HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks & Recreation Commission - 03/28/2017 Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Commissioners: Chair Annie Sieger, Co-Chair Zandria Michaud, Annette Bailes, Dan Barrett, Randy Furukawa, Kendrick Glover, Kari Hedrick, Wayne Jensen, Richard Minutoli, Erika Overall, Jennifer Ritchie, Jaleen Roberts, Lacey Seaton, Tye Whitfield Director: Julie Parascondola, CPRP March 28, 2017 6:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Roll Call / Call to order - Annie Sieger 01 2. Changes to the Agenda - Annie Sieger 01 3. Approve Minutes dated February 28, 2017 YES Annie Sieger 01 4. Parks Capital Improvement Update NO Brian Levenhagen, Hope Gibson 15 5. Review Redline of Commission Bylaws NO All 15 6. Election of Commission Officers YES All 15 7. YMCA - Morrill Meadows Park Update NO Julie Parascondola 15 8. What is CAPRA Accreditation? NO Julie Parascondola 40 9. Announcements NO All 10 Unless otherwise noted, the Parks and Recreation Commission meets at 6 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month in Kent City Hall, Centennial Building - first floor conference rooms 220 4th Ave S, Room 402, Kent 98032. For additional information, please contact Teri Petrole at 253-856-5101 or by email at tpetrole@kentwa.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253- 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service, call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. CITY OF KENT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Summary Minutes of Meeting February 28, 2017 6:00 p.m. Kent City Hall Centennial Building, First Floor Conference Rooms Commissioners Present: Chair Annie Sieger, Co-Chair Zandria Michaud, Dan Barrett, Randy Furukawa, Wayne Jensen, Richard Minutoli, Erika Overall, Jennifer Ritchie, Jaleen Roberts, Lacey Seaton, Parks Director Julie Parascondola, Recorder Teri Petrole Absent: Annette Bailes, Kendrick Glover, Kari Hedrick, Tye Whitfield, Yuriy Zaremba 1. Call to Order Chair Annie Sieger called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m 2, Chanoes to the Aoenda No changes to the agenda. 3. Aporoval of Minutes, dated Januarv 24' 2O17 The minutes dated January 24, 20L7 were approved as edited (Item 4. Confirmation of Meeting Date and Time was moved to item B) 4. Bvlaws Discussion Staff and the commission determined that the original bylaws need modifications, based on the commission's experience as an advisory group for two years' Primary methods for revising bylaws include collecting a redline version for review at an upcoming meeting, making it a topic for an ad hoc work group, devoting time at the next meeting/voting on individual items, or allowing time at each meeting for review and adopting them all at once at a later date. The need for serviceable bylaws now encourages a more expedited schedule. Substantive revisions in need of clarity, definition and/or processes are public outreach, officer and commissioner roles and terms, vacancy, nominations, election of officers, absences, residency and adding a glossary of terms. It was determined that Parks Administration will work on the initial redline version of the bylaws, based on suggestions from the meeting. Motion: By unanimous vote, the commission requested Parks staff to create a redline draft copy of the bylaws to review before the March meeting. 5. 2017 Parks and Recreation Department Update (Attached) . For Parks Administration, a major focus for the future is to re-awaken the community's awareness of parks and recreation and celebrate the positive impacts to the community. This includes the assistance of a consultant who can guide the department's use of a consistent messaging campaign. Plans have begun for Kent to submit an application to The Commission for Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) in five years for national accreditation. . The Recreation division is working closely with the YMCA on programming for the new facility. Upcoming goals for the Recreation divisions include a change to the point-of-sale system used to collect program & class fees and bringing back needed positions eliminated during the Page 1 a recession. Hiring a consultant in 2017 will assist with public outreach to determine what programming the community wants. Housing and Human Services made a process improvement last year that greatly aided their work. They are heavily reliant on planning by other, larger agencies in the realm of human services and spend a lot of time representing the Kent community in those efforts, Their 2017 goals include grant program software upgrade, continued efforts to find solutions to local issues like homelessness, and implementation of the Youth Initiative, The Facilities division has a smaller scope of operations and is restructuring since the Fire Authority recently opted to maintain their own facilities. They are heavily involved in the City Hall Campus space-planning effort underway and intend to help expand the Police Department. In addition, they are addressing parking design modifications and performing upgrades at the Senior Center, Park Operations has installed centralized irrigation at three parks, which enables a more standardized watering schedule and minimizes waste. Staff is managing the large shift in services with Public Works assuming the care of street trees in exchange for Parks taking care of trails, rights of way and corridors, New hires and park lifecycle repairs are planned, as well as alignment of maintenance goals with the new Park and Open Space Plan's priorities. Riverbend constructed and drilled a new irrigation well. The biggest goal is paying off some of the negative working capital with proceeds from the sale of the Par 3 property. A consultant will help steer the smaller footprint of the golf complex toward a sustainable business model. a a . Parks Planning & Development completed a groundbreaking, new approach to the Park and Open Space Plan and won an award, Goals include replacing the floating dock at Lake Meridian, converting Hogan Park Field #1 from natural grass to a synthetic turf field, renovating the Kent Memorial Park play area, renovating Morrill Meadows & East Hill Parks in anticipation of the future YMCA on site, and continue collaboration with multiple agencies on the Green River levee projects, There was an inquiry about the status of Commissioner Yuriy Zaremba's creation of the park finder application. J. Parascondola will contact LT. for an update. 6. Citv Council Retreat Update (Aqenda attached) The main topic of the council retreat was whether to have retail sale of marijuana within Kent. There were a number of presentations on the pros and cons to consider, The council is divided on the issue and no decision was made other than to seek further facts' Capital funding was on the agenda. Several suggestions about funding were raised, but council struggled with what to do. Council does understand that the capital funding budgeted over the nex¡two years is not sustainable. The positive side is they are talking about it. To keep capital funding on the forefront, Parks staff is presenting a Parks Capital Update at the City Council Workshop on May 2, They shared informal research that revealed forming a Parks District or Park Board is not feasible for Kent. At this point, there is no clear directive to act on funding sources. Julie will keep the commission updated, The Chamber of Commerce attended and later expressed their willingness to participate in finding a solution to Julie, but they don't want to be the 100o/o solution for sustainable funding. A few councilmembers met with the Chamber on what that might mean. Other topics included place making, utilizing the LEAN process and establishing performance outcomes, The city's Communications Manager presented information on the communication plan and tools, as well as some ideas for telling "Kent's story." Housing and social services was also a Page 2 focus. Conversations about policies toward immigrants took place within the city leaders, describing differences between sanctuary cities and welcoming cities, Kent has proclaimed to be a welcoming city. The commissioners who attended the retreat were asked for comments. Dan Barrett thought it went favorably for parks. No action was taken but he felt motivation was instilled as a result of the conversations. Zandria Michaud felt that council tried to put capital funding sustainability off again, saying they need to do more research, Chair Annie Sieger saw broader city challenges and feels the whole system needs intentional examination. She referenced council viewing the commission, the community and the Chamber of Commerce independently instead of all being members of the public, She was personally offended that council had closed door budget conversations with the chamber and not open to the public, 7. Tobacco Use in Parks Discussion (Report attached) Parks Director Julie Parascondola introduced the draft Tobacco Use paper, along with comments from the City Attorney's office. She explained that Councilmember Brenda Fincher requested the commission's position on enacting a no smoking policy to be included in the discussion at the Parks and Human Services Committee meeting on March 16. The purpose of discussion is to assist Kent policy makers in deciding whether to enact an ordinance restricting tobacco use and/or smoking in public parks and open spaces. This effort continues the parks and recreation message of promoting health and wellness in the community, as well as preserving the park environment, Current policies, codes and regulations within the City of Kent, the state, and local municipalities were outlined. The data and statistics showed 72o/o of King County residents support banning smoking in public places. Locally, 43o/o of Kent residents are smokers, J, Parascondola shared feedback from her meeting with Kent Police Chief Ken Thomas. The commission discussed the cost and deterrent effect of having a tobacco free policy, along with forms of enforcement. There was an understanding that the Police cannot address every smoking violation, as with littering and drinking alcohol in public places. However, it does give