Councilmembers present: Ralph, Boyce, Budell, Fincher, Higgins, and Thomas Commercial Embedded Recycling — Public Works Special Projects and Transportation Manager, Kelly Peterson highlighted the background of the City's commercial embedded recycling and solid waste contracting. He noted that the existing contract is a seven-year contract with two (2) year extensions built in. He pointed out that the structure contains a collection and disposal component. He explained the proposed contracts and the available options for each one and that the staff recommendation for the renewal of the contract for an additional seven years is included in the Council regular meeting packet. Councilmember Boyce expressed concerns about the education piece and survey. He confirmed with Peterson that the education piece informs customers what can and cannot be placed in their recycling cans. Specifically, Peterson communicated that mailers and other forms of communication would take place and that the best way to communicate with commercial customers would be determined in the future. Public Works Director Tim LaPorte communicated that a consultant would be retained to determine the best way to execute the survey and education. Councilmember Higgins favored conducting a survey. Councilmember Budell inquired how the contamination fee would be implemented and Peterson replied that the drivers would make note of any violations and work to educate customers. Councilmember Fincher added that drivers also take photos of violations. Councilmember Budell highlighted confusion among residential recycling and Peterson replied with different strategies to educate residents on recycling. Councilmember Higgins added that Republic Waste sends out a mini poster to all its residents at the beginning of each year on what the recycling categories are. Respect Action Plan — Interim Human Resources Director Chris Hills presented the 2016 Council Respect Action Plan. Chief Administrative Officer Derek Matheson recommended suggestions from Mayor Cooke. He announced Mayor Cooke's recommended revisions to the plan. Councilmember Boyce recommended that if any Councilmember goes to any training or conference that they provide a brief to the rest of the Council upon their return. Kent City Council Workshop Meeting Minutes Councilmember Higgins thanked the staff for their hard work on this and stated that this is a milestone. Council President Ralph recommended that the changes be implemented and the plan be placed on the consent agenda. Meeting adjourned at 5:47 pm. Ronald F. ore,'MIMC City Cler 2 : I I KENT KENIQ W A 5 H I N G T O N Kent City Council Meeting January 5, 2016 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Ralph, Boyce, Budell, Fincher, Higgins, and Thomas. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA FROM COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION OR STAFF None. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Recognition of Councilmember Deborah Ranniger. Mayor Cooke discussed former Councilmember Deborah Ranniger's career with the City. Ranniger discussed her vision for the Council and encouraged them to work on their goal for inclusion. She stated she is also excited about the future YMCA. Council President Ralph thanked Ranniger for her work on Kent parks. Councilmember Fincher thanked Ranniger for her work in the parks and her willingness to help others and speak out when necessary. Councilmember Higgins discussed and thanked Ranniger for her service and work on the Citizens for Kent Schools Committee 20 years ago. He stated that she is one of the reasons he is a Councilmember. Councilmember Boyce thanked Ranniger for her work in the schools and parks and said he is going to miss her. Councilmember Thomas highlighted Councilmember Ranniger's work on Town Square Plaza and stated that she was on the Council for 12 years. He noted that she has had a tremendous impact on the City and thanked her for her service. Councilmember Budell thanked Ranniger for the talks after the Council meetings. She stated that her interactions with Ranniger prior to being a councilmember were impactful and she felt as if she was heard. She noted that Ranniger was one of the reasons she ran for a seat on the Council. Mayor Cooke thanked Ranniger for her service. B. Oath of Office. Mayor Cooke swore Tina Budell into Councilmember Position No. 1, Brenda Fincher into Councilmember Position No. 6, Bill Boyce into Councilmember Position No. 7, Dana Ralph into Councilmember Position No. 5, and Les Thomas into Councilmember Position No. 3. Kent City Council Minutes January 5, 2016 C. Council President Election. Council President Ralph thanked the Council for trusting her to be the Council President for the past two years. Council President Ralph moved to elect Councilmember Bill Boyce to the position of Council President for 2016 and 2017, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Councilmember Boyce accepted the nomination. A vote was taken on the motion on the table to elect Councilmember Bill Boyce as the Council President. Motion carried 6-0. Council President Boyce thanked the Council for electing him to the position and thanked former Council President Ralph for her work as the past council