HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 01/23/2017 P a g e | 1 CITY OF KENT PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Summary Minutes of Special Meeting January 23, 2017 Kent City Hall 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers East Kent, Washington 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m., by Council President Dennis Higgins. 2. Roll Call: Committee Chair Dennis Higgins and Committee members Dana Ralph and Brenda Fincher were present. ABSENT: N/A 3. Changes to the Agenda: The order of the agenda was changed slightly, all items were heard. Item #10 was move to Item #7 with the remaining items moving down accordingly. 4. Approval of Minutes, Dated January 9, 2017 Committee member Fincher MOVED to approve the Minutes of January 09, 2017. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 5. City of Kent and Soos Creek Water & Sewer District Water Service Boundary Adjustment - Recommend Sean Bauer, Water System Manager noted that the City’s and the District’s exclusive water service area boundaries should be adjusted to reflect existing service to properties provided by either purveyor. If approved, this action will also adjust boundaries to conform to the edges of existing lot lines, where possible, instead of bisecting existing lots. Bauer noted that staff worked with our GIS staff and separated the lots instead of middle lines of property. This was also done with Water District #111 and Highline Water District. Committee member Ralph MOVED recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the water service area boundary adjustment agreement between the City of Kent and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3-0. 6. South 228th Street Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Condemnation Ordinance – Recommend Mark Madfai, Design Engineering Supervisor noted that in order to construct an overpass over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at S. 228th Street, the City requires the acquisition of a number of properties and/or property rights at or near S. 228th St. The City hopes to acquire all of the necessary property rights through direct negotiations with the owners. Litigated condemnation proceedings would be a last resort. So far, negotiations P a g e | 2 seem to be proceeding without the need for formal condemnation proceedings, and the City is making every reasonable effort to avoid formal condemnation. However, in order to maintain the schedule necessary to timely complete the project and avoid the risk of grant funds expiring, condemnation proceedings may become necessary if negotiation efforts fail. Therefore, having the condemnation ordinance and necessary authority in place now will reduce the time required to file condemnation proceedings should they become necessary, will keep the project on track, and will give staff more time to continue their negotiation efforts. Madfai noted that staff has been in contact with the property owners. Negotiations have started with several of the properties. Committee member Fincher MOVED recommend Council adopt an ordinance authorizing the condemnation of property or property rights necessary to construct the S. 228th St. Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Project. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0. 8. 7. Information Only/Transportation Sustainability Kelly Peterson, AICP, Transportation Engineering Manager noted that the replacement value of Kent’s traffic signal system is an estimated $50-$60 million. The system includes the traffic signal system software, signalized intersections, loops, flashers, cameras, speed radar signs and the communications system. A significant portion of Kent’s system is antiquated, and some components have reached, or are reaching the end of their useful life. Peterson further noted that the traffic signals communication system is copper. Fiber provides a much greater band width, allowing the city to implement flashing yellow arrows, addition of traffic cameras and to communicate with traffic signals remotely. INFORMATION ONLY/NO MOTION REQUIRED 8. Information Only/Residential Traffic Calming Program - Update Rob Brown, P.E., Transportation Engineer III noted that Public Works staff is currently in the process of analyzing additional neighborhoods to see if traffic conditions warrant the installation of traffic calming devices. On average staff receives 20-30 new concerns each year. INFORMATION ONLY/NO MOTION REQUIRED 10. 9. Information Only/80th Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Joseph S. Araucto, P.E. – Pavement Manager Engineer noted that Council authorized a several block section of 80th Avenue north of 196th Street to be reconstructed with concrete pavement in 2016. This project was included in the 2016 list of projects to be funded out of the B & O fund. P a g e | 3 It was noted that this project was bid in July 2016 and the bids were competitive. However, they were higher than the engineers estimate, so the bid award was delayed to allow the fund to accumulate additional revenue to pay for the entire endeavor rather than a shorter length of roadway. INFORMATION ONLY/NO MOTION REQUIRED 7. 10. Federal Grants Signing Authority Ordinance - Recommend Chad Bieren, P.E. – Deputy Director / City Engineer noted that the Washington State Department of Transportation Highway and Local Programs office administers federal transportation dollars that have been awarded to municipalities throughout the state. WSDOT has notified the City that effective December 1, 2016, federal law requires that all reimbursement requests on federal grants must now include documentation that confirms the person signing the reimbursement request is authorized to legally bind the agency. In order to comply with these updated requirements and receive money for grant dispersal requests sent after December 1, 2016, and because multiple departments receive grants from the federal government, it is recommended that Chapter 3.70 of the Kent City Code be updated to explicitly grant department directors authority to sign reimbursement requests and vouchers on grants that have been awarded and accepted by the City. Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council adopt an ordinance that amends Chapter 3.70 of the Kent City Code to clarify the signing authority granted to department directors and the Mayor concerning contract amendments, change orders, and grant reimbursement requests. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3-0. 11. Information Only/Quiet Zone - Update Deputy Director / City Engineer, Chad Bieren gave a brief update on the Quiet one, noting that channelization devices needing replacement are being designed and will be advertised for bid this year. INFORMATION ONLY/NO MOTION REQUIRED 11. Adjournment At 4:22 p.m., Committee Chair Higgins declared the meeting adjourned. Cheryl Viseth Cheryl Viseth, Public Works Committee Secretary