the Police an opportunity to engage with park users, which may influence their behavior and encourage healthier choices, in particular with youth. Policy options examined included an ordinance with a penalty, an ordinance with no penalty, and an internal non-ordinance park policy, enforced by signage, All options require a decision to define whether the ban is for all parks or designated areas. The commission shared a broad range of views. They suggested the policy have clear definition of what products are banned, due to wide variety of smoking methods and substances available today. They preferred using "tobacco and smoke-free" language in the policy and wanted consideration for potential changes to the marijuana law. The commission recommended lots of park signage, as well as public meetings for feedback. They prefer getting full support from the Police. Counter points were made that a ban on smoking could deter people from using parks and that it affects personal liberties and should be opened up to the public. There were numerous opinions on a system-wide or designated areas policy and no decision made. After sharing more perspectives, the commissioners agreed to recommend a system-wide ban on smoking in parks. Motion: By majority vote (9-2), the commission moved to recommend that the Kent parks system is smoke and tobacco free, system-wide. Page 3 After additional discussion on policy verbiage and penalties, a second motion was made. Motion: By unanimous vote, the commission moved to recommend adopting a City of Kent Ordinance with a penalty under Parks and Recreation Chapter 4.01, and to be in line with other quality of life fines already in use by the City of Kent and the City of Kent Police. The two opposing voters were asked to make comments. D. Barrett opposed the first vote to be the voice for the smoking community who want to use the parks. A. Sieger is not in favor of enacting additional laws that won't be enforced. She is always in favor of our liberties as residents and individuals. She feels this action warrants public input. Philosophically, she doesn't feel the government should be helping to influence behavior, 8. Confirmation of Meetino Date and Time: (Previously Item 4) The recent Doodle poll indicated that the current schedule of the fourth Tuesday of each month is the favored date among the members. Motion: By unanimous vote, the commission meetings wilt remain on the 4th Tuesday of each month. 9. Announcements Julie Parascondola announced that Yuriy Zaremba has resigned from the commission for several professional and personal reasons, Recruiting will begin for a replacement. J. Parascondola reported that the department has been lobbying in Olympia with state representatives during the budget cycle. Staff is seeking funding for arts and the YMCA, as well as the continued funding of Youth Athletic Facility grants and Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program grants. Kent received the James Farrell Award for Excellence, the highest honor for national tournament hosting from the USA ASA, for the fourth consecutive year. The dedication of our Park Operations and Recreation staff has garnered the 164 National Fast Pitch Tournament in 2018, which could bring $2,2 million in economic benefits to Kent. Park Operations staff removed the wood stage at Kherson Park, Parks Planning and Development is developing plans for that site. The commission will work on setting up a new meeting schedule for presenting updates to the Parks and Human Services Committee. Page 4 r-_ .+ ' J-ã:\ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 201ó ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND 2OI 7 WORK PLAN FEBRUARY 21, 2OI 7 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP KENT WAslrrNGToN DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Orga n izationa I ¿ lig n ment RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES LORI HOGAN, SUPERINTENDENT HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES MERINA HANSON, MANAGER FACILITIES MAINT. AND OPERATIONS ALEX ACKLEY, SUPERINTENDENT PARK MAINT. AND OPERATIONS GARIN LEE, SUPERINTENDENT RIVERBEND GOLF COMPLEX PETE PETERSEN, SUPERINTENDENT PARKS, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT HOPE GIBSON, MANAGER o O C)Z -.-.! ^lt\J l- (J É,;r\J(t) Lz8 ô= _a :) ';, 'iit, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Adninistratton 2017 WORK PLAN HIGHLIGHTS: . Leodership ond odministrotive support for deportment initiotives. Continued focus on sustoinoble funding. Connections with the Community ond Portners. lncreosed oworeness ond positioning of porks, recreofion ond commu ity services internolly ond externolly Mork ng, Communicotions ond Bronding Plon Noti ol Accreditotion Gop Assessment a o o a a a n C inued growth ond evolution of the Porks ond Recreotion mmrssron CA/Morrill Meodows Project dvoncement of LEAN projects throughout The Deportment Focus on stoff development ond teom building DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNIry SERVICES Recreation and Cultural Services CCOMPLISHMENTSI . Served 1,4 million people. Senior Activity Center odded o lifelong leorning series colled Expanding Your Mind. Rolled out Kent Creates. o unique ond innovotive web bosed public ort proj ecf Recr d, troined ond coordinoted over ó00 volunteer youth sports CO h/mentors providing 20,000 hours of service ded thousonds of hours of progromming, performonces, ond eciol events for youth, teens, ond fomilies o o S rovided 1,599 scholorships through Access to Recreotion e lcomed 10,400 doily visitors to the Senior Activity Center Rolled out the HERO Mobile Recreotion progrom Theater For All celebroted 3 short ploys written, produced ond presented by porticiponts with disobilities Colloboroted ond supported the Youth lnitiotive o o o DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Recreation and Cultural Services ddress sustoinobility of the Senior Activity Center lunch progrom Schedule progromming ond pork use oround mojor pork projects 2017 RKP . Con nue to work with lT ond Finonce on finol selection ond tm ementotion of o new registrotion system.A dress stoffing chollenges in Culturol Progroms ond of the Senior Activity Center. 'lmplem nt minimum woge ond leove requirements for seosonol stoff. Addr chonges in King County's delivery of Access Tronsportotion. lde fy woys to colloborote with the new Youth lnltiotive Coordinotor.Po er with community sponsors ond locol school districts to grow Y U th porticipotion in the Christmos Rush... l4 ond under run free! orketing ond outreoch'o a o plonned for this summer YMCA Recreotion Progrom Plon DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES l-lousing and l-/uman Servtces 201ó KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . lmproved engogement with residents ond portner orgonizotions. lmproved portnerships with other ,Civisions within the City (Police, Economic Development, Recreotion, Legol, etc.). Focilitoted opplicotion cycle for 2017-2Ol I funding utilizing the Humon Service Moster Plon priorities ond identified community needs Pilot o porollel opplicotion process for smoller, grossroots org izotions who work with underserved ond vulneroble Kent res ents a F c ilitoted the ongoing Kent Culturol Diversity lnitiotive Group forum for oll ond emerging ethnic community-bosed orgonizotions, onprofits, businesses ond community members lmplemented the CDBG 2O1ó Annuol Action Plon Drofted o Citizen Porticipction Plon to include in the Consolidoted Plon Streomlined Home Repoir work order trocking to increose efficiency Assisted 1O2 City of Kent households through our Home Repoir progrom Assisted King County, United Woy, ond other funders in revlewing gront o pplicotions ond ollocoting funds regionolly DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES l-lousing and /-/unan Services a a LAN HIGHLIGHTS: Increose workforce Development, loco Continue outreoch development efforts in portnership with Economic I ogencies, businesses ond funders efforts with immigront ond refugee residents to en lm plem nt Energy Efficiency Progrom for low income homeowners honce community porticipotion in City government lncr the number of senior, disobled ond low-income households SETV through the Home Repoir progrom W with All Home ond locol service providers to strengthen vention strotegies so fewer individuols become homeless ild ond support outhentic portnerships with community orgonizotions o leveroge new resources ond more effectively serve Kent residents lmplement the Youth lnitiotive fromework to improve the outcomes for youth ond ensure oll young people, especiolly those with the greotest chollenges, thrive in life Work with portner orgonizotions to releose o regionol Affirmotively Furthering Foir Housing Plon o o a o DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERV¡CES Fac¡l¡ties Ma intena nce &erations OMPLISHMENTS:I o o a Co Ieted replocement of the HVAC system of Riverbend golf course Re odeled the restouront spoce ond both rooms of Riverbend R modeled the 3 'd floor of the centenniol center to occommodote oce needs for the police detectives rovide support in moving the eost hill police sub- stotion to it's new locoti Fino inspection of the re-roofing project of Kent commons sitioned owoy from providing services to the RFA Focilities re-org olled new security comeros of shops, commons, golf ond senior nter losed 1 ,725 work orders Repoired ond Refinished rocquet boll court wolls commons Tr O a 1., 'ir DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Fac¡l ¡t¡es tvla intenâ n ce &erations I7 WORK PLAN HI HLI H Internol process improvements focusing on LEAN, customer service ond prooctive scheduling ond doto onolytics City compus spoce study Centenniol center goroge glozing project a a o a o a a a a o o Tenont i provements inl/I, H/R, H/S, P,D ond finonce Secu improvements commons cord reoders Wot seol the exterior of the centenniol center Po ng permits city holl compus employees R f replocement green river noturol resources building loce the heot exchonger of the K,M poolep eol coot ond stripe porking lots of P.D, golf ond nursery Reploce flooring senior center rest rooms ond reploce corpeting DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Park ftlaintenance &erations 2O1ó KEY A MPLI H lnstollotion of centrolized computer bosed irrigotion controllers of Kent Memoriol Pork, Three Friends Fishing Hole ond Service Club bollfields os port of o system wide implementotion a o ful recruitment of 4 MWll positions in colloborotion with Public rotions, These ore unique shored positions 0.75 Porks Ops , ond 0 5 PW Ops Ren otion of the Loke Meridion pork plozo cle repoirs, seol cool ond striping of Wilson ployfield ond Hogon P O I Lif i I rk @ Russell Rood porking lots ownfown londscope, hong¡ng bosket ond plonter progrom - ontinue implementotion towords o sustoinobly monoged progrom lnstollotion of the new ployground of Lindo Heights pork Portiol replocement of the ployground of KW Tot Lot # 4 ond renovotion of the droinoge system Successful seosonol hiring ond recruitment for the yeor helping fill a 7 doy o week, I shift schedule need o a DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Park Maintenance &rations 2017 WORK PLAN HIGHLIGHTS: . Alignment of Mointenonce Stondords with Recreotionol Volue. B¡- onnuol updote of the Orientotion ond Sofety troining progrom. Tronsition of Street Tree progrom to Public Works Operotions ond incorporotion of responsibility for gotewoys ond troils to Pork Ops LEAN p cess review of the Worehouse ond supply inventory Proje support of the new ployground instollotion of Kent Memoriol Po Up D inoge improvement project of Service Club bollfields o rking lot ond pothwoy lighting lifecycle replocements of Service lub bollfields, Wilson ployfield ond Hogon Pork @ Russell Rood Lifecycle fence replocement of Chestnut Ridge Pork o a r a a O ote ond replocement of pork rules signoge system-wide a DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Riverbend ColfConplex a 201ó KEY ACCOM PLISH M ENTS: . More thon ó4,500 rounds of golf ployed of the l8 hole golf course.. More thon 25,600 rounds of golf ployed of the por 3 golf course.. The I B hole golf course wos the host course for: Woshington Junior Golf Associotion District ó Sub-District Tournoment, Woshington Stote Golf Associ on Porent ond Child Tournoment, Western Woshington PGA Chop r Pro - Junior Tournoment ond the Woshington Stote Golf iotion Better Boll Tournoment, Th l8 hole golf course is the home course for four locol oreo boy's o d girl's high school golf teoms ond provided over l,4OO rounds of olf to the locol high school teoms. e drilling ond construction of the new irrigotion well, Opening of the Scotch ond Vine of Riverbend restouront of the l8 hole golf course. Host ond supporter of the Dougloss Youth Development Progrom, Host ond supporter of the First Tee of Greoter Seottle Progrom. Home course of the Riverbend Men's Golf Club ond the Riverbend odies Golf Associotion with o combined membership of over 570 'i a o I 1 embers. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Riverhend GolfConplex 2017 WORK PLAN HIGHLIGHTS: Busi Plon development for 2018-2021 tricol ponel upgrodes, finol connection ond testing of the new irr otion well (Completed). a a EI a Orderin 'lmplem g ond delivery of the new fleet of Club Cor golf corts. ntotion of o new Beginning Golfer progrom during thea eveni hours of the l8 hole golf course, lmp mentotion of o new POS system designed to improve customer SE ce ond improve operotionol efficiencies, a l ntinued refinement ond modificotions to the golf complex ointenonce plon to further reduce mointenonce costs ond improve fficiencies. Continue to expond the morketing plon to promote the off-seoson times ond the non-peok times to increose revenue, Develop o plon for the closure of the por 3 golf course, foctoring in both the positive ond negotive impocts to golf complex ond how the golf complex con best occommodote the current customer of the por a 'Ìl golf course, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Parkl Planning and Developnent 2O1ó KEY ACCOM PLISHM ENTS: . Adoption of Pork ond Open Spoce Plon. Completed Preferred Site Plon for Morrill Meodows Pork thot includes siting of o new YMCA Pu rchose of Mortin Property to complete Morrill Meodows ossembloge (-ontinu coordinotion on Lower Russell Rood Levee project thot inclu moving Von Doren's Londing Pork leted design for replocing Loke Meridion Dock ed on design for converting Hogon Pork field to synthetic turf Iti-use field, mpleted site plon for ployground renovotion of Kenl Memoriol Pork o a o a a DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Parks, Planning and Developnent 2017 WO PLAN HIGHLIGH o plete construction of Loke Meridion Dock Replocement plete construction of Hogon Pork field renovotion a o o C C a Complete construction of renovoted ployground of Kent MemoriolPork I , Compl te design for Morrill Meodows/Eost Hill Pork renovotion Con ue coordinotion on Lower Russell Rood Levee project thot incl es moving Von Doren's Londing Pork a : r,t fl NI Ouesttons/ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES nity Services . Lori Hogon, Superinlendenl Hope Gibson, Monoger Porks, Plonning ond Developmenl 253-85ó-51 l2 | hoibson@kentwo.oov ond Cullurql Services 2s3 -5067 | lhooqn@kentwo.qov Honson, Monoger ng ond Humon Services 253-85ó-5077 I mhonson@kentwo.oov Alex Ackley, Superinlendenl Focililies Mointenonce qnd Operolions 253-85ó-5081 | qqcklev@kentwq.qov Gorin Lee, Superintendenl Pork Moinlenonce ond Operolions 253-85ó-5131 | glee@kentwo.gov Pete Pelersen, Superinlendenl Riverbend Golf Complex 253-85ó-51 90 | rpelersen@kentwo.oov IfiNÏ ONT ÍOTINCII. ANNUAL STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING 4 Sebruaty 2017 8 a.m. - 5 p,m, 417 Ransay lVay, #112, Green River College @ Kent Station DRAFTAGENDA TH] III]TINû'S ûOAI.S: 1. Discuss the major issues of interest to all Council members, particularly the City's policies on marijuana and sustainable funding for parks and recreation. 2. Ensure our vision, mission, and strategic plan goals are leading us in the direction we intend 3. Review what we are doing to advance the Council's vision on a host of miscellaneous issues. NOTE: Breakfast refreshments will be available at 7:3o so please come early to enjoy them and be prepared to convene the meeting promptly at 8 a.m. Thank you! 8:00 Welcome! Introductions; Review Meeting's Purpose BILL BOYCE, COUNCIL PRESIDENT 8:05 Review Agenda, Ground Rules, and Facilitation Techniques JIM REID, FACILITATOR 8:10 Identify Major Accomplishments of 2O16 COUNCIL AND MAYOR COOKE What was an accomplishment of the City in zo16 that will have positive, long-term benefits for Kent? 8:30 Reaffirm Vision and Goals, and Review Strategy Mapping COUNCIL, MAYOR, AND TODD BABCOCK { What is the status of the staff's efforts to advance the work the Council did last August on refining the strategic plan, including vision, mission, and goals? How will the work on strategy mapping activate and advance the strategic plan's goals? What is the status of our LEAN process? How will the strategy mapping and LEAN process help create .performa nce measurements? Major Accomplishments and Challenges MAYOR'S LEADERSHIP TEAM (MLT) AND COUNCIL . From the MLT's perspectives, what were each department's two or three major accomplishments?. What appear to be the biggest challenges facing each department in the next couple years?. What are the Council's reactions and thoughts about upcoming challenges? 9:15 10:15 Break 10:25 Council's Policy Direction on Mariiuana COUNCIL, MAYOR COOKE, AND THE MLT I2:3O 1:00 This session will begin with a brief presentation by a panel of experts representing public health, public safety, education, and economic perspectives. Our interest is in accurately understanding and interpreting information, data, and trends that are influencing the public's perceptions about this issue. What are the key findings from the panelists' presentations? What light do they shed on the public health, safety, education, and economic issues that are part of our decision-making on whether or not to allow retail sales of recreational and medical marijuana and/or the cultivation and processing of marijuana within the City's borders ? What additional questions or issues need to be addressed? What is each Council member's and the Mayor's current thinking about the sale or processing of marijuana in Kent? Lunch Sustainable Funding for Parks COUNCIL, MAYOR COOKE, DEREK MATHESON, AARON BTMILLER, AND JULIE PARASCONDOLA . How does funding for parks and recreation f¡t within the context of the fiscal cliff that the City is approaching in zozo and currently preparing for? 2 What are viable options for providing a reliable and consistent source of funding for parks and recreation into the long-term future? ls the B&O tax one such source? 2:3O Break 2:45 The City's Direction in Placemaking COUNCIL, MAYOR COOKE, BEN WOLTERS, TIM LAPORTE, AND JULIE PARASCONDOLA At the zor5 annual strategic planning retreat, the Council agreed to a shift in direction regarding transportation projects. The new emphasis is on more local projects that stimulate economic development. How has this direction been implemented? What does it look like today? Does the Council still support this new emphasis? What else might the City do to enhance placemaking while encouraging and stimulating econom ic development? 3:25 Strengthening External and Internal Communications COUNCIL, MAYOR COOKE, AND MICHELLE WILMOT What are we doing and what do we plan to do to tell our story better to the public and improve internal communications? Do these efforts meet the Council's interests, needs, and expectations? ls information reaching the Council in a timely manner and in formats that are most helpful to you? What are other ideas to strengthen both external and internal communications? 3:50 Housing, Homelessness, and Social Services COUNCIL, MAYOR COOKE, JULIE PARASCONDOLA, AND MERINA HANSON What are the Council's current thoughts about tenant protections? What other things is the City doing on a local and regional basis to address these issues? 