HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services Committee - 05/18/2017 (2)Unless otherwise noted, the Parks and Human Services Committee meets at 5 p.m. on the third Thursday
of each month in Kent City Hall, Council Chambers East, 220 4th Ave S, Kent, 98032.
For additional information please contact Teri Petrole at 253-856-5101 or via email at
Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-
856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service
at 1-800-833-6388.
Parks & Human Services Committee Meeting - Agenda
Councilmembers Brenda Fincher, Chair - Dennis Higgins - Tina Budell
Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP
May 18, 2017 - 5:00 p.m.
Item Description Action Speaker Time Page
1. Call to Order - Chair Fincher 01 -
2. Roll Call - Chair Fincher 01 -
3. Changes to the Agenda - Chair Fincher 01 -
4. Minutes dated April 20, 2017 - Approve YES Chair Fincher 01 01
5. Grant Agreement with King Conservation
District for the Green Kent Partnership -
YES Bryan Higgins 10 13
6. Morrill Meadows (Portion Only) Property
Surplus Consideration - Recommend
YES Julie Parascondola 20 27
7. Ordinance Amending Various Sections of
Kent City Code 4.01 in Support of Tobacco
Free Parks - Recommend
YES Julie Parascondola 30 31
8. Director's Report - INFO ONLY NO Julie Parascondola 10 39
Special Parks and Human Services Committee
Meeting Minutes
April 20, 20L7
Kent, Washington
Pending Approval
Dater April 20, 2017
Time: 4:00 p.m.
PIace: Council Chambers East
Attending: Committee Chair Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins,
Council President Bill Boyce
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Committee Chair Brenda Fincher.
2. Roll Call
Councilmembers Brenda Fincher and Dennis Higgins in attendance with Council
President Bill Boyce attending for Councilmember Tina Budell.
3. Changes to the Agenda
Chair Fincher indicated there were no changes to the agenda.
4. Approval of Minutes, dated March 16, 2017
D. Higgins moved to approve the minutes of March t6,20L7. B. Boyce seconded.
The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0.
5. 2O17 First Quarter Fee-in-lieu Funds - Recommend
Senior Park Planner Brian Levenhagen explained that during the first quarter of
20t7 two developers voluntarily paid a fee to the city in lieu of dedicating park land
to mitigate the development of single-family homes in local subdivisions. The
$43,200 in fees will assist in paying for capital improvements at Chestnut Ridge
Park and Canterbury Park,
B, Boyce moved to accept $43,200 of fee-in-lieu funds, to amend the Community
Parks Reinvestment Program budget, and to authorize the future expenditure of
these funds for capital improvements at Chestnut Ridge Park and Canterbury Park.
D, Higgins seconded.
The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0.
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6 Kent Memorial Park Playground Renovation and Wiffle Ball Field
Update - INFO ONLY
Senior Park Planner Brian Levenhagen reported that, as part of the playground
renovation project at Kent Memorial Park (KMP), the plan includes the addition of a
Wiffle Ball field. Staff applied for and received $75,000 from a King County Youth
Sports Facilities grant and a $25,000 donation from the Lions Club to support the
As shown in the PowerPoint and video presentation, Wiffle ball is an easy to play
sport using a plastic ball and bat. It is popular with players of all skill levels. The
field at KMP will be drop-in play. Wiffleo Ball Inc. signed an agreement giving Kent
permission to call the field Wiffco, The Seattle Mariners authorized using their
scoreboard design for the Wiffco scoreboard, which is non-functioning and for
design purposes only. The Mariners also approved using retired player's numbers
along the backfield fencing and staff purchased surplused Safeco stadium seats to
place on each sideline. The playground renovation at Kent Memorial Park will
include an "Explorer Dome," a unity climber, a 2-5 year old play area, a
"Supernova" and a group swing, At this time, staff is looking for a contractor to
complete the project.
7. Tobacco/Smoke-free Policv Update - INFO ONLY
Director Julie Parascondola presented an in-depth report to the committee in March
on tobacco use in parks and the goal of enacting a tobacco/smoke-free ordinance
for the park system. The overall intent of this ordinance is to promote a healthy
community, J. Parascondola asked for direction from the committee on the
following selections:
Define the ordinance as smoke-free, or smoke and tobacco-free, which
includes all tobacco products such as chew and vaping,
Form a system-wide ordinance or limit it to specific areas, such as gathering
Decide on the approach to penalties as in fees or fines,
The committee approved staff to initiate a tobacco/smoke-free ordinance that is
system-wide and includes a sensible penalty.
The committee agreed that educating the public on healthy life choices is vital.
Methods for education include park signage, informational cards and official public
Staff will return to the committee with an implementation and strategy plan for
amending the Kent Code after additional research is complete.
8. 2017 First Quarter Contributions Report - INFO ONLY
Director Julie Parascondola reported that contributions for the first quarter of 2OL7
totaled ç27,204.00. The committee thanked the Kent Parks Foundation for their
Paçe l2
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generous donation and reminded the public to go to www.kentparksfoundation.org
to donate.
9, Director's Report - INFO ONLY
The Youth Initiative Coordinator position is out for recruitment. The position is
responsible for the internal and external coordination and mapping of youth
activities in the Kent community (Job Description attached), Apply at
www.jobs, kentwa.gov.
Job assignments between Public Works and Park Operations officially transitioned in
March. Public Works is assuming the responsibility of street tree maintenance and
operation, Park Operations assumed maintenance and operation of nine gateway
locations, as well as maintenance for the Interurban Trail, the Green River Trail and
areas of the Frager Road Trail. The Kent Code needs revising to reflect the new
This week kicked off the best practices audit and sustainability model for the
Riverbend Golf Complex. J. Parascondola and consultant Leon Younger met with
staff from the Mayor's Leadership Team and Councilmember Berrios to discuss
financial history, future development and Council's expectations for the golf course
as well as their view of a right-sized system. The consultant also spent the day at
the golf complex working on an assessment of the golf operation by reviewing fees,
infrastructure and cost center functions. At the Parks Committee on June 15, staff
will present a more in-depth report. The intent is to have approval from City Council
on September 5 and an implementation strategy done by the time the biennium
budget process begins.
