HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services Committee - 04/27/2017 (2)Unless otherwise noted, the Parks and Human Services Committee meets at 5 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month in Kent City Hall, Council Chambers East, 220 4th Ave S, Kent, 98032. For additional information please contact Teri Petrole at 253-856-5101 or via email at tpetrole@kentwa.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253- 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. Special Parks & Human Services Committee Meeting - Agenda Councilmembers: Brenda Fincher, Chair - Dennis Higgins - Tina Budell Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP April 20, 2017 - 4:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 1. Call to Order - Chair Fincher 01 - 2. Roll Call - Chair Fincher 01 - 3. Changes to the Agenda - Chair Fincher 01 - 4. Minutes dated March 16, 2017 - Approve YES Chair Fincher 01 01 5. 2017 First Quarter Fee-in-lieu Funds - Recommend YES Brian Levenhagen 05 05 6. Kent Memorial Park Playground Renovation and Wiffle® Ball Field Update – INFO ONLY NO Brian Levenhagen 10 09 7. Tobacco/Smoke-Free Policy Update - INFO ONLY NO Julie Parascondola 20 11 8. 2017 First Quarter Contributions Report - INFO ONLY NO Julie Parascondola 05 13 9. Director's Report - INFO ONLY NO Julie Parascondola 10 19 CITY OF KENT PARKS AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Summary Minutes of Regular Meeting March t6,2OL7 5:00 p.m. Kent City Hall Council Chambers East Kent, Washington Approval Pending 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.ffi., with Councilmember Dennis Higgins presiding until the arrival of Committee Chair Brenda Fincher. 2. Roll Call Councilmembers Dennis Higgins and Tina Budell were present. 3. Chanoes to the Agenda Councilmember Dennis Higgins indicated there were no changes to the agenda, 4. Aporoval of Minutes, dated February 16, 2O17 Councilmember T. Budell moved to approve the minutes of February L6,2OL7 and Councilmember D. Higgins seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 2-0 5. 2O17 City Art Plan and Five Year City Art Plan - Recommend Manager of Cultural Programs Ronda Billerbeck detailed the City Art Plan projects for 2OI7 and art expenditures planned for 20L7-2021. The budget for 20L7 is $248,000 and funded by $2 per capita by Ordinance 2552. The plan shows planned projects for 2OL7, administrative expenses and previously approved projects carried forward for completion. Highlights of the plan include "Kent Creates," portable art purchases, collection maintenance and programming, Morrill Meadows/East Hill artwork, and artistic vinyl wraps for utility boxes in partnership with the Police, An opportunity fund exists to accommodate Economic Development projects that include artwork. The Five-year Plan is set up to show responsible use of funds, but also be flexible for adjustments and improvements. T, Budell moved to recommend Council approve the 20L7 City Art Plan and Five- Year Plan. D. Higgins seconded. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 2-O. Page l1 Page 1 7 6. Right of Wav at 132nd Avenue Park Prooerty - Recommend Public Works Project Engineer Drew Holcomb explained that the 132nd Ave Pedestrian Improvement project, scheduled to begin this July through September, will construct a pedestrian path along the west side of !32nd Ave SE, from SE 24}th St to SE 282nd St, which includes frontage along the 132nd Ave Park. The right of way (ROW) in front of the park property is only 20' wide, so extra ROW is needed to construct a walkway. Additionally, as part of the Transportation Master Plan, multiple projects would widen L32nd Ave SE to five lanes, and include curb, gutter, sidewalks and bicycle lanes. These future projects require 47' of ROW along each side of the roadway. The Quit Claim Deed would dedicate the east 27' of the park property as ROW to allow for the future construction of the full 5-lane roadway project as well. D. Higgins moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Municipal Quit Claim Deed to dedicate the east 27' of the Future I32"d Ave Neighborhood Park as Public Right of Way, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. T. Budell seconded. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0. Youth Soorts Facilities Grant Aqreement for the Futsal Court at West Fenwick Park - Recommend Park Planner Brian Levenhagen reported that a futsal court is proposed for West Fenwick Park, as part of the park renovation scheduled for 2018. "Futsal" is a popular form of soccer that requires less space and fewer players. Staff applied for and received a $75,000 Youth Sports Facilities Grant through King County and a grant match of $10,000 from the Lion's Club to fund the project. T. Budell moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a grant agreement with King County to accept the Youth Sports Facilities Grant funds for $75,000 to help fund the installation of a Futsal court at West Fenwick Park, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. D. Higgins seconded. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0 Aqreement with MacLeod Reckord for Morrill Meadows Park Construction Documents - Recommend Parks Planning and Development Manager Hope Gibson explained that Parks staff recently completed a final Master Plan for the renovation of East Hill and Morrill Meadows Parks. This Master Plan combines these parks into a single park, proposes a number of new amenities for the park and accommodates a new YMCA facility. Staff recommends hiring the consultant Macleod Reckord to develop these concepts into a set of documents that will allow the city to permit, bid and construct the new park. 8 Page l2 Page 2 9 D. Higgins moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a consultant services agreement with Macleod Reckord, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $689,837.58, to create construction documents for the Morrill Meadows Park Renovation Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director. T. Budell seconded. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0. Grant Agreement with the Department of Commerce for the Morrill Meadows Park Renovation - Recommend Parks Planning and Development Manager Hope Gibson reported that the city applied for and received a grant award from the Washington State Department of Commerce for $485,000. The funds will help pay for capital expenditures to bring a new YMCA facility within Morrill Meadows and East Hill Parks. The first phase of preconstruction includes site planning to combine and renovate the properties into a single community park and to complete site preparation work for the new YMCA facility. T. Budell moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a grant agreement with the Washington State Department of Commerce in the amount of $485,000 for the design and site preparation work at Morrill Meadows and East Hill Parks, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. D. Higgins seconded. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0 10. Tobacco Use in Parks - Informational Parks Director Julie Parascondola reported that one of the primary purposes and functions of a public park is to provide safe, welcoming places for all of the community to enjoy and pursue physical activity, healthy lifestyles and leisure experiences through nature. Parks and open spaces contribute to a healthier Kent community. Smoking and tobacco use in parks is contrary to this goal, A number of cities in the region have had smoke free ordinances for a number of years, so Kent is a little behind. J. Parascondola presented background information and implementation options for committee discussion on smoking and tobacco use, as well as relevant statistics from King County (see attachment). Pros and cons of a smoking ban were summarized and consideration was given to the perception that a smoke-free policy affects individual rights. The Police Department and the Parks Commission is in support of a smoke-free, system-wide ordinance with penalty. J. Parascondola outlined positions for council to consider: 1,) Type of products to restrict: cigars, chew and vaping,2.) Logistics: enact system-wide ban, or start with gathering places such as shelters and playgrounds, and 3.) Fine/fee structure: define what level of fines. J. Parascondola also offered the option of taking no official action, but encouraging no smoking in parks through signage. Page l3 Page 3 Staff will further explore extending the policy to include park boundaries and park parking lots. Staff will also review policy exceptions for the Riverbend Golf Complex. The Parks and Human Services Committee voiced their support for implementation of a tobacco / smoke-free ordinance and directed staff to move forward. 