HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services Committee - 08/17/2017 (2)Unless otherwise noted, the Parks and Human Services Committee meets at 5 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month in Kent City Hall, Council Chambers East, 220 4th Ave S, Kent, 98032. For additional information please contact Teri Petrole at 253-856-5101 or via email at tpetrole@kentwa.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253- 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. Parks & Human Services Committee Meeting - Agenda Councilmembers: Brenda Fincher, Chair - Dennis Higgins - Tina Budell Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP August 17, 2017 - 5:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 1. Call to Order - Chair Fincher 01 - 2. Roll Call - Chair Fincher 01 - 3. Changes to the Agenda - Chair Fincher 01 - 4. Minutes Summary, dated June 15, 2017 - Approve YES Chair Fincher 01 01 5. Fee-in-Lieu Funds - Recommend YES J. Parascondola 05 45 6. Contributions Report - Information Only NO J. Parascondola 05 49 7. Director's Report - Information Only NO J. Parascondola 15 55 P a g e | 1 Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes June 15, 2017 Kent, Washington Approval Pending Date: June 15, 2017 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers East Attending: Chair Brenda Fincher, Councilmembers Dennis Higgins, Tina Budell Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m., with Committee Chair Fincher presiding. 2. Roll Call All committee members were present. 3. Changes to the Agenda Chair Fincher indicated there were no changes to the agenda. 4. Approval of Minutes dated May 18, 2017 Councilmember Budell moved to approve the minutes dated May 18, 2017 and Councilmember Higgins seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0. 5. Tobacco Ordinance Branding - Information Only As part of the implementation plan for the ordinance banning tobacco, smoke and vape products in the parks, Parks Director Julie Parascondola introduced the committee to a variety of design and tag line options in order to get feedback for designing the brand when marketing the new code. The committee voiced their preferences for tag lines and poster composition based on the samples of designs that were provided at the meeting (see attachment). Favorite tag likes were Breathe in the Fun, Enjoy the Air and Spare the Air - including the no smoking cannabis-warning symbol. The most popular poster by all three councilmembers for either design and/or tagline was poster #2 - "Spare the Air." Page 1 P a g e | 2 The final design on information cards, signage and posters will be determined by feedback from staff, policy leaders, park commissioners and residents. Posters will be customized for each park location using different configurations and photos that relate to the park or trail activity. 6. Riverbend Golf Complex Business Plan Update - Information Only Parks Director Parascondola introduced Leon Younger, founder and owner of PROS Consulting. Mr. Younger is a nationally recognized leader in the management of park and recreation systems and golf business planning. Younger presented a draft overview of the Riverbend Golf Complex Business Plan that he, along with Pete Petersen and Julie Parascondola, are working on collaboratively. They are currently involved in the collecting and analyzing phase of the plan. Mr Younger provided his initial findings and feedback from the focus group meeting, the online survey results, the market and demographics, and an assessment of the four cost centers. The cost centers include Clubhouse and Driving Range, Golf Course Programs and Events, Operations and Maintenance, as well as Marketing and Business Development. The assessment of each cost