HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks & Recreation Commission - 01/24/2017 Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Commissioners: Chair Annie Sieger, Co-Chair Zandria Michaud, Annette Bailes, Dan Barrett, Randy Furukawa, Kendrick Glover, Kari, Hedrick, Wayne Jensen, Richard Minutoli, Erika Overall, Jennifer Ritchie, Jaleen Roberts, Lacey Seaton,Tye Whitfield, Yuriy Zaremba Director: Julie Parascondola, CPRP January 24, 2017 6:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to Order / Roll Call - Annie Sieger 01 2. Changes to Agenda - Annie Sieger 01 3. Accept Meeting Notes dated 12/1/2016 YES Annie Sieger 05 4. Introduction of New Parks Director NO Julie Parascondola 05 5. Introduction of New Commissioners (both existing and new) NO Julie Parascondola 15 6. Election of New Officers YES Annie Sieger 15 7. Confirmation of Meeting Date and Time YES Julie Parascondola 15 8. Youth Initiative Update NO Julie Parascondola 25 9. YMCA Update NO Julie Parascondola 10 10. Announcements NO All 10 The Communications Subcommittee meets immediately after the regular meeting. Unless otherwise noted, the Parks and Recreation Commission meet the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Centennial Building, First Floor Conference Rooms, at 400 West Gowe Street, Kent, Washington 98032. For additional information or questions regarding the agenda, please contact Teri Petrole at 253-856-5101 or tpetrole@kentwa.gov 1 Parks and Recreation Commission Summary of Meeting Notes December 1, 2016 1. Call to Order/Roll Call 2. Commissioners present: Annette Bailes, Dan Barrett, Kari Hedrick, Richard Johnson, Zandria Michaud, Jaleen Roberts, Annie Saurwein, Megan Stevens, Tye Whitfield 3. Commissioners absent: Randy Furukawa, Kendrick Glover, Wayne Jensen, Jorge Ramos, Tanda Topps, Yuriy Zaremba, Brayden Seims 4. Staff present: Merina Hanson, Parks Human Services Manager/Interim Co-director; Garin Lee, Parks Operations Superintendent/Interim Co- director; Teri Petrole, Recorder 5. Guests present: Laura Johnson, YMCA of Greater Seattle; Sandy Pedersen, Kent Parks Foundation 6. Changes to Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. 7. Meeting Notes dated June 28 and July 26, 2016 Meeting notes from September 29, 2016 and October 27, 2016 minutes were accepted as amended. 8. YMCA Presentation and Q&A Laura Johnson from the YMCA spoke about the YMCA organization and the partnership with the city. The YMCA has hosted tours at Morrill Meadows Park as part of their fundraising and public outreach efforts. Access to aquatic facilities and programming is a key benefit sought by city and community stakeholders. The YMCA’s goal is collaboration with existing programs and services in the community, not competition or replacement. Commissioners inquired about topics ranging from educational and enrichment options for youth, programming logistics, project timelines, the Y’s own fundraising goals and efforts, and process transparency. It was noted that, in addition to being a community gathering and recreation space, the wide variety of services that the YMCA can offer youth and adults includes academic programs and social support guidance. Commissioners viewed the preferred preliminary design that was presented to City Council (attached). Garin reiterated that the conceptual design remains open to further modification, based on public input yet to be collected from an additional online survey. 2 9. 2017-2018 Biennial Budget Update The budget will be presented to the Operations Committee for recommendation before going to council for approval on December 13. Commissioners are strongly encouraged to attend the December 13 council meeting. Councilmembers can still request amendments to the budget before final authorization. Annie announced a potential announcement from one of the council members regarding a different source for capital funding. Garin listed some of the things affecting the Parks Department portion such as staffing, the change in the RFA facility status and the sale of the Par 3 property. The budget reflects some department-level changes. Responsibilities for street trees will transfer entirely to the Public Works department, as part of sidewalk maintenance. Park Operations will assume maintenance responsibility on some "gateway" areas and trail-like spaces, currently maintained by Public Works. 10. Property Updates The properties on Naden Avenue have been authorized for sale, due diligence is currently underway. Lease negotiations with UPRR are currently awaiting a property appraisal. The city has some options in mind for reassessing the property. Council authorized the Martin property acquisition to proceed with a purchase and sales agreement. This property will complete the physical connection of Morrill Meadows and East Hill Parks. The Lower Russell Road Levee project major stakeholders held an initial meeting with a project representative for King County Flood Control District (KCFCD) and the city’s new project representative, Connie Reckord from design firm MacLeod Reckord. A Memo of Understanding (MOU) was finalized between the city and KCFCD, affirming the parties’ positions. 11. Youth Initiative Update Merina noted that some City Council expressed concern about the budget request for a staff position due to a lack of specific job description. Housing and Human Services is currently developing the job description. More information may be available in January. 12. New Parks Director Garin announced that Julie Parascondola from Metro Parks of Tacoma was selected as the new Parks Director. She officially starts on Monday, December 5. Julie has almost 20 years of experience working in parks and recreation. She is eager to meet and begin working with the commission. 13. Communications/Public Outreach Annie reinforced the recent successes in raising awareness of parks in the minds of councilmembers, the mayor and the public. This has resulted in specific budget requests to help fund parks. Though temporary, it represents a significant step toward changing the philosophy about funding Kent’s parks. Discussions are slowly beginning to address long-term, sustainable funding as the value of parks and recreation to the community becomes better understood. 3 Annie is gathering contacts so the commission can communicate with a cohesive, targeted sense to encourage further participation in the commission and its causes. Currently, five positions are open because commissioners Brayden, Megan, RJ, Jorge, and Tanda will no longer be serving. Their service during the commission’s inaugural terms is deeply appreciated by city staff and co- commissioners. The Mayor wrote a letter of gratitude to each of the departing commissioners. All advisory board applications are available on the city's website. 14. Announcements Annie announced that the by-laws need review and revision, suggesting a subcommittee. Commissioners were asked to review them and offer possible edits. Officer elections will take place at the January commission meeting. Tye announced that she will run for City Council in 2017 and is unsure how this will affect her position and service as a Commissioner.