On April 21, Riverbend advertised a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a catering
consultant. Director Parascondola affirmed that ShoWare is on the RFP list to
consider for catering. In the interim, staff is working with Meeker Street Grill & Bar
on a mobile concessions agreement.
Committee Chair Fincher adjourned the meeting at 5:25 p.m.
Teri Petrole
Parks and Human Services Committee Secretary
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Youth Initiative Program Coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, Washington -
Youth lnitiative Program Coordinator
Job Description
Overall Job Objective
Job Title:Youth lnitiative
Program Coordinator
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Mon. 05/01/17 8:00
AM Pacific Time
s5,320.00 - 56,471 .00
s63,840.00 -
577,652.00 Annually
Job Type:Regular Full-time
Location:220 4th Ave. S., Kent,
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Youth Initiative Program Coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, Washington -Page 2 of 8
The City of Kent is currently accepting applications for a Youth
lnitiative Program Coordinator in our Parks, Recreation and
Commun¡ty Services Department. We are seeking a candidate who
is adept at building relationships with and providing necessary
services to youth. lf you possess these abilities, along with a
pass¡on for developing strategies that will aid in the betterment of
housing and human services for Kent residents, we welcome your
**Please note that a cover letter and resume muét be attached to
your online application in order for your application to be
considered complete. You cannot add these items to your
application after you have submitted it. lf you experience technical
difficulties while filling out your application, please call our office at
(253) 856-5270 and we will do our best to assist you.**
This is a non-represented, benefited position that is exempt from
lnitial interviews for this position are tentatively scheduled for
Friday, May 5.
Under the direction of the Senior Human Services Coordinator,
perform professional, analytical, and technical duties in the
development, implementation and administration of Housing and
Human Services programs. The incumbent applies professional
level skills and collaboration to gather, develop, and analyze
information to meet the housing and human services needs of Kent
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Youth lnitiative Program Coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, Washington -Page 3 of8
work is characterized by professional level duties in the
development and coord¡nation of a wide var¡ety of complex
recreat¡ona l, cu ltu ral, artistic, leisu re, and/or ath letic prog rams.
While actual duties of this incumbent are focused on youth and
young adult well-being, all coordinators may be assigned to
perform work in any or all areas. lncumbent is regularly required to
represent the City of Kent while working with elected officials and
staff from a variety of other organtzations. lncumbent is frequently
involved in politically sensitive issues requiring a considerable
amount of tact and diplomacy, and may be required to take a lead
role in developing strategies to address those controversies. May
serve as lead on a variety of Parks projects as assigned and
supervise temporary staff as necessary.
work is performed independently under limited supervision.
Supervisor sets the overall objectives and resources available.
lncumbent and supervisor work together to develop the deadlines,
projects, and work to be completed. lncumbent is responsible for
the work, plans and carries out the assignment, resolves most
conflicts that arise, coordinates work with others, and interprets
policies on own initiative in terms of established objectives.
lncumbent keeps supervisor informed of progress, potentially
controversial matters, or far-reaching implications. work is
reviewed in terms of feasibility, compatibility with other work, or
effectiveness of resu lts.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
Develop an inventory of youth /young adult program services and
activities available in Kent and ensure connection to the King
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Youth Initiative Program Coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, Washington -Page 4 of 8
County Youth Directory; ensure inventory ¡s updated annually.
Support the implementation of and susta¡n a local youth coalition,
including city departments and commun¡ty-based
providers/partners to promote high quality, culturally respons¡ve
extended learning and social development programs and identify
gaps in service delivery.
Establish and maintain a community "scorecard" or set of
benchmarks to track key outcomes and community indicators.
Collaborate with internal working team representing other
departments and divisions within the City to identify gaps and
opportunities. For youth involved with the juvenile justice system
or youth considered disconnected, identify gaps and support the
development and implementation of effective resources, programs
and services to support their positive development and ability to
fully participate in community life.
Develop and maintain a fiscal map to track funding allocated
through multiple sources (local, and regional) that supports a
variety of youth programs available to youth in Kent.
lmplement a youth employment initiative that includes summer
employment, work readiness/life skills, and provide transitional
jobs for young people who need temporary, wage-based
employment as a stepping stone to develop work skills and enter
the regular labor market.
Establish a Kent Youth Leadership Board to bring forward the youth
voice in the planning and development of local policy and
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Youth Initiative Program coordinator Job - city of Kent - Kent, washington -Page 5 of8
programming. This position will serve as the liaison to the board
and coordinate closely w¡th the Youth Police Board.
Provide information and assistance to staff, City personnel and the
general public regarding youth /young adult programs.
Convene stakeholders on emerging issues/potential projects as
Research and analyze demographic, statistical and socioeconom¡c
data, service reports and need indicators; stay current on trends
and issues relevant to youth, young adults and community
coalitions; prepare written and oral reports based on the data and
share with both internally and external youth providers, where
a pplica ble.
Direct the activities and monitor the completion of work tasks of
consultants and interns who are contracted to perform specified
planning activities for the division as assigned.
Conduct and attend a variety of staff and community meetings;
provide oral presentations concerning program.
May participate in the development of grant proposals and
budgets for youth and/or young adult program funding
Prepare and maintain various records, reports and work sheets
related to the program implementation and operation including
expense records
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Youth Initiative Program Coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, Washington -Page 6 of8
Actively support the vision, mission, values and behavior
statements of the City and the department.