center is summarized by the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) associated with the golf course (see attached PowerPoint or click on the link to view the meeting presentation at Riverbend Business Plan PPT) Based on the 929 responses from the on-line survey, the analysis revealed Riverbend's customer base, golfer statistics, playable days, days of rain, average playable days by month, customer preferences for on-line tee times and the 18- hole food and beverage provision. Discussion involved revenue versus enterprise fund, the long-term viability of all golf courses, reinvesting back into the golf course, a learning center contrasted by the cost benefit, municipal comps, on-line booking and potential food service. The final Sustainable Business Plan for Riverbend is not ready for recommended strategies or forecasting yet. The final plan will be presented to City Council at the workshop on September 5. 7. Director's Report - Information Only Summer Playground Program is Monday through Thursday from June 28 through August 11, 10:30 - 4:30 p.m. with free sack lunches at West Fenwick, Morrill Meadows, Chestnut Ridge, and Kiwanis 1 and 2. The 10th Annual Music and Art Showcase is June 29 from 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. at the Senior Center. Kent Cornucopia Days 5K Fun Run/Walk is on Saturday, July 15. Page 2 P a g e | 3 Summer Concert Series begins July 12 and runs through August 17. The series includes Take Out Tuesdays 12-1 p.m. at Kent Station Plaza; Wednesday Picnic Performances 12-1 p.m. at Town Square Plaza; Wednesday Date Night at Kent Station Plaza 6-8 p.m. and Thursday evenings at Lake Meridian from 7-8:30 p.m. The performance line up and schedule is on the city's website at kentwa.gov. Fourth of July Splash event at Lake Meridian starts at noon with fireworks at dusk. The ribbon cutting ceremony for the new dock is at 11:30 a.m. The committee reminded the audience that fireworks are illegal within the City of Kent limits. Report any violations to the non-emergency Police telephone number: 253-856-2121. At 5:55 p.m., Committee Chair Fincher declared the meeting adjourned. Teri Petrole Teri Petrole Parks and Human Services Committee Secretary Page 3 Page 4 [üil .(/ .J p'BI ¡Ð +7I @@@ 2 KENT PARKS ARETOBACCq SMOKE ANDVAPOR FREE [orem ¡psum doìor s¡t amet, conæ€teturadiplsc¡ng elit. Suspendisse bib€ñdum nulta quis odio elementum portitor DuÍsjustodolof commodo sed sôg¡nisegeiaccums¡n qu¡s magnâ,Fusce eu¡smod ac elit ac<onvâllß. Aeneðn dap¡bus nullå vêl dolor gråvidå ornars 5ed eget elementum neque, eget prct¡úm odio DonKenim orc¡,viverra eu du¡¿, bibendum v¡ver¿diam. sedt¡st¡que pretiùm sapien ut v€ilìbulum. Nullam et¿rcu quam. TOBACCO SMOI(I VAPOR spare the air. + tu t rhv lr. are tobacco-fiee 5¡t amet, consedetur adipiscing elit, sed do labore et dolore magna aliqua. nostrud exercítation ullamco u ea commodo tonsequat.08 laboÍs n¡si ut ¿liqu¡p 5 J*a ¡fü BRTATllTilrfüJü' #'dtit*{ \" rlrw\ ij & '.ij rf a 't!?ä \è1 Kent Parks are tobacco-free I ,Õ Iust Breatheu KÉNl PARKS ARE ToBBA(0, VAPOR AND SMOKE TREI 7;8v KENTA 6 .âg 7 rommodo Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Agenda . SWOT Analysis . Market Analysis . Community On-Line Survey pros .,cot)srJlttng Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 OVERVIEW SWOT o @ o STRENCTHS lnternal - You can control WEAKNESSES lnternal - You can control OPPORTUNITIES THREATS External - You may not be able to control External - You may not be able to control pros - consutün8 Page 11 Club House & Driving Range Facilities STRENGTHS . Large restaurant space for potential restaurant or expanded clubhouse . Clubhouse is very large and does a good level of resale volume . Driving range is large and has expansion opportunities and is lighted . Excellent staff on site with a great teaching background . 