HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services Committee - 05/18/2017Page | 1 Parks, Recreation and Community Services May 18, 2017 - 5:00 p.m. Minutes Kent Chambers - Kent, W A Approved Date: May 18, 2017 Time: 5:00 p.m. Location: Council Chambers East Attending: Brenda Fincher, Committee Chair Dennis Higgins, Committeemember Tina Budell, Committeemember Julie Parascondola, Director Teri Petrole, Committee Secretary Agenda: 1. Call to Order Committee Chair Brenda Fincher called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call All committee members were in attendance. 3. Changes to the Agenda Chair Fincher indicated there were no changes to the agenda. 4. Approval of Minutes, dated April 20, 2017 Councilmember Higgins MOVED to approve the minutes of April 20, 2017. Councilmember Budell SECONDED the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0. 5. Grant Agreement with King Conservation District for the Green Kent Partnership - Recommend Parks Planning and Development Coordinator Bryan Higgins reported that staff applied for and received a $65,504.00 grant from the King Conservation District to continue implementation of the Green Kent Partnership for its eighth year (2017-2018). The Green Kent program involves community volunteers to assist with environmental restoration and stewardship of the city’s parks and open spaces to help to clear invasive plant species, plant native species, and monitor and maintain numerous sites. The grant assists in funding a temporary Green Kent Steward Lead position, a support intern, program consulting and management support, contracted crew time, as well as materials and supplies. Funding also offsets a portion of city staff time for program management. Page | 2 Motion: Councilmember Budell MOVED to recommend Council accept the Green Kent Partnership grant from the King Conservation District for $65,504.00, amend the budget, authorize the expenditure of funds and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final grant terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director. Councilmember Higgins SECONDED the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0. 6. Morrill Meadows (Portion Only) Property Surplus Consideration - Recommend Parks Director Parascondola explained that the 2015 Memo of Understanding (MOU) between the city and the YMCA is collaboration on the construction of a regional recreational and aquatic facility on a portion of Morrill Meadows Park on Kent's East Hill. The MOU identifies the YMCA’s desire to own the property underneath its facility footprint, along with the city’s agreement to consider transferring the property. The final lot configuration of the land may change as the project continues, plans are submitted and permits obtained. As the surplus process and development of the Long-term MOU moves forward, recommendations on how to approach the conveyance of this property to the YMCA will be proposed for Council consideration. The project has now advanced to the point where staff wants to start the surplus process, which begins with formal initiation by Council as codified in Chapter 3.12 of the Kent City Code - Surplus Real Property. Director Parascondola informed the committee of future opportunities for the community to receive updates and offer input on the project through public meetings, social media, the city's web site, the newspaper, direct mailings and through the SEPA process. Staff noted Councilmember Higgins concern regarding the fate of the existing meadow, responding that it will remain in the park and be addressed in the long-term MOU. Staff will provide an update to Council at year-end. Motion: Councilmember Higgins MOVED to recommend Council initiate the surplus process for a portion of Morrill Meadows Park that will be necessary to construct a regional YMCA facility by integrating the surrounding park property, in accordance with Kent City Code, Chapter 3.12 Surplus of R eal Property. Councilmember Budell SECONDED the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0. 7. Ordinance Amending Various Sections of Kent City Code 4.01 in Supporting of Tobacco Free Parks - Recommend Parks Director Julie Parascondola explained the proposed implementation of a parks tobacco/smoke -free ordinance . As part of Chapter 4.01 of the Kent City Code, the proposed ordinance adds a definition section to clarify what the term "park property" encompasses as well as what smoking methods are included. The ordinance restricts smoking, vaping or tobacco use within any park property including park parking lots and establishes a penalty of $50.00 for violation. Page | 3 Staff is currently working through a full im plementation timeline strategy that includes educating the public, city staff and contractors through social media, signage and traditional forms of publicity. The plan also includes m odifications to rental forms, agreements and policies. While this ordinance will take effect 30 days from passage by Council, enforcement would not take place until August 15, 2017 (Draft timeline attached). Motion: Councilmember Budell MOVED to recommend Council adopt an ordinance amending various sections of Chapter 4.01 of the Kent City Code to prohibit smoking, vaping, or the use of tobacco products in or on any park property or park facility, and establishing a monetary penalty for all violations of that prohibition. Councilmember Higgins SECONDED the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0. 8. Director's Report The Fishing Experience is this Saturday at the Old Fishing Hole. Ages 4-14 have an opportunity to fish free with complimentary guidance and gear . This Saturday is national "Kids to Parks" day , encouraging kids to get outside and explore nature. Morrill Meadows Park is the site for a Green Kent volunteer park clean up this weekend. Director Parascondola announced the City Hall Campus planting plan has begun. With an in house design from Parks Planning and Development, Park Operations staff is installing new shrubs and flowers in the parking lot garden beds primarily between Centennial Center and City Hall. Park Operations staff appreciates everyone's patience as they catch up on maintenance schedule items. The team is handling a big rise in graffiti, special projects and continued cleanup/repair from winter and spring storms. The latest finance reports show a revenue decline in outdoor facility rentals and at Riverbend. The decrease is weather related. Director Parascondola is bringing a draft of the branding looks for the tobacco policy signage to the Parks Committee meeting on June 15, as well as an overview of the Riverbend Business Plan with assistance from the consultant. Committee Chair Fincher adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Teri Petrole Teri Petrole Parks and Human Services Committee Secretary