HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations Committee - 06/20/2017 (2) Unless otherwise noted, the Operations Committee meets at 4 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month in Kent City Hall, Council Chambers East, 220 Fourth Ave S, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Jennifer Hays at 253-856-5700, or via email at jhays@KentWA.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. Operations Committee Agenda Councilmembers: Bill Boyce – Les Thomas – Dana Ralph, Chair June 20, 2017 4 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 1. Call to order Chair Ralph 1 2. Roll Call Chair Ralph 1 3. Changes to the Agenda Chair Ralph 1 4. Approval of Check Summary Report dated 5/16/17-5/31/17 YES Chair Ralph 5. Approval of Minutes dated June 6, 2017 YES Chair Ralph 2 1 6. ShoWare Point of Sale Replacement Project - Recommend YES Mike Carrington 15 5 7. Community Engagement Coordinator Position – Information Only NO Michelle Wilmot 5 37 8. City Investment Report – Information Only NO Aaron BeMiller Joe Bartlemay 5 39 9. Director’s Report – Information Only NO Aaron BeMiller Joe Bartlemay 10 45 This page intentionally left blank Operations Committee Minutes Approval Pending Page 1 of 3 Date: June 6, 2017 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers East Attending: Les Thomas and Dana Ralph, Chair; Bill Boyce was absent Agenda: 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Changes to the Agenda. There were no changes to the agenda. 4. Approval of Check Summary Reports dated 4/16/2017 thru 4/30/2017 and 5/01/2017 thru 5/15/2017. L. Thomas moved to approve the check summary report dated 4/16/2017 thru 4/30/2017 and 5/01/2017 thru 5/15/2017. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 2-0. 5. Approval of Meeting Minutes dated May 2, 2017. L. Thomas moved to approve the Operations Committee meeting minutes dated May 2, 2017. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 2-0. 6. Amendment to KCC 3.40.040 - Interfund Loans - Recommend. Finance Director Aaron BeMiller asked to amend the previously discussed debt management policy. The updates include changes to the process and requirements for the City to stay compliant when using interfund loans as a funding tool. The three significant changes to Kent City Code section 3.40.040 Interfund Loans include:  delegation of interfund loan approval to the finance director for loans not longer than three calendar months and the Mayor for loans not longer than twelve calendar months,  the requirement of an analysis of the loaning fund(s) to indicate that excess funds are available and the use of those funds will not impact the loaning fund’s current operations or constitute a permanent diversion of funds, and  eliminates the loan duration restriction. 1 Operations Committee Minutes Approval Pending Page 2 of 3 In general, interfund loans can be a more cost effective means to fund capital items and is usually much quicker when done in-house. L. Thomas moved to recommend Council adopt an ordinance that amends Kent City Code 3.40.040 to update the City’s interfund loan policies and procedures, and to delegate to the Finance Director and the Mayor approval of certain short-term interfund loans without council action. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 2-0. 7. April Financial Report – Information Only. Mr. BeMiller reported an overall positive budget variance of $1.7 million. The 2017 budget reflects an expected use of $2.4 million of fund balance, including $2 million for Parks capital projects. The budgeted use of fund balance is offset by the positive budget variance of $1.7 million, reducing the estimated actual use of fund balance to less than $700,000. General Fund Reserves are estimated to end the year at $16.4 million, or 17.0 percent. The following highlights were reported: Revenues are estimated to end the year at nearly $1.7 million (1.6 percent) higher than budgeted while miscellaneous revenues are estimated to come in $330,000 higher than budgeted. Expenditures through April show all departments are remaining fairly close to budget. 8. Director’s Report – Information Only. Mr. BeMiller’s final update included information on two topics, they are: The June 20 fiscal cliff workshop discussion will be used to roll-out the 2018 budget process. Finance staff will be organizing meetings with Mayor Cooke and Chief Administrative Officer Derek Matheson to discuss where the City is at. While 2018 is a mid-biennium adjustment year it is not expected to be easy with work to be done. The State Auditor’s Office (SAO) has been on-site conducting the 2016 annual audit. A conversation has been scheduled with the SAO to discuss the treatment used on the 2016 refunding with the elimination of the Public Facilities District sales tax debt and transferring it to the City. There is a difference of opinion of how it should be accounted for. 2 Operations Committee Minutes Approval Pending Page 3 of 3 13. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 4:21 p.m. by D. Ralph. J. Hays Jennifer Hays Operations Committee Secretary 3 This page intentionally left blank 4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Mike Carrington, Director Phone: 253-856-4607 Fax: 253-856-4700 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: June 20, 2017 TO: Operations Committee FROM: Michael Carrington, Information Technology Director SUBJECT: ShoWare Point of Sale Replacement Project MOTION: Recommend Council to authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to enter into an agreement with Siriusware/Accesso to replace the existing Point of Sale system, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Information Technology Director, and the City Attorney, for a total amount not to exceed $455,000. SUMMARY: The City of Kent owns the property "ShoWare Center Arena" contracting with (SMG) for the management of the property. SMG, partnering with the City of Kent, will be replacing the existing POS system, including the primary POS application, POS hardware, Credit Card EMV Chip Card Readers and mobile devices with the addition of server/storage/database solutions. The project will strive for a turnkey installation responsible for all