Perform related duties as ass¡gned.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
. Principles, methods & techniques of community and organizational development,
program planning and design, grant writing, budget development, and program
. Principles and practices of research methodology as applied to the collection and
analysis of data
. Current íssues, trends and developments for youth and young adults
. Applicable federal, state, and local service funding sources and applicable laws and
. Measurement of program outcomes
. Working collaboratively with services staff from regional jurisdiction
. Available community resources
. Relationships among governments, public and prívate community organizations and
groups, and private enterprise in the county
. Grant, proposal and/or contract preparation, negotiation, monitoring and administration
. Evaluating programs in relation to youth and young adult needs
. Research, analyze and evaluate data and information and make recommendations
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Youth Initiative Program coordinator Job - city of Kent - Kent, washington -Page 7 of8
' Work effectively with ethnic communities, community based organizations and citizens
from diverse backgrounds
. Build coalitions among groups with differing needs and objectives
' Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with a wide range
of individuals and groups
' General research methods necessary to gather, analyze, evaluate and synthesize data,
and assist in the formulation of comprehensive plans
' Thinking conceptually, observing and evaluating trends, analyzing data, and drawing
logical conclusions
. Facilitate meetings and make group presentations
. Effective communication with indíviduals in crisis
. Making effective oral presentations at public hearings and meetings
. Develop effective strategíes to leverage limited resources
. Working confidentially with discretion
. Technical aspects of field of specialty
. Telephone techniques and etiquette
. Record keeping methods
. Collect, analyze and interpret demographic, statistical and socioeconomic data
. Prepare reports
' Establish and maintain effective working relationships with City officials and employees,
Commissions, committees, other jurisdictions, agencies and the general public
. Prepare for and present effective public presentations
. Read, interpret and apply policies, procedures, codes, rules and regulations
. Work effectively with multiple prioríties and time constraints
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Youth Initiative Program Coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, Washington -Page 8 of 8
. Plan and organize work
. Physically perform the requirements of the position
. Provide effective written and verbal communication across diverse audiences with
mùltiple language backgrounds
Education, Exper¡ence and Other Requirements:
Education: Bachelor's degree ¡n Social Sciences, Planning, Public
Administration, Recreation or related field; and
Experience: Three (3) years of experience in human serv¡ce youth
development planning at a professional level.
Or: ln place of the above requ¡rement, the incumbent may possess
any combination of relevant education and exper¡ence which
would demonstrate the individual's knowledge, skill and ability to
performthe essential duties and respons¡b¡l¡ties listed above.
' Valid Washington State driver's license
. Must be able to successfully pass the City's pre-employment driver's records check
. Multilingual desirable
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Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP
Phone: 253-856-5 100
Fax: 253-856-6050
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA. 98032-5895
Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee
May 18, 2OL7
Bryan Higgins, Parks Capital Project Manager
Grant Agreement with King Conservation District for the Green Kent
Partnership - Recommend
MOTION: Move to recommend Council accept the Green Kent Partnership
grant from the King Conservation District for $651504.OO, amend the
budget, authorize the expenditure of funds and authorize the Mayor to
sign all necessary documents, subject to final grant terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director.
SUMMARY: Staff applied for and received a $65,504,00 grant from the King
Conservation District to continue implementation of the Green Kent Partnership for
its eighth year in 2017-LB. The Green Kent program involves community volunteers
to assist with environmental restoration and stewardship of the city's parks and open
spaces by helping clear invasive plant species, planting native species, and
monitoring and maintaining numerous sites identified in its twenty-year management
plan, which was adopted by city council in 2009.
This grant will continue to fund a Green Kent Steward Lead temporary position and a
support intern, as well as program consulting and management support, contracted
crew time, materials and supplies, and offset a portion of city staff time for program
EXHIBITS: King Conservation District Grant Agreement
BUDGET IMPACTS: Revenue and expense will impact the Urban Forestry Plan
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Citv of Kent
Tlús Agleerneut is uràde between the King Conservatio.n District Nunrber 9, a mrmicþal corporatio[ in
King corurty, washiugfon, located at I107 sw Giady way, suite 130, Renton, wA 98057 (refened to hereiû as
,.Dishtcf,), and the CitV of l<ott, a rnuricipal corporatiol q-Fi"t Cotrnty, 'S/ashingtou, located at 220 Fouth
Ave South Kent, V/AôäO:Z 6*f"n.ed to hei'ein as ;'Recipieuf'), for the purposes set forth hereiu.
I .l lV'hereas, the District is a special purpose dish'ict organized and existing rurder authority of Chapter
g9.0g RCw which r"gág;* in certain u*iiuiti"r and programs to conserve natura] lesourles, ilcludilg soil and
water, which activities are declared to protect and prornıte the health, safety, and goneral welfare of the people
of the state of Washington; and
L.z Whereas, pur.sua¡1t to RCW g9.08.400 and/of RC'ü/ 89.08.405, King Courty has authorized aud
i'rposed a system of assóssments and/or a system of rates and charges to finance the activities and programs of
the District; and
1.3 :Whereas, pru.straut to RC\¡/ gg.0g.220 and RCW 89.08.341 the Distfict is authorized to enter into
agreements with, or io n roirn fïnancial or other aid to, rnunicipal entities and agencies (govenuusntal or
othe.rwise), or their desiguees, or any occupier of lands witbin the District, in order to caüy out and facilitate the
activities *d ptogt**t óf th" District to consele natulal resources; and
L.4 Whereas, the District has reviewed the grant applicatiog ¡,r1lmitted by Rgcrpient-.a1d has
determiued that the *ppri*ii"" meets the requitements ofchaptér: ao.ot Rcw and the Districfs policies aud
procedtues for awarding gants; and
1.5 Whereas, the District and Recipieut desire to enter into this Agreernent for the ptupose of
establishiug the terms aud couditious relatiug to the District's award of a graut to Recipient'
z.l The Distict agrces to award Recipient a grant in the total amoturt of Sixty'Five Thousand, Five
I{urdr.ed Four and No/loo pollaÏs ($65,504.00) fi.orn KCb-Ke[t 20r4-L6 Collections. Grant fimds shall be used
by Recipient solely for the perfouuance of tire wolk descril¡ed in 4xnlbit 4 w.hich is attaclred hereto and
i'corporated horein b;d;;=ir;;rr.u. Ttru Dirtri"t shall pay the grant ñrnds tò Recipient in accordaflce with the
Distict,s policies and procedures, or âs otherwise plovided lerein, including but not limited to, the policies and
procedues co'tained i'n the Member Jurisdictioo i¿ wnra Forurn Grant Application Instnrctions aud Policies,
provided that such flurds have been colleçted and received by the District-
z.z Recipieut r.epresents aud wanants that it will only use the gpant frrnds for the wolk clescribed in
ES!þ!1-A, which *"y lr;ä."d"cl-by the par"tie¡ pulsuant to farng$ph 3.3 of the Agreement. Recþieüt shall
be required to r.efiurd iá the pisûict that portiou of auy grant fimds *lti.it are used for urauthorized woÌk' Furfher,
Recipient agrees to retru:r to the Districi arry grant fr¡;ds that arc not expended or reuraiu after completion of the
work coveredby this Agleement.