4:25 Updates on Miscellaneous Issues COUNCIL, MAYOR COOKE, DEREK, AND THE MLT One or two Council members mentioned each of the issues below during the preparation for this year's annual strategic planning retreat. Some of these are already being addressed, while actions on others are planned in the near future. Our goal is to come up with a process for addressing these issues if the Council is interested in doing so. I I 3 r How is the City addressing crime, and, specifically, violent crime?. Should the City allow gambling within its borders?. What is the status of efforts to accommodate the Police Department's need for additional space on the City Campus?. Should the City explore a ban on plastic bags or wait for action at the state level? ' Should the City work with social and human seryices providers to determine if there is duplication of service in some areas and a lack of service in others, and then determine how to fill the service gaps? 4:50 What are We Taking Away from Today's Meeting? COUNCIL, MAYOR COOKE, MLT 5:00 Adjourn the Business Meeting 5:15 Dinner at Agave Cocina and Cantina, Kent Station 4 KENT WasHtN6loñ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES SMoK|NG/TOBACCO rN PARKS DTSCUSSTON pApER I FEBRUARY 2017 PURPOSE OF DISCUSSION The purpose of this discussion poper is to ossist City of Kenl policy leoders to decide on whether to enoct on ordinonce restricting tobocco consumption ond/or smoking in its public porks ond open spoces in on effort to contribute to the protection of the heolth of our workforce, visitors ond environment, Tobocco-free porks policies restrict the use of cigorettes ond other tobocco products in porks ond open spoces, COMMON TYPES OF BANS L Smoke Free Porks - Syslem Wide 2. Smoke Free Porks - Designoted Areos Only (Ploygrounds, Athletic Complexes) 3, Tobocco Free Porks - System Wide 4. Tobocco Free Porks - Designoted Areos Only (Ploygrounds, Athletic Complexes) 5. No Chonge in Policy WPES OF POLICY l, Adopt o Kent Ordinonce, No Penolty. Add ordinonce under Porks ond Recreotion Chopter 4.0ì 2. Adopt o Kent Ordinonce, Penolty. Add ordinonce under Porks ond Recreotion Chopter 4.01. 3, Creote o Pork Policy only, non-ordinonce on voluntory tobocco free porks. (Some os # l) Note: lf on ordinonce is odopted, implicotions on stoff smoking in porks, controctors, elc. will oll be impocted ond policies ond procedures will need to be odjusted os well. CURRENT LAWS, REGULATIONS OR POLICIES ADDRESSING PUBLIC SMOKING o The Woshinoton Stote Smokino in Public Ploces Low (previously the Cleon lndoor Air Act), enocted in 2005, prohibits smoking in "public ploces" including bors, restouronts, ond privote residences used to provide childcore ond other sociol services, with o minimum of 25' between designoted smoking oreos ond entronces. While this low mokes greot strides to curb the detrimentol effects of cigorette smoke in enclosed spoces, it does litlle to oddress lobocco use in public outdoor spoces. See Exhibit B for detoils. Woshington Stcrte Low prohibits the use of oll tobocco products on public school property ond requires eoch school district boord of directors to hove o written policy prohibiting tobocco product use on school property. RCW 284.210.31 0, a Porks. Recreotion ond Communitv Services. Deportmentol Policy ó,l5: Smokino ol Athletic Events. Smoking or the use of ony kind of tobocco product sholl be prohibited on or neor oll City of Kent othletic fields while youth gomes or proctices ore in session, See Exhibif C for detoils. a a City of Kent. Personnel Policv 7.3 Smokino ond Tobocco Use, lt is the policy of the City of Kent to prolect ond promote the heolth of its employees, mointoin o sofe ond heolthful working environment, comply with Deportment of Lobor ond lndustries rules on environmentol tobocco smoke (ETS) in offices, ond promole the protection of City property, See Exhibit D for detoils. BACKGROUND Pork ond recreotion ogencies ore criticolstewords of public heollh - preserving ond promoting occess to millions of ocres of porklond thot bring together people of oll genders, foiths, ethnicities ond obilities to pursue physicol octivity, heolthy lifestyles ond leisure experiences. Currenlly, over 1,2óó pork ond recreotion ogencies ocross lhe counlry hove deemed their focililies tobocco-fiee. (NRPA, 20ì 7) Prohibiting tobocco consumption ond use of pork ond recreotion focilities will shield visitors, especiolly children who ore eosily influenced by odults, from unheolthy behovior ond dongerous exposure to secondhond smoke, Additionolly, this prohibition will preveni millions of cigoretle butts ond filters, most of which never decompose ond con horm plonts, gross ond onimols, leech into streoms, or couse fires of pork ond recreotion focilities, from being left behind by tobocco users ond odd to mointenonce ond custodiol operotion costs. Eoch doy, tobocco consumption ond use steols time, heolth, money, energy ond life owoy from 42 million Americon odults ond 3 million middle ond high school students, Tobocco is the leoding couse of preventoble deoth ond diseose in the United Stotes ond exposes users to immediote ond long-term domoge, Attitudes ond opinions obout the consumption of tobocco hove shifted in recent decodes, ond scientific reseorch hos repeotedly confirmed the donger of tobocco use. As pork ond recreotion ogencies seek to improve public heolth, protect the environment, ond uphold public trust, prohibiting the use or consumption of tobocco of our boll fields, recreotion centers, porks, splosh pods ond wolking troils will go o long woy towords encouroging heolthier lifestyles omong the fomilies ond communities we serve. The benefits of o tobocco prohibition include: o Heolthier recreotionol environments thot promote physicol octivity, encouroge personol development, ond minimize exposure to tobocco use ond secondhond smoke,¡ Less tobocco use ond initiotion omong child ond odult visitors of pork ond recreotion focilities.o More public oworeness obout the dongers of tobocco use ond secondhond smoke exposure,¡ Better heolih equity ond fewer heolth disporities omong visitors to pork ond recreotion focilities,¡ Cleoner porks thot contribute to o high quolity recreotion experience becouse they ore free of tobocco, secondhond smoke ond cigorette butts. ¡ Fewer corcinogens, toxic metols ond poisonous goses from secondhond smoke ond tobocco products thot impoct humon heolth, worsen oir quolity ond impoir physicol ociivity necessory to fully enjoy pork ond recreotion focilities. . Fresher oir, smoke-free focilities ond better respirotory heolth for oll visitors to pork ond recreotion focilities.. Less risk in drought, dry months of fire cotching from dropped cigorette butts, The freedom to choose is on Americon volue thot is often ioken for gronled. People choose to spend more money when they ore in debt ond to eot junk food when they hove high cholesterol. And they con choose fo smoke despite the risk of lung concer, The oooosite side of o tobocco Brohibition include: 2 a . Hond-holding policies creote o greoter sociol stigmo ogoinst smokers ond encouroge o generotion of odults thot ore unoble to moke decisions confidently. Assuming personol responsibility for negotive choices is port of being on odult, o Life emphosizes personol growih ond o person con't flourish if they're not permitted control of their own heolth decisions. Decisions thot should be undeniobly intrinsic to the individuol, o lnstitutions shouldn't meddle in personol offoirs every time o poor decision is mode. o From o historicol perspective. bonning oddictive substonces hove not worked. Prohibiiion during the 1920s proved thot bonning olcoholoctuolly coused more horm thon good. Underground bors. known os speokeosies, popped up everywhere. Alcohol become the golden item to smuggle ond sell illegolly.¡ An olternotive to bonning smoking con be to offer smoking cessotion progroms to help smokers cut their oddiction. . As smoking odvertisements ore groduolly eliminoted, cigorette prices continue to rise ond onti-smoking compoigns ore goining momentum, smokers ore huddled in o designoted smoking corner. lt is cleor thot people ore owore of the dongers of smoking. Tobocco products should be discouroged but in the end, o direct infringement on people's rights should be considered, lf is importont to understond, if o policy is creoted to enoct o restriction or bon on smoking ond/or tobocco reloted products, we ore not toking owoy on individuol's right to smoke or use tobocco. we ore simply osking thot it be deloyed or withheld while oltending o public pork. Smokers ond tobocco users in Woshington Stote ore olreody used to smoking in designoted oreos due to ihe Cleon Air Act odopted in 2005, This policy considerotion would extend the smoking limitotion to public porks ond its recreotion ond open spoces, DATA AND STATISTICS King County residents wont tobocco ond smoke-free porks ond beoches, The mojority of the residents (727") support prohibiting smoking in outdoor public oreos, (King County, Tobocco-Free Porks Poticy tmptementotion Guide. June 2Ot1) Within the City of Kent: (King County City Heolth Profile Kenl, October 20ì2) Top 2 leoding couses of deoth in ihe City of Kent ore Concer ond Heort Diseose. Smoking ronked 71h out of 25 indicotors (which is significontly higher thon the King County overoge) os o heolth risk foctor likely influencing the development of o diseose, Smoking during pregnoncy ronked 91h out of 25 indicotors (which is significontly higher thon lhe King County overoge) thot influence pregnoncy risks. lÙo/" of residents in the EosI, 14o/" of residents in the SE ond llo/o of residents in the West ore current smokers - 437o totol, Within King County: (King County Public Heolth, 20ì7) o Neorly I in 5 Students in King County were using o tobocco product in 2014 . Almost I /5 of deoths in King County ore coused by smoking, . E-cigorette use omong students increosed from 3% in 2012Io 14o/"in 2OlA. SUSTAINABILITY AND ENFORCEMENT PLAN Source: King County Public Heolth,2017 a a 3 Todoy. more thon ever, community leoders understond thot improving the heolth ond well-being of individuols ond fomilies meons chonging heolth-reloted behoviors-ond thot meons oddressing foctors thot influence those behoviors. Communities need to ensure thot they mointoin the copocity to work in portnership to identify ond oddress public heolth chollenges, ond thot