HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks & Recreation Commission - 05/23/2017 (2) Unless otherwise noted, the Parks and Recreation Commission meets at 6 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month in Kent City Hall Campus, Centennial Building - first floor conference rooms 220 4th Ave S, Kent 98032. For additional information, please contact Teri Petrole at 253-856-5101 or by email at tpetrole@kentwa.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253- 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service, call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Chair, Zandria Michaud - Co-Chair Annie Sieger Director Julie Parascondola, CPRP May 23, 2017 6:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Roll Call / Call to order - Zandria Michaud 01 2. Changes to the Agenda - Zandria Michaud 01 3. Minutes dated April 27, 2017 - Approve YES Zandria Michaud 01 4. Tobacco Free Ordinance Update NO Julie Parascondola 10 5. "Why Parks - Investing in Kent's Quality of Life" Presentation NO Julie Parascondola 60 6. Future Agenda Topics NO Julie Parascondola 10 7. Announcements NO All 10 Special Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes April 27, 2017 Kent, Washington Pending Approval Date: April 27, 2017 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers East Attending: Chair Zandria Michaud, Co-chair Annie Sieger, Annette Bailes, Dan Barrett, Kalika Carver-Cox, Kari Hedrick, Richard Minutoli, Erika Overall, Jennifer Ritchie, Jaleen Roberts, Director Julie Parascondola, Green Kent Program Coordinator Desiree Kennedy, Recorder Teri Petrole Absent: Randy Furukawa, Kendrick Glover, Wayne Jensen, Lacey Seaton, Tye Whitfield 1. Call to Order/Roll Call: Commission Chair Zandria Michaud called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Parks Director Julie Parascondola introduced the new high school commissioner Kalika Carver-Cox. 2. Changes to Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda. 3. Approve Minutes: The minutes dated March 28, 2017 were approved by unanimous vote. 4. Green Kent Program - Stewardship Green Kent Coordinator Desiree Kennedy explained that the Green Kent Partnership is between the City of Kent, Forterra and funded through a King Conservation District grant. Forterra founded the Green Cities network and Kent was the sixth city to join. Desiree described the principles of the Natural Areas Management Plan, which was adopted by City Council in 2009. She educated the commission on how invasives destroy the chance of sustainability in natural areas and how critical it is to manage them. Currently, there are thirty well-trained stewards They are required to host four clean-up events per year at any of the city's "prime" locations which include Clark Lake Park, Morrill Meadows, North Meridian, Lake Fenwick, Earthworks and Park Orchard. The stewards are responsible for executing the four phases of restoration; remove, replant, maintain and monitor. The program relies heavily on community partnerships including local schools whose teachers incorporate their studies into the program, and corporate groups such as Boeing, Target and Wells Fargo, who use park cleanups and planting parties as part of their team building efforts. Pending Approval Page | 2 Outreach is a huge component of the program, including school presentations and staffing booths at community events. In addition to 50+ steward-led work parties each year, the city coordinates five large community events each year including Earth Day, Arbor Day and Green Kent Day. In 2016, numerous volunteers invested over 4,000 hours into the park system; some of that time was used to plant approximately 22,000 plants grown in the city's nursery. The program is working at full capacity with work parties almost 52 weeks per year throughout the park system. The next park cleanup is on May 6 at Springwood Park, guided by Commission Chair and Green Kent Steward Zandria Michaud. 5. Approve Revised By-laws Julie made additions and deletions to the by-laws based on research and input from the commissioners at the March meeting. The commissioners reviewed the second draft of the by-laws and gave additional feedback that Julie will incorporate into the next draft to discuss with the assistant city attorney next week. The plan is to have a final draft distributed to the commissioners for review and adoption in May. 6. Riverbend Golf Course Business Planning Update For years, the debt balance has been rising at Riverbend, along with the need for capital reinvestment. In 2014, City Council authorized staff to surplus the Par 3 property for development in order to re-size the golf course operation, pay off the debt balance and reinvest the proceeds back into the complex. In March, the city hired PROS Consulting to conduct a best practices performance audit and sustainability model for the Riverbend Golf Complex including staffing framework, demographic and target market summaries. The plan includes a prioritized six-year capital improvement program with recommended lifecycle financial strategy and a six-year operating business model and financial pro forma, beginning January 2018. 7. Announcements The restaurant at Riverbend, Scotch and Vine, closed due to operational challenges after the departure of their general manager. Meeker Street Grill & Bar will handle the mobile concessions cart and the food service window at the 18-hole until a permanent restaurateur is hired. A list of approved caterers will be available for tournaments after the Request for Proposals (RFP) is advertised and the proposals are vetted. The purchase and sales agreement for selling the Par 3 property is going to City Council for approval on May 2. The development agreement will be ready in June. Pending Approval Page | 3 Interviews for the Youth Initiative Coordinator position are scheduled during the week of May 8. The position is responsible for the internal and external coordination and mapping of youth activities in the Kent community. Sound Transit announced a number of locations they are considering for additional parking in Kent, including Kaibara Park. For multiple reasons, the city determined Kaibara Park is not a good candidate for a parking garage site. J. Parascondola presented the tobacco free policy to the Parks and Human Services Committee in April, asking for their direction on specifics of the ordinance. The committee approved staff to initiate a completely tobacco-free