11. Director's Reoort The Student Art exhibit is currently on display at the Centennial Building Gallery. The Spotlight Series performance Kahulanui is Friday, March L7 at Kent Meridian High School at 7:30 p.m. At the City Council Workshop on March 21, staff will present updates on the City Hall Space Study, the Shops Space Study and the YMCA project. J. Parascondola announced that Leon Younger from PROS Consulting will assist in the plan to build long-term sustainability at the Riverbend Golf Complex. Mr. Younger will perform an operational audit, ending with a six-year operating business model and a financial pro forma, including a capital improvement plan. B. Fincher referenced her request for high school and adult soccer leagues. At 6:10 p.m., Committee Chair Fincher adjourned the meeting. âor'Æt-á Teri Petrole Parks and Human Services Committee Secretary Page l4 Page 4 SPECIAL PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP Phone: 253-856-5100 Fax: 253-856-6050 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: April 20, 2017 TO: Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee FROM: Brian Levenhagen, Park Planner SUBJECT: 2017 First Quarter Fee-in-Lieu Funds – Recommend MOTION: Move to recommend Council accept $43,200 of fee-in-lieu funds, amend the Community Parks Reinvestment Program budget, and authorize the future expenditure of these funds for capital improvements at Canterbury Park and Chestnut Ridge Park. SUMMARY: Between January and March 2017 the city of Kent received a total of $43,200.00 from the following developers, who voluntarily paid a fee in lieu of dedicating park land to mitigate the development of single-family homes in local subdivision. These funds will be held in a reserve account for capital improvements at Canterbury Park and Chestnut Ridge Park, and must be expended within five years.  Harjinder Gill: subdivision into 8 lots in the 10200 block of SE 208th Street; $18,600 at Chestnut Ridge Park  Schneider Homes: subdivision into 20 lots in the 24200 - 24300 blocks of 94th Avenue S; $24,600 at Canterbury Park EXHIBITS: Copy of Revenue Report BUDGET IMPACTS: Revenue and expense impact of $43,200.00 to the Community Park Reinvestment Program budget. Page 5 Page 6 R55G4014 GL Dates: 11112017 313112017 Acount Number Subledger GL Date Report Total Search GL by Account Numbor 411012017 11:12.13 Page: 1 Doc# Batch# Amount PO# Ref 2 389938 (18,600.00) 390402 (24,600.00) (43,200.00) _______143200-aa) 17-81217 777234 Gill, Hâfjinder / Lidda 17-81317 777922 Schneidsr Family Homes Descr¡ption Vendor or Customer PC LT RAr' Rec P20006.56730 P20006.56730 3t21t2017 JK 174409 3t24t2017 JK174465 Account Total Page 7 Page 8 SPECIAL PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP Phone: 253-856-5100 Fax: 253-856-6050 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: April 20, 2017 TO: Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee FROM: Brian Levenhagen, Parks Planning and Development Manager SUBJECT: Kent Memorial Park Playground Renovation and Wiffle® Ball Field Update – INFO ONLY MOTION: Informational SUMMARY: Parks Planning and Development is installing the City of Kent’s first Wiffle® Ball Field at Kent Memorial Park this summer. This report will go over some of the background of Wiffle® Ball and share some of the fun details of Wiffco Field. EXHIBITS: A PowerPoint presentation will be provided at the meeting BUDGET IMPACTS: N/A Page 9 Page 10 KEHT '*l¿$brà0Tôr DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: SPECTAL PARKS, RECREATTON AND COMMUNTTY SERVTCES Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP Phone:253-856-5100 Fax: 253-856-6050 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 April 20, 20t7 Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee Julie Parascondola, Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services Tobacco/Smoke-free Policy Update - INFO ONLY MOTION: Informational SUMMARY: At the Parks and Human Services Committee meeting on March 16, 2017, Parks Director Julie Parascondola presented the committee with a comprehensive report on tobacco use in parks, The committee agreed to confirm direction at the April Parks and Human Services Committee. To move forward with the policy, Julie Parascondola plans to ask the committee for direction on the following options. 1.) Confirmation on the type of ban - tobacco free or just smoke free, along with the type of products to restrict: for example cigars, chew and vaping,2.) Confirmation on the approach to the geographic expectations of the ban: enact system-wide in all parks or start with key gathering places such as athletic complexes, shelters and playgrounds, and 3.) Confirmation on the type of penalty fee: set the appropriate fine, J, Parascondola also offered the option of taking no official action, except to encourage voluntary compliance with no smoking in parks through signage, Once direction is given, work begins with the City Attorney's office to develop penalty fine options and creation of a new tobacco/smoke free parks ordinance, along with a full timeline for implementation via signage, a press release and work with HR and the Union on policy changes. EXHIBITS: N/A BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Page 11 Page 12 KEXT SPECTAL PARKS, RECREATTON AND COMMUNTTY SERVTCES Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP Phone: 253-856-5 100 Fax: 253-856-6050 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA, 98032-5895 April 20, 20L7 Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee Julie Parascondola, Director Parks, Recreation and Community Services 20L7 First Quarter Contributions Report - INFO ONLY '/,¡Shl**lSk TO DATE: FROM: SUBJECT: MOTION: Informational SUMMARY: Parks Director Julie Parascondola will report on contributions made to the Parks Department for in-kind, sponsorship, cash and grants that fall under the $65,000 threshold and don't require council acceptance. EXHIBITS: Copy of Contributions Report BUDGET IMPACTSI N/A Page 13 Page 14 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONTRIBUTIONS REPORT - First Quarter 2017 Categories: Cash Donations, In-kind, Donations, Sponsorships and Grants Less than $65,000 KENT '¿Y¡ s at r¡ Õ I S ù Value 150 525 150 150 150 150 50 150 870 150 400 400 400 400 400 900 900 900 500 500 500 250 t25 400 900 Item Description (for in-kind onlv) Juice, Door Prizes Juice, Door orizes Snacks Snacks Snacks Snacks Snacks Residents Guide o/o Category In Kind In Kind In Kind In Kind In Kind In Kind In Kind Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash In Kind Cash Cash Prog ra m/ Event/ Project Juice'n Jazz Deli Binqo Juice 'nJazz, Deli Bingo Book Club Tuesday Eveninq Dance Tuesdav Eveninq Dance Tuesday Eveninq Dance Tuesday Eveninq Dance Readers Theater General Proqram Deli & Café Kent Place Event Kent Place Event Kent Place Event Kent Place Event Kent Place Event Kent Place Event Music & Art Showcaes Kent Place Event Music & Art Showcase Kent Place Event Music & Art Showcase Music & Art Showcase Music & Art Showcase Music & Art Showcase Music & Art Showcase Ad for Showcase & Holiday Craft Market Kent Place Event Kent Place Event Music & Art Showcaes Contributor Concerto Health Care Concerto Health Care Auburn Meadows Stafford Suites Farrinqton Court Weatherlv Inn Judson Park Chateau @ Valley Ctr. Stafford Suites Talbot Center Weatherly Inn Rescare Health Care Humana Villaqe Concepts Iora Primarv Care United Healthcare Wesley Homes Sams Club Fulqencio Natural Health Farrinqton Court Concerto Healthcare Foresters Financial Kent Reporter Iora Primarv Care United Healthcare Division Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Page 1 Page 15 Value 900 900 500 1,680 290 2,790 49 10 5 5 1,680 500 1.000 1.000 500 500 1,000 500 3.000 500 500 1,000 2L3 L4I 3000 250 250 Item Descr¡pt¡on lfor in-kind onlv) Art supplies Discount Category Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash In-kind Cash Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Soonsorship Sponsorshio Sponsorship Sponsorshio Sponsorship Soonsorshio Sponsorship Sponsorship Cash In Kind Sponsorship Cash Cash P rogr am / Event/ Project Kent Place Event Music & Art Showcase Kent Place Event Music & Art Showcase Music & Art Showcase SRC @ Waskowitz Studio 315 SRC @ Waskowitz SRC @ Waskowitz Becker Memorial Fund Becker Memorial Fund Creative Art Space SRC @ Waskowitz Kent Kids'Arts Day Kent Kids'Arts Day Kent Kids'Arts Day CornucoÞia Davs Run CornucoÞia Days Run Cornucopia Days Run Spotliqht Series Spotliqht Series Spotliqht Series Kent Kids'Arts Day Kent Kids'Arts Day Green Kent Green Kent KC-Dig for GJEEO support rcvd t/6/77 COK Utility Fund Check for Dec/16 rcvd r/13/2017 COK Utility Fund Check for JanlI7 rcvd 3/B/L7 Contributor Wesley Homes Sams Club Fulqencio Natural Health David Edward Street Paricipant Reimbursement Robert E Mattson Kent Parks Foundation Karen Trask Lacey Seaton Marqaret Johnson David Edward Street Kent Community Foundation Fred Mever Kent Lions Club Aeqis Livinq of Kent Kikkoman USA Proliance Orthopedic Associates Judy Woods Kent Parks Foundation Greq Haffner Family Kent Community Foundation Fred Meyer Kent Parks Foundation Poppa Johns Coalition of Refugees from Burma East Ridge Baptist Church East Ridge Baptist Church Division Sr Center Sr Center Sr Center Youth/Teen Adaptive Youth/Teen Adaptive Adaptive Adaotive Adaptive Youth/Teen Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural PPD PPD Human Svcs, Human Svcs Human Svcs. Page 16 Value 250 500 1,495 11,000 4I 16 278 150 L25 150 250 L25 t25 125 2,625 125 150 