their resulting heolth initiotives con hove losting-thot is, sustoinoble-impoct, Sustoinobility is obout creoting ond building momentum to mointoin community-wide chonge by orgonizing ond moximizing community ossets ond resources. lt meons institutionolizing policies ond proctices wilhin communities ond orgonizotions. Communicotion ond enforcement ore cruciol to ensuring losting chonge ond moking o difference in people's lives, Policy ossessment Consider including questions regcrrding smoking in porks on ony onnuol pork user surveys to ossess potron's oworeness ond/or experience with the policy, Ask grounds crews to monitor tobocco litter in porks (best if done both before ond ofter policy implementotion) ond use the doto to determine if your policy communicotion is odequotely meeting expectotions, Policv oromotion /communicotion . lnsloll oppropriote number of signs of promineni locotions within the pork ond/or porking lots.o Mointoin, repoir/reploce ond/or odd oddilionol signoge os necessory to effectively communicote policy, . Use bonners or other temporory signs to celebrote implementotion of new policy. . lssue press releose upon implementotion highlighting new policy ond informing community obout how to oddress violotors. . Review policy of lhe end of the first yeor ond moke chonges os needed to ensure complionce ond stoff support, Mointoinino complionce/enforcement . Require pork stoff to immediotely oddress ony violotors oppropriotely, which will be in the role of educolion ond communicotion. Pork stoff connot enforce only inform. o Similor to other pork policies, such os olcohol ond litter policies, the primory enforcement tool is signoge ond communicotion to stoff ond community, . Continue to include informotion obout the new regulotions in policy monuols, newsletters, ond emoil updotes. . Requiring signed tobocco-free stotements from teoms, porticiponfs, cooches, ond porents is onother woy to notify pork users ond support enforcement of the policy. . Some porks osk violotors to leove the focility for the remoinder of the event for non-complionce,. Ensure thot stoff ond community know ond underslond odopted enforcement procedures. a 4 EXHIBIT A -TOBACCO OR SMOKE FREE PARK POLICIES CURRENTLY IN WASHINGTON STATE? Source: 2010 Woshington Stote Deportment of Heolth, Tobocco Prevention ond Control Progrom, Stotewide Outcomes Report on Reducing ïobocco in Pqrks, direct coll inquiries to Cities ond Counties, Benton Kennewick Porks 2005 Smoke free ploygrounds, 25' rule oround perimeler. Signs posled ol 2ó ploygrounds. Benton Richlond Porks 2006 Smoke free ploygrounds, 50' rule oround per¡meler. Signs posted ot 20 ploygrounds. Benton West Richlond Porks 2007 Smoke lree porks ond sp¡l lobocco is specilicolly prohib¡ted. Chelon- Douolos Wenotchee City Porks 2010 City policy covers oll porks. Signs posled ol ploy oreos, sports fields ond wod¡ng pools. Clork Voncouver & Clork Countv Porks 2005 Smoke fiee ploygrounds. Signs ore posled ol ploygrounds ond reshooms. Clork Bottleoround Porks 2007 Skole pork seclion is smoke free ond lhere ofe designoled smoking oreos. Columbio Doyton Porks 20r 0 Smoke fiee zones 25' oround ploygrounds, pools, olhlelic complex. Gorfield Pioneer Pork 2008 A pocket pork in Pomeroy ¡s lobccco-free, 25' rule. Gront Moses Loke Porks 2006 Rule covers plqygrounds, bollporks, ploy l¡elds, bleochers, reslrooms, concession slond ond onv oublic oolhefino sooce. Kino Auburn All lobocco use proh¡biled within 25'of olher people, ploy oreos ond beoches. Kino Seottle Porks 201 0 All lobocco use proh¡biled within 25'ol olher people, ploy oreos ond beoches. Kino Tukwilo Porks Tobocco Free porks lhroughoul fhe syslem. (Enforcemenl unknown) Kino Seotoc Porks Tobocco Free porks fhroughoul lhe syslem. (Enlorcemenl unknown) Kino Burien Porks ïobocco Free porks lhroughoul lhe syslem. (Enforcemenl unknown) Kino Sommomish Tobocco Free porks lhroughout lhe syslem. (Enforcement unknown) Kino Shoreline Tobocco Free porks lhroughout lhe syslem. (Enforcemenl unknown) Kino Woodinville All lobocco use prohibiled wilh¡n 25' of olher people, ploy oreos ond beoches. Kino Mercer lslond All lobocco use prohibiled wilhin 25' of olher people, ploy oreos ond beoches. Kino Kirklond All lobocco use prohib¡led wilhin 25' of olher people, ploy oreos ond beoches. Kitfitos Ellensburo 2006 Rule covers ploygrounds, reslrooms, boll lields, beoches, ond evenls. Moson Moson County Prooertv 2006 All county-owned properly is smoke free including porks ond foirgrounds. Pierce Puyollup 2004 Enlire pork is smoke free, complionce is volunlory Pierce Metro Porks 2009 Porks ore smoke free ond the pol¡cy includes enforcemenl provis¡ons. Pierce Pierce Countv Porks 2009 Porks ore smoke lree ond lhe policy includes enforcemenl provisions. Skooit Bokerview Pork 2005 Enlire pork is smoke íÍee, complionce is volunlory Skooit Cleor Loke Beoch 2005 Enl¡re pork is smoke free, complionce is volunlory. Skogit Montgomery-Dubon Heodlonds 2007 Enl¡re pork is smoke free, complionce is volunlory. Skooit Shorpe Pork 2007 Enlire potk is smoke free, complionce is volunlory. Snohomish Morvsville 200r Firsl pork in Snohomish Counly lo enocl o pol¡cy. Snohomish Loke Stevens 2008 Smoke free policy includes enforcemenl provision ond fine slruclure. Snohomish I3 Snohomish Community Porks 2002- 2007 Cilies of Atlinglon, Gronile Folls, Gold Bor, Monroe, Mukilleo, lndex, Sullon, Snohomish, Everell, Lynnwood, Mounlloke Tefloce, Edmonds, Bolhell Spokone Spokone Porks 2009 25'rule covels ploygrounds, pools, reskooms, skole porks, ond community evenls. Thurston Olvmoio 2005 Signs ore posled ol ploygrounds. Thurston Tumwoter 2007 Enl¡re pork is smoke free, complionce is volunlory. 5 EXHIBIT B - WASHINGTON STATE RCW 70.IóO SMOKING IN PUBL¡C PLACES Chopler 70.1ó0 RCW SMOKING IN PUBTIC PTACES (Formerly: Woshington cleon indoor oir oct) Sections 70.1ó0.01 I Findings-lntent-2OOó c 2 (lnitiotive Meosure No, 90ì ). 7O.160.O2O Definitions, 70,I ó0.030 Smoking prohibited in public ploces or ploces of employment. 70,1ó0.050 Owners, lessees to post signs prohibiting smoking, 70.1ó0.0ó0 lntent of chopter os opplied to certoin privote workploces, 70.160,O7O lntentionolviolotion of chopter-Removing. defocing, or destroying required sign-Fine- Notice of infroction-Exceptions-Violotions of RCW 70.1ó0.050-Fine-Enforcement. 7O.160.075 Smoking prohibited within twenty-five feet of public ploces or ploces of employment- Applicotion to modify presumptively reosonoble minimum distonce, 70,.ló0.080 Locolregulotionsouthorized. 70, I ó0,100 Penolty ossessed under this chopter poid to jurisdiction bringing oction. NOTES: Smoking in municipol tronsif vehicle, unlowful conducf: RCW 9,91 .025. 70.1ó0.0t I Findings-lnlent-200ó c 2 (lnitiolive Meosure No. 901) The people of the stote of Woshington recognize thot exposure to secondhond smoke is known to couse concer in humons. Secondhond smoke is o known couse of other diseoses including pneumonio, osthmo, bronchitis, ond heort diseose. Citizens ore offen exposed to secondhond smoke in the workploce, ond ore likely to develop chronic, potentiolly fotol diseoses os o result of such exposure. ln order to protect the heolth ond welfore of oll citizens, including workers in their ploces of employment, il is necessory to prohibit smoking in public ploces ond workploces, (200ó c 2 $ ì (lnitiotive Meosure No.90ì. opproved November B. 2005).) NOTES: Coplions not low-2006 c 2 (lnitiotive Meosure No. 901): "Coptions used in this oct ore not ony porl of the low," (2006 c 2 S B (lnitiotive Meosure No, 901. opproved November B, 2005).) 70. r ó0.020 Definilions. As used in this chopter, the following ierms hove the meonings indicoted unless the context cleorly indicotes otherwise, (ì) "Smoke" or "smoking" meons the corrying or smoking of ony kind of lighted pipe, cigor, cigorette, or ony other lighted smoking equipment, (2) "Public ploce" meons thot portion of ony building or vehicle used by ond open to the public, regordless of whether the building or vehicle is owned in whole or in port by privote persons or entities, the stote of Woshington, or other public entity, ond regordless of whether o fee is chorged for odmission, ond includes o presumptively reosonoble minimum distonce, os sef forth in RCW 70..ló0.075, of twenty-five feet from entronces, 6 exits, windows thot open, ond ventilotion intokes thot serve on enclosed oreo where smoking is prohibited. A public ploce does not include o privote residence unless lhe privote residence is used to provide licensed child core, foster core, odult core, or other similor sociol service core on the premises. Public ploces include, but ore not limited to: Schools, elevotors, public conveyonces or tronsportotion focililies, museums, concert holls, theoters, ouditoriums, exhibition holls, indoor sports orenos, hospitols, nursing homes, heolth core focilities or clinics, enclosed shopping cenlers, retoil stores, retoil service estoblishments, finonciol institutions, educotionol focilities, ticket oreos, public heoring focilities, stote legislotive chombers ond immediotely odjocent hollwoys, public restrooms, librories, restouronts, woiting oreos, lobbies, bors, toverns, bowling olleys, skoting rinks, cosinos, reception oreos, ond no less thon seventy-five percent of the sleeping quorters within o hotel or motel thot ore rented to guesls. A public ploce does not include o privote residence, This chopter is not intended to restrict smoking in privote focilities which ore occosionolly open to the public except upon the occosions when ihe focility is open to the public. (3) "Ploce of employment" meons ony oreo under the control of o public or privote employer which employees ore required to poss through during Ìhe course of employment, including, but not limited to: Entronces ond exits to the ploces of employment, ond including o presumptively reosonoble minimum distonce, os set forth in RCW 70.1ó0.075, of twenty-five feet from enfronces, exits, windows thot open, ond ventilotion intokes fhot serve on enclosed oreo where smoking is prohibited; work oreos; restrooms; conference ond clossrooms; breok rooms ond cofeterios; ond other common oreos, A privote residence or home-bosed business, unless