HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 08/21/2017 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE August 21, 2017 Minutes City of Kent, WA Summary Minutes Date: August 21, 12017 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers East 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:01p.m., by Committee member Fincher. 2. Roll Call: Committee members, Dana Ralph and Brenda Fincher were present. Council member Ralph chaired the meeting. Absent: Committee Chair, Dennis Higgins 3. Changes to the Agenda: 4. Approval of Minutes, Dated August 7, 2017 Committee member Ralph MOVED to approve the Minutes of August 7, 2017. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 2 - 0. 5. Acceptance of Additional Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Grant Funds for LID 363: S. 224th Street Project Tim LaPorte, Public Work Director noted that The S. 224th St. Improvements Project – 84th Ave. S. to 88th Ave. S. is the first phase of the S. 224th Project that will connect the valley floor with Kent’s East Hill neighborhoods and businesses. This project includes a new bridge crossing over SR 167. The project was advertised with an engineer’s estimate of $14.1 Million. The lowest four bids were within $500K and the lowest bid was $15.3 Million. The narrow range of bids indicates that bidders had clarity with the plans and specifications. The higher bids reflect a regional trend of higher construction prices. Additional funds ($750,000) were requested from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB). As our funding partner, the TIB authorized this higher grant amount which was a significant win for the project! It also demonstrates that the TIB is well aware of construction inflation affecting the Puget Sound region. Council needs to officially accept the funds. Committee member Ralph MOVED recommend Council authorize the Mayor to accept additional Grant Funds from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for the South 224th Street Project in the amount of $750,000, amend the project budget and authorize the expenditure of funds , subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director and was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher. The motion PASSED 2 - 0. 6. Verizon Franchise Agreement - Recommend Christina Schuck, City Attorney noted that MCIMetro Access d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services (“Verizon”) is a telecommunications company and has requested that the City grant it a franchise to use the City’s right-of-ways to construct, operate and maintain the necessary facilities for its telecommunications network. This franchise has a ten-year term and covers the construction, operation and maintenance of Verizon’s fiber optic network and related equipment. It does not allow the installation of small cells. The City has the authority to grant non-exclusive franchises for the use of public streets and other rights-of-way pursuant to RCW 35A.47.040. State law prohibits the City from charging a franchise fee; however, the City can recover the actual administrative costs incurred in drafting and processing the franchise. The City can also request that Verizon provide the City with conduit in the locations where Verizon is installing or relocating facilities underground. The City would be responsible for the incremental costs of this installation. This franchise also includes specific terms regarding relocation of facilities, undergrounding, restoration of the right-of-way and requires Verizon to obtain the appropriate permits before installing any facilities. Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to Recommend the City Council adopt an ordinance establishing a 10-year franchise agreement with MCI/Metro Access d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services., subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director and was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher. The motion PASSED 2 - 0. 7. Contract with JECB for South 212th Way Overlay - Recommend Eric Connor, Construction Manager noted that This contract is for the South 212th Way Overlay Project. This project consists of paving asphalt, sidewalk repairs, installation of traffic loops, installation of survey monuments, and roadway subgrade repairs on South 212th Way from SR 167 to 96th Avenue South. JECB will provide construction project management, administrative services, quality control (special inspection) and testing for compaction of subgrade, concrete strength, and compaction of asphalt. Public Works Construction Engineering staff are each assigned to multiple capital improvement projects throughout the year. Based on current workload, we augment city staff with a consultant in order to complete this work in the late summer/early fall. JECB has worked with the Construction Engineering section in the past and has experience completing project of this size and scope. Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with JECB to provide services for the South 212th Way Overlay Project in an amount not to exceed $ 84,780.00, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director and was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher. The motion PASSED 2 - 0. 8. Information Only/Next Steps Litter Update Gina Hungerford, Conservation Specialist noted that Staff presented to the Public Works Committee on May 15, 2017 and to the City Council at the Council Workshop on July 18, related to litter. Since the July 18th workshop discussion, staff researched a number of options, including the following, that we believe will help reduce littering: • Promote litter fine as “$1,000 or 90 Days in Jail” with larger signs and in more locations to help deter littering • Work with Metro to increase litter pickup at highly littered bus stops by placing cans or receptacles at stops where they do not exist • Continue to promote the Adopt-a-Street program and add an Adopt-a-Spot program for those litter “hot spots” • Promote: “Keep Kent Beautiful! Put Garbage in the Can, Not on the Ground!” – on City website, Facebook/Twitter, KentScene Newsletter, K-Hold, and on billboards & at Showare, as well as on local theater pre-movie slides • Promote additional clean-up events to provide residents the opportunity to “give back” to their community; the next TeamUp2CleanUp Event – Oct. 14, 2017 – involve more businesses and faith-based groups • Work with Kent schools to provide classroom presentations on reducing waste, recycling more, and reducing litter; invite schools to do “School Yard Cleanups” • Plan “Love Your Community” campaign – people sharing online what they love about Kent, how they’re making a difference to make Kent great, etc. – posted w. photos on FB/Twitter, On-Hold, KentTV21, etc. • Partner with fast-food entities to promote “Keep Kent Beautiful! Put Garbage in the Can, Not on the Ground!” with on-site posters & on their food packaging – food wrappers being one of the most-littered items 9. Information Only/Water System Update Water System Manager Sean Bauer provided Committee Members with an update on our water sources, water system projects, and key accomplishments. Sean Bauer went over water demand. Peak demand in August was 12.3 million gallons. Sean Bauer spoke on the additional water storage project and that Agencies continue to work on technical differences. We are still waiting on final clean up action plan on Landsburg Mine but in the meantime; we are working with a ground water consultant to find the best locations for monitoring wells. We should be receiving the final water seismic evaluation report soon and how an earthquake scenario would impact our water system. 10. Information Only/Quiet Zone Update Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director and Kelly Peterson, Transportation Manager provided an update on progress to date. Kelly Peterson spoke on the false pre-emptions and that we are still waiting to hear back from the railroad. Staff met with Union Pacific and they said that some of the issues were due to heat. Staff is looking into a grant from the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission for up to twenty thousand dollars for a fence for the quiet zone for two possible locations along the BNRR. Adjournment At 5:01p.m., Committee Chair Fincher declared the meeting adjourned. Cheryl Viseth, Administrative Asst. III