aspects of verification of requirements by IT/Finance and SMG, and installation of server/storage/database solution comprised onsite standing servers. EXHIBITS: A) Vendor Master Agreement B) Vendor Proposal BUDGET IMPACT: Funding for this system has been approved in the City’s 2017 capital budget to cover the $400,000 cost. Item Price Hardware $168,699.58 Software $147,000.00 Implementation and Training $21,250.00 Technical Support $26,550.00 Subtotal $363,499.58 Tax $ 36,349.95 (10% tax) Total $ 399,849.53 5 KENT CITY OF KENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 220 4tt Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-4700 PHONE: 253-856-4600WASHTNGToN Memo to: From: CC: Date: Re: Suzette Cooke, Mayor Annette Pape, Project Manager/Business Analyst Mike Carrington, Information Technology Director April 7, 20L7 Request for Waiver of competitive bid requirement for purchases under KCC 3.70.110(A) for ShoWare Point-of-Sale (POS) System The ShoWare Center operator, SMG, needs a new Point of Sale (POS) system to update and improve its ability to process purchases onsite and over the internet. SMG, on our behalf, has surveyed the potential vendors available to offer a new POS system, and has selected Accesso Siriusware as its preferred vendor. SMG made this choice on several factors including quality and reliability of the software program, ease of use by both operator and purchaser, interoperability with the online ticketing system at ShoWare center, and price. In addition, Accesso, is also the new owner of the ShoWare online ticketing software system currently used at ShoWare Center. Consistency within the ShoWare operations and familiarity across product lines is a distinct benefit to SMG and hence, the city, as the ShoWare Center owner. Finally, we are in negotiations to extend the current naming rights agreement with Accesso/ShoWare, and continuing to use Accesso's ShoWare ticketing program and purchasing its Siriusware POS system will be influential and helpful as we ciose the naming rights agreement, For all these reasons, and after discussions with the city attorney, we feel that negotiation of a direct purchase with Accesso Siriusware meets the city's standards to waive competitive bidding for the new POS hardware/software product because the purchase is subject to special market conditions (unique relationship between the city and Accesso/ShoWare/Siriusware), involves special facilities (ShoWare Center), and is otherwise not in the city's best interests to go out to bid under these circumstances. See Kent City Code 5 3.70.110 (AX2) & (AX3). Thank you very much for your time and consideration on this matter. If you concur with this recommendation, please indicate your approval by signing below. CITY OF K , Maygr /f/ t¿- /,,7 // ette 6 6 accesso ItnAllì ç;riri;i MASTER AGREEMENT Master Agreement No. CITY OF KENT - 2017 rhis Master Agreement No. city of Kent - 2017 (this "Ag_te_e_[_e_$"), dated .2017 (the "Effcç!iyc_gÊle"), is entered into by and between accesso Technology Group plc, a United Kingdom public limited company ("ACCg$o"), whose address for purpose of notices hereunder is Unit 5, The Pavilions, Ruscombe Park, Twyford, Berks RG10 9NN, United Kingdom, Attn:ffi ,;åXJI"":'I,il"XiT^',i',1'Yî,1i:iY;l'.ïlï:,:Í*ï,1î mutual covenants and agreements set forth below, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Customer and Accesso agree as follows: 1 NATURE OF AGREEMENT: Accesso shall provide Services and Software to Customer that may include software, hardware, custom software development, systems integration, maintenance and other services, as described in more detail in executed Sales Orders between Accesso and Customer. This Agreement shall apply to all Services and Software that are provided by Accesso to Customer during the Term of this Agreement including but not limited to Software that is owned or developed by Accesso and licensed to Customer, and third party products that are acquired for Customer by Accesso. 2 DEFINITIONS: As used in this Agreement, subsequent Sales Orders, Statements of Work, and other ancillary documents attached hereto or issued hereunder, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: 2.L Acceptance Date-shall mean the completion date of a successful Acceptance Period, which date has passed. 2.2 Affiliate - shall mean, with respect to any entity, (i) a member, partner, shareholder, owner, trustee, director, employee or executive officer of any such entity, or of any entity identified in clause (ii), and (ii) any other entity that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the specified entity. As used in this definition of Affiliate, "control" shall mean the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of an individual or entity, whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise. 2.3 Confidential lnformation - shall mean any proprietary or confidential information or material that the disclosing party treats as confidential and is (i) disclosed hereunder in tangible form and marked "Confidential" at the time it is delivered or disclosed hereunder to the receiving party, (ii) disclosed orally hereunder and identified as confidential or proprietary when disclosed with such disclosure being confirmed in writing by the disclosing party to the receiving party within thirty (30) days after disclosure, or (iii) disclosed hereunder and known by the receiving party, or under the circumstances should have been known by the receiving party, to be confidential. 2.4 Costs - shall mean the cost of any third party materials andlor services obtained by Accesso in order to perform the Services or develop the applicable Software, including if appropriate, material handling and shipping costs. 2.5 Customer Venue(s) - shall mean the Customer location or locations where the applicable Software to be provided by Accesso may be utilized by Customer as more particularly described in the applicable Sales Order for such Software. 2.6 Deliverable - shall mean any items to be delivered or provided by Accesso under the terms of this Agreement or any Sales Order, including without limitation, the custom software, Services or Documentation. 