used to provide licensed child cqre, foster core, odult core, or other similor sociol service core on the premises, is not o ploce of employment, (200ó c 2 S 2 (lnitiotive Meosure No, 90ì, opproved November B, 2005); l9B5 c 23ó S 2.1 NOÏES: Coplions not low-20û6 c2 (lnitiotive Meosure No. 901): See nofe following RCW 70,.ló0.01 l. 70. r ó0.030 Smoking prohibiled in public ploces or ploces of employment No person moy smoke in o public ploce or in ony ploce of employment, (200ó c 2 S 3 (lnitiotive Meosure No, 901, opproved November B, 2005); l9B5 c 23ó S 3.) NOTES: Coplions nof low-20û6 c2 (lniliotive Meosure No. 901): See note following RCW 70,1ó0.01 L 70. r ó0.050 Owners, lessees lo posl signs prohibiting smoking. Owners, or in the cose of o leosed or rented spoce the lessee or other person in chorge, of o ploce reguloted under this chopter sholl prohibit smoking in public ploces ond ploces of employment ond sholl post signs prohibifing smoking os oppropriote under this chopter. Signs sholl be posted conspicuously of eoch building entronce, ln the cose of retoil stores ond retoil service estoblishmenfs, signs sholl be posted conspicuously of eoch entronce ond in prominent locotions throughout the ploce. (200ó c 2 $ 4 (lnitiotive Meosure No, 901. opproved November B, 2005); l9B5 c 23ó S 5.1 NOTES: Coplions not low-20Û6 c2 (lniliotive Meosure No.90l): See note following RCW 70.1ó0.01l. 7 70.I ó0.0ó0 lntenl of chopler os opplied to cedoin privote workploces. This chopter is not intended fo regulote smoking in o privote enclosed workploce. within o public ploce, even though such workploce moy be visited by nonsmokers, excepting ploces in which smoking is prohibited by the chief of the Woshington stote potrol, ihrough the director of fire protection, or by other low, ordinonce, or regulotion, ( 1995 c 3ó9 S ó0; l9Bó c 2óó S l2l; l9B5 c 23ó S ó.1 NOTES: Effeclive dole-l995 c 3ó9: See note following RCW 43.43.930. Severobility-198ó c 2óó: See note following RCW 38.52.005, 70.1ó0.070 Intenlionolviololion of chopter-Removing, defocing, or destroying required sign-Fine-Notice of infroction- Exceplions-Violotions of RCW 70. I ó0.050-Fine-Enforcemenl. (1) Any person inlentionolly violoting this chopter by smoking in o public ploce or ploce of employment, or ony person removing, defocing, or destroying o sign required by this chopter, is subject to o civil fine of up to one hundred dollors. Any person possing by or through o public ploce while on o public sidewolk or public right-of-woy hos not intentionolly violoted this chopter. Locol low enforcement ogencies sholl enforce this section by issuing o notice of infroction to be ossessed in the some monner os troffic infroctions. The provisions contoined in chopter 4ó,ó3 RCW for the disposition of troffic infroctions opply to the disposition of infroctions for violotion of this subsection except os follows: (o) The provisions in chopter 4ó.ó3 RCW reloting to the provision of records to the deportment of licensing in occordonce with RCW 46.20.27O ore not opplicoble to this chopter; ond (b) The provisions in chopter 4ó,ó3 RCW reloting to the imposition of sonctions ogoinst o person's driver's license or vehicle license ore not opplicoble to this chopter. The form for the notice of infroction for o violotion of this subsection sholl be prescribed by rule of fhe supreme court, (2) When violotions of RCW 70.1ó0.050 occur, o worning sholl first be given to the owner or other person in chorge, Any subsequent violotion is subject to o civil fine of up to one hundred dollors. Eoch doy upon which o violotion occurs or is permitted to continue constitutes o seporote violotion. (3) Locol heolth deportments sholl enforce RCW 70,1ó0,050 regording the duties of owners or persons in control of public ploces ond ploces of employment by either of the following octions: (o) Serving notice requiring the correclion of ony violotion; or (b) Colling upon the city or town ottorney or county prosecutor or locol heolth deportment ottorney to mointoin on oction for on injunction to enforce RCW 70.I ó0,050, to correct o violotion, ond to ossess ond recover o civil penolty for the violotion. (200ó c 2 S 5 (lnitiotive Meosure No. 90ì, opproved November B, 2005); l9B5 c 23ó S 7.1 NOTES: Coptions not low-2006 c2 (lnitiotive Meosure No. 901): See note following RCW 70,1ó0,0]L 70.r ó0.075 Smoking prohibited wilhin twenly-five feel of public ploces or ploces of employment-Applicolion lo modify presumplively reosonoble minimum dislonce. B Smoking is prohibited within o presumptively reosonoble minimum distonce of twenty-five feet from enlronces, exits, windows thot open, ond ventilotion intokes thot serve on enclosed oreo where smoking is prohibited so os to ensure thot tobocco smoke does not enter the oreo through entronces, exits, open windows, or other meons, Owners, operotors, monogers, employers, or other persons who own or control o public ploce or ploce of employment moy seek to rebut the presumption thot twenty-five feet is o reosonoble minimum distonce by moking opplicotion to the director of lhe locol heolth deportmenl or district in which the public ploce or ploce of employment is locoted, The presumption will be rebutted if ihe opplicont con show by cleor ond convincing evidence thot, given the unique circumstonces presented by the locotion of entronces, exits, windows thot open, ventilotion intokes, or other foctors, smoke will not infiltrote or reoch the entronces, exits, open windows, or ventilofion intokes or enter into such public ploce or ploce of employment ond, therefore, the public heolth ond sofety will be odequotely protected by o lesser distonce, (200ó c 2 S ó (lnitiotive Meosure No, 901. opproved November B, 2005).) NOTES: Coplions not low-20û6 c 2 (lnitiolive Meosure No. 901): See note following RCW 70,1ó0,01 I . 70. r ó0.080 Locol regulolions outhorized. Locol fire deportmenls or fire districts ond locol heolth deportments moy odopt regulotions os required to implement this chopter. ( l9B5 c 23ó S 9,1 70.ró0.r00 Penolty ossessed under this chopler poid lo jurisdiclion bringing oclion. Any penolty ossessed ond recovered in on oclion brought under this chopter sholl be poid to the city or county bringing the oction. I EXHIBIT C - CITY OF KENT, PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, POLICY ó.I5 sEcTtoN ó, PoLlcY No. ó.t5 SMOKING AT ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES RECREATION DIVISION REFERENCES: CIIY POLICY 7.3 t.0 Policy l.l Smoking or fhe use of ony kind of tobocco product sholl be prohibited on or neor oll City of Kent othletic fields while youth gomes or proctices ore in session. 1.2 All porticiponts in Kent Porks ond Recreotion octivities sholl strictly odhere to Kent School District policy #1428 while porticipoling on school district property. The policy stotes: Effective September l,l99l, ond in occordonce with siote low, smoking or the use of ony kind of tobocco product sholl be prohibited on oll district property, including othletic fields ond district vehicles, This policy is opplicoble to oll persons employed by the disirict; students enrolled in lhe disfrict; volunteersj outside controctors; ond oll other persons who. for whotever reoson of whotever time, occupy or use district property. 2.O Procedure 2.1 The policy sholl be included in oll leogue rules, reviewed of oll cooches' meetings, ond printed on oll leogue schedules, Foilure to comply with the policy moy result in exclusion from the progrom.2.2 r0 EXHIBIT C. CITY OF KENT PERSONNEL POLICY 7.3 SMOKING AND TOBACCO USE EFFECTIVE DATE: Jonuory 1,2OO7 POLICY It is the policy of the City of Kent lo protect ond promote the heollh of its employees, mointoin o sofe ond heolthful working environment, comply with Deportment of Lobor ond lndustries rules on environmentol tobocco smoke (ETS) in offices. ond promote the protection of City property, 7.3.I DEFINITIONS: Environmenlol tobocco smoke (ETS): o mixture of smoke emitted from burning tobocco products ond smoke exholed by the smoker. ETS is olso commonly referred to os second-hond smoke. Exposure to ETS is often referred to os possive smoking or involuntory smoking. ETS is o complex chemicol mixture, mode up of thousonds of different substonces, Tobocco products: olso commonly referred to os tobocco chew or smokeless tobocco Office worksite: includes ony indoor or enclosed occupied spoce where octivities such os clericol odministrotive, or business ore tronsocted. All worksites thot follwithin the jurisdiction of the Woshington lndustriol Sofety ond Heolth Act (WISHA) ore required to comply with the Deportment of Lobor ond lndustries rules ond regulotions, 7.3.2 AREAS DESIGNATED AS NO SMOKING AREAS: A. All City buildings, enclosed focilities, ond vehicles ore designoted os non-smoking oreos. ln oddition, office worksites under WISHA jurisdiction ore olso designoted os non-smoking oreos. B, Smoking is prohibited within twenty-five (25) feef from entronces, exits, windows thot open, ond ventilotion intokes thot serve on enclosed oreo, 7.3.3 SMOKING AND USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS: A. Smoking ond the use of tobocco products is only ollowed during the employee's designoted breoks ond meol periods, B, Employees must oppropriotely dispose of their smoking or tobocco by product(s) prior to returning to officiol duties. 7.3.4 POLICY COMPLIANCE : Foilure of on employee to follow this City policy moy result in the employee's discipline, up to ond including terminotion of employment. 