80% of play comes from outside the city .The golf course has 570 men's club members & .l00 women club members . Staff does a good job with dynamic pricing . Colf course price is very fair for the experience .Tþe course receives 42kfrom the utility tax to support high school golf play .lar 3 cl-ubhouse is nice for a par 3 but itwill be eliminated with the sale ofthe golf course .Host and supports four high school golf programs .Partnership with the Kent School District T.O.P. (The Outreach Program) SWOT pros - consulttng Page 12 Club House & Driving Range Facil¡t¡es WEAKNESSES . Drivinq ranqe needs to be uodated with caroet on the ranoe ilself, uþdatéd r4nge çovgr, riew ball-yvasher'is needed andball orspenser, as well as the tactltty ttselt . No restaurant ¡n place now and have had poor operators . Restrooms need to be improved . The maiority of the golf course assets are below 50% of theiruseful life . Overhead costq fo¡ lT, fl^e_e! C[4rges, Finance Charges, HR and Legal costs are high at $250,000 - . T.he golf course does not have a true set of unit costs to operateall coÉts centers . The Department does not have a formal pricing policy in place . The dep4rtmen¡ spends les5 than 1% on marketinq 4nd the city charges the golf course marketing costs regardlesí if they use itor not . The golf course does not charge a convenience fee SWOT pros. - cot)sulttnS Page 13 CIub House & Drivi ng Range Fac¡l¡ties OPPORTUNTIES . The department can eliminate the negative balance within the golf enterprise fund with the 10.5-million-dollar sale of the executive nine . Need to rethink the restaurant on site and the cost benefit of the space . Consider moving the retail operations across the street to where the restauiant use to be and creatinq better concession operations only, then use the existing retail center for golf si'mulators t¡ed into the driving range-facility . Redevelop areas of the golf course with some of the money from the sale of the nine--hole golf course to be the premiei golf course in the Seattle area ígain . A total rebranding of the golf course is needed including color scheme . Evaluate banqueting opportunities versus a restaurant on site SWOT pros , consulttng Page 14 Club House & Drivi ng Range Fac¡l¡t¡es THREATS . The overhead allocation is too simple and it is inconsistent across the city . Establish three alternatives for the existing clubhouse and restaurant area with pros and cons as part of the business plan . lf the update of the facility and golf course itself does not occur it can really hurt the golf course and some major improvements need to be made as quickly as possible . Need to have a better Enterprise Policy SWOT pros. - consulnnS Page 15 Golf Programs & Events STRENGTHS . The golf course sets itself up for many programming options with a driving range, I 8 hole and t hole golf course . Fair amount of golf tournaments are held on site . Cood teaching opportunities exist at the driving range SWOT pros - consulttnE Page 16 Golf Pro rams & Events WEAKNESSES . The golf course has not classified golf programs as core essential, important and value added to create the correct pricing policy . The staff doesn't program the golf course as strong as they use to due to reduced staffing levels . The golf course has some golf programs that fall short of co: SWOT recovery, these programs need to be evaluated as part of the business plan . Some golf programs are subsidized and need to be reconsidered pros. - cot)sulttn,q Page 17 Golf Programs & Events OPPORTUNITIES ' Consider driving range and golf simulator leagues . Consider more specialty tournaments such as the Mayor's Cup tournament or the Kent Public Open for Men's and Women'sgolfers in the city . Repurpose the miniature golf course that can produce a higher level of revenue for the sité . Set up a apartment league for the new people that will be living in the'deveilopment on Èhe nine hole goff course . Consider a Ryder Cup format-for teams to play in a golf tournament over the course of the summer . Establish a Millennial Colf Open to encourage young adults to experience the golf tournament . Need to establish direction forJr. Colf and High School Colf for the future SWOT pros ,.