2.7 Derivative Work - shall mean any computer program or documentation resulting from the modification, recast¡ng, transformation or adaptation of an existing computer program or item of documentation owned or developed by a party, excluding data output of any such computer program. A computer program that uses or operates on data output of another computer program shall not be considered a "Derivative Work" of the original program merely because it uses or operates on such data. 2.8 Development Fee - shall mean the hourly rate invoiced by Accesso and described in more detail in each applicable Sales Order for all Development Services. tÐMAFTtAccesso Master Agreement 7 2.9 Development Services - shall mean the services provided by Accesso in connection with a Sales Order related to alterations, modifications or enhancements to Software, network configuration or any other system infrastructure, or custom report development. z.LO Documentation - shall mean the documentation, instructions, technical data, specifications and user's guides published by Accesso as well as any functional specifications developed by Accesso under this Agreement or any Sales Order. 2,Lt Enhancement - shall mean any Software enhancement requested by Customer in connection with a Sales Order. 2.L2 Hardware - shall mean the hardware identified in the applicable Sales Order pursuant to which the applicable Software is licensed to Customer. Z.L3 lmplementation Requirements - shall mean the requirements for implementation of the applicable Software as set forth in the applicable Sales Order pursuant to which such Software is licensed to Customer. 2.L4 license - shall mean the term license for the applicable Software as described in more detail in the applicable Sales Order pursuant to which such Software license is granted to Customer. For the avoidance of doubt, Customer understands, acknowledges, and agrees that the License is a term license existing and unless earlier terminated in accordance with the terms, provisions, and conditions of this Agreement and/or the applicable Sales Order pursuant to which such License is granted, shall continue in effect only so long as Customer is paying the applicable Support Services Fee. Z.LS Sales Order - shall mean the executed document (and any attachments and/or exhibits thereto) issued under and governed by this Agreement and that describes the Services, and/or Software to be provided by Accesso 2.L6 Service Fees - shall mean all amounts billed to Customer by Accesso related to the performance of the Services or the development, licensing and/or provision of the applicable Software under this Agreement or any Sales Order, including but not limited to, Support Services Fees and Development Fees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Service Fees shall not include the travel, lodging, and incidental expenses for Accesso's personnel. Accesso reserves the right to adjust its Service Fees from time to time upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to Customer, or as otherwise provided for in this Agreement and/or any applicable Sales Order. Z.L7 Services - shall mean the services provided by Accesso to Customer pursuant to a Sales Order, including but not limited to, any custom software development, Deliverables, lmplementation Services, Support Services, and Development Services. Z.tB Software - shall mean the applicable baseline computer software in object code (or Source Code forms, if applicable) licensed, owned or developed by Accesso for which Customer is granted a License pursuant to a software license Sales Order issued under this Agreement, as well as Enhancements and Updates provided by Accesso to Customer under a Sales Order, and any firmware (including third party products) provided hereunder by Accesso to Customer. z.Lg Software Price - shall mean the price for the purchase of the License for the applicable Software as set forth in the applicable Sales Order pursuant to which such Software is licensed to Customer. Z.ZO Software Warranty Standards - shall mean (i) the applicable Software will conform in all material respects to the Specifications, (ii) testing of release versions of the applicable Software will be performed in accordance with standards typical for software testing in the industry, and (iii) the applicable Software, its possession and/or the use thereof permitted under this Agreement and the applicable Sales Order will not infringe any United States patent or United States copyright. Z.2I Source Code - shall mean the textual form of the applicable Software, including written comments and programmer documentation, flow charts, logic diagrams, pseudo code, notations or other supporting writings, regardless of the media on which it is stored, and is intended for translation into an executable or intermediate form, or is intended for direct execution through interpretat¡on. FTA2 Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 8 2.22 Specifications - shall mean all specifications contained in (i) the Documentation, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth herein, and (ii) any attachment or exhibit to the applicable Sales Order for the applicable Software. 2.23 Statement of Work - sha ll mea n the executed docu ment (a nd a ny attach ments and/or exh ibits thereto) issu ed u nder a nd governed by this Agreement and that describes the Services to be provided by Accesso. 2.24 Support Services - shall mean support for the applicable Software as more particularly described in and provided by Accesso pursuant to a Sales Order. 2.25 Support Services Fee - shall mean the fee invoiced by Accesso pursuant to each applicable Sales Order for any Support Services provided to Customer thereunder. 2.26 Unauthorized Code - shall mean any virus, Trojan horse, worm, or other software routines or hardware components designed to permit unauthorized access; to disable, erase, or otherwise harm software, hardware, or data; or to perform any other harmful actions. The term Unauthorized Code does not include Self-Help Code. 2.27 Updates - shall mean any subsequent updates of the applicable Software developed in connection with a particular Sales Order and which are generally made available to Customer at no additional charge as part of the Support Services as determined by Accesso in its sole discretion. Updates shall not include additional Enhancements, future products, modules or major version releases that Accesso licenses separately. Customer may license new version releases of the applicable Software from Accesso upon execution of a mutually agreeable Sales Order. 