president. D. Council Committee Appointments. Council President Boyce announced the 2016 Councilmember appointments: Economic and Community Development Committee Chair: Councilmember Boyce, Members: Councilmembers Budell and Berrios Parks and Human Services Committee Chair: Councilmember Fincher, Members: Councilmembers Higgins and Budell Public Safety Committee Chair: Councilmember Berrios, Members: Councilmembers Ralph and Thomas Public Works Committee Chair: Councilmember Higgins, Members: Councilmembers Ralph and Fincher Operations Committee Chair: Councilmember Ralph, Members: Council President Boyce and Councilmember Thomas Council President Boyce also communicated additional appointments and named Councilmember Higgins to be the liaison to the Human Service Commission. He appointed himself to the Lodging Tax Advisory Board and the Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee and himself, Councilmembers Higgins and Thomas to the Regional Fire Authority. Councilmember Thomas was appointed to the Firemen's Relief and Pension Board, Councilmember Higgins to the Human Services Commission, and Councilmember Ralph on the Arts Commission. He noted that Councilmember Ralph has also been selected to represent the City on the Sound Cities Association Board. E. Historical Note from Kent's 1251" Anniversary - Mayor Cooke highlighted the historical note. She stated that the Mayor of 1890 of the Town of Kent was A.T. Van de Vanter. She stated that the Councilmembers in 1890 were William C. Faulkner, Chas E. Guiberson, Jas C. Merrifield, Robert Ramsey, and Julian Soule. She highlighted that Van de Vanter was in the Washington State Senate and then was the King County Sherriff. She discussed the City seal for licenses and issuance of them to keep an animal and run a business. She discussed Ordinance No. 13 which was adopted for the collection of a road poll tax. 2 Kent City Council Minutes January 5, 2016 F. Public Recognition. Mayor Cooke wished everyone a Happy New Year and announced that Parks Commissioner Kendrick Glover has been named the Kent Person of the Year and is on the cover of the Kent Reporter. She stated that Mr. Glover is doing a great job of helping the youth in the City. 2015 Kent Turkey Challenge Winners - Jack Kay, President of Torklift discussed the diverse need of people who entered the Kent Food Bank. He thanked the businesses and leaders for their help. Katie Brown, Marketing Director explained what the Turkey Challenge was and its growth over the years. She highlighted some of the businesses that are involved. She noted that there were 73 businesses who donated this year and this year $25,173 and 8,140 pounds of food were collected. She recognized the top five businesses for this year. The fifth highest monetary amount collected was from Kent Methodist Church who collected $2,359. Pacific Power Group collected $2,522, Everly Vivian collected $3,100, and in first place was Steve's Painting which collected $8,500. Brown announced the top five canned food item donations. In fifth place was Kent United Methodist Church which donated 350 food items. Pacific Power Group donated 583 items. Grasslake Elementary School donated 958 items. Kent Valley Hockey Association donated 972 food items and in first place was Express Employment Professionals which donated 1,644 food items. Mayor Cooke thanked Torklift for their work in giving back to the community. G. Community Events. Mayor Cooke announced that there will be a Seahawks rally on Friday at the Town Square Plaza at 1:45 p.m. and Councilmember Ralph added that the SeaGals, Blitz, and Blue Thunder will be at the event. Councilmember Ralph added that there will be a Spotlight Series acoustic guitar concert at the Kent Meridian Performance Art Center. Councilmember Ralph also added that there were 220 events at the ShoWare Center and over 410,000 people in attendance at events at the ShoWare in 2015. Additionally, it was named a top 20 "top spot" venue of similar venues throughout the United States. She added that there are Thunderbirds games coming up and the Globetrotters are here February 15 and 16. H. Economic and Community Development Report. Economic and Community Development Director Ben Wolters communicated that the City collected over $6 million in excise tax in 2015 and it was a good year. Additionally, he said that it looks like there were over $1 billion in property transactions last year. He noted that Blue Origin had a successful rocket launch and landing and are experiencing huge growth in research and development and manufacturing. He displayed a picture of the BE-4 rocket engine built at Blue Origin and said it is anticipated to be the next generation of rockets. He noted that the company is seeking to have a more public footprint and is looking to hire employees. He highlighted the Economic Development Council of Seattle-King County Forecast and that the City is a sponsor of the event. Wolters discussed Airways Brewing and that they are expanding and looking for a larger production brewery in Kent. He stated that the CenterPointe Office Park used to be a 3 Kent City Council Minutes January 5, 2016 part of the Boeing Space Center and the importance of transit and shuttle services has surfaced in the