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2.3 Recipieut ack¡owledges and agrees that the grant funcls may only be expeuded on wolk which
shall be entir.ely wlini¡ the Distric.t'J¡tti*Ai"tional boundalies. The following municipal entities.are not within
tlr* pi.t i"t's julisdictional bound¿uies: Enumclaw, Federal V/ay, Milton, Pacific, and Skytomish' Recipient
shall l¡e reqrired to refirnd to the Distdct that portion of any grant fuuds which are trsed for wolk pelformed
ontside the Di shict's j u'isclictiona I bourclalies.
2.4 In tlre event tþe scope of work authorized by this Agreernent includes the use of ppant fiurds to
pruchase houses locatecl ou real ptoierty within a flood hazald area, Recipient acknowledges and agrees_that glant
fr*rds nay only be used for such þurposes if the houses to be pulchasecl were co¡süucted before floodplain
rnappi¡g ár serisitive areas regulati-ou, *rt. in place for that area. Recipient shall be required to refr[rd to the
Oisnict thatportion of any g¡aut fturds which are used forunarttholized putposes-
Z.S Recipient shal be required to provide the District with biarurual finaueial and project plogress
reports, along with al aunual *.rrnor.i'y rrport. Financial and project repor:ts shall !e due June 30 and November
3d each y..ri T¡* Recipient shall also bã required to subnit -t9 the District a final repofi whicþ docunents the
n."ipi"oi'r cornpletio¡ of the wolk in ,onfono*"e with this Ageeuren! wi_thiu thirty (30) days after the
.o-pl*tioo of the wor.k. The final report slrall, amoug otherlhings, summarize the-project's $uccesses and shall
addrãss t¡e regional benefits accornplished by the work. The fmal repo{ shall also identify auy obstacles or
challe'ges which were encounte¡ed duing the work, along witli general recornmendations regarding ways to
avoid sucl¡ obstacles or challe¡ges fur the ñrture. If requested, Recipient agrees to provide the District with
adtlitiolal financial or prog[ess repofis fi'om time to time, at reasonable i[tervals.
2.6 Recipient's expenclih¡es of grant funds shall be separately identified-in the Recipient'saccounting
records. If requestJd, Recipiånt slult cornply with other reasonable requests made by the Dish'ict with respect to
the rnarurer in which project expeudiftu'es ãre tracked and accoturted for in Recipient's accoturting books ancl
records. Recipient shill maiutain such records of expent{itures as rnay b9 recessary 1o- coufor:n to geuerally
accepted accoiurting principals aud to meet the requiremeuts of all applicable state aud fecleral laws'
2.7 If the Recipielt is a Washington ununicipal agency, Recipient shall.be requiled to track project
expenses trsing the Budgei Accountirg nnd Reporting Systeur for the State of Washington ("BARS,)'
Z.g The District or its rcpresentative shall have the right frorn time to tirne, at reasonable intervals, to
audit the Recþient's books aud recoi'ds iu orcler to veris compliance with the terurs of this Agreement. Recipient
shall cooperate with the District in any such attdit.
Z.g Recipie¡t shall retaiû all accorurtiug records aud project files [elatiug to this Agreeme[t in
accordance with criteria establishecl in the Revised Code of Washington aud the Washington State Archivist'
2.rc Recipieut shall ensure that all work perfonned.by Recipient-or its eurployees, agents, conhactots
or suSeo¡tractors is ¡rerforued in a marurer which pþtects anrl sifegualds the euvirounent and ¡rahu'al resotuces
and w¡ich is in complia¡ce with local, state and-federal laws aud regrrlations. Recipient shall implerneut an
appropriate monitoring system or progranr to ensure courpliance with this provision'
Z.ll Recipieut aglees to iudeuurif¡ defend aud hold hanuless the District, its electecl or appointed
officials, employees and agäts, from all claiurs, alleged liability, damages, losses to.or death ofperson or damage
i" p'"p"rrv årru!"¿ryier,ítirrg'ño* the negligent ù' inteütional acts of tl¡e Recipient or any of its employees,
agentq contractols or subconû'actors in connection with tl¡is Agreement'
Z.lZ Recipieut âg¡ees to acknowleclge the District as fl source of frrnding for this project on all literaftu'e,
sigpage oï press releases related to said project.
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2,13 Recipieut shall lotifu the District if Recipielt iltends to sell, salvage, or otherwise dispose of any
equipment puchased with grânt nm¿s. The proceeds regervg{ bv Recipient fium any sale, salvage or dispositiou'
orlthe uuhrå of the "q,rç*J"t if proceeds wire not received from anasuch action, must [re: (a) re-invested back
iuto the originally a*aräed project; þ) invested in a similar ptoject with District approval; or (c) r'ehnned to the
3.1 This Agreeurent s¡all be binding upon and inule to the benefit of the parties heteto and their
respective successols ancl assigns.
