HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development Committee - 12/12/2016 (2)1
Wa 3 H r N G r o À
December L2,2016
Committee Members Bill Boyce, Tina Budell, Jim Berrios
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Chanoes to the Aqenda
No Changes
4. Aooroval of Minutes
Jim Berrios requested clarity and review on item #7 from the November 14 meeting
on the Surface Water Manual, no action was taken at ECD, This item has went to
Public Works Committee for approval but there seems to be concerns about the
vaults for suface water. I would like to know if there will be further review of this
item before it is pasted through full Council at the next meeting, Chair Boyce
stated there was a meeting at 4:00 today with City Staff - Tim Laporte and Ben
Wolters and Council Member Dennis Higgins, Bill Boyce, along with CAO Derek
Matheson. It was decided to pull this item from the next Council Meeting and take
it back to Public Works Committee and have further discussions between the City
stake holders and make sure we are all on the same page with the goal being to
bring this item back to the January !7th Council meeting. Council Member Berrios
asked about the time sensitivity of this item, Wolters, Economic and Community
Development Director acknowledged the Dept, of Ecology has a deadline for this as
January 1, however after conversation with the City Attorney and with the amount
of work and effort that has already been completed by the City to adopt the
standards by the January meeting is showing the City's intent to comply, if not by
the except date but within the month of January showing the City is working on this
item and moving forward in good faith.
Committee Member Budell MOVED and Committee Member
SECONDED a Motion to Approve the Minutes of November 14th.
PASSED 3-O, with clarification of the sudace water manual item.
5. Multifamilv Tax Exemotion - Riverbend Site
Matt Gilbert, Current Planning Manager spoke on the second part of the 2-part
process to allow the Multifamily Tax Exemption at the Riverbend site, In
November, the Council set an urban area around the Riverbend site that was step
1, step 2 is to establish a specific area within the Residential Targeted Area, and
this is the area within the new urban center where the multifamily tax exemption
will be a possibility for projects, This creates a place where future projects can
apply through the Council and Code. We are currently working with a developer
who is working through the planning process and their application will be coming to
the Council within the next year.
What Council has to vote on tonight is an ordinance to create the residential
targeted area with a minor adjustment to the qualification as it relates to parking
garages when the multifamily tax exemption program was extended a few years
ago the Council added a qualifying project had to have all the required parking in a
parking structure, that was meant for downtown. We are now extending this to
the Riverbend site and we are not in and intense urban area, This site is more of
an open space context. We have added some language saying projects shall
provide structured parking but can also use surface parking within the design, The
developer we are working with now has structure parking under 2 buildings but
also suface parking within the plan. We wanted to make sure there would be
flexibility within the ordinance. Nothing is being changed for the downtown area.
Council Member Berrios wanted clarification on the parking change only being for
the specific Par 3 area. Gilbert responded, y€s, the new residential area which is
the Par 3 area. Gilbert stated the downtown projects will remain the way they are
today which says all required parking must be in a structure and it is clearly spelled
out like that in the ordinance,
Council Member Berrios asked about the question about having a savings to the
developer of $25,000, and where did the number come from, Gilbert stated it is
not a number he has knowledge of, The savings would depend on the value of the
project and we do not know that at this time, When the application is in process
that is when we will be able to make that determination, and provide that number.
The Dwell Project took the exemption and the Platform did not,
The tax break only pertains to the multifamily part and the commercial part is still
taxed yearly.
Committee Member Budell MOVED and Committee Member Berrios
SECONDED a Motion to recommend the Council adopt an ordinance
establishing a Residential Targeted Area, and adopt related changes to
Chapter 3.25 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Multifamily Dwelling Tax
Exemptions." Motion Passed 3-O,
7. Sound Transit Memo of Understandinq
charlene Anderson, Long Range Planning Manager presented the memo of
understanding from Sound Transit, When Sound Transit Board selected their
preferred alternative back in July of 2015 they request Sound Transit staff work
with stakeholders to make the connection to Highline College significant and to
make sure it is supportive of transit supported development and to see if the
permit process could be streamlined. We have also been looking at East, West
connections, partnerships that might happen, code applications, and flexibility of
those codes. Sound Transit is expected to go back to their board to select a
project to build early next year, Sound Transit has asked City jurisdictions come up
with a memo of understanding to show we have been working together and what
progress we have made. Those items are included in the memo of understanding.If the Committee moves to recommend the City Council endorse the Mayors
signature on the memo in your packet it will be voted on January 3'd at the Council
Committee Member Berrios MOVED and Committee Member Budell
SECONDED the motion to move to recommend to the full City Council
ECDC Minutes
December 12,2016
3endorsement of the Mayor's
Understanding between Sound
signature on the Memorandum ofTransit and the City of Kent. Motion
8. ShoWare Update - Information Onlv
Ben Wolters stating Showare is in line to have a relatively good year and Wolters is
expecting it to be similar to last year (2015). We are seeing a steady increase on
admissions, Another factor is the region is growing around the facility and the
population has increases since the opening.