area. He noted that the City is working with the businesses in that area on alternative transit services. Wolters stated that La-Z-Boy is locating its Northwest Regional Headquarters in the City and they are going to have showroom sales based on the City's goal to have warehouses sell their products retail. He noted that Optic Gallery will occupy the space at the Platform and Cafe Rio Mexican Grill will open soon at the Lake Meridian Shopping Center. Wolters discussed the Meeker Underpass project and stated that the City has executed a $45,000 pigeon control contract there. He added that the City is investigating lighting at the underpass with support from the Kent Downtown Partnership and the community. He noted that work is continuing with Sound Transit to attract new development in the coming years at the Kent/Des Moines station area. I. Intergovernmental Reports. Councilmember Fincher announced that $663,000 of food system grants were awarded from the King Conservation District and there would be more grant funding available for anyone who enhances food production and distribution. Councilmember Higgins noted that the Regional Transit Committee didn't meet in December. He noted that he was reappointed to the committee by the Sound Cities Association Board of Directors. He also stated that there will be a workshop to discuss the Metro Long Range Plan next Thursday and a Regional Transit Committee meeting on February 20 at the King County Courthouse. He noted that Councilmembers were appointed to various regional committees and stated that Councilmember Ralph was appointed to the South Caucus of the Sound Cities Association Board of Directors. Councilmember Ralph noted that the Transportation Policy Board will be meeting next Thursday concerning changes to the regional competition for federal grant money. She noted that she was confirmed to the Sound Cities Association and reappointed to the Transportation Policy Board and Regional Law Safety and Justice. She noted that she was elected as the Chair of the South County Area Transportation Board. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. PUBLIC COMMENT A. Richard Wilkinson, Kent - Wilkinson discussed the proposed ban on fireworks and read a letter he emailed to the Mayor, Councilmembers, and select City staff. B. Jeff Wagner, Kent - Wagner, on behalf of Republic Services, noted that the City will be receiving the lowest rates in King County. He stated that the City staff is stellar and gave kudos to Kelly Peterson and Gina Hungerford. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 Kent City Council Minutes January 5, 2016 Council President Boyce moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through G, seconded by Councilmember Ralph. The motion carried 6-0 and the following items were approved: A. Minutes of Previous Meetings and Workshops - The minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of November 17, 2015. B. Excused Absence for Councilmember Jim Berrios. An excused absence for Councilmember Berrios who was unable to attend the January 5, 2016 Council meeting was approved. C. 1st Ave Improvements Regional Mobility Grant Agreement - Approve. The Mayor was authorized to sign necessary documents to accept the Washington State Department of Transportation Regional Mobility Grant for the 1st Avenue North - West Smith Street to West James Street improvements project in the amount of $272,000 subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. D. Consultant Services Agreement with Geo Engineers, Inc. for the 228th St. Union Pacific Grade Separation Project - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $102,180 to provide geotechnical services for the South 228th Street Union Pacific Grade Separation project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. E. Consultant Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. for the 228th St. Union Pacific Grade Separation Project - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $625,225.08 to provide Structural Engineering services for the 228th Street Union Pacific Grade Separation project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. F. 640 Zone Pressure Reducing Valve Stations - Accept as Complete. The Mayor was authorized to accept the 640 Zone Pressure Reducing Valve Station project as complete and release retainage to Pacific Civil & Infrastructure upon receipt of standard releases from the state and the release of any liens. G. Solid Waste Contract - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign the revised Solid Waste, Recycling and Yard and Food Waste Contract with Republic Services of Kent to provide services to the City, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Councilmember Higgins communicated that a seven-year extension to the solid waste contract with Republic Services was executed in the consent calendar. He noted that Kent has the lowest rates in King County and looks forward to working with Republic in the future. Council President Boyce moved to add Richard Wilkinson's letter as a part of the record, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion carried 6-0. 