HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations Committee - 08/15/2017Operations Committee Minutes Approved September 5, 2017 Page 1 of 4 Date: August 15, 2017 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers East Attending: Bill Boyce, Les Thomas and Dana Ralph, Chair Agenda: 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Changes to the Agenda. There were no changes to the agenda. 4. Approval of Check Summary Reports dated 7/1/2017 thru 7/15/2017 and 7/16/17 thru 7/31/17. L. Thomas moved to approve the check summary report dated 7/1/2017 thru 7/15/2017 and 7/16/17 thru 7/31/17. B. Boyce seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 5. Approval of Meeting Minutes dated July 18, 2017. B. Boyce moved to approve the Operations Committee meeting minutes dated July 18, 2017. L. Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 6. JDE Professional Services Contracts - Recommend. Information Technology Director Mike Carrington and Systems Manager Curt Ryser made a request to contract the use of Denovo Ventures’ professional services to upgrade the current 9.1 system to version 9.2 along with on-going development and day-to-day operational support of the current JDE system. Denovo has a high-level of knowledge and understanding of the City’s needs from past JDE upgrade efforts that include versions 8.12 in 2008, 9.0 in 2012, and 9.1.5 in 2015. Funding for the 9.2 upgrade was previously approved in the City’s 2016 and 2017 capital budgets to cover the costs. L. Thomas moved to recommend council authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents with Denovo Ventures LLC that will allow the city to contract for professional services in support of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne related projects and operational support subject to approval of the final terms and conditions by the Information Technology Director and the City Attorney in an amount not to exceed $160,000 including applicable Washington State taxes. B. Boyce seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Operations Committee Minutes Approved September 5, 2017 Page 2 of 4 7. Panther Lake Police Substation - Second Amendment to Lease Agreement – Recommend. In Police Chief Ken Thomas’ absence, committee members agreed to move forward the second amendment to the Panther Lake Police Substation. It was noted that all Operations committee members heard the information only item during the August 8th Public Safety committee meeting. Council President Boyce sat in place of Chair Jim Berrios’ excused absence during the Public Safety committee. B. Boyce moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement with PWRP – Kent LLC for a police substation in the Panther Lake Shopping Center, and ratify all acts consistent with the terms of the Second Amendment that occurred after the term of the current lease and prior to the parties’ execution of the Second Amendment. L. Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 8. Consolidating Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Adjustments between April 1, 2017 and June 30, 2017 - Recommend. Finance Deputy Director Barbara Lopez asked members to move forward the second quarter technical gross budget adjustment ordinance reflecting an overall budget increase of $15,418,350. Of that amount, $11,330,840 was previously approved by Council for the following items: $4,544,020 Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant for 224th - 228th corridor; $4,350,000 FMSIB grant for the BNSF grade separation project; $250,000 TIB grant for complete streets project on Meeker Street; $250,080 WRR and LHWMP recycling grants; $58,990 grant for a new DUI court, and; $22,000 WATPA grant for police equipment. Another $1,855,750 adjustment is a technical accounting change to move Business and Occupation (B&O) funds between projects and re-classify those funds as capital or non-capital for street use. Adjustments totaling $4,087,510 have not been previously approved by Council. Of that amount adjustments include: $2,800,000 to budget additional 2017 B&O revenue ($1.4 million records transfer of the funding to the project and an additional $1.4 million establishes the project budget to complete the work); $810,700 in liability insurance claims paid over our deductible that were subsequently reimbursed by our insurance carrier; $275,360 to budget salary increases for AFSCME, Teamsters and non-represented employees, and; $201,450 to budget supplies and services for two new divisions in the IT department, Project Management Office and SI Development. L. Thomas moved to recommend Council approve the consolidating budget adjustment ordinance for adjustments made between April 1, 2017 and June 30, 2017, reflecting an overall budget increase of $15,418,350. B. Boyce seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Operations Committee Minutes Approved September 5, 2017 Page 3 of 4 9. 2017 Q2 Financial Status Report – Information Only. Finance Director Aaron BeMiller supplied information to the second quarter financial report which is much of the same information that was presented in the June 2017 Financial report. Highlights from the General Fund six-year forecast include:  An allowance for three new Police positions and one other General Fund position each year beginning in 2019, o Average cost per position $115,000, total cost of $460,000 annually  Sales Tax shift from Capital Resources Fund beginning in 2019  Reduced Street Fund Subsidy from General Fund to $1 million per year beginning in 2019  Continuance of 2 percent internal utility tax in 2021 ≈ $1.5 million reallocated to general operations  Use of banked property tax capacity: o $2.37 million in 2018 o $1.72 million in 2020 o $1.90 million in 2021  Additional $500,000 in revenues for potential marijuana and card rooms beginning in 2019  Assumes constant revenue growth Best practice is to report finances quarterly, the City does this monthly. Mr. BeMiller asked members to consider how they would like to move forward with receiving information by continuing the current monthly report with presenting the final year-end report in March/April of the following year and/or move towards quarterly reports. 10. June 2017 Financial Report – Information Only. Mr. BeMiller reported an overall positive budget variance of $2.5 million. The 2017 budget reflects an expected use of $2.4 million of fund balance, including $2 million for Parks capital projects. The budgeted use of fund balance is offset by the positive budget variance of $2.5 million, creating a net surplus of $42,000. General Fund Reserves are estimated to end the year at $17.1 million, or 17.9 percent of estimated 2017 expenditures. The following highlights were reported: Revenues are estimated to end the year at nearly $1.8 million (2 percent) higher than budgeted. Expenditures through June show all departments are remaining fairly close to budget with an overall favorable budget variance of $643,000 or 0.7 percent. Operations Committee Minutes Approved September 5, 2017 Page 4 of 4 11. Director’s Report – Information Only. Mr. BeMiller supplied a brief status update to the ongoing financial audit by the State Auditor’s Office (SAO). The SAO has determined there are no findings regarding the Public Facilities District (PFD) financials, this completes the PFD audit. Regarding the City’s Brownfield grant, there is a strong suspicion there might be two findings: the first concern being the suspension and disbarment document that requires initials and date that cannot be located, the second being the grant’s required cost analysis and a difference of opinion in how it’s being interpreted between city staff and the SAO. The Finance department is working with the IT department to create a technology procurement work flow, a check list of sorts, to help mitigate the process. 12. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 4:47 p.m. by D. Ralph. J. Hays Jennifer Hays Operations Committee Secretary