3.2 This Agreeme¡t constihrtes the entle agleemeut between the parties with respect to the subject
matter hereof. No prior or conteruporaneous representation, iuduceureut, promise or agrcement between ot amoug
the parties which i.etate to the sutject mntter hereof which are not erubodied in this Agreement shall be of auy
force or effect.
3.3 No arne¡rdrneut to this Agreement shall be bitding on any of the par"ties to this Agreemeut unless
s'ch ameud¡neut is in writiug and is exicr¡ted by the parties. The parties contemplate that this AgreemeDt may
ûom time to tirne be rnodifieä by written arnendment wnicn shall be exectrted lry duly authorized reprcsentatives
of the parties artd nttached to this Ageeurent.
3.4 Each party wanants aud represeuts that suctr party has ñltl and complete autlrority to euter into
this Agteeprent and eachþerson executing this Agreement on b_ehalf of a party wanants qd renlesgnjs that he/she
has beãn ñrlly authori ,uå to execute this Agreement on l¡ehalf of such party and that such party is bouud by the
sigrrahue of such representative.
Nn N¡me
Approved as to Form:
f , L I
Drte - -
Approvedas to Form:
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Exhibit A
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Member Jurisdiction Grant Programi
Pllot Grant Application
Promoting sust¿inable usçs of natural rosourccs through
responsib le stewardshiP
Projest Title: Green l{ent Partnership, 2017-18 (year 8)
Appl¡cant: Gity of Kent Patks & Puþllc Works
Prlnclpal Pârtners (if any): Forterta, Kent Parks
Foundatlon, residents
Gontact: Bryan H¡ÉBlns
Title: Parks Capital Project Manager
Amount of KCD
Funding Requested: $ 65,504
220 4,thAve. $.
Kent, WA 98032Total Match (optlonal): $10O,OOO
Total Project Costr $f65,5O4
Project Start Date: APrll 1, 2O17 Phone: 253 856 5f13
Project End Date: March A1,,2Otß Fax: 253 856 6050
Project Location: City of f{ent Parks and Public
Works Propertles.
E-ma ll: BhlgÊl ns@kentwa.gov
t{lnË County Council CIlstrlct #¡5, I State LeElislatlve Dlatrlct #Lr"' 39, 47
Elþlble projects:
. Must be withln the boundarles of the Klng Conservatlon D¡strlct or meet certðin partnering requlrements
., Must be wlth, or through, a member Jurlsdlctlon 0f the Dlstrlct, or an asslgned partner such as a nonprofit
organizatlon or business
. Must be consistent with purposes and requirements of RCW Châpter 89,08, encouraging voluntary
stewardshlPI Leveråglng other fundlng opportun¡t¡es ls encouraged
lneliglble projects include:
. Malntenance of existing faclllties
I lmprovemenls to non-natural areas of parks or existing recreätional facllltles
Appllcatlon must
r Articulate specific goals and outcomes of the project
ö Have an appropriate and re¡sonable budget meetlng state auditor guldelines
r Specity mllestones ãnd timelines
r ldentifl the ProJect Lead and contact information
Member Jurisdlction Grant Program- Pllot Grant Appllcation -vsnrgdecr3,
Page I of6
Page 19
r- Present clear roles for project pärtners
1. Criterla Checklist
2. troject Description * provlde a brief descrlption of the project that summarlzes what you
will do, how you will do lt, and why you will do it. Descr¡be target audience, outcomes,
objectives and timelines,
What: The Clty of Kent is requesting assistance from KCD to continue implementing the
Green Kent partnershlp. The goal of the Green Kent Partnershlp ls to actlvely manage all of
Kent,s public natural areas by removing invaslve plants and replanting native trees, plants,
shrubs and ground coverf as well as providing long term maintenance and monitorlng.
Achievingthls goal requlres a phased approach to restorãtion. Phase one removes all
invasive plants from a selected site, Phase two targets re'growth of the lnvaslve plants
removed ln the lnitlat phase and adds new natlve plants. Phase three focuses on
establishrnent of native plants to include mulching and monitorlng for regrowth of invasive
species. Phase four is dedicated to long term site monitoring'
Please check all boxes next to criteria below that your project addresses
Natural Resource lmprovement Action; Education and Outreach -to raise
âwareness, deepen knowledge, and change behaviors (examples tnctude ÍuÜlllment oÍ
muntclpal NpOES MS4 permlt requlrements¡ educüt¡on about volue ol latmland, local larms ond
Íaod systêñs, shorcttnes, sotman høbítal Íorcsts and other ecosystems)
Natural Resource lmprovement Actionl Capacity Building * to enhance the abilíty of :
organizâtlons, agencles, resldential landowners and other land owners and managers to
lmplement best management practices and deliver nätural rêsource management I
actions on the ground (examples lnclude urban øgrlculture development, ossltaonce to pt¡vdte '
propefty awneß to addrcss chøttenglng regulotory sltuatlons, preseruatlon ond/or expønslon ol :
urbon and/or rural agrtcufturol lands, rural and urbanþrest londs, rlparlan rcsloratlon and
stewdrdshlp on prlvate ønd pubtlc tands)
Netural Resource lmprovement Actlon: Pilot and Demonstration Projects - to test
andlor improve concepts and/or approaches in naturäl resource management that can
b0 replicäted by otherS (examplqs tnctude LlL ot green lnÍrøstructure demonstrøtlon Prolec¡t'
development of new best mdndgement pmc|/r,lces, dtstttbutlon ol local førm products, urban
agrlculture e.g, formerc mørkets ond bacþard þod productton to promote or supqott soclal :
economic lndependence ønd heallhy llvlng I
Natural Resourcg lmprovement Action: Direct lmprovement of Natural Resource
Condítíons * to lmprove landscape and natural resource conditions as a result of direct
actlon fexom ples Include supportíng privote prøperty ownsrs wlth lond stewordshlp' wøter
quoltty ond oquattc ond wlld!¡Íe hqbttøt resources, removdl ol lnvaslve weeds, stëtttdüsnÍP on
publlc landl
Member Jurisdiction Grant Program * Pilot Grant Application -vsnrgdecr3 Pagc 2 of 6
Page 20
Utllizlng the 2Q-year Management Plan as a general guide, KCD funds wlll help us: 1)
Contlnue to engage the community in volunteer based efforts to care for their public
natural areas, 2) enroll l to 5 new acres lnto phase I restoration, 3) maintain and monitor
the acres already ln phases two and three of restorâtlon to ensure that lnvasive plants
removed ln phase one are not re-growing. 4)Target our work at sites that are seelng
regrowth of invasive plants, 5) support 20 stewards wlth a Green Kent temporary, 6)
Achieve a goalof 4500 volunteer hours, T)Provlde an lnternship to a capable college
Student or recent graduate with a natural resources or similar major, 8) Augrnent
Staff/Steward restoratlon work wlth contracted crew support and 9) cont¡nue our reglonal
pârtnership with Forterra.