3 SALES ORDERS: Accesso will perform the Services, deliver the applicable Software, andlor provide access to the applicable Software as set forth in mutually agreed upon Sales Orders executed from time to time by Customer and Accesso during the Term of this Agreement. Neither Customer nor Accesso shall have any obligation to enter into any particular Sales Order, and each may choose to accept or not accept, in each party's sole discretion, any proposed Sales Order. The parties acknowledge and agree that changes affecting scope, cost and other activities regarding Software or Services shall be implemented by a mutually agreed upon project change request and may require the execution of one or more additional Sales Orders and/or Statements of Work. Customer understands, acknowledges and agrees that Accesso may discharge all and any of its duties and/or obligations under this Agreement and/or any Sales Order through any Affiliate of Accesso. 4 STATEMENTS OF WORK: Accesso will perform the Services as set forth in mutually agreed upon Statements of Work executed from time to time by Customer and Accesso during the Term of this Agreement. Neither Customer nor Accesso shall have any obligation to enter into any particular Statement of Work, and each may choose to accept or not accept, in each party's sole discretion, any proposed Statement of Work. 5 FEES AND PAYMENT TERMS 5.1 All monetary amounts referenced in this Agreement and/or any Sales Order shall be in the currency identified on the applicable Sales Order. Accesso's invoices and Customer's payments under this Agreement and/or any Sales Order shall be executed in the currency identified on the applicable Sales Order. Customer shall payAccesso upon being invoiced for all amounts due under this Agreement or any Sales Order, including but not limited to, all Service Fees, Costs, ODCs and applicable sales or use taxes. lf a price is identified in a Sales Order as an est¡mate, Customer shall have no obligation to make any payment to Accesso in excess of the total estimated price, and Accesso shall have no obligation to continue to perform work beyond the total estimated price, even if the Services have not been completed or the results desired by Customer have not been achieved. The parties may, by mutual written agreement, increase.the total estimated price. The amount to be paid to Accesso for Services performed which exceed a price estimate shall be set forth in the applicable Sales Order. Fractional parts of an hour shall be payable on a prorated basis if any Sales Order contains a billable hour rate structure. Unless otherwise stated in a specific Sales Order, the labor hour billing rates set forth in a Sales Order shall be effective through such Sales Order's stated term. Accesso will use commercially reasonable efforts to achieve Customer's desired results within any total estimated price set forth in a Sales Order, however, Customer understands, acknowledges, and agrees that any stated amount is an estimate only, and not a guarantee that Customer's desired results can be achieved for such estlmated amount. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, in the event any Sales Order is issued hereunder in a currency other than USD, Accesso shall have the right to adjust the ffiAFlI3 iì Ir Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 9 appl¡cable exchange rate upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to Customer if Accesso determines, in its sole but reasonable discretion, that the such exchange rate has increased by ten percent (10%) or more; provided, however, Accesso shall not make adjustments to any exchange rate more than once in any twelve (12) month period. 5.2 Customer shall reimburse Accesso for all reasonable other direct costs ("qg_Cs") which shall include but are not limited to travel and associated living expenses, copying, overnight deliveries, shipping, leased hardware for Customer's specific environments, and set up charges for leased hardware expenses incurred in connection with providing the applicable Software and performing Services. Unless otherwise specified in a Sales Order, Customer acknowledges and agrees to reimburse Accesso for Accesso's travel and associated living expenses in accordance with the rates set forth on the Travel and Living Reimbursement Policy attached hereto as Exhibit A. 5.3 Unless otherwise specified in a Sales Order, Accesso shall provide a monthly invoice to Customer for all Service Fees, Costs, and ODCs incurred by Accesso pursuant to this Agreement or any Sales Order, together with applicable taxes. Customer shall designate in each Sales Order a Customer representative and his or her contact information, including electronic mail address, to accept and process Accesso's invoices. Customer shall notify Accesso in writing within five (5) business days of any change in contact information for the Customer representative. 5.4 Unless otherwise specified in a Sales Order and/or subject to the provisions contained in Section 5.5, amounts invoiced to Customer are due and payable by Customer within thirty (30) days of the date of such invoice. lf Customer fails to pay the total of any invoiced amount within thirty (30) days of such invoice, (i) interest compounded at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum, shall be charged on all amounts unpaid and outstanding and (ii) Accesso shall have the right, in addition to its other rights and remedies, to suspend all and any (a) further performance of the Services (including without limitation, Support Services), (b) license for, subscription, access to, or further delivery of Software hereunder or pursuant to all or any Sales Orders issued hereunder, which suspension shall continue until Accesso has received the full outstanding amount due pursuant to this Section 5.4. ln such event, Customer shall directly assume all liabilities to any third parties for Costs incurred by Accesso on behalf of Customer or at Customer's request and shall indemnify Accesso for the same. ln the event of a monetary default by Customer, it agrees to pay Accesso all costs of collection which shall include, but are not limited to, all reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses, and costs charged by a collection agency, incurred at anystage of the proceeding, including investigation, trial, appeal, arbitration and bankruptcy. 