HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 06/19/2017
Minutes City of Kent, WA
Summary Minutes
Date: June 19, 12017
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Place: Chambers East
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m., by Committee Chair
Dennis Higgins.
2. Roll Call: Committee Chair Dennis Higgins and Committee members Dana Ralph
and Brenda Fincher were present.
3. Changes to the Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda.
4. Approval of Minutes, Dated June 5, 2017
Committee member Fincher MOVED to approve the Minutes of June 5, 2017. The
motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3 - 0.
5. Contract with Shearer Design, LLC for LID 363L: S 224th Street
Improvements 84th Ave S to 88th Ave S - Recommend:
Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager noted that he will be speaking regarding items 5
and 6 together.
Bryant noted that Shearer Design, LLC will provide structural engineering services during
construction including, shop drawing review, inspections and documentation related to the
bridge foundation, superstructure and structural earth walls. Shearer Design, LLC is the
Engineer of Record related to structural elements of the project.
Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to
sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Shearer Design, LLC to provide
structural engineering services for the South 224th Street Improvements Project
(84th Ave S to 88th Ave S) in an amount not to exceed $150,904.68, subject to final
terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director and
was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher. The motion PASSED 3 - 0.
6. Contract with GeoEngineers for LID 363: S 224th Street Improvements 84th
Ave S to 88th Ave S - Recommend
Jason Bryan, Capital Projects Manager noted that GeoEngineers will provide geotechnical
engineering services during construction.
Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor
to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers to provide
geotechnical engineering services for the South 224th Street Improvements
Project (84th Ave S to 88th Ave S) in an amount not to exceed $190,138.00,
subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public
Works Director and was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph. The motion
PASSED 3 - 0.
7. S 228th Street Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Grade Separation Project –
Port of Seattle Reimbursement Agreement
Mark Madfai, Design Engineering Supervisor noted that the information being presented is
for a renewed agreement with the Port of Seattle.
The proposed agreement was developed for the S 228th St/Union Pacific Railroad Grade
Separation Project and includes the Port of Seattle contributing $595,000 to the project.
Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to
sign an agreement with the Port of Seattle committing to the Port’s contribution
of $595,000 toward the construction of the S 228th Street Union Pacific Railroad
Grade Separation Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the
City Attorney and Public Works Director and was SECONDED by Committee
member Fincher the motion PASSED 3 - 0.
8. Annual On-Call Tree Removal Contracts - Recommend
Joe Codiga noted that he and Scott Schroeder have been working toward putting together
an on-call tree removal contract.
Codiga noted that the average annual expenditures for tree removal using outside
contractors (exclusive of street trees) for the last several years has been approximately
$100,000. This dollar amount does not include city staff time or equipment. Wind storms
can cause this figure to vary. Significant staff time has been spent in the past acquiring
quotes for each hazardous tree situation, which delay’s hazardous tree and debris
Staff worked closely with the City Attorney on this new methodology for handling
hazardous trees. This new process for hazardous tree removal will be more efficient and
provide for a contractor to meet staff on-site to provide an estimate. If the estimate is
reasonable, staff can authorize the work to be completed within 24 hours. The annual on-
call tree removal contracts will terminate on July 6, 2018.
Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend the Mayor to sign Goods and
Services Agreements with Hunter Tree Service; Davey Tree; Nature’s Way Tree
Service, LLC; Knotty Tree Service; and Arborwell Tree Management in an amount
not to exceed $100,000 for the removal of hazardous trees or other foliage on
City right-of-ways or other City property, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney and was SECONDED by
Committee member Ralph the motion PASSED 3 - 0.
9. Consultant Agreement RH2 Engineering Water System Plan Update -
Evan Swanson, Water Quality Inspector gave a brief update on the Water System Plan
(Plan). Swanson noted that the Plan is required to be developed and updated and every
10 years by all municipal water purveyors pursuant to guidelines and standards set forth
by the Washington State Department of Health. The Plan provides a detailed overview of
the Kent Water System including current storage capacity, demand, and delivery
capability. The Plan will also describe future water system demand based on growth
predictions and will identify possible deficiencies and capital projects that can remedy the
Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to
sign a Consultant Services Agreement with RH2 Engineering to complete the
2017 Water System Plan Update in an amount not to exceed $366,775.00,
subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public
Works Director and was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher the motion
PASSED 3 - 0.
10. Information Only/Resident Traffic Calming - Update
Rob Brown, Acting City Traffic Engineer and Kelly Peterson, Transportation Manager noted
ten new requests have been received in 2017, seven of them in April and May. There are
currently 13 open Residential Traffic Control Program investigations (RTCP).
Citizens that have concerns about speeding in their neighborhoods can participate in the
neighborhood speed watch program. Contact Rob Brown at (253) 856-5571.
Based on previously completed studies, Radar Speed Signs to be installed this
summer include:
1) 148th AVE SE north of Lake Meridian
2) S. 280th Street east of 152nd Ave SE
3) Lakeside Blvd. W
4) Riverview Blvd.
Staff will come back at the end of the summer with an update.
11. Information Only/Recap East Hill Well
Bryan Bond briefly went through the timeline of the East Hill Well pump failure
replacement and successful startup of new equipment. He noted that the pump failed in
October of 2016. Staff brought a contract through Public Works Committee for the
replacement of the well. Bond stated that the well was successfully installed and the
project is now complete.
12. Information Only/Quiet Zone Update
Chad Bieren, Deputy Public Works Director / City Engineer presented information
regarding the Quiet Zone. He noted that staff is moving along with the Notice of Intent
will be developed for the start of the Quiet Zone at Burlington Northern and that a similar
request fill be developed for the Union Pacific pending information from the railroad on
equipment updrades. Preliminary plans for fencing have been prepared for downtown.
At 5:14 p.m., Committee Chair Higgins declared the meeting adjourned.
Cheryl Viseth
Administrative Asst. III