HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks & Recreation Commission - 10/24/2017 (2)Page 1 Parks and Recreation Commission October 24, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved Date: October 24, 2017 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: Centennial Building, Conference Room 402 Attending: Chair Zandria Michaud, Co-chair Annie Sieger, Brandon Parsons, Dan Barrett, Jennifer Ritchie, Kari Hedrick, Lacey Seaton, Randy Furukawa, Richard Minutoli, Tye Whitfield, Director Julie Parascondola, Recorder Ron Lashley Absent: Annette Bailes, Emily Grupp, Erika Overall, Kalika Carver-Cox 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Co-Chair Annie Sieger called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Changes to Agenda No changes to the agenda 3. Minutes dated June 27, 2017 The minutes dated August 22, 2017, were approved as edited by unanimous vote. 4. Welcome to Ron Lashley & Goodbye to Teri Petrole J. Parascondola announced that Teri is retiring after 25 plus years of service and introduced the new Administrative Assistant Ronald Lashley. 5. Adaptive Recreation Presentation Logi Hogan outlined the organizational structure of the Recreation Division of Parks and what programs they oversee. Lara Hosford highlights the Adaptive Recreation Program. 1. Studio 315 - is the largest social program for people with disabilities in Western Washington. Held every Friday night, each quarter runs 9 to 12 weeks were they host 110 to 120 people. Hosting 90 people every Friday night that need transportation utilizing Access Transportation, this requires 75% to 80% of the Access Transportation vans. Seventy-five to 78% of participants are resident of Kent with all residents of kent given priority registration for events with a wait time before enrollment of none Kent residents. Max participation is at 120 people. 2. Adaptive Sports - is a year-round sports program with different sports in different seasons and partnerships with the majority of sports for the Special Olympics Washington. The partnership allows athletes that are interested, the chance to participate in regional and state tournaments. 3. Health and Fitness a. Cooking – Learn nutrition and cooking b. Adaptive Health Classes – Flexi-Fit program individualized for the participant 4. Adaptive Trips and Tours & Adaptive Community Exploration – held different days of the week a different unique and fun locations in the Kent Community. 5. Creative Arts Space – the program has been in existence for over 15 years. Classes held Tuesday and Thursday. Over a year ago the Theater program was introduced. The next play will be “The Rescue of the Candy King” on November 21 at the Kent Commons in the Rainer Room. Partnership with Kent School District for community transition, to help kids to find things to do after school, are including an African Drumming and Rhythm class. 6. Parks Capital Project Update Senior Park Planner Brian Levenhagen updated the Commission on projects Parks is currently working on. Projects in Progress • Lake Kent Memorial Park Playground - goes out to bid in November 2017 to be completed sometime in 2018. • Lake Meridian restroom remodel - with the completion of the Lake Meridian Dock project coming in under budget, remaining funds are allocated to the restroom remodel • Lake Fenwick floating walkway - goes out to bid in the next couple of months to be built out by the end of spring or summer of next year. • Salt Air Vista Park renovation – currently working with an engineer to resolve drainage issue then moving forward with playground renovation. • West Fenwick Park renovation - Chutes and Ladder playground RFQ completed now negotiating a contract for design for renovations. • Lunar Rover interactive replica – partnering for fundraising initiative spring of next year. No final location for placement as of yet. Leading location is Kherson Park. • Hogan Park Field #1 Synthetic Turf Conversion – near completion of all year weather field. • Van Doren’s Landing Park Relocation, Lower Russell Levee Setback Project – improving on existing trail, upgrading park amenities, creating new trails accessible to all. Flood and urban levy’s providing 500-year flood protection and flood insurance for the whole valley. The second part of the project provides salmon rearing, shading, and refuge habitat improvements. Projects Getting Started • Springwood Park Master Plan RFQ is complete and will be starting the master planning project early next year. • Mill Creek Canyon Earthworks Park Master Plan – RFQ is out with submittal reviews in progress. Looking for Parks Commission Member to be on the selection panel. 7. Riverbend Business Plan Update Par 3 profits from the sale are going back into the golf course for various upgrades. An external consultant has almost completed the Bussiness plan on the right-sizing of the course operations for viable, long-term sustainability. Working in-house on RFP for a restaurant concessionaire by year end. 8. Announcements Director Parascondola discussed land surplus acquisition for the YMCA footprint.One half of the location is Morrill Meadows, and the other half is East Hill Parks. Parks is utilizing the property in the middle of the two. The YMCA will not be taking up the entire area but instead the borderline area of 1 ½ to 2 acres. Will be recommending to Council a “Lease, Lease Back” approach, whereas one contractor or developer will take on the entire responsibility for the development and management of the YMCA. Looking at a May 2018 groundbreaking. Proposal for mid-biennium adjustment - sustainable Parks Capital via B&O Square Foot Tax, is in the works. Wednesday, October 25th - meeting to discuss the Van Doren’s Landing Park Relocation, Lower Russell Levee Setback Project. Saturday, October 28th - Green Kent Day Commissioners coming up on reappointment interested in renewing their position with the commission are required to email the Mayor informing her of your intent to renew. Parks and Recreation Commission is still looking for one adult and one high school aged student to join the Commission. 9. Adjournment Chair Michaud concluded the meeting at 7:59 p.m. Ronald Lashley Ronald Lashley, Parks and Recreation Commission Secretary