5.5 Customer may, in good faith, dispute, in whole or in part, any invoice submitted hereunder and withhold payment of any disputed port¡on so long as it shall, within fifteen (15) days of the date of the invoice, give written notice to Accesso of such dispute, stating the amount in dispute, the basis of the dispute, and pay the undisputed amount pursuant to the terms hereof. ln such circumstances, Customer's failure to pay a disputed amount shall not constitute a breach or default hereunder and will not result in the discontinuance of Services or application or accrual of late charges or penalties for the disputed amount. 5.6 Customer agrees that, unless otherwise expressly specified in a Sales Order, its purchases are not contingent on Accesso's delivery of any future functionality or features, or dependent on any oral or written public comments made by Accesso and/or its Affiliates regarding future functionality or features of any Software. Additional functionality will not be added to any applicable Software without negotiation, and if added, may require Customer's payment of additional fees to Accesso. 5.7 Customer understands, acknowledges and agrees that Accesso shall have the right, upon written notice to Customer, to adjust all and any Service Fees set forth in any Sales Order upon the anniversary ofthe Effective Date ofsuch Sales Order. Such adjustment shall not exceed the greater of (a) three percent (3%l of the applicable Service Fees, or (b) the percent increase in the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price lndex, U.S. City Average, for all Urban Consumers, othergoods and services ('82-'84 = 100) (the "CPI-U lndex") between the annual averages of the most recently published twelve (12) month period and the immediately preceding twelve (1-2) month period. For the avoidance of doubt, the term "service Fees" shall not include ODCs and/or Costs. 6 CUSTOMERRESPONSIBILITIES: 6.1 Customer shall provide, maintain and make available to Accesso, at Customer's expense and in a timely manner, the following resources, and such other additional resources or information, as Accesso may from time to time reasonably FT4Å Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 10 request in connection with Accesso's performance of the Services: 6.L.L Qualified Customer personnel or representatives who will be designated by Customer to consult with Accesso on a regular basis and provide information necessary to perform the Services; 6.L.2 Access to Customer's premises and appropriate workspace for Accesso personnel at Customer's premises as necessary for performance of any Services to be performed at Customer's premises; and 6.1.3 All resources requested by Accesso in a Sales Order 7 CONFIDENTIAIITY: 7-l Confidential lnformation. Except as expressly provided herein, the parties agree that the receiving party shall keep completely confidential and shall not publish or otherwise disclose and shall not use for any purpose, except as expressly authorized by this Agreement, any Confidential lnformation furnished to it by the disclosing party, except to the extent that the receiving party can establish by competent proof that such Confidential lnformation (i) was already known to the receiving party, other than under an obligation of confidentiality, at the time of disclosure, (ii) was generally available to the pu blic or otherwise pa rt of the pu blic domain at the time of its disclosu re to the receiving pa rty, (iii) beca me genera lly available to the public or otherwise part of the public domain after its disclosure and other than through any act or omission of the receiving party in breach of this Agreement, (iv) was subsequently lawfully disclosed to the receiving party by a person other than a party hereto, or (v) was independently developed by the receiving party without reference to any information communicated to the receiving party by the disclosing party. 7.2 PermittedUseandDisclosure. Eachpartymayusetheotherparty'sConfidential lnformationonlytotheextentrequired to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement. Each party may disclose the other party's Confidential lnformation (i) to the extent such disclosure is required by law, or court order, provided, however, that if either party is required to make any such disclosure of the other party's Confidential lnformation and it is legally permissible to do so, such party will give reasonable advance notice to the other party of such disclosure and will use commercially reasonable efforts to secure confidential treatment of such information prior to its disclosure (whether through a protective order or otherwise), or (ii) to its employees, agents, consultants and other representat¡ves to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, so long as such persons are under an obligation of confidentiality no less stringent than as set forth herein. Each party shall use at least the same standard of care as it uses to protect its own Confidential lnformation to ensure that its employees, agents, consultants and other representatives do not disclose or make any unauthorized use of the other party's Confidential lnformation. Each party shall promptly notify the other party upon discovery of any unauthorized use or disclosure of the other party's Confidential lnformation. Upon termination of this Agreement or at any time upon the demand of the disclosing party for any reason, the receiving party promptly shall return to the disclosing party or, at the disclosing party's option, destroy and certify the destruction of, all tangible materials (and all copies thereof) that disclose or embody the disclosing party's Confidential lnformation. ln the event of such a decision or demand, all Confidential lnformation prepared by the receiving party based on Confidential lnformation provided by the disclosing party shall be returned to the disclosing party and no copy thereof shall be retained. 