Ho{Why: The Green Kent Temporary Employee plays a major role ln coordinating the
stewardship component of the Partnership and tracklng overall restoration progress. The
temporðry 1) ls the prlmary coâch for Stewards, 2) serves ãs thelr llalson to Perk Operations
staff, 3) coordlnates atl work partles, 4) enters work logs into GlS, 5) researches and drafts
plantlng and conservat¡on âction plans, 6) monltors and maps plant survival, 7) contrlbutes
to the quarterfy e-newsletter, 8) organlzes an outreach booth ät Kent's three'day
Cornucopia Days festival, 9) soliclts local business support, 10) partlcipates on the
management team and 11) provldes dally mentoring to lnterns. l2)supports overall
proBräm to ensure success,
A portion of the Parks Capital Project Manager's tlme is funded by KCD to provide overall
program administration, apply for the grant, promote the partnershlp, manage the budget,
recruit volunteers and Stewards, and conduct a wlde range of communlty outreach.
Strategies lnclude the website (GreenKent,org), monthly e-newsletter, Facebook page, Park
program guide, the city's public access TV station, Green Kent Day mayoral proclamation
during a televised city councll meetlng, presentâtlons to service clubs, nelghborhood
councils and other cltlzen groups, and a presence at communlty servlce fairs.
The Green Kent lntern position provides a variety of real-world urban forestry and
leadership experlences to a college-afflllated young adult. For most of the summer, the
intern wlll be ln the field serving as the crew lead for five high school ¡nterns funded by a
separate grant, ln the fall, the focus shifts and the intern assists staff and Stewards by: 1)
supportlng community volunteer events and work parties, 2) complllng photo
documentation of progress, 3) mafntaining the tool inventory, 4) assisting wlth 615
mapping, 5) conductíng outreach activitles, 6) supporting speclal projects, e.g. research for
conservation action plans, and 7l partlclpating in planning and slte meetings when
Contracted crews supplement volunteers and staff efforts by conducting fieldwork in areas
that are not sUitable for votunteers. Thls year's budget lncreases our abillty to go after
invasive plants in hard to reach areas,
Member Jurisdlctlon Grant Program - Pllot Grant Application -vsnegdecr3 Pago 3 of 6
Page 21
Foundlng partner Forterra provides regional support and heightens Kent's presençe as a
Green City. A torterra liaison participates quafterly in management team meetlngs and at a
Steward orlentatlon, includlng allowable travel relmbursement. Forterra's Washlngton
Conservatlon Corps will provlde 6 days of crew tlme" Thls year Forterra wlll work wlth thê
clty on initating a 20 year Green Kent Plan update. ln addltion, Forterra informs city staff of
upcomlng trainlngs and potentlal new funding opportunitles, and provldes letters of
support if approprlate. Forterra promotes the Green Kent Partnership regionallyto the
media, general publlc and durlng Green Cities Days'
Member Jurlsdlctlon Gränt Progfäm - pilÖt Grânt Appllcatlon -vsnrgdecr3 Page 4 ol6
Page 22
3. project Activitles and Mea¡urable Results - using the table below; list speclfic project
acgvltles to be completed, the timetable for the activltles, and the deliverables associated
with those rct¡v¡ties. Conslder the followlng in your answer to thls question: Whdt octlons,
lnterventlonsì programs, services wtll be deployed? NATE: If you wønt to attach ltem 3 ds a
separote page, feel free to do so.
Activity Descrlptfon Outcomes/Deliverables/Mea sur
able Results (tangible and
1.work (Green Kent temp,
iother city staff and lnterns,
con$acted crews, Stewards,
, Site ùisits, Work plans, events,
work parties, volunteêr logs,
Debris removal, dellvery of
tools, chips, cardboard, and
plants. GIS mapping. Photo
4ßl2AL7 -
Communlty outreach and
volunteer management ( Parks
Capltal Project Manager, Geen
Kent Ternporary, Forterra)
Program administration (clty
Recruit vols; & promote events
via online volunteer sites.
Orlentatlons and field trainings
,for new Stewards, bi'monthly
informal gatherings {some w.
speakers). Website, monthly e-
, newsletter and weekly Facebook
postings, artlcles ln approPrlate
print/electronic media.
Presentations to service clubs,
i nelghborhood counclls, schools,
others. Mayoral proclamation
for and partlclpation ln Green
Monthly mgmt, team meetings
(Forterra liaison attends 4lYr.lo
provide regional updates and
recelves month ly minutes).
Monthly event coord inâtion
meetlngs wlth Park OPeratlons
4lt/o217 -
4,nalsupport (Foreterra )
Contract deliverables outllned in
separale 50-W document
5,Contracted crews (Earth Coipsl Under staff dlrectiön. Working
in locations that are not sultable
for volunteers.