5 Kent City Council Minutes January 5, 2016 OTHER BUSINESS A. Consolidating Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Adjustments between October 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015 - Adopt. Finance Director Aaron BeMiller presented the budget adjustment ordinance. He stated that the Operations Committee approved the adjustments at its December 1 meeting unanimously. Councilmember Ralph moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4185, approving the consolidating budget adjustments made between October 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015 reflecting an overall budget increase of $2,577,172, seconded by Council President Boyce. Motion carried 6-0. BIDS A. Kent-Kangley Pedestrian Improvements Project - Award. Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director introduced Kelly Casteel, Public Works Design Supervisor. Casteel noted that the City received a federal grant of $416,200 in 2012 and a match amount of $425,000 will be needed to secure this grant from a City fund source, as yet undetermined by the Council. She stated that the grant consists of education, enforcement, and safety improvements. Councilmember Higgins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign all documents necessary to award the Kent-Kangley Pedestrian Improvements Project to R.W. Scott Construction Co. in the amount of $574,897.45 and to fund the project in advance in approximately equal amounts from the federal grant and the street fund with all final contract terms and conditions subject to approval by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney, seconded by Councilmember Ralph. Councilmember Higgins communicated that the funds are from the street fund and already completed LID's and is excited to see this implemented. Councilmember Ralph expressed concerns about the education portion actually being completed. She stated that education and enforcement need to be done to prevent collisions at this location. She has asked that this be brought to the Public Safety Committee and an education plan be created. She said she is in favor of this and wasn't in support of using B&O funds for it. Councilmember Thomas inquired as to where this improvement will be, and confirmed that it will be further east by the 7-Eleven. A vote was taken on the motion on the table to authorize the Mayor to sign all documents necessary to award the Kent-Kangley Pedestrian Improvements Project to R.W. Scott Construction Co. in the amount of $574,897.45 and to fund the project in advance in approximately equal amounts from the federal grant and the street fund with all final contract terms and conditions subject to approval by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. Motion carried 6-0. 6 Kent City Council Minutes January 5, 2016 REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES A. Council President. Council President Boyce deferred his report to Councilmember Ralph. She noted that there were two items on the workshop agenda. The first was a discussion on the extension of the Republic Services solid waste contract and the second item was the presentation of the 2016 Council Respect Action Plan. She explained that several years ago the City began its "Respect Program" which outlines how the City works with residents and each other. B. Mayor. Mayor Cooke announced that Joan Broom was the January employee of the month. She added that interviews begin next week to fill the Human Resource Director vacancy. She also read a letter of thanks from the Scoutmaster Ray Palmer, Jr. from Boy Scout Troop 497 from Maryland who thanked the City for the use of Van Doren Park. C. Administration. Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer announced there would be an executive session concerning collective bargaining for fifteen minutes as authorized per RCW 42.30.140(4) with action taking place after it. D. Economic & Community Development Committee. Councilmember Boyce communicated that there will be a meeting on Tuesday. E. Operations Committee. Councilmember Thomas indicated that the report was in the minutes. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. No report. G. Public Safety Committee. The report is in the minutes. H. Public Works Committee. Councilmember Higgins thanked Councilmember Ralph for her work as Council President and on the Council. I. Regional Fire Authority. Councilmember Thomas reported that the Regional Fire Authority has a meeting on February 20 at Station #74. RECESS At 8:51 p.m., Mayor Cooke announced that the Council would take a three minute recess. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:54 p.m., Mayor Cooke announced that the Council would recess into an Executive Session for fifteen minutes to discuss collective bargaining, per RCW 42.30.140(4). At 9:09 p.m., the Executive Session concluded and Mayor Cooke reconvened the regular meeting. 7 Kent City Council Minutes January 5, 2016 ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilmember Thomas moved to authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to approve the 2016 - 2018 Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement approved and accepted by the police commanders and assistant chiefs, seconded by Councilmember Ralph. Motion carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m. lRonald F. re, C City Clerk 8