7.3 Public Disclosure. ln the event that either party desires to issue a press release containing the other party's name, logo, trademark (collectively hereinafter "Mark") or copyrighted materials, or use the other party's Mark or copyrighted materials in any published materials, the party desiring to issue the release or use the other party's name (the "Reouestinq Partv") shall first provide the proposed press release or other materials to the other party (the "PgM!I!_!g Partv") for review and approval, which approval may be withheld in the Permitting Party's sole and exclusive discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may disclose, without the consent of the other party, the existence of the other party as a customer or technology service provider, as applicable. 7.4 Confidential Terms. EachpartyagreesthatthetermofthisAgreementaretheConfidential lnformationofeachparty. Except as expressly provided herein, or required by applicable law (and then subject to Section 7.21, each party agrees not to disclose any of the terms of this Agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party, provided, however, that either party may disclose the terms of this Agreement without such consent to actual or prospective investors or corporate partners or to its accountants, attorneys and other professional advisors. IilAFT5 ¡l ii Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 11 8 CUSTOMER DATA: Accesso acknowledges that any data (electronic or otherwise), electronic data processing media, papers or other tangible personal property furnished by Customer to Accesso or otherwise received by Accesso in connection with Accesso's provision of Software andlor Services to Customer is and shall remain the sole property of Customer (the "Ç-USlqlgt Data"). Accesso shall not disclose or use Customer Data for any purposes other than to carry out the purposes for which Customer disclosed the Customer Data to Accesso, or as permitted by this Agreement and Accesso shall take commercially reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of Customer Data that comes into Accesso's possession, however, Accesso assumes no liability for any Customer Data once transported onto a non-Accesso managed communication network, including, but not limited to the lnternet or any third party system. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Customer acknowledges and agrees that Accesso may aggregate Customer Data with data from other customers of Accesso and/or its Affiliates for purposes of monitoring trends in the industry and Accesso's use and disclosure of such aggregated Customer Data shall not constitute a breach of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, so long as such Customer Data is sanitized so that Customer is not identified as the source of the information. 9 INTETTECTUA!PROPERTY: 9.1 Customer and Accesso shall each retain ownership of, and all right, title and interest in and to, their respective, pre- existing intellectual property and any Derivative Works created from such intellectual property (the "Preexisting lntellectual Propertv"), and no license therein, whether express or implied, is granted by this Agreement or as a result of the Services performed hereunder, except as set forth in Section 9.2 of this Agreement. 9.2 Accesso shall take title to and ownership of all intellectual property rights in any Deliverable developed by Accesso (including w¡thout limitation, copyrights and patent rights, any invention (whether patentable or not), work of authorship, or other intellectual property). 9.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement and/or any Sales Order to the contrary, in the event that any Deliverable is developed jointly by Accesso and Customer, then such Deliverable shall be owned by Accesso, and any copyright and patent rights relating to the same shall be held in the name of Accesso. Customer hereby forever, irrevocably and unconditionally sells, assigns, transfers and conveys to Accesso all rights, title and interest in and to any such jointly developed Deliverable, including but not limited to all patents, copyrights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights therein, worldwide, without exception. 9.4 Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent Accesso from utilizing any general know-how, techniques, ideas, concepts, algorithms, or other knowledge acquired or developed during the performance of this Agreement, on behalf of itself and/or its other Customers. Accesso may perform the same or similar services for others, provided that any Confidential lnformation of Customer is treated in accordance with Section 7 of this Agreement. Except as specifically set forth in Section 9 of this Agreement, or expressly set forth in a Sales Order, Customer shall have no rights to any intellectual property of Accesso (whether Accesso's Preexisting lntellectual Property or intellectual property hereafter developed). 9.6 Customer agrees not to use any Software licensed by Accesso to Customer in any way beyond the scope of this Agreement, and the License pursuant to which such Software is licensed to Customer, and to take all reasonable steps to protect the Software and Documentation from theft or from use by others contrary to the terms of this Agreement and the applicable Sales Order pursuant to which such Software is licensed to Customer, and not to disassemble, decompile, or otherwise reverse engineer such Software. 10 USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING: Unless otherwise provided in a Sales Order, upon completion of the delivery and installation of the applicable Software or any Enhancement, Accesso shall give Customer written notice that such Software or the Enhancement materially conforms to the Documentation. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice (the "Aççeple-!le-Pg-fþ-d"), Customer must either accept the applicable Software or Enhancement, or provide Accesso with a written response detailing the areas in which such Software or Enhancement has failed to perform materially in accordance with the Documentation (the "!EeI Acceptance Testing"). Customer's failure to respond within the Acceptance Period will be deemed to be Customer's acceptance of the applicable Software or Enhancement. Customer will not unreasonably withhold, delay or condition its complet¡on of User Acceptance Testing. lf Customer provides a written response detailing areas in which the applicable Software or Enhancement has failed to perform materially in accordance with the Documentation, within thirty (30) days of Accesso's receipt of such written rlAFT 9.5 6 li lj Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 12 response, Accesso shall perform any necessary corrections and recertify in writing to Customer that such Software materially conforms to the Documentation, at which time the Acceptance Period will restart, and Customer shall then retest only those areas identified and detailed in writing by Customer where the applicable Software or Enhancement failed to perform materially in accordance with the Documentation. lf, after a reasonable number of repeated efforts, Accesso is unable to correct any material nonconformities preventing acceptance of the applicable Software or Enhancement, Customer's sole remedy will be to accept such Software or Enhancement and reach agreement with Accesso on an equitable adjustment to the amounts payable to Accesso under the applicable Sales Order to reflect the reduced value of such Software or Enhancement resulting from the uncorrected material nonconformities. ll TAXES: Accesso shall be responsible for the proper billing and collection of any and all sales, use, value added, excise, import, privilege or other similar taxes or payments on each invoice submitted to Customer. Customer understands that the services and products provided are taxable for sales tax purposes under Washington state sales tax law. Customer agrees to pay such taxes as invoiced by Accesso in full. L2 PERSONNEL: Personnel will at all times be considered employees or agents of the party providing such personnel and will not for any purpose be considered employees or agents of the other party. Each party shall assume full responsibility for the actions or inactions of the personnel it provides, and shall be solely responsible for the supervision, direction, control, salaries, workers' compensation coverage, disability and other insurance, benefits, and all other obligations required by law relating to its personnel. During the Term of this Agreement and for a period of two (2) years thereafter, Customer shall neither solicit for employment or engagement, nor employ or engage any employee or independent contractor of Accesso. 13 EFFECTIVE DATE, TERM, TERMINATION 13.1 Effective Date, Term. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and, unless otherwise terminated, shall continue in full force and effect so long as at least one (1) Sales Order is in full force and effect (the "Term"). L3.2 Termination by Accesso. L3.2.L For Cause. Accesso may terminate this Agreement or any Sales Order at any time for "cause" by giving Customer written notice of such termination reasonably specifying the grounds therefore. For purposes of this Agreement, "cause" shall mean (i) Customer's breach of or default under any term or provision of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the duty to make payments in accordance with Section 5 of this Agreement or any Sales Order, (ii) Customer's infringement on Accesso's intellectual property (including without limitation, Accesso's Preexisting lntellectual Property) or disclosure of Accesso's Confidential lnformation, except as provided in this Agreement, (iii) Customer's bankruptcy or insolvency, or (¡v) Customer's filing of a petition under any bankruptcy act, receivership statute or similar law or statute, or the filing of such a petition by any third party aga¡nst Customer, or the making of an application for a receiver where such petition or application is not dismissed or otherwise favorably resolved within sixty (60) days. L3.2.2 Cure Period. With respect to a termination pursuant to Section 13.2.1, Customer shall have ninety (90) days (the "Customer Cure Period") from the date that Customer is deemed to have received the written notice given to Customer by Accesso pursuant to this Agreement to cure the grounds for termination described in such written notice. This Agreement shall terminate immediately following the expiration of the Cure Period if Customer fails to cure the grounds for termination during the Cure Period, provided, however, such cure period may be extended in writing by Accesso for a reasonable additional period if, in the judgment of Accesso, such default is capable of prompt cure and appropriate corrective action is instituted by Customer within the Customer Cure Period and Customer diligently pursues such cure. lf Customer engages in conduct that is substantially similar to the conduct for which Customer previously received written notice from Accesso pursuant to Section 13.2.1within twelve (12) months after the day that the original written notice was given to Customer by Accesso, the termination of this Agreement shall be effective as of the date Customer is deemed to have received the subsequent written notice given to Customer by Accesso pursuant to this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to a monetary default or breach, the Customer Cure Period shall be reduced to thirty (30) days, after which if such breach or default is continuing, Accesso may elect to terminate this Agreement and/or any Sales Order or, in its sole discretion, suspend operation of its Services until the debt is fully satisfied. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of cause pursuant to Section 13.2.1(ii) above, Accesso shall have the right to immed¡ately terminate this Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 lii lltmFr7 13 Agreement and/or any or all Sales Orders. l3.3Termination by Customer. 