4,lLl20L7 -
Member Jurlsdictlon Grant Program - Pilot Grant Appl¡cðtion -vsnrgdecr3 Page 5 of 6
Page 23
4. Proiect ðudget & Expenses (Use attached worksheet)
5. KCD Acknowledgement - By signlng below, the applicant agrees to acknowledge King
Conservation District fundlng by placing the KCD logo on slgns, materials, and documents
produced as part of the above proposal, ln addition, the applicant will notify KCD of public
events and activities funded by the KCD,
l. z' Lotl
Member Jurlsdiction Grant Program - Pilot Grðnt Appllcatlon -vsnrgdecr3 Page 6 ol6
Page 24
lfing Conseruation District
Member Jurisdiction Grant Program
Grant APPlication
Proiect Badset Form
Promoting sustainable uses of uahual resotuces tlu'ough
Project Name
Parks and Public
Start Date:
Ma¡liné Addrees
3t31t2018Project End Date:253 850 51 13Phone
OthEr Funds0ther FundsKCD FundsBudget ltem
(speclty source hêre)(speclfy source herê)
$36,845$36,845Salaries & Benefits
$400$400Ttavel/ Meals/ Mileage
Office Supplies
$6,145Field Supplies
822,r14Contracted/ Professional Services
$0Land Acquisition
$0Othen (specify)
Other: (specilV)
Other: (apecílV)
$cOther: (speci,Y)
$0Othar: fspeció¡)
Total Project Cost $65,504
TotalMatch $100,000
Amount of KCD Funding Requested $65,504
Match PercentaEle lSJ%
lf yaur KC\ M¡:mber lurisdiction Grant Praiect is approved as a part of th¡s process, fhís spreodslteef wil! olso be used lor proiect tracking' Flease don't
torget to øttach thb tab to vqur opâIícatlon. -fhere ore ntutiple Expense & Proiect Repott forms in the followíng tabs that will outonatically load your
KCD project ínforntation onc! budgeted líne items, os well as o blonk fornt tltøt can bc copíed for aclditionol sabnl'ssrb ns, There ls o Reìnbursement Sequest
farm that will also load KCD budgeted line ítents, and a Budget frevision Request form should It be naeded ; ødditional reímbursenent requstforms are
olso provìrled to track Yaur work in one project pucket. We hope this eases future proiect trqçk¡ng'
Page 25
trit.. i¡iilJr"'li..j.,iil l;:ì
4,125.00Proiect ManagerParks Capital
f.Adt..'",uii; ;i:r'iirrr'* :.:.
300.00ftte n d stewa rd Ori entati on
1,200.00ent teamAtte
1,000.00Hofd 4 c¡reen cities focus grou¡
950.00ISureen cities
ointly manage wi 5,508.00WCC crew -
1,200.00Hold two educational steward
i., .,..r,,sÐi508¿o0i¡1.:, :r,..i;r,ì :'f':,ii..,¡,:ä:,,iFörtëlra'
ir' ,'':2?r114i0-9 ,
200.00Personal Protective Equipment
3,445,00Bare Root Plants
i.r :': :i .6}54$00'
i, ',' 'ï65"5O4.OO'':i
Page 26
Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP
Phone: 253-856-5100
Fax: 253-856-6050
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA 98032-5895
May 18, 2017
Parks and Human Services Committee
Julie Parascondola, Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services
SUBJECT: Morrill Meadows (Portion Only) Property Surplus Consideration -
MOTIONT Recommend Council initiate the surplus process for a portion of
Morrill Meadows Park that will be necessary to construct a regional YMCA
facility that integrates with the surrounding park property, in accordance
with KCC Chapter 3.12 Surplus of Real Property.
SUMMARY: In 20L5, the City entered into an MOU with the YMCA of Greater Seattle
("YMCA") to begin collaboration on a project that brings high quality, indoor-outdoor
recreation to Kent's underserved community through the construction of a new
community recreational facility that will include a community aquatic center that
integrates seamlessly with a newly renovated and combined Morrill Meadows Park
and East Hill Park.
The MOU identifies the YMCA's desire to own the property underneath its facility
footprint, along with the City's agreement to consider transferring the property. As
the surplus process moves forward as well as the development of the long term
MOU, recommendations on how to approach the conveyance of this property to the
YMCA will be established for Council consideration.
The project has now advanced to the point where staff desires to start the surplus
process, which begins with a formal initiation by Council. The final lot configuration
of the land necessary may change as the project continues, architectural and design
plans are submitted, and plan approval and permits obtained. This current motion
and discussion is proposed only to formally request that Council initiate the surplus
process as codified in Chapter 3.L2 of the Kent City Code.
ËXHIBITS: Draft footprint of land to be considered for surplus, though the final lot
configuration may be subject to slight change,
Page 27
Page 28
I .)
93 69:-J¡06r"
Macleod I
Reckord *rc
Page 29
Page 30
Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP
Phone: 253-856-5100
Fax: 253-856-6050
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA 98032-5895
May 18, 2OL7
Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee
Julie Parascondola, Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services
Ordinance Amending Various Sections of Chapter 4.0L of the Kent City
Code in Support of Tobacco Free Parks - Recommend
MOTION: Recommend Council adopt an ordinance amending various sections
of Chapter 4.01 of the Kent City Code to prohibit smoking, vaping, or the use
of tobacco products in or on any park property or park facility, and
establishing a monetary penalty for all violations of that prohibition.
SUMMARY: One of the primary purposes and functions of a public park is to provide
safe, welcoming places for all to enjoy and pursue physical activity, healthy lifestyles,
and leisure experiences through nature, which contribute to a healthier Kent
community. However, smoking or the use of other tobacco products in public parks is
contrary to this fundamental purpose, Park staff, with support from the Parks and
Recreation Commission, are recommending Council adopt a new ordinance restricting
tobacco products in Kent's parks.
This ordinance, within Chapter 4.01 of the Kent City Code, adds a definition section to
add clarity to the public on what'park property'encompasses; adds a new section that
restricts smoking, vaping, or tobacco use within park property and also establishes a
penalty for violations.
