HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Facilities District Board - 04/27/2017 (2)Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes Approved July 27, 2OL7 April27,20L7 Kent, Washington Mike Miller Lew Sellers Randall Smith Jeff Piecewicz Other Attendees: Tim Higgins, SMG General Manager Ryan Hart, SMG Director of Marketing Arletta Voter, SMG Finance Director Aaron BeMiller, City of Kent Finance Director (Board Treasurer) Adam Long, Assistant CitY AttorneY Kimberley A, Komoto, City Clerk (Board Secretary) Date: Time: Place: Attending Board: Absent: Agenda: April27, 2OL7 4 p.m. ShoWare Center Carmen Goers one 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:13 P.ffi., with Chair Miller presiding. 2. Roll Call Carmen Goers was absent 3 N Changes to the Aqenda 5. Aooroval of Minutes dated January 26, 2O17 Lew Sellers MOVED to approve the minutes dated January 26, 2Ot7 and Jeff Piecewicz SECONDED the motion. The Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4-0. 6. Nominations and Elections of Officers Pursuant to Section 7.O2 of the Bylaws No additional nominations were made. Jeff Piecewicz MOVED to approve the re-election of Mike Miller, as Chair, Jeff Piecewicz as Vice Chair, Lew Sellers as Secretary, Aaron BeMiller, as Treasurer for a 12 month term. Lew Sellers SECONDED the motion. The Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4-0. Page 1 of 3 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes April 27, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved July 27, 2OL7 7. Finance Reports a. City of Kent. Aaron BeMiller, City of Kent Finance Director, provided an updated version of the Kent Public Facilities District Sales Tax Collections Inception to Date thru March 31, 2OL7, report. Aaron explained the details of the ShoWare Center Operating Fund, March 3L, 2OL7, report, the Kent Special Events Center Public Facilitíes District Fund, March 3L, 2OL7, report, and the revised Kent Public Facilities District Sales Tax Collections, Inception to date thru March 31, 20L7. Chair Miller requested Aaron provide current Public Facilities District sales tax loan balances at the July 27, 2OI7, meeting' b. ShoWare Center. Arletta Voter, SMG Finance Director, provided details of the ShoWare Center Income Statement for the quarter ending December 31, 2Ot6, and March 31., 2OL7. Tim Higgins, SMG General Manager, indicated that the attendance at shows were down the first quarter of 20L7. Additionally, Tim indicated that there have been some higher than normal unanticipated expenses. Information was provided regarding the planned upgrade of a point of sale system that is estimated to cost $3oo,ooo. Tim indicated that the concrete floors are cracking and that he will keep the board informed as he evaluates and plans for any repairs. 8. Operations Uodate a/b. General Manager/Marketing Update Ryan Hart, Director of Sales and Marketing provided information regarding l't quarter attendance, website traffic, social media activity, and email marketing. Ryan reviewed recent highlights of recent events. Ryan advised that the recent Tony Robbins all-day event presented some challenges that are being evaluated. Ryan also reviewed the upcoming ticketed, community and catering events. The board discussed RV shows and the reasons why it is so hard to provide the required dates for events. The board discussed the Thunderbirds playoff games and the reasons attendance at the beginning of a playoff series is hard to sellout. Page 2 of 3 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes April 27, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved July 27, 2OL7 C. City of Kent. No rePort. 9. Seattle Thunderbirds Update - No report 10. Other Business None 11. Adjournment Randall Smith moved to adjourn the meeting and Jeff Piecewicz SECONDED the motion. The motions passed unanimously with a vote of 4-0. 4"34 m City Clerk/Board Secretary April27, 2AL7 Page 3 of 3