7.3.5 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTSiCIVIL SERVICE LAWS: Employees covered by Collective Borgoining ogreemenls, Civil Service lows ond rules, or covered by the Low Enforcement Officers ond Firefighter's (LEOFF l) disobility provisions, will be subject to the specific terms of those ogreements, lows, or rules opplicoble to smoking ond the use of tobocco in the workploce. ln the event o collective borgoining ogreement does not contoin Smoking Policy provisions, then employees covered by some will be governed by this policy. ll EXHIBIT D - DIFFERENT TYPES OF TOBACCO AND SMOKE PRODUCTS King County Heolth Depqrtment, 2017, E CIGARETTES AND VAPOR PRODUCTS Electronic smoking devices or e-cigorettes ore bottery operoted devices used to inhole o voporized liquid solution thol frequently contoin nicotine, flovorings ond other chemicols. Becouse the liquid solution is converted into on oerosolvopor, e-cigorette use is offen referred to os "voping," rother thon smoking, R€charg€able bâttery Power button (to start vâp¡ng) Mouthpiêc€ Atom¡zer / Heating elemênt (h€ats solul qn. aeroaol¡zing nicolins) E-l¡quid tånk (ref¡llâble e{iquid nicot¡ne tank) ll Vape Pen E-cigarette varieties Heolth effects While e-cigorettes do not contoin tobocco, they often contoin nicotine The moin horm from nicotine is oddiction: Nicotine is highly oddictive. People oddicted to nicotine con experience significont physicolond psychologicolwithdrowol symptoms when they try to stop using nicotine. Nicotine is hormful during pregnoncy. lt con leod to bobies born of low birth weight, preterm delivery ond stillbirth, Nicotine roises heort rote ond blood pressure4 ond moy domoge blood vessels ond heort muscle. Nicotine ond youth Youth ore especiolly vulneroble to the toxic effects of nicotine. . The younger one storts using nicotine, the more likely you will become oddicted,. Nicotine use during odolescence moy hove long-losting effects on broin function, including thinking ond behovior. . Nicotine use in e-cigorettes moy predispose youth towords using tobocco products. Toxicity ond poisonings Nicotine is toxic if spilled on skin or ingested in liquid form Mony refilloble liquid nicotine (e-juice) bottles come in eosy to open pockoging thot is not child- resistont. a a a 12 ln the first holf of 2015 Woshington Poison Center received 2ì reporls of e-cigorette exposures ond poisonings in children. Common exposures for children included ploying with vope pens, opening the liquid nicotine bottle ond getting it on their honds. or drinking directly from liquid nicotine bottles, Secondhond vopor ond heolth effects Reseorch on heolth effects of secondhond exposure to e-cigorettes is still emerging. However, initiol studies hove shown the vopor contoins corcinogens, The quontity of these corcinogens is less thot whot is found in convenlionol cigorettes, o E-cigoreiie moy couse secondhond voping. . The vopor contoins severol corcinogens, such os formoldehyde, ocetoldehyde, leod, nickel, ond chromium. r However, the quontity of these hormful compounds is often less thon whot is found in conventionol cigorette smoke. o Sodium, iron, oluminum, ond nickel hove been found in higher concentrotions thon in cigorette smoke ond ore ossocioted with lung initotion, shortness of breoth, ond chronic bronchitis. Evidence on cessotion E-cigorettes hove not been scientificolly proven to help smokers quit or reduce consumption of troditionol cigorettes, E-cigorettes hove nof been proven sofe or effective by the Food ond Drug Administrotion os o quit smoking oid (cessotion device). Smokers wishing to quit con find out sofe ond effective options for quitting tobocco, E-cigorette morketing E-cigorette monufocturers ore using morketing toctics used by the tobocco industry to lure kids to conventionol cigorettes. Their toctics include slick mogozine ods, sponsorship of concerts ond outo roces. celebrity endorsements ond sweet, colorfulflovors. ln oddition, e-cigorettes ore often oggressively ploced in convenience stores neor condy, Kid-friendly flovors Refilloble liquid nicotine solutions ore ovoiloble in thousonds of flovors. Mony of the flovors oppeol specificolly to youth ond even use the some brond nomes os kids'condy, ice creom. cereol products or other treots. FLAVORED TOBACCO The emergence of new flovored tobocco products on the morket poses o significont threot to the public's heolth especiolly Woshington stote youth, Flovored tobocco oppeols to youth Tobocco products, such os cigors, cigorillos ond snus (teobog-like pouches of tobocco), hove brightly colored pockoging ond ore ovoiloble in o wide orroy of youth-friendly flovors, New dissolvoble tobocco products like orbs (dissolvoble tobocco pellets), sticks, ond strips closely resemble gum, condy, ond breoth strips, Flovors mosk tobocco's horshness moking them eosier to use ond increosing their oppeol to youth, a a a a a a l3 A2OO7 notionol study showed thot 17-yeor old youih smokers were 3 times more likely to use flovored cigorettes thon odult smokers over the oge of 25, Notionolly, 9Oo/" of current odult smokers storted using tobocco of or before they turned ì B. Youth tobocco use in Woshington o Youth smoking hos NOT declined in recent yeors, . 45 youth stort using tobocco every doy ond one third of them will eventuolly die from it.. 13o/" of youth report smoking cigorettes in the post month, o BUT, 20.3o/" of youth report using, in the post month, non-cigorette tobocco products such os cigors, chewing tobocco or hookoh - which ore typicolly flovored, . I in 5 school-oged youth who use tobocco usuolly get their tobocco from o store or gos stotion, locotions where flovored products ore generolly disployed ond sold, Flovored cigors ond chew ore still legol to sell ln 2009, the U,S. Food ond Drug Administrotion (FDA) bonned condy ond fruit-flovored cigorettes to protect our youth from initioling tobocco use, However, the bon does not include other iypes of flovored tobocco such os smokeless tobocco or cigors, Moine ond New York City hove closed the loophole by bonning the sole of oll flovored tobocco, HOOKAH SMOKING Hookoh is o woter pipe used to smoke fobocco, morijuono ond other substonces. Smoke is creoted through indirect chorcool heot, filtered through woter, ond drown through o rubber hose to o mouthpiece. lt is often smoked in group settings using the some mouthpiece, Shisho, o mixture of tobocco ond o sweefener (such os molosses) is o commonly-used product for hookoh in the U.S. ond is often flovored to toste like fruit or condy, Not o sofe olternotive to cigoretfes . Mony hookoh smokers believe thot smoking hookoh is less hormful thon smoking cigoretfes. However, smoking tobocco from o hookoh conies mony of the some or greoter heolth risks os smoking cigorettes. . Woler pipe smoking delivers nicotine, which is oddicting, ond is of leost os toxic os cigorette smoke. o Due to the frequency of puffing. depth of inholotion, ond length of the smoking session, hookoh smokers moy obsorb higher concentrotions of the toxins found in cigorette smoke, a a 14 A typicol l-hour-long hookoh smoking session involves inholing over 100 times the volume of smoke inholed from o single cigorette. Hookoh smokers moy be of risk for some of the some diseoses os cigorette smokers, such os orol lung, stomoch ond esophogeolconcer, reduced lung function ond decreosed fertility. High use omong youth ond young odults ln King County, l4o/o of 12ih groders reported using hookoh within the lost 30 doys, Almost o quorter of U,S, young odults (oged lB-24) hod used hookoh to smoke flovored tobocco Heolth effects of hookoh smoking ond secondhond smoke The chorcool used to heot tobocco in the hookoh increoses the heolth risks by producing high levels of corbon monoxide, metols, ond concer-cousing chemicols, Hookoh tobocco ond smoke contoin numerous toxic substonces known to couse lung, blodder, orol concers. ond heort diseose. Secondhond smoke from hookohs poses o serious risk, porticulorly becouse it contoins smoke not only from the tobocco but olso from the heot source (e.g., chorcool) used in the hookoh. Bobies born 1o women who smoked one or more woter pipes o doy during pregnoncy hove lower birth weights thon bobies born to nonsmokers ond ore of on increosed risk for respirotory diseoses. lnfectious diseoses moy be tronsmitted between smokers due to shoring o hookoh. New forms of hookoh r> a a a a a a a a ln recent yeors, new forms of hookoh smoking hove been introduced Studies of tobocco-bosed shisho ond "herbol" shisho show thot smoke from both preporotions confoins corbon monoxide ond other toxic ogents known to increose the risks for smoking-reloted concers, heort diseose, ond lung diseose. Electronic hookoh, such os steom stones ond hookoh pens. ore bottery powered ond turn liquid contoining nicotine, flovorings, ond other chemicols into o vopor, which is inholed,rr Products thot contoin nicotine ore oddictive. yet very little informotion is currently ovoiloble on the heolth risks of the other flovorings ond chemicols, For more informotion obout electronic devices (e-cigorettes, voping devices) see our E-cigorette ond vopor product poge. Regulotions Hookoh smoking is reguloted the some woy cigorette smoking is in Woshingion, Stote low ond locol King County Boord of Heolth Code prohibit smoking (including hookoh smoking) from oll public ploces ond ploces of employment, There ore no exemptions for troditionol hookoh lounges. a a l5 TAH]IYSIIATEB AtI tII TTI IIH FLAVORET} TOBACGO Fhvored tfficco is populor smong yûuth 8outtilñiñ 0f t0 tññññ teenagers who use tobacco started with a flavored product t in Washington fü* ffr* #++ ff+ f++ xl#+ f++ rl++ f#rï fffr uï frl{Tf++füt*+f{ff{r üäffitråi' Fl¡vorec! tobacca cÕrrËs in bright packagíng and popular f[avors like f ruits, candieç. and alcoholic drinks {5 routh start us¡ng tohrgco Ù every day Current pollcies sllsn flsvored tobncco Froduets The FDA banned candy and f rr¡it-flavored cigarettes to protect youth, t¡ut these *ther to[:*cca Br"oriu*tt are still allclwed to lr¿ve flavor: 3 ,f ¿& e-cigarettes cigars chewing tobacco hookah tobacco l-or tuore itrfor"r'¡rrtion visit: wu,rw"kingc*Lrrrty"govfde¡rts/he¡lthlsnlokin.g/iobaccö-våpûr Sources: 1.,.Journ¡l oI the Americ¿n Medic¡l ¡\ssrci¡tion; icnn by G¡n Khrx'Ìl L,lï l-WlEhirgÌm Þepartment of He¡lth: icon bry MaryVan den Broeck 3. U,5" Food ¡nd Drr-q¡Adrnlnislrstiúrr {FDÀJ I'r¡hlit lle ¡ltlr \¡ rlllr ,\ l.rr:¡ l rrr¡11lì iEl ló HOOKAH 5f#IOKIHG Sr**Lãnç *r**Lcl: ccrsias r&$r¡y r¡f the sumë ûr gr*cter he*llh ri:ks s* snr*leång cigaretles I HOUR smoking ffia tT I I Çcrrlnqgpn¡ f{koünr ^,*pilldclr n rt% of I ?lh grodars in Kir¡g Counly repcrlcd rmo&irqg irookoh ;n the la¡t 3O dcr¡s t of hookoh smoking cigarelles t F*is*ns år* lÌ**LsL lobccc* aa:d s¡"n*ke rnÕy couse *rcr{, le*:'rg, så*rncch, and esophag*cl cûncer¡ neduced lung fu¡rcti*n, heor{ disense, *nd deer"eased fertility ¡or3tr Hao&oh use ornong hig*r :chooi cluderÌE in thc U,S- rs riring+ of collegË r!r¡drnl¡ in lhe U.S. hsve ¡molçed hcot<ah in the p*sl ¡rear t F* mcrc ilrf*rnrst*rn d$: rruìtinEou{ìtl.fûv¡dÊÉ#Ttcolthf*ûn*Fng ?.2-40T" I Åir*¡ ic¡ L¡¡ç Å:xr lr ç: I,lrlt¡ r¡¡:. *.rC I J1:¡ f { 1r{ !:, dt'r'.el ¿'-{.j ä,y.rl H*cl:f rlir+:¡,:ç.r :" I å:r¡t rC¡ l::qr'-Cl :i ¡¡tr'i ÊrÞ'j-r':' i H:c.r" T--fi- (,J1?r ;]ll.l ¡ [e-.r.: ¡r. i, ie:.