Staff is currently working through a full implementation plan and strategy, due to the
level of public communication that is necessary when launching this type of use change
within a public park, so while this ordinance will take effect 30 days from passage by
the Council, the ordinance will not be enforced until August 75,20L7.
EXHIBITST Proposed Ordinance
BUDGET IMPACT: Expenses to establish Tobacco Free Parks signage in parks, along
with marketing collateral, will impact the Department of Parks, Recreation and
Community Services operating budgets.
Page 31
Page 32
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the
City of Kent, Washington, amending various
sections of Chapter 4.0L of the Kent City Code to
prohibit smoking, vaping, or the use of tobacco
products in or on any park property or park facility,
and establishing a monetary penalty for all
violations of that prohibition.
A. One of the primary purposes and functions of a public park is
to provide safe, welcoming places for all to enjoy and pursue physical
activity, healthy lifestyles, and leisure experiences through nature, which
contribute to a healthier Kent community. However, smoking or the use of
other tobacco products in public parks is contrary to this fundamental
B. While the Parks Department has an existing policy that
prohibits smoking or the use of tobacco products on or near any City
athletic field, this policy applies only while youth games or practices are in
session. This existing policy does not apply generally to all park property.
C. Several other cities in King County have made their parks
smoke and tobacco free, including the cities of Burien, SeaTac, Tukwila,
and Seattle, Kent's Parks and Recreation Commission and the Parks and
Human Services Committee have both recommended that Council adopt an
ordinance similarly making Kent's parks and facilities smoke and tobacco
Amend Ch, 4,O7 Kent City Code
Re: Tobacco Use in Parks Prohibited
Page 33
free. Council agrees and finds that it is appropriate to adopt a smoke and
tobacco free policy that applies in and on all park property and park
facilities. Violation of this ordinance could result in the issuance of a fine in
the amount of $50, plus statutory costs and assessments,
SECTION 7, - Amendment - New KCC 4.07.005. Chapter 4.01 of
the Kent City Code, entitled "Parks and Recreation," is amended to add a
new section 4,01.005, entitled "Definitions," as follows:
Sec. 4.O1.OO5. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following
terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below:
A. "Park property" or "park facility" shall mean and include all City-
owned or controlled parks, public squares, public gardens, playgrounds,
athletic complexes, community centers, museums, trails, and all drives,
parkways, bodies of water, docks, piers, moorage floats, beaches, and
parking lots or garages contained therein, "Park property" or "park
facility" shall also include all other parks and recreational areas, developed
or undeveloped, owned by the City of Kent or under the management and
control of the City of Kent for park purposes.
SECTION 2. - Amendment - New KCC 4.07.735. Chapter 4.01 of
the Kent City Code, entitled "Parks and Recreation," is amended to add a
new section 4.01,135, entitled "Smoking, Vaping, or Tobacco Use in Parks
Prohibited" as follows:
4.O1.135.Cmal:ínn l/=nìnn Trrharcn I |ca in Darlze
It is unlawful for any person to smoke, vape, or use tobacco
2 Amend Ch. 4,O7 Kent City Code
Re: Tobacco Use in Parks Prohibited
Page 34
products in or on any park property or park facility, excluding the
Riverbend Golf Course facility. This prohibition includes both non-
combustible products, like e-cigarettes or other vaping devices that
produce smoke or vapor, and dipping tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, or
snus; and combustible products, like paper cigarettes, cigarillos, or cigars,
pipes, and hookahs. If the product emits smoke, or vapor, or contains
tobacco, it is prohibited.
SECTION 3. Amendment - Revise KCC 4.01.220. Section
4.Ot.22O of the Kent City Code, entitled "Penalties," is amended as
Sec. 4.O1.22O. Penalties.
A. Civil infraction.
1. Except as provided in subsections (AX2) and (B) of this
section, a violation of any provision of this chapter shall constitute a class
1 civil infraction in accordance with RCW 7.8O.120(1)(a), as currently
enacted or hereafter amended.
2. A violation of either KCC 4.01.080(8) or KCC 4.01,135 shall
constitute a class 3 civil infraction in accordance with RCW 7.80.120(1)(c),
as currently enacted or hereafter amended,
3. Each separate day, or portion thereof, during which any
violation occurs shall constitute a separate violation.
B. Misdemeanor. Any person who violates KCC 4.OL.O2O or 4.01.040
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed five
thousand dollars ($5,000) or by imprisonment not to exceed one (1) year,
or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each separate day or portion
thereof during which such violation occurs shall constitute a separate
Amend Ch. 4,O7 Kent City Code
Re: Tobacco Use in Parks Prohibited
Page 35
SECTION 4. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection,
or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such
decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this
ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 5, - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon
approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the
correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering;
or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or
SECTION 6. - Effectivg Date. While this ordinance shall take effect
30 days from and after its passage as provided by law, the City will not
enforce the ordinance until August L5, 2OL7, to allow for public outreach
and education.
Amend Ch. 4.Ol Kent City Code
Re: Tobacco Use in Parks Prohibited
Page 36
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No.
passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved
by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated.
PASSED: _ day of
APPROVED: _ day of
PUBLISHED:_ day of
Amend Ch.4,O7 Kent City Code
Re: Tobacco Use in Parks Prohibited
P:\Civ¡l\Ord¡naîce\4.01.135-loÞacco use in Pâ.ks.docx
Page 37
Page 38
Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP
Phone: 253-856-5 100
Fax: 253-856-6050
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S,
Kent, WA 98032-5895
May 18, 20L7
Kent City Council Parks and Human Servíces Committee
Julie Parascondola, Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services
Director's Report - INFO ONLY
MOTION: Informational
SUMMARYI Julie Parascondola, Director of the Parks, Recreation and Community
Services Department, will inform the committee of noteworthy information and
upcoming events.
Page 39