-consutunE Page 18 Golf Programs & Events THREATS . Evaluate existing programs to ensure that a well-balanced set of programs are offered across all age groups designed to welcome new golfers and encourage more play . Not having programs for young adults will eliminate their recogn¡tion and value for the golf course as a home course for them . Need to engage elected officials into what goes on at the golf course and how it operates as a public attraction so they can get behind the business plan SWOT pros. - cot)sulttnS Page 19 Golf Course Operations & Maintenance STRENGTHS . Strong staff on site with a lot of great experience and very dedicated . Nice golf course layout and picturesque golf holes along the rive r . One of the most played golf courses in the state of Washington . One of the largest Men's Clubs in the state of Washington SWOT pros... - consutunS Page 20 Golf Course O erat¡ons & Maintenance WEAKNESSES . The golf course has been losing money for the last ten years . The Enterprise Fund is down 4 million dollars . The golf staff operate out of two maintenance areas . The golf equipment average age is I 7 years old and needs to be turned over . Many of the equipment parts staff have to buy off of eBay . The golf course needs a updated irrigation system . Colf course does not have restrooms on the golf course which lowers the number of women players . The golf course needs a updated brand and color scheme . Walker, cars and jogger safety along the golf course needs to be improved SWOT pros , cotlsulttng Page 21 Golf Course Operations & Maintenance OPPORTUNITIES . Establish a capital improvement plan for the golf course based on return on rnvestment . Establish a golf concession around what the golfer wants versus therestaurant operator . lncorporate better customer service signage on the golf course . Create.a wide¡ appeal of golfer age groups through effective marKeilng ano programmrng ..Devel-op a co.qcession and restaurant strategy to benefit the bottomline of the golf course . Consider a sports bar/food environment in the restaurant . Consider a breakfast and lunch only menu for the golf course . Consider eStablish a revenue fund for the golf course versus aenterprise fund . Consider de¡reloping a ear.n.ed income strategy for the golf course vra sponsorsnrps, partnershrps ancl new earned rncome opportu n rttes SWOT pros. - consutunS Page 22 Golf Course Operations & Maintenance THREATS . Not setting up a cost of service assessment for each cost center will continue to be harmful for the golf course . Not finding the right balance of full-time and part-time golf employees will continue to keep the golf course in the red SWO T pros , consulttng Page 23 Market¡ng & Business Development STRENGTHS . The golf course has strong brand awareness outside of the city with 80% of play coming from outside of the city . The golf course has five costs centers that can generate money for the golf course if operated correctly . The first golf course in the area to offer and market early morning discounts . The only golf course in the area that offers and markets Doppler Deals which discounts green fees during the winter months based on the percent chance of rain . The first golf course in the area to offer dynamic pricing