HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Facilities District Board - 01/26/2017 (2)Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes Approved April 27, 2OL7 January 26,2OL7 Kent, Washington Date: Time: Place: Attending Board: January 26,2OL7 4 p.m. Centennial Center North/South Lew Sellers Randall Smith Jeff Piecewicz Carmen Goers Other Attendees: Tim Higgins, SMG General Manager Ryan Hart, SMG Director of Marketing Arletta Voter, SMG Finance Director Aaron BeMiller, City of Kent Finance Director (Board Treasurer) Tammy White, Assistant City Attorney Ben Wolters, City of Kent Economic & Community Development Director Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk (Board Secretary) Absent: Agendar Mike Miller, Chair - Excused Absence 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:13 p.ffi., with acting Chair Lew Sellers presiding. 2. Roll Call All members present with the exception of an excused absence for Mike Miller. 3. Changes to the Aoenda None 4. Excused Absence for Chair Miller Approved 5. Aooroval of Minutes dated Aoril 21, 2O16, and Julv 28, 2O16 Jeff Piecewicz MOVED to approve the minutes dated April 2L, 20L6, and July 28, 2OL6. Randall Smith SECONDED the motion. The Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4-O. Nominations and Elections of Officers Pursuant to Section 7.O2 of the Bylaws 6 Page 1 of 4 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes January 26,20t7 Kent, Washington Approved April 27, 20L7 Randall Smith MOVED to postpone the election of officers and nominations to the next regular meeting to allow for Chair Miller to be present. Jeff Piecewicz SECONDED the motion. The Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4-O. 7. Finance Reports a. City of Kent. Aaron BeMiller, City of Kent Finance Director, conveyed that the ShowWare Center Operating Fund and Kent Special Events Center Public Facilities District Fund, Preliminary December 31, 2Ot6, reports provided in the agenda packet were incorrect. Aaron distributed the corrected versions to the board. Aaron explained the significant differences between the incorrect and correct versions. Aaron provided details of the revenues and expenditures and also made a correction to the Change in Fund Balance and Ending Fund Balance. Aaron explained the bond debt service payments and the obligations of the Public Facilities District and the City of Kent. Aaron provided details on the City's ShoWare Operating Fund report including revenues and expenditures.b. ShoWare Center. Arletta Voter, SMG Finance Director, provided an updated version of the ShoWare Center Income Statement for the quarter ending December 3L, 20L6, for the quarter ending September 30, 2OL6, and the Income and Expense Comparison chart for 2009-2OL6. Arletta índicated that 2016 was the best year ever. She provided details from the Income Statement for the quarter ending December 3L,20t6, including direct event income, ancillary income, other event income, indirect expenses, and the admission tax. Tim Higgins, SMG General Manager, provided additional details of the income and expense comparison. Tim indicated that when revenues increase, expenses also increase. Additionally, Tim conveyed that they do not budget for the playoffs, and the increase in revenue was partly due to shows that were booked, but not included in the budget. Tim provided information on increasing ticket prices, food prices, rental rates, wages, and taxes. 8. Operations Update a/b. General Manager/Marketing Update Ryan Hart provided the marketing update with all details included in today's agenda packet. Ryan expanded on the ShoWareCenter.com website, Facebook and Twitter. Ryan reviewed the 2016 highlights that are detailed in the packet in addition to providing information on upcoming ticketed, community and catering events. Ryan and Tim Higgins conveyed that they are looking for new shows/markets and discussed the availability of days to book events. Tim indicated that they have a painter on site and that they are painting on a daily basis. Page 2 of 4 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes January 26,20L7 Kent, Washington Approved April 27, 2OL7 C. City of Kent. Ben Wolters indicated that the ShoWare Center is getting traction in the marketplace and he is hopeful for another good year. Ben sees potential opportunity from the growth of the populations in South King County and specifically in Kent, Ben indicated that Accesso bought out ShoWare and Accesso is pleased with the financial returns the naming rights with the City. Ben indicated Accesso sees the benefit in continuing to work with the City, Ben expanded on the anticipated building expenses including the anticipated replacement of the carpeting and seats. Ben reported that the ice plant construction defect has been completely resolved with modifications to the existing system. Ben is working with Tim and SMG to identify potential large capital replacement items that will need to be replaced over the next 5-10 years. Aaron clarified that the City has a capital budget line item in its ShoWare Operating Fund. Ben conveyed that the City will not defer capital improvements and will keep up with maintenance and improvements on the ShoWare Center. 9. Seattle Thunderbirds Update a/b. Thunderbird Sales, Marketing & Attendance and Advertising and Suite Sales Colin Campbell indicated that some of the benefits that directly correlate to the successful 2OL6 season include selling more advertising, new season ticket sales, in addition to a new partnership with KCPQ to televise eight games in 2OI7, with the first televised game scheduled for February 18, 2OL7. Colin provided details regarding the fundraising events held in 2OL6, including the "Pink the Rink" where Breast Cancer Awareness and Valley Guys and Girls were the beneficiary of the $26,000 raised. In November, the 5th Annual Thunderbird Community Sports Foundation Night raised over $20,000 where local youth sports groups that participated in selling tickets for that night benefitted from the funds raised. Since the inception of foundation's fundraising events at the ShoWare Center, over $550,000 has been raised and donated to local youth sports 9roups. Colin conveyed that, in conjunction with the City they are exploring the possibility of funding an outdoor roller hockey rink. Page 3 of 4 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes January 26,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved April 27, 2OL7 Colin detailed the 2017 events, including the Annual Toy Drive in partnership with Les Schwab, and the Fred Meyer Teddy Bear Toss where the game was sold out and over 7,000 bears were donated. The Community in Schools Mentor Night was also held in January. In February the Thunderbird Community Sports Foundation sponsored the guaranteed $10,000 - 50/50 Prize Night. In addition to the $10,000 prize, an additional $10,000 was raised for the Foundation. Finally, the Annual Hockey Challenge to support the Ronald McDonald House will be held. Over the past 14 years, more than $4,200,000 has been raised for this cause. Colin provided information on marketing and suite sales. Tuesday night suite sales are sold out and they are having success selling ticket for other events. 10. Other Business None 11. Adjournment Lew Sellers adjourned the meeting M ng adjourned at 5:p.m a, Kimberley A.oto City Clerk/Board Secretary January 26,2OL7 Page 4 of 4