Council Member Boyce asked a question about a tax that was passed for the
Tacoma dome, and are we preparing for the time when our building gets older.
Wolters stated we are working toward that, and the Councils decision to set aside
$500,000 annually for operating, which we have been outperforming and is money
going back to cover previous expenses is a good start. The Council also set aside
$300,000 year, Tim Higgins ShoWare General Manager is working on a schedule to
replace and repair normal wear to the building.
Areas of interest going forward to replace will be:o Mechanical systems. Lighting systems (some have already been replaced)r Telecommunications. Public Announcing & video production systems. Seat replacement will be a big ticket item in the millions. Carpet replacement will be in several 9100,000
Council Member Berrios mentioned the cracks in the concrete and Wolters stated
they are mostly cosmetic the reality is concrete cracks there are some treatments
that can be used and make it still look good, At this time ShoWare is and will
continue to monitor this. Berrios stated we clearly have the right person in Tim
Higgins managing the ShoWare Center, Wolters agreed. Berrios asked if ShoWare
is still getting good trade recognition. Wolters said yes we are on the map for a
wide variety of events.
9. Marketinq and Tourism Update - Information Onlv
Ben Wolters reported on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee back in September
deciding to select JayRay to be the marketing consultant and the he contract with
JayRay was signed today. With the signing of the contract the decision was madeto start with a smaller contract for just over $19,000 with 2 basic tasks, 1) an
overall assessment on where are current marketing efforts are for Kent and make
recommendations for a 12 month program, 2) Plus all the information related tothe website, social media accounts have been transferred to JayRay and
maintaining a very active Website is a very important task. Wolters said we are on
our way to the new and exciting activity. The Committee has a reserve of almost a
half million dollars with on average each year of approximately g200,000 from
Hotel/Motel tax revenue, This can be devoted toward marketing if the LTAC
chooses. Wolters is looking forward to the Committee make some real significant
roads in marketing Kent next year, We have a Lodging Tax meeting in January.
ECDC Minutes
December 12,20L6
1O. Economic Development Uodate - Information Onlv
Bill Ellis gave a presentation on the Training Center and the America promise Grant
in August of 2016, unfortunately we were unsuccessful in getting that grant. But agood outcome from pressuring that grant was we were recognized by the Dept. of
Commerce to take the lead on repurposing Wmati dollars. The state legislature in2013 set aside over $12 million dollars to put a training center at the City of
Renton's airfield. That project hit a dead-end when it became clear to the City of
Renton there was no business plan to provide training at that location and there
was no operating entity that could take on the mission,
Seeing the partnership the City of Kent has pulled together, the colleges we haveparticipating, AJAC, Social Services, as well as pointing to the real need we definedin Kent for the residents to have an approximate training center they have
endorsed the idea we will work with our partners to come up with a working
functional business plan to achieve the original intent of the legislation to create a
training center in Kent.
We have been working with the College workgroups to define the revenue we
would have, what programs that make sense for the colleges to put forward. We
have also worked with CAMPS to understand the employer interest and demand.
We have had conversations with no-profit trainers like AJAC and Seattle Goodwill,
as well as introducing the concept to the Kent school District.
We are hoping do with the Port of Seattle aggressive move to acquire real-estate
there would be a way to obtain are a series of buildings named the Rivers Edge
owned by King County Flood Control District on the NW area of Kent and we have
felt like this is an ideal location for 2 reasons, 1) It is split into 3 smaller buildings
which could allow an independent operation from the colleges and non-profits but
also have the benefits of being co-located next to each othei. It is on the main bus
line from downtown Seattle and Kent. One of the key components is that we canreach new students, new employees that the existing campuses would not
normally get. This location has a lot of areas around it that could benefit from new
We put an email of interest and found the Port was outbid. We are working with
the Port to see if there will be a way to still either purchase or use the buildings,
All the proponents for the training center are all in favor of having the Trãining
Center in Kent, By January we may have a business plans from Goodwill and AJAC
to operate a training center in Kent and a understanding from the colleges. We will
have all of what we need in place but the real-estate piece
Ellis wanted to add the rents are moving up because of low vacancies rates in the
Kent Valley are up L2o/o over last quarter of last year,
11. Adjournment of the meetinq 6 o.m.
Julie Pulliam
ic & Community Development Committee
ECDC Minutes
December L2,20'J.6