during the prime season based on the demand and time of day SWOT pros - consulunS Page 24 Marketing & Business Development WEAKNESSES . This is the first formal business plan for the golf course . Developing unit costs will help to determine what elements stay and which ones should be removed from the operations . Not having a effective marketing budget makes it difficult to attract new customers . Not having online tee times hurts the golf course . Need to have more local players playing the golf course SWOT pros. - consutttnS Page 25 Marketing & Business Development OPPORTUNITIES . Establish an on-line tee time system . Establish video boards on what is occurring a the golf course, up to date information on clinics, leagues, training, tournaments etc. . Have a daily web site announcement on what is going on at the golf course . Encourage more use of volunteers to help staff the golf course SWOT pros , consulttng Page 26 Market¡ng & Business Development THREATS . Not having one person that is dedicated to business development needs to be addressed . The golf course is tired and needs to be updated . A marketing strategy that comes with the business plan needs to a strong focus and not implementing it could be a slow death for the golf course . Not having a dedicated capital fund for the golf course could be a big problem for the golf course in the long term SWOT Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Rive rbe n d Customer Base hçtLlodbnl ¡Ã9q ð7¡úl Jı9( [Scllndêxl ¡0{l0q r0q niri¡¡tc{lr¡l¡d lloudioldl süO..toq 15¿¿Ft 55tJ7i n(ôrñð {ftìdê¡}r0q ¡r,q t0( naoftlêllôds¡l l0{l0l t0q 5üt4t89l setosl s,23t ntqrÊ {lrúÊ¡l ¡0rr0qeq irhnkilf {F C¡u.-¿¡i.ol tLl$¡rñ 6û,50rq iltßkitylndc¡lftt81e4 {iipEtr!14,$n1 e0,r0{ftrü19 'll¡pÀnlclndè¡l0lE{rrq tffatnArnerltir ,tl;grqra.2¿Ìl 'rs00rl ¡l¡rl hdet 7tl llI r0{ ¡lmAm€{ia¡n 5J0?Þ,ærl 7,10{ Irl¿nlrldü rB0r95i13U ilr, llll¡ . Ltr finu. :: ¡lr'¡r ,.1 l¡,¡, Nötsì t¡k€lyGolfÛHorrÊlþtdhcÕñ€irdålôrm¡ı€dbfr΀¡tudh6thrdlflëram{þetw€6trthef{¡tiðn¡fGol{toundetlonraponed¡olfer ñsli.n hor¡rohold¡Mom,9t6,l3ô ¡ndrhs mcdí¡nh¡u*hoH ltmm¡l¡th¡tJnhadstarcr{?1.5{9t hf¡hit}. The Riverbend Customer Base Page 31 Riverbend Golfer Statistics Rive rbe nd Golfer Statistics tv¡¡! tioll#r3,5¡tl r.4roJ6I 6J4¡.69i 'ofål60lIÈr¡so¡9¡16.¡t9t,00q ¡4¡¡6,63: ;olf¡llg Itou¡ehÖldr 3s.65 1¡,656¡7q r¿rs5,57( ¡ollãrlRcponedl ¿¿lt5.tr(flLtga r6,6J6,59r{ lo0nrt¡ 9l ðyë(¡&1,5Áq 288,r¿6doq 45¡,57¿90{ lllln¡led Coxrç RoÐú , M¡rtal 5rrpÞly 150,¡¡t ¡0t5¡S,rE¡?l(',19t.t0q lÉn¡ad l¡de¡t¿1,s8{l!9 5¿Ì{td,t8c louod¡ Pl¡tcd P$ úollê¡t8 4l,614 tr 1ú Sollt¡n¡dBðt¡m t{.¿¡nr1.16{14.r0tl l0t¡l tlrÞUlðìim a¡E 555.9¡ã !6¡,0¡9,5rq t{0¡l/5,8¿ ¡o¡ol¡tlır l8fl 7$n q0q t7r ¡ô!elå¡lûr ldurêhôld¡ ,Of¡01¡¡ltrlfXolr0hóf ú ¡.6(¿.7{¿5{ blfçrrÈe.l8løls ¡t,¡69 ,.¡Fì l.¡¡: ¡,{dô¡ê0 CÀnf.,18 Ðıå,ru4 Nt4 ¡.{¡b,96: l|3rùðoúlte ånú ]rô{l ¡nó c€}erðle/¡ü ¡,Àró.90q rVA¡lltpti Jf Frc<Íttiyr€us¡l Rffiñ!ëP(. TrblkCütË"¡,3to,tt¡'!n/¡i t.¡5tt0t tonu¡l 5Þ+f,dln6 ¡.tôt wål L03/ \rid per l8 holet rl¿ú0?'l 4E lvidHdr€hold lMlar ¿0¡¡r3{tgf Page 32 Golf Playable Days Colf Playable Day (GPD) is defined as a day when the maximum heat index (a combination of temperature and humidity) is below 97 and above 45, and there are less than 0.20 inches of rainfall. 232 atl zfa 281 25t 215217 2s0 280 274 260 250 240 230 220 2ù0t 200t ?00r 200r t0ro ¿0t r t0l2 20rr 201a 2015 20lc o o-o Yc¡r Golf Playable Days Kent, wA Page 33 Days of Rain 95 t00 E{ 78 116lf5115 00 93 g0 r30 125 124 115 110 f05 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 2000 2007 2001 200t 2010 20t1 2012 201! 201{ 20t5 201r Daya of Rain K.ñ1, wA Eüt o dt E Yo¡r Page 34 Average Colf Playable Days By Month 40 35 30 25 o ü20 f5 10 5 0 2S 2S28 28 27 25 21 20 ill lı li Jrn F.ö ¡l.r Apl ¡l¡y Jun Jül Aug A.p Oct l{ov O.c Month Average Golf Playable Days by Month Xml,WA Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Overview Ad ministered through Su rveyMonkey Survey made available to public on June I tt 925 Responses Date to be closed wlth goal of 1,000 SurvegMonkeg' @ Rtr-!q.u$+Þ 1. What ¡s your zip code? 2. What is your gendeÉ 3. What is your ags group? pros , cotlsulttnS Page 39 Su rvey Results 78% of respondents who filled out the survey are male - 22% are female of respondents are not er of Riverbend Colf Majority a memb Gender r Malo r Fmãl€ Are you a member of: ao% 15% Rtuerbend Men's Golf club 6% I ßivabond Lôdi6 Golf Æsclåtbn Nota ñembèr Page 40 Holv many rounds of golf do you usually play each year? 300/" 2t% t3% 12%L2% tt%Ir l-ss than 5 5-10 11-20 2L-æ Su rvey Res u lts Thirty percent (53%) of respondents play more than 20 rounds of golf each year . 21% play 1 ì -20 rounds . l3% play less than 5 rounds Thirty percent of respondents play golf at 4-7 different golf courses each year . 21% play I .3 golf courses . 2}u,l, play 8- 1 I golf courses How many different golf courses have you played in the last 12 months 30% 2t% I 20% ; \lTo ll% 6%TTI Only play at Rtuùbcnd 4-7 12-15 Morêthan 15 Page 41 Survey Results I{t\''1,:t{til,.N I ) How many rounds of golf have you played at Riverbend in the past 12 months? 33% iî L9% I 11% 12o/ø D¡dn't phy Rivsbend 1 2-5 11-20 More thsn 20 . One-third of respondents play 2-5 rounds of golf at Riverbend in the past I2 months . 42% played 6 or more rounds pros. - cot)sulf tn8 Page 42 How important is food and beverage service to you when visiting and/or playing golf at the 4 Riverbend Golf Complex? 30% t5% 10% Extremely lmportånt lm pgftant tloderately Sl¡ghtv lmportant lmportant ¡.¡ot at all lmpofrant 17% 2A% Su rvey Res u lts 45% of respondents feel that food and beverage service is extremely or very important 66% of respondents would prefer a bar & grill or sports bar if Riverbend provided a re stau ran t lf Riverbend Golf Complex provided a full-service restaurànt, please choose your #1 choice of what type of restaurant you believe best fits your needs when golf. 66% t3%tlgâ 7% 1% Fa* G3u.l lM C6fé Stylelordêr Côsuãl o¡ ¡åmlly t¡bl€ swk6 ånd lrom s counter.nd Style llñn¡ng diwsrbl€d¡she lim¡tedtable !¡d fLlw.rel sdc6) så. sñd SpoÈ kr Fln. Dlning 35% tt% Page 43 Would you like to be able to make on-line tee tímes reservations for Riverbend? rYs ¡ l,¡o, prefe¡ to call the Prc shop Su rvey Results 76% of respondents would like to be able to mal<e on-line tee time rese rvation s Top three factors when selecting a golf course are: l. Price 89% 2. Course Condi|ion 72% 3. Tee Time Availability 70% What factors do you consider when you are selecting a golf course to play? (select all that apply) Price course cond¡tion Tee Time Availabilíty Proximitv to Home/Work Pace of Play Discounted Tee Times nt Customer Service t5% Beverage Cart Service 25% Social Connections l0o/o Page 44 KËNT PARKS, RECREATTON AND COMMUNTTY SERVTCES Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP Phone:253-856-5100 Fax: 253-856-6050 Address: 22Q Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 'rVå g b ¡ i €r t t * TO DATE: FROM: SUBJECT: August t7, 2017 Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee Hope Gibson, Manager of Parks Planning and Development 2OL7 Second Quarter Fee-in-Lieu Funds - Recommend MOTION: Move to recommend Council accept $1111150 of fee-in-lieu funds, amend the Community Parks Reinvestment Program budget, and authorize the future expenditure of these funds for capital improvements at Clark Lake Park and Chestnut Ridge Park. SUMMARY: Between April and June 2017 the city of Kent received a total of $111,150.00 from the following developers, who voluntarily paid a fee in lieu of dedicating park land to mitigate the development of homes in local subdivision, These funds will be held in a reserve account for capital improvements at Clark Lake Park and Chestnut Ridge Park, and must be expended within five years, Shartington LLC: subdivision into g lots in the 13800 block of SE 240th Street; $24,075 at Clark Lake Park Jesse Cheema: subdivision into 13 lots in the 9800 block of South 200th Street; $29,250 at Chestnut Ridge Sharmila Rathinam: subdivision into 18 lots in the 20500 block of 92nd Avenue South; $33,750 at Chestnut Ridge Park Balmoral Kent LLC: subdivision into 16 lots in the 19500 block of 121st Place SE; $24,075 at Chestnut Ridge Park EXHIBITS: Copy of Revenue Report BUDGET IMPACTS: Revenue and expense impact of $111,150.00 to the Community Park Reinvestment Program budget. a a a a Page 45 Page 46 R5sGA014 GL Dates: 41112017 ' 613012017 Search GL by Acoount Numbor Acount Numbef Subledger GLDåte Doc* Batch# Amount PO# Rof2 8tst2017 Page: 1 15'.02:22 Ds6cription Vondor or Customèr PC LT RA/ Rec PAA PAA PAA PAA P20006.56730 P20000.56730 P20006.56730 P20006.58730 4na2a17 JK174835 5t9t2017 JK't75247 511612017 JK 175361 6121120't7 JK 175990 Account Total Reporl Total 392753 (33,750.00) 395541 (24,075.00) 356427 (20,250,00) .400776 (24,01s.00) (111,150.00) ______!ru5!,00) 17-8'1839 782491 Prisha Devêlopôrs Llc/ 17-82300 789314 Amalani Llc 17-82418 792657 Cheema, Amandêèp & Jask 17-82998 801802 Shârp Page 47 Page 48 KEHT PARKS, RECREATTON AND COMMUNITY SERVTCES Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP Phone:253-856-5100 Fax: 253-856-6050 i¡l¡$¡¡**rQft Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE:August t7, 20t7 Kent City Council Parks and Human Services CommitteeTO: FROM:Julie Parascondola, Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services SUBJECT:2OL7 Second Quarter Contributions Report - Information Only MOTION: N/A SUMMARY; Parks Director Julie Parascondola will report on contributions made to the Parks Department for in-kind, sponsorship, cash and grants received during the second quarter of 2017 that fall under the $65,000 threshold and don't require council acceptance, EXHIBITS: Copy of Contributions Report BUDGET IMPACTS: N/A Page 49 Page 50 2017 Second quarter Contributions Report Donations, ln-kind, Small Grants less than $65,000 Division Contributor The Doorman Service Co lnc Vista Vending Vitality Spine and Rehab Land O'Frost / Knox Sports Children's Dental Care Covington Family Dental Clin¡c Gutters By Keith lnc. Land O'Frost / Knox Sports Odd Fellows Titusville Lodge #34 Pegasus NW Rainier Christian Schools Seattle-Tacoma Box Company WoodmenLife Covington Family Dental Clinic Evergreen Asphalt & Concrete lnc Gutters By Keith lnc. Kent Firefighters Foundation Kent Lions Club Land O'Frost / Knox Sports McMonigle Veterinary Hospital Muckleshoot lndian Tribe Pegasus NW Spring Kitchen Thunderbird Comm. Sports Found. WESTAF Washington State Arts Commission Kent Parks Foundation Paricipant Reimbursement Jennifer Lewis Kent Parks Foundation HeidiCampbell Program/Event Girls Spring Volleyball Sponsorship (Grades 6-11) Girls Spring Volleyball Sponsorship (Grades 6-1-L) Girls Spring Volleyball Sponsorship (Grades 6-11) Tball/Tossball Sponsorship (Grades PreK-2) Boys Baseball Sponsorship (Grades 3-6) Boys Baseball Sponsorship (Grades 3-6) Boys Baseball Sponsorship (Grades 3-6) Boys Baseball Sponsorship (Grades 3-6) Boys Baseball Sponsorship (Grades 3-6) Boys Baseball Sponsorship (Grades 3-6) Boys Baseball Sponsorship (Grades 3-6) Boys Baseball Sponsorship (Grades 3-6) Boys Baseball Sponsorship (Grades 3-6) Girls Fastpitch Sponsorship (Grades 3-12) Girls Fastpitch Sponsorship (Grades 3-L2) Girls Fastpitch Sponsorship (Grades 3-12) Girls Fastpitch Sponsorship (Grades 3-12) Girls Fastpitch Sponsorship (Grades 3-12) Girls Fastpitch Sponsorship (Grades 3-1-2) Girls Fastpitch Sponsorship (Grades 3-12) Girls Fastpitch Sponsorship (Grades 3-12) Girls Fastpitch Sponsorship (Grades 3-12) Girls Fastpitch Sponsorship (Grades 3-12) Girls Fastpitch Sponsorship (Grades 3-12) Spotlight Series and outreach Spotlight Series and outreach SRC @ Waskowitz Studio 315 SRC @ Waskowitz SRC @ Waskowitz Becker Memorial Fund Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Cultural Cultural Youth/Teen Adaptive Rec Youth/Teen Adaptive Rec Adaptive Rec Category Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Grant Grant Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Amount 512s Srso slso S¡,ooo 51s0 s2s0 s12s s1,ooo sL2s sL2s sLs0 s12s sLs0 $12s slso Szso 5i.2s s12s s2s0 slso Srso St2s Si.so S12s s2,000 S¡,zso 51,293 S3o3 s10 5297 5s Page 51 Page 52 Adaptive Rec St James Thrift Shop Youth/Teen Starbucks Store #3396 Sr. Ctr. Concerto Health Care Sr. Ctr. Auburn Meadows Sr. Ctr. Stafford Suites Sr. Ctr. Farrington Court Sr. Ctr. Weatherly lnn Sr. Ctr. Judson Park Sr. Ctr. Chateau @ Valley Ctr. Sr. Ctr. Stafford Suites Sr. Ctr. Talbot Center Sr. Ctr. Arbor Village Sr. Ctr. State Farm Sr. Ctr. Estates at Hillside Gardens Sr. Ctr. Northwest Primetime Sr. Ctr. Kent Reporter Sr. Ctr. Mud Bay Sr. Ctr. Pet Connection magazine Sr. Ctr. Aegis Living of Kent Sr. Ctr. Sam's Club Sr. Ctr. McMonigle Veterinary Hospital Sr. Ctr. AAA Pest Control Sr. Ctr. Family Dog Training Center Sr. Ctr. Hansen Homes Sr. Ctr. OnPoint Physical Therapy Sr. Ctr. NutriSource Pet Foods Sr. Ctr. Kent Arts Commission Sr. Ctr. Kent Commons Sr. Ctr. Seattle Barkery Sr. Ctr. Farrington Court Human Srvcs East Ridge Baptist Church Human Srvcs East Ridge Baptist Church Human Srvcs East Ridge Bapt¡st Church Human Srvcs East Ridge Baptist Church Total for Second Quarter 2017 Becker Memorial Fund Fishing Experience Juice'n Jazz Book Club Tuesday Evening Dance Tuesday Evening Dance Tuesday Evening Dance Tuesday Evening Dance Readers Theater General Program Deli & Café Music & Art Showcase Music & Art Showcase Volunteer Luncheon desserts Music & Art Showcase Promo Music & Art Showcase Promo Dog Days of Summer Dog Days of Summer Dog Days of Summer Dog Days of Summer Dog Days of Summer Dog Days of Summer Dog Days of Summer Dog Days of Summer Dog Days of Summer Dog Days of Summer Music & Art Showcase Grant Dog Days of Summer Dog Days of Summer Dog Days of Summer COK Utility Fund rcvd for March 2017 COK Utility Fund rcvd for April2077 COK Utility Fund rcvd for May 2Ot7 COK Utility Fund rcvd for June 2017 Cash ln-kind ln Kind ln Kind ln Kind ln Kind ln Kind ln Kind Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash ln-Kìnd ln-Kind Cash ln-Kind Cash Cash ln Kind Cash Cash Cash Cash ln Kind Cash Cash ln-Kind ln-Kind Cash Cash Cash Cash Ssoo Ss¡ Si.so Slso Slso Srso Srso Sso Srso s87o s7s ssoo s2s0 Ssoo Ssoo s1,ooo 5100 ssTs s2s0 Sroo s183 s100 5100 Sr.oo Sloo s1,000 S1,ooo sloo 5¡s Si.oo Szso 52s0 s2s0 s2s0 524,549 Page 53 Page 54 PARKS, RECREATTON AND COMMUNTTY SERVTCES Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP KEHT ',¡{¡åhlr{iIÞa Phone: 253-856-5100 Fax: 253-856-6050 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA 98032-5895 August 17,20L7 Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee Julie Parascondola, Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services Director's Report - Information only DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MOTION: N/A SUMMARY: Julie Parascondola, Director of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department, will inform the committee of noteworthy information and upcoming events. EXHIBITS: N/A BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Page 55