HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 01/09/2017
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Summary Minutes of Regular Meeting
January 9, 2017 Kent City Hall
4:00 p.m. Council Chambers East
Kent, Washington
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:03 p.m., by Council
President Bill Boyce.
2. Roll Call: Councilmembers Brenda Fincher and Dana Ralph were present;
Council President Bill Boyce sat in for Committee Chair, Dennis Higgins.
ABSENT: Committee Chair Higgins
3. Changes to the Agenda: Changes to the agenda would not be accepted as
this is a special meeting.
4. Approval of Minutes, Dated December 05, 2016
Committee member Fincher MOVED to approve the Minutes of December 05,
2016. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED
5. Information Only/Kent Sounder Access Improvements
Sandra Fann and Chelsea Levy from Sound Transit went over the project background
for both the Kent and Auburn Transit Stations. There will be three rounds of
meetings. The first round will be an introduction to the project; goals, criteria and
access. The second round will focus on review and screening of outcomes. And the
last meeting will cover the preferred options.
It was noted that both the Kent and Auburn projects will start out at the same time
but will most likely split off as they are separate and very different projects.
6. Stormwater Manual – Recommend
Mike Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager presented information regarding
the changes to the stormwater manual since the last meeting. Mactutis noted that
staff met with the Master Builders two times and went over their concerns. Dave
Hoffman from the Mater Builders Association was at the meeting and thanked city
staff for the collaborative process. Hoffman, said the Master Builders are fully on-
board with the changes.
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Mactutis noted that the standards that will impact development in a significant way;
mainly the requirements for increased flow control, including the use of Low Impact
Development stormwater management practices like rain gardens and pervious
A copy of Kent’s Manual is available in the Council’s office and the new King County
Manual is available online at:
Committee member Ralph MOVED recommend Council adopt an ordinance
that repeals Section 2 of Ordinance No. 3602 and Kent’s 2002 Surface Water
Design Manual, and adopts Kent’s new 2017 Surface Water Design Manual.
The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3-0.
7. Local Hazardous Waste Management Program Acceptance –
Gina Hungerford, Conservation Coordinator presented information about the Seattle-
King County Health Department’s Local Hazardous Waste Management Program
Grant. It is a two-year grant that helps cities protect public health and the
environment from toxics and hazardous products and wastes. This grant covers
collection of hazardous waste at three Special Recycling and Collection Events for
residents. Hazardous items collected at the events include: refrigerators and
freezers, as well as batteries.
Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council authorize the
Mayor to accept the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program Grant in
the amount of $73,041.27 for 2017/2018, establish a budget and authorize
expenditure of the grant funds accordingly, and authorize the Mayor to sign
all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to
the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by
Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0.
8. King County Solid Waste Division/Waste Reduction & Recycling Grant
– Recommend
As noted above, Gina Hungerford, Conservation Coordinator gave a brief overview of
what this grant funds.
The grant also funds activities and events associated with the Business Recycling
Program, the Multi-Family Recycling Program, and the purchase, distribution and
promotion of products made from recycled materials, including Recycling Bags.
Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the
Mayor to accept the Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant in the amount for
$177,044 for 2017/18, establish a budget and authorize expenditure of the
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grant funds accordingly, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary
documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City
Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by
Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3-0.
9. King Conservation Futures Interlocal Agreement Amendment for
Anderson Property – Recommend
Matt Knox, Environmental Supervisor, noted the Anderson property contains critical
areas, including steep slopes and a forested, high quality wetland adjacent to the
Gary Grant Soos Creek Park and Trail. The property is bounded to the north and
northwest by properties owned by King County, the City of Kent and Soos Creek
Water and Sewer District. These parcels contain high quality wetlands and the
Anderson Property is connected to a stream restoration project completed by the City
and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2006.
The City received a King County Conservation Futures grant to purchase this property
in 2011. The City recently purchased the 4.09 acre Anderson Property near Soos
Creek on the east boundary of Kent after receiving authorization from Council. The
property was appraised for $67,500 but purchased for $36,500 with the sellers
graciously donating the remainder of the appraised value.
Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council authorize the
Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement Amendment with King County
Conservation Futures to reimburse the City up to $43,000 for purchase of
the 4.09 acre Anderson Property, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was
SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0.
10. Consultant Services Agreement with Shearer Design for Bridge Rating
- Recommend
Joe Araucto Pavement Engineering Manager noted that the City maintains 18 vehicle
carrying bridges that are contained in the NBI. Of the 18 bridges, one bridge, Col
Joe M. Jackson Bridge, has already been rated using the new requirements and is
already compliant, Frager Road north bridge was de-listed from the NBI, leaving 16
bridges needing to comply.
Araucto noted that Shearer Design, LLC will provide the specialized structural
engineering expertise to perform the bridge rating for the following bridges: Mill
Creek Slab bridge, Mill Creek Arch bridge, Meeker Street bridge, Central Ave bridge
(co-owned with King County), and South Frager Road bridges.
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Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council sign a Consultant
Services Agreement with Shearer Design, LLC, in the amount of $48,387.60
for the purpose of performing structural analysis on five city owned bridges,
upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and Public
Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher
and PASSED 3-0.
11. Transportation Improvements Board (TIB) 132nd Ave SE Grant -
Drew Holcomb, Design Engineer noted that the city was successful in receiving a
$473,784 grant from the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB)
for the City’s 132nd Ave Sidewalk Improvement Project from 248th St to Kent Kangley
Rd. This grant will help finance the 2017 construction of a pedestrian walkway
between SE 248th Street and Kent Kangley Road. This project intends to maximize
available funding to install sidewalks or paved paths to provide the biggest benefit to
the community. Holcomb noted that staff hopes to have the work constructed by the
end of 2017.
Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council authorize the
Mayor to sign the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board Fuel
Tax Grant Distribution Agreement and Project Funding Status Form for the
132nd Ave Sidewalk Improvements Project subject to final terms and
conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The
motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0.
12. Quiet Zone Update – Information Only
Deputy Director / City Engineer, Chad Bieren gave a brief update on the Quiet one,
noting that channelization devices needing replacement are being designed and can
be advertised for bids this year.
Bieren noted the Burlington Northern equipment failure the day following the
presentation to the Public Works committee. Staff will continue to work with the
railroad and is in discussions with the United Transportation Commission (UTC) and
the Federal Railway Administration (FRA).
15. Adjournment
At 4:59 p.m., Committee Chair Higgins declared the meeting adjourned.
Cheryl Viseth
Cheryl Viseth
Public Works Committee Secretary