13.4 13.3.1 For Cause. Customer may terminate this Agreement or any Sales Order at any time for "cause" by giving Accesso written notice of such termination, which notice shall contain reasonable specificity of the grounds therefore. For purposes of this Agreement, "cause" shall mean (i) Accesso's breach of or default under any term or provision of this Agreement, (ii) Accesso's infringement on Customer's intellectual property, (including without limitation, Customer's Preexisting Intellectual Property) or disclosure of its Confidential lnformation, (iii) Accesso's bankruptcy or insolvency, or (iv) Accesso's filing of a petition under any bankruptcy act, receivership statute or similar law or statute, or the filing of such a petition by any third party against Customer, or the making of an application for a receiver where such petition or application is not dismissed or otherwise favorably resolved within sixty (60) days. t3.3.2 Cure Period. With respect to a termination pursuant to Section 13.3.1,, Accesso shall have ninety (90) days (the "Accesso Cure Period") from the date that Accesso is deemed to have received the written notice given to Accesso by Customer pursuant to thls Agreement to cure the grounds for termination described in such written notice. This Agreement shall terminate immediately following the expiration of the Accesso Cure Period if Accesso fails to cure the grounds for termination during the Accesso Cure Period, provided, however, such cure period may be extended in writing by Customer for a reasonable additional period il in the judgment of Customer, such default is capable of prompt cure and appropriate corrective action is instituted by Accesso within the Accesso Cure Period and Accesso diligently pursues such cure. lf Accesso engages in conduct that is substantially similar to the conduct for which Accesso previously received written notice from Customer pursuant to Section 13.3.1 within twelve (12) months after the day that the original written notice was given to Accesso by Customer, the termination of this Agreement shall be effective as of the date Accesso is deemed to have received the subsequent written notice given to Accesso by Customer pursuant to this Agreement. Effect of Termination. L3.4.L The parties acknowledge and agree that all Sales Orders shall immediately terminate upon termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section 13. Termination under this Section 13 will not affect payment obligations incurred under this Agreement or any Sales Orders pr¡or to the effective date of termination, and for any Costs or ODCs incurred, including without limitation commitments to purchase products or services from third parties which were entered into byAccesso in the course of performance hereunder. Such Costs may include, but are not limited to, cancellation fees, minimum consulting fees, and non-refundable charges or fees for third party products or services. Upon termination of this Agreement or any Sales Order, Customer acknowledges and agrees that it shall immediately deliver all amounts owed to Accesso, including but not limited to, Service Fees, Costs, ODCs, all applicable taxes and Liquidated Damages. The termination of this Agreement or any Sales Order by either party will not act as a waiver of any breach of this Agreement and will not act as a release of either party hereto from any liability for breach of such party's obligations under this Agreement. 13.4.2 Upon termination of this Agreement, each party shall promptly return to the other any and all personal property of the other held by such party, provided, that Accesso shall not be required to return property of Customer held by Accesso, if any fees required to be paid by Customer to Accesso are outstanding, and Accesso shall have a lien on such property, to the extent of the amounts unpaid by Customer. Upon the termination of this Agreement or any applicable Sales Order, all Licenses granted to Customer for any applicable Software shall immediately terminate. 13.5 LiquidatedDamages. 13.5.1 ln the event any Sales Order is terminated by Customer prior to the expiration of such Sales Order's lnitial Term or any Renewal Term, then, in addition to all amounts due thereunder as of the effective date of termination, Customer agrees to pay to Accesso the liquidated damages amount set forth in each terminated Sales Order (the "Liquidated Damaqes"). Customer acknowledges and agrees that in the event of the foregoing termination the ãmount of Accesso's actual damages will be incapable of precise estimation and that the Liquidated Damages amount bears a reasonable proportion to Accesso's probable loss and is not a penalty. 14 WARRANTIES: L4.L Accesso warrants that the Services provided under this Agreement shall be performed with that degree of skill and m ff;l ¿e F 'ii' Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 14 judgment normally exercised by recognized professional firms performing services of the same or substantially similar nature. The exclusive remedy for any breach of the foregoing warranty shall be that Accesso, at lts own expense, and in response to written notice of a warranty claim by Customer within ninety (90) days after performance of the Services at issue, shall, at ¡ts own option, either (i) re-perform the Services to conform to this standard, or (ii) refund to Customer amounts paid for non-conforming Services. Customer's rights with respect to the foregoing warranty apply only if; (a) Customer timely notifies Accesso of any warranty claim in writing, and (b) no act or cause beyond the reasonable control of Accesso has occurred that was a substantial factor in causing the failure of the Services to meet the warranty terms herein. L4.2 ACCESSO HAS NO CONTROL OVER THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH CUSTOMER USES THE SOFTWARE. THEREFORE, ACCESSO DOES NOT AND CANNOT WARRANT THE RESULIS THAT MAY BE OBTAINED BY ITS USE. Accesso does, however, provide the following warranties in connection with the applicable Software provided under this Agreement and/or any applicable Sales Order: L4,2.L Accesso represents and warrants that the media on which the applicable Software is recorded and delivered to Customer, if any, is free from software viruses and defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. Accesso represents and warrants that the applicable Software will perform in accordance with the Warranty Standards. Accesso represents and warrants that (i) as of the Effective Date, the applicