HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 04/03/2017
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Summary Minutes
April 3, 2017 Kent City Hall
4:00 p.m. Council Chambers East
Kent, Washington
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m., by Council President
Dennis Higgins.
2. Roll Call: Committee Chair Dennis Higgins and Committee members Dana Ralph and
Brenda Fincher were present.
3. Changes to the Agenda: Item #5 was removed from the agenda. Michelle Clark was
unable to attend the meeting.
4. Approval of Minutes, Dated March 20, 2017
Committee member Fincher MOVED to approve the Minutes of March 20, 2017. The
motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0.
5. Information Only/Flood Control District
This item was not heard. Our speaker, Michelle Clark was unable to attend the meeting.
6. Information Only/Lease Agreement King County Putget Sound Emergency
Radio Network (PSERN) - Recommend:
Sean Bauer, Water System Manager noted that King county is requesting authorization to
install wireless communications facilities at the 3.5 Million Tank site located at 12523 SE
286th Place for the Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network; eventually providing service in
King County. Bauer noted that the obligation for King County to pay rent will commence
when construction of the improvements begin on the premises. The rental fee will be
$4,320.00 per lease year with an increase of 15% of the then-current rental rate on each
successive five year anniversary of the first full lease year. The term of the lease is for a
period of 25 years. This item will go to full Council on the consent calendar April 18, 2017.
Committee Member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to
enter into a lease agreement with King County to construct, operate and maintain a
wireless communication facility at the 3.5 Million tank site for the Puget Sound
Emergency Radio Network (“PSERN”) subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the Coty Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was
SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3-0.
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7. Information Only/Fire Capacity Charges
Sean Bauer, Water System Manager and Paul Scott, PW Finance Manager gave an
informative PowerPoint presentation on Fire System Charges. The following information was
January 2017 - New water rates included dedicated fireline charges
Staff went over the Fire System Charge Methodology
2017 Monthly Fire Line Fee Comparison – for neighboring Utilities
Dedicated Fire Line Cost by Size of Fire Line
Water Systems are Governed by WAC 246-290
Overhead Map of Kent’s Water Supply
Photographs of various facilities where the money will be spent
50% of water is designated for fire – flow of 1,500 to 4,500 gal. per minute
We have 167 miles of aging pipe in our system
The question was asked, why we didn’t charge for this in the past. Bauer said that the
residential customers subsidized it. Staff will investigate the possibility of some fire lines
being oversized and work on a solution to work with customers with unintended
consequences of putting in a fire line that was bigger than needed.
Guest Speaker / John Fredrickson, Finance Officer for the American Legion Post 15 gave a
brief history of the Kent American Legion Post 15. He was at the meeting because of the fire
line charges and asked if there was anything that the City could do for them in regards to
their bill. Staff will be looking into possible solutions.
Information Only/No Motion Required
8. Information Only/Green River Flood Season Update
Mike Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager gave a brief recap on the performance of
the flood facilities along the Green River and in the City. Mactutis briefly touched on the
SeaTac Airport Precipitation Statistics
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Mill Creek at Earthworks Park – Discharge,
cubic feet per second
USGS Green River near Auburn, WA - Discharge, cubic feet per second
Snow Equivalent for 2017
USGS Howard Hanson Reservoir – Water levels
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Mactutis stated that the lowest annual peak is 4,400 cubic feet per second (cfs) we made it
to 8,000 cfs by the end of March/early April. We had calls for water over roadways in places
we’ve never seen before, due to rainfall.
Information Only/No Motion Required
9. Information Only/King County Conservation Futures Grant Application for
McSorley Creek Parcel
Matt Knox, Environmental Engineering Supervisor gave a brief recap about the project. Knox
stated that by using grants, the Public Works department proposes to acquire an additional
2.34-acre parcel located just north of S 272nd Street; McSorley creek flows through the
middle of this parcel. In March of 2017 staff applied for King County Conservation Futures
grant funds to cover half of the costs of acquisition of this parcel. Staff will continue to pursue
a matching grant.
No Motion Required/Information Only
10. Information Only/2018-2023 Six-Year Transportation Improvement
Lacey Jane Wolfe, Senior Transportation Planner updated the committee regarding
recommendations for updating the six-year transportation improvement program (TIP). Wolfe
noted that the TIP describes street, bicycle, pedestrian, and traffic signal improvements, as
well as planning efforts and preservation projects. In order to be included in the TIP, projects
must either be funded or have a reasonable expectation of being funded.
Several projects have been completed since the existing TIP was adopted in June 2016.
Those projects can now be removed from the TIP. Staff also identified three additional
projects that have a reasonable expectation of funding and may be added to the TIP. The
first project is to construct a right-in/right-out intersection at the south end of Naden Avenue
at Willis Street. The second project is a local access street from this proposed intersection of
Naden Avenue and Willis Street. The third project is improvements to South 248th Street,
from 104th Avenue Southeast to 116th Avenue Southeast.
In 2016, Kent staff prioritized all capital projects using these criteria:
Preservation of existing facilities
Priority areas
Health and safety
Environmental quality
High leverage value
Plans, regulations, agreements
Strategic initiatives
Information Only/No Motion Required
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11. Information Only/Railroad Crossing Issues
Transportation Engineering Manager, Kelly Peterson briefly went over the three significant
issues that occurred this month with the Burlington Northern Railroad crossing arms.
Peterson noted that a draft letter to the Federal Rail Administration (FRA) is being put
together. Peterson has been on the phone with local jurisdictions regarding issues they may
be experiencing with the crossing arms or idling trains. Peterson mentioned several events
that took place since the last Public Works Committee meeting.
Staff is working on implementing the design and installation of large signs informing those
stuck in front of the tracks on who to call. At the request of committee members staff will
forward logs that have been kept by residents and staff on a monthly basis regarding the
number of idling trains.
Information Only/No Motion Required
12. Information Only/Quiet Zone Update
Chad Bieren, P.E., Deputy Director / City Engineer noted that staff will meet with Union
Pacific (UP) regarding the details of the constant warning at Meeker & Smith Street.
In regards to Burlington Northern (BN) we have had some discussions with them, but most of
the discussions have been centered on the crossing arms. We continue to get questions from
citizens about the increasing number of crossing arms that are down for long periods of time
with no trains in site.
LaPorte was directed by the Mayor to draft a letter that will be sent to the FRA regarding
preemptive closures in Kent. Higgins would like to see the radio station 1610AM used as
another tool to notify citizens.
North Park idling trains Bieren noted that this continues to be an issue and staff will continue
to request that the trains move further North of SR 167.
Information Only/No Motion Required
Added Item: Bill Doolittle, noted that the following needs work, on Meeker between 1st & 2nd
there’s a crosswalk with turtles, would like to see a few signs put up to let people know
there are people walking the second item he brought up, the Smith Street project that
was just completed he said that there are a lot of missing turtles and the paving needs
to be refreshed.
At 5:35 p.m., Committee Chair Higgins declared the meeting adjourned.
Cheryl Viseth
Cheryl Viseth,
Public Works Committee Secretary