ordinance that is park system-wide and includes a reasonable penalty. The Riverbend Golf Complex is not included in the new code because it is a different business model. Director Parascondola is prepping language for discussion with the City Attorney's office on the revised code and personnel policies, as well as working with multimedia on a visual campaign. She is looking for action from the committee in May and then on to council for approval in June or July. Director Parascondola presented "Why Parks - Investing in Kent's Quality of Life" to the Chamber of Commerce Board on April 25. Bill Boyce, Dana Ralph, Jim Berrios, Dennis Higgins, Derek Matheson and Aaron BeMiller also attended. The goal of the presentation was to inspire interest in capital funding and lobby for B&O revenue that is coming in at $10 Million per year. By Ordinance, B&O revenue is committed to street improvements at approximately $5 Million per year. Parks is asking for the excess B&O revenue over the $5 Million commitment. The presentation generated a lot of positive response from the group and the four councilmembers verbally committed to finding sustainable capital funding. The Chamber voiced their desire to be a partner in finding a solution to capital funding however, they are not in favor of committing all of the B&O revenue to parks. Director Parascondola and staff are presenting the "Why Parks" report to the full council at the workshop on May 2. The new synthetic turf on Field One at Hogan Park will double its capacity. The project budget total is $1.9 Million. Staff applied for and received a $750,000 grant from the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO). Director Parascondola plans to review the return on investment with synthetic turf. The Kent Parks Foundation announced the "Give Big" promotion. "Give Big" is part of the Seattle Foundation one-day giving event. Donate at Kentparksfoundation.org to a specific program or park. The meeting concluded at 8:04 p.m. Teri Petrole Teri Petrole Parks and Recreation Commission Secretary Youth Initiative Program coordinator Job - city of Kent - Kent, washington - Youth lnitiative Program Coordinator Job Description Overall Job Objective Job Title:Youth lnitiative Program Coordinator Page I of8 Closing Date/Time: Mon. 05/01/17 8:00 AM Pacific Time Salary: s5,320.00 - 56,471 .00 Monthly s63,840.00 - 577,652.00 Annually Job Type:Regular Full-time Location:220 4th Ave. S., Kent, . Washington http://jobs.kentwa.gov/youth-initiative-program-coordinatorljobl6T06l2g 4lt7l20t7 Youth Initiative Program Coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, Washington -Page 2 of 8 The City of Kent is currently accepting applications for a Youth lnitiative Program Coordinator in our Parks, Recreation and Commun¡ty Services Department. We are seeking a candidate who is adept at building relationships with and providing necessary services to youth. lf you possess these abilities, along with a pass¡on for developing strategies that will aid in the betterment of housing and human services for Kent residents, we welcome your application. **Please note that a cover letter and resume muét be attached to your online application in order for your application to be considered complete. You cannot add these items to your application after you have submitted it. lf you experience technical difficulties while filling out your application, please call our office at (253) 856-5270 and we will do our best to assist you.** This is a non-represented, benefited position that is exempt from overtime. lnitial interviews for this position are tentatively scheduled for Friday, May 5. Under the direction of the Senior Human Services Coordinator, perform professional, analytical, and technical duties in the development, implementation and administration of Housing and Human Services programs. The incumbent applies professional level skills and collaboration to gather, develop, and analyze information to meet the housing and human services needs of Kent citizens. http://jobs.kentwa.gov/youth-initiative-program-coordinatorljobl6T06129 411712017 Youth Initiative Program coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, washington -Page 3 of8 work is characterized by professional level duties in the development and coord¡nation of a wide var¡ety of complex recreat¡onal, cultural, artistic, leisure, a nd/or athletic prog rams. While actual duties of this incumbent are focused on youth and young adult well-being, all coordinators may be assigned to perform work in any or all areas. Incumbent is regularly required to represent the City of Kent while working with elected officials and staff from a variety of other organizations. lncumbent is frequently involved in politically sensitive issues requiring a considerable amount of tact and diplomacy, and may be required to take a lead role in developing strategies to address those controversies. May serve as lead on a variety of Parks projects as assigned and supervise temporary staff as necessary. work is performed independently under limited supervision. Supervisor sets the overall objectives and resources available. lncumbent and supervisor work together to develop the deadlines, projects, and work to be completed. lncumbent is responsible for the work, plans and carries out the assignment, resolves most conflicts that arise, coordinates work with others, and interprets policies on own initiative in terms of established objectives. lncumbent keeps supervisor informed of progress, potentially controversial matters, or far-reaching implications. Work is reviewed in terms of feasibility, compatibility with other work, or effectiveness of resu lts. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Develop an inventory of youth lyoung adult program services and activities available in Kent and ensure connection to the King http://jobs.kentwa.gov/youth-initiative-program-coordinatorljobl6T06r2g 41t712017 Youth Initiative Program Coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, Washington -Page 4 of 8 County Youth Directory; ensure inventory ¡s updated annually. Support the implementation of and susta¡n a local youth coal¡t¡on, including city departments and commun¡ty-based providers/partners to promote high quality, culturally responsive extended learning and soc¡al development programs and identify gaps in service delivery. Establish and maintain a community "scorecard" or set of benchmarks to track key outcomes and community indicators. Collaborate with internal working team representing other departments and divisions within the City to identify gaps and opportunities. For youth involved with the juvenile justice system or youth considered disconnected, identify gaps and support the development and implementation of effective resources, programs and services to support their positive development and ability to fully participate in community life. Develop and maintain a fiscal map to track funding allocated through multiple sources (local, and regional) that supports a variety of youth programs available to youth in Kent. lmplement a youth employment initiative that includes summer employment, work readiness/life skills, and provide transitional jobs for young people who need temporary, wage-based employment as a stepp¡ng stone to develop work skills and enter the regular labor market. Establish a Kent Youth Leadership Board to bring forward the youth voice in the planning and development of local policy and http://jobs.kentwa.gov/youth-initiative-program-coordinatorljobl6T06l29 4n712017 Youth Initiative Program coordinator Job - city of Kent - Kent, washington -Page 5 of8 programming. This position will serve as the liaison to the board and coordinate closely w¡th the Youth Police Board. Provide information and assistance to staff, City personnel and the general public regarding youth /young adult programs. Convene stakeholders on emerging issues/potential projects as needed. Research and analyze demographic, statistical and socioeconom¡c data, service reports and need indicators; stay current on trends and issues relevant to youth, young adults and community coalitions; prepare written and oral reports based on the data and share with both internally and external youth providers, where applicable. Direct the activities and monitor the completion of work tasks of consultants and interns who are contracted to perform specified planning activities for the division as assiqned. Conduct and attend a variety of staff and community meetings; provide oral presentations concerning program. May participate in the development of grant proposals and budgets for youth and/or young adult program funding opportu n ities. Prepare and maintain various records, reports and work sheets related to the program implementation and operation including expense records http://jobs.kentwa.gov/youth-initiative-program-coordinatorliobl6T06l2g 4117t2017 Youth Initiative Program Coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, Washington -Page 6 of 8 Actively support the vision, mission, values and behavior statements of the C¡ty and the department. PERIPHERAL DUTIES: Perform related duties as ass¡gned. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: KNOWLEDGE OF: . Principles, methods & techniques of community and organizational development, program planning and design, grant writing, budget development, and program evaluation . Principles and practices of research methodology as applied to the collection and analysis of data . Current issues, trends and developments for youth and young adults . Applicable federal, state, and local service funding sources and applicable laws and regulations . Measurement of program outcomes . Working collaboratively with services staff from regional jurisdiction . Available community resources . Relationships among governments, public and private community organizations and groups, and private enterprise in the county SKILLED IN: . Grant, proposal and/or contract preparation, negotiation, monitoring and administration . Evaluating programs in relation to youth and young adult needs . Research, analyze and evaluate data and information and make recommendations http://jobs.kentwa.gov/youth-initiative-program-coordinatorljobl6T06l29 411712017 Youth lnitiative Program coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, washington -Page 7 of8 ' Work effectively with ethnic communities, community based organizations and citizens from díverse backgrounds . Build coalitions among groups with differing needs and objectives ' Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with a wide range of individuals and groups ' General research methods necessary to gather, analyze, evaluate and synthesize data, and assist in the formulation of comprehensive plans ' Thinking conceptually, observing and evaluating trends, analyzing data, and drawing logical conclusions . Facilitate meetings and make group presentations . Effective communication with individuals in crisis ' Making effective oral presentations at public hearings and meetings . Develop effective strategies to leverage limited resources . Working confidentially with discretion . Technical aspects of field of specialty . Telephone techniques and etiquette . Record keeping methods ABILITY TO: ' Collect, analyze and interpret demographic, statistical and socioeconomic data . Prepare reports ' Establish and maintain effective working relationships with City officials and employees, Commissions, committees, other jurisdictions, agencies and the general publíc . Prepare for and present effective public presentations . Read, interpret and apply policies, procedures, codes, rules and regulations . Work effectívely with multiple priorities and time constraints http://jobs.kentwa.gov/youth-initiative-program-coordinatorljobl6T06129 4t17t20t7 Youth Initiative Program Coordinator Job - City of Kent - Kent, Washington -Page 8 of8 . Plan and organize work . Physically perform the requirements of the position . Provide effective written and verbal communication across diverse audiences with multiple language backgrounds Education, Exper¡ence and Other Requirements: Education: Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences, Planning, Public Administration, Recreation or related field; and Experience: Three (3) years of exper¡ence in human serv¡ce youth development planning at a professional level. Or: ln place of the above requ¡rement, the incumbent may possess any combination of relevant education and exper¡ence which would demonstrate the individual's knowledge, sk¡ll and ability to perform the essential duties and responsibilities listed above. LICENSES AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: . Valid Washington State driver's license . Must be able to successfully pass the City's pre-employment driver's records check . Multilingual desirable http://jobs.kentwa.gov/youth-initiative-program-coordinatorljobl6T06129 4n712017