¿,1¡--.r¡ i l"arê:.,:r , t*,Lt ii r¿ 1,.,'¡t:' i+"r.¡iFl 5ourcer ['uhlir- llealt]r r, I tl I l..i',; i.ì¡!r t\ t7 riiiru-l:J fii üçr rrrii'rt;'-ttSJ-\ *t i-¿.¿¿J Mentholflavoring in cigarettes is associated with i ncrea$sd smaking i nitiation in young people & adiligtiûfi in all srnokersi Almoct g out of l0 ¿ÅÅtÅ ÅÅÅÅ Åfrican Åmerisan smokers use menthol eigarettes* lf hann*d, mãny s"nenthçlsffiokers :'eport they w*uk1 try tr qnit smokiÍg:''' tf ¡ll U"S. nrådd[e antl high,schoal stHdsnts u¡ho smtke, Ailrr:ng adulls wfio ç¡noke, rnenthol cigarette use is higter ârnsng tûBT ndults t h*rl het*r*çe*.ual ad Lr f tç ä 'J {å u-', li:t 3*% t 1T 54o/o ¡ a f t t tÇ t i ** llfi îf rflr 3f IIIrhave used mcnthol cigarettes 5 5. m14 f*Yf& lcst þy G¡n Khaon !.ry ó.Americ¡¡r Jsurn¡! sf Pt¡hlüc He¡Ëth ?Ç11 7. A¡nerlt¿¡r &urnel of Fubffc H*afth â011 Ê, Nla*lnr Tob¡Ëa Resoårrldrr ltl4 32t,000 lives could have been saved lf menthol cigarettes were banned in 2011. l/3 *ourd have been åfriBan Âmericad Alt Mrrrrtl¡'r| Srn il¡(+r I ':'{: r.; :r g lv€* n***¡l 5gr¡*?t*r.f 1. ïobacco Cgfi¡rü|, ?01 t 2. A¡n J Prct¡ t-{ed. &15 3, Fçod rnd Drug Åå¡ianlËtrâtiûÍ!, 3t13 4,T*rcoControl, å016 Menthol cigarette rnarketing targets African Americans, v$omen, LGBT çommunities, and y,outh Lt Msntlæl ls the only flrysrstill allswed in cþretter s93S ñ53É ffilfl IB Alrnost Il5 sf deaths in Klng County are caused by srnoking. Sorne $rûups âü€ irnpacted rnsre than others. Yauth tobacco usê ls llrcree*lng &Imüs in Nearly I in 5 students in Xång County were usinE a tobacco product in 2Ol4 I lcen Þy Går1 ¡dhùc'fi l-¡t CtEarotte usø ïar¡nfi ht race & sthnicitf E-clgarattr Lrse ¿lmüng str¡dents i¡wnased nearly 4 times The gap in s¡"noking rates tretween lotu and high insffiie edultr rryidcned il frorrr ?CIOt to 2ü14 2114 a 30./t lnw lncsrne Artrerican l*rJian #,.A{¡ska Notiv* t ?7% i-ilt,ll literlutü Srnoking rates ars dilhle fnr geF & ls$irlt$ " 't / tì; ; .) /t", f,,;i.litr;rr-'iiI ü'lativc, Hawaii,¡n & F¿clfic BstündÉr Latino{a} E Åslan' Ur'i;,i;' :'l I i ¡rf ¡i i:' ¡, t ,-: I r t' aii ï1r 3? [* tf !l1t 33,ffiooo For more lnformation and findings visit. ',vrn".t,.t itr¡¡c'rutttl. ílûu,/dEFts j'hsælth ¡ srrr+kir.,¡1.,r t,rhacco r,,rgor¡ d.:ta '¡ot{ t'.il ¡lromx*¡l¡n nnnra ncul¡t Itlmll molE¡lú+lÞ rflFlr"dl5rËttlrllìüt.å!trn rroñìanrÎlûli d¡t¡ ¡hsrrn¡ ûe d¡t¡ cur'rrü rwÞbþ fw t¡nl p¡sFa¡tfl r436 There sre large dlsparltles ln adult tsbacco uee 26ït ?196 t5N t9 EXHIBIT E - POLICY SAMPLES ORDINANCE EXAMPLE: CITY OF TACOMA. WA (METRO PARKS TACOMA) ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO.27841 BY RESUEST OF COUNCIL MEMBERS LADENBURG, STRICKLAND, AND TALBERT AN ORDINANCE reloting to the pork code; omending Chopter 8.27 of the Tocomo Municipol Code, prohibiting smoking in oll City porks, WHEREAS the City's porks ore intended for the heolthy enjoyment of oll citizens, including children ond youth, ond WHEREAS Metro Porks Tocomo stoff hos reported thot smoking ond tobocco use in porks hos resulted in litter of cigorette butts, cigor butts, ond other tobocco-reloted woste, which studies hove shown con couse environmentol degrodotion ond pose o heolth risk to children ond onimols, ond WHEREAS the City Council, through its Public Sofety, Humon Services ond Educotion Committee. received testimony from representotives of the Tocomo-Pierce County Heolth Deportment thot smoking ond tobocco use, including secondhond smoke, hos been linked with the development of lung concer. heort otfock. low birth weight, bronchitis, pneumonio, osthmo, chronic respirotory problems, ond eye ond nosol irrifotion, ond WHEREAS studies hove shown thot children ond youth exposed to smoking ond tobocco use ore more likely to smoke when they get older, ond WHEREAS mony porks in the City contoin brush ond trees, which con be combustible, porticulorly in the dry summer months, ond the porks do not contoin focilities for disposing of tobocco producls ond tobocco products thot ore not completely extinguished pose on increosed risk of fire, ond WHEREAS, in spring 2009, Metro Porks Tocomo, olong with Tocomo-Pierce County Public Heolth, requested thot the Public Sofety, Humon Services ond Educotion Committee ("Commiltee") exomine the issue of o citywide bon of smoking in oll public porks within the Cily limits of Tocomo in order to promote public heolth ond sofety. ond WHEREAS, on June 25,2OO9, ond Augusl 13, 2009, the Committee discussed the item ond deliberoted on the policy objectives ond the scope of the policy before deciding upon the policy gools of public heolth, litter concerns, ond fire dongers in the ordinonce, ond WHEREAS the Committee gove o "do poss" recommendotion for the oll-encompossing smoking bon in City porks, WHEREAS, if implemented, the proposed ordinonce will require "No Smoking" signoge to be in ploce in order to be effective, ond WHEREAS the City will be responsible for oll municipolly owned pork signoge; Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CIW OF TACOMA: Secfion L Thot Chopter 8,27 of the Tocomo Municipol Code is omended, os set forth in the ottoched Exhibitr¡A.rl EXHIBIT "A'' 8.27.085 Smoking in porks prohibited. It is unlowful for ony person to smoke or light cigors, cigorettes, tobocco, or other smoking moteriol within o pcrrk. The Director or Cily Monoger sholl post signs in oppropriote locotions, prohibiting smoking in porks, 20 For the purposes of this section, "smoke" or "smoking" meons the corrying. holding, or smoking of ony kind of lighted pipe, cigor, cigorette, or ony other lighted smoking equipment. A violotion of this section is o closs 4 civil infroction S25, not including stotutory ossessments. Such penolty is in oddition to ony other remedies or penolties provided by low. NON.ORDINANCE E)GMPLE: CITY OF TUMWATER.WA ORDINANCE A RESOLUTION of the Cify Councilof the City of Tumwoter Woshington urging pork users to reftoin from using tobocco products in ollcity owned pork focilities WHEREAS, tobocco reloted diseose is the number one couse of deoth to Woshington residents, killing more people thon AIDS, olcohol, cor, occidents, fires, illegol drugs, murders, ond suicides combinéd; ond WHEREAS the Environmentol Protection Agency hos clossified secondhond smoke os o Group A humon corcinogen ond lherefore concludes thot secondhond smoke is o risk to non-smokers; ond WHEREAS. there is no sofe level of exposure to secondhond smoke ond even brief exposure con couse immediote horm; ond WHEREAS, cigorette butts pose o significonl litter burden; ihey ore the lorgest source of outdoor recreotion trosh in porks ond the single most littered item in the world, reports from jurisdictions with tobocco policies in ploce indicote o dromotic reduction in litter ond subsequently moinlenonce costs; ond WHEREAS, odults ore often role models for young people. ond odults who smoke set o bod exomple for youlh; And WHEREAS, it is in the Ciiy s interest ond the interests of pork users to be owore of the risks posed by secondhond smoke, ond to ocknowledge the desirobility of odults providing good role models for kids; ond WHEREAS. opproximotely B0 percent of Thurston County residents do not smoke; ond WHEREAS, the City encouroges the use of porks focilities in o sofe ond heolthy monner, ond the Porks ond Recreotion Deportment ond City Council hove recommended the instollotion of signoge requesting voluntory complionce of pork potrons not to smoke; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOTVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUMWATER AS FOLIOWS: Section L The Tumwoter Porks ond Recreotion Deportment is hereby requested to instoll signoge of oll porks owned by the City of Tumwoter urging pork users to voluntorily comply with the request to refroin from using tobocco producls while visiting Tumwoter porks, Seclion 2. Rqlificotion. Any oct consistent with the outhority ond prior to the effective dote of this Resolution is hereby rotified ond offirmed. Section 3. Severobilily. The provisions of this Resolution ore declored seporote ond severoble. The involidity of ony clouse, sentence, porogroph, subdivision, section, or portion of this Resolution or the involidity of lhe opplicotion thereof lo ony person or circumstonce, sholl not offect the volidity of the remoinder of the Resolution or the volidity of its opplicolion to other persons or circumstonces, Section 4. Effective Dole. This Resolution sholl become effective immediotely upon odoption ond signoture provided by low, ADOPTED this lóth doy of October 2007. 21 EXHIBIT F - SIGNAGE SAMPLES rÌ :lil ! ir.,ti':, 1:,i:3¡!ì.: i:1 t ar¡ìr:, TOBÀCCO FAC15 -j tn.-ono.ot* --ri form.lr&.ô ,rrD *-'-"'--^'' % ef NC high Kh@lsù&ÃtJ Þ!ó ù{êrùr.ı ift.ô¡sd Lm ¿t.6%ù ¿Olì b29./%ñ 20ìl i{:i"kr:i:r O% Anóldà..o PùÉ se! iñ Mwo Slo'r ¡sBdð tobccêÍ€ i¡*.dtu.e ú'h DivMcl Pdtr c¡d R¿c.¿oriô. ø.y. wôwú¡i !oÈoøo heilhf ¡wrudrêr rd rs lo !¡ìoy ø dt. lo.e4æe@Ea ro¡ecnd-tu¡dft¡o ôdhbr rmr¿&ccoùP.,ıqo Glnodl Filvül6 ro dvñloù 'etó rm!rrc r&coú&Sot.d rù€côtæMsr rdhy@rhêþ,re1éF;qo' ì - . Fk.erdr@! E Ê Ð *å** ALL FARKS AHD HATUßAL *REAS ARF SIIIOI(E & TOBACCO FREË For lt.oþ qullllng: t.Þ&t.ou¡Î.NotT {1.Þ!'J,794_066t) {d | $$5 oËJËLÕ-YÀ 1r Ê55.¡3535€ åâr -) Htllþhãl¡B&lÈ-{¡v tr]æMrrc FSþW TOBÀCCO.FREE PåRKS COUNIY OFBIñÀ!\lCE h¿i.¡ùu'96¡ryod¡ÈE..rrrir 6rô la 2ols @ HEALTHY LUI{GS AT e@ \ PLAY! z0ilE Tlils ts A SIIOKE.TREE Mâde pors¡ble with CDCf!nding. @P*¿* æ oftotÀccô.¡¡Êt ¡À8x3, SENEFIIS ¿Â¿hró {rË THIS PARK IS ^a a WE APPRECIATE YOUR COOPERAÎION Prrblic: ttc¡llhl.fl '.,'',. - ''' -.'',,,''. lÉt LBurien'tl,¿'. Êeú^ ù A,ha¿î"..b ,QUIT? ti,:¡ó.1 ii..i I ,1"{,il,5 i..t.',¡Ì,I +',t .'' 11.::!; i:i"[ ''' i,1ii1, wÊfroill (- Smoke and tobacco-free parks help keep kids healthy. Lel! {Jel oul iìnc pld\,' I IA*'.-"' Ve¡R^ \Ér.nEÀrìoñ ,¿ .:J l. 6 f9ff.Y:l íÐ)73t-92Ð.eilald¡conr