250 150 150 r25 150 150 L25 L20 150 Item Description lfor in-kind onlv) Category Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Soonsorshio Sponsorship Sponsorship Soonsorshio Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Soonsorshio Soonsorshio Soonsorshio Program/ Event/ Project COK Utility Fund Check for Feb/17 rcvd 3/8/17 Access to Recreation Kevin McDonald Memorial Fund Access to Recreation Rob Satow Memorial Fund - Youth Track Leaque Total of small donations under $25.00 received with program/league reqistrations Rob Satow Memorial Fund - For Youth Track Leaque Bovs Basketball Soonsorshio (Gr 3-6) Bovs Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Boys Basketball Soonsorship (Gr 3-6) Bovs Basketball Soonsorshio lGr 3-6) Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Bovs Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Girls Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Girls Basketball Sponsorship (cr 3-6) Girls Basketball Sponsorship lGr 3-6) Girls Basketball Sponsorship (Grs 3-6) Girls Basketball Soonsorshio lGr 3-6) Contributor East Ridge Baptist Church Kent Parks Foundation Boeing Employee Ind Givinq Proqram Kent Parks Foundation Anne Forsythe Miscellaneous Miscellaneous donations <$25 Baze Chiropractic. PLLC Fors Stars Give N Go Gutters Bv Keith Inc. Haeger Orthodontics Kent Police Foundation Kent Station Manaqement Land O'Frost / Knox Sports Legends Sports Photoqraphy McMonigle Veterinary Hosoital Odd Fellows Titusville Lodqe #34 Rosengren Family Dental Sprinq Kitchen Thunderbird Community Sports Foundation Covinqton Family Dentistry Evergreen Asphalt & Concrete Inc Gutters Bv Keith Inc. Haeqer Orthodontics Joe's Caroet Cleanino Division Human Svcs. Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Page 17 Value 125 725 r25 1.250 150 r25 150 150 250 300 250 250 725 125 250 150 150 L25 L25 150 27,2o4 Item Description lfor in-kinci onlv) Category Sponsorshio Soonsorshio Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Sponsorship Program/ Event/ Project Girls Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Girls Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Girls Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Girls Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Girls Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Girls Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 3-6) Middle/High School Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 7-12) Middle/High School Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 7-t2\ Middle/High School Boys Basketball Soonsorshio lGr 7-\2\ Middle/High School Boys Basketball Sponsorshio (Gr 7-I2\ Middle/High School Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 7-12\ Middle/High School Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 7-I2) Middle/High School Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 7-72\ Middle/High School Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 7-I2) Middle/High School Boys Basketball Soonsorship (Gr 7-12\ Middle/High School Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 7-12\ Middle/High School Boys Basketball SÞonsorship (Gr 7-72\ Middle/High School Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 7-72) Middle/Hi9h School Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 7-12) Middle/High School Boys Basketball Sponsorship (Gr 7-72) Contributor Kent Lions Club Kent Police Foundation Kiwanis Clubs of Kent Land O'Frost / Knox Sports Peqasus NW Thunderbird Community Sports Foundation CAN AM PTZZA Disabled American Veterans Ch A-One-33 Fors Stars Great Clips of Kent Gutters By Keith Inc. Kent Lions Club Kent Station Management Kiwanis Clubs of Kent Legends Sports Photoqraphv Lynden Transport Inc Pegasus NW The Doorman Service Co Inc Thunderbird Community Sports Foundation WoodmenLife 2f)17 First Ouarter Division Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec TOTAL Page 18 KEHT spEcrAL PARKS, RECREATTON AND COMMUNTTY SERVTCES Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP Phone:253-856-5100 Fax: 253-856-6050 W¡*hr!úlÔÈ Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 DATE: April 20, 2017 TO: Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee FROM: Julie Parascondola, Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services SUBJECT: Director's Report - INFO ONLY MOTION: Informational SUMMARY: Julie Parascondola, Director of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department, will inform the committee of noteworthy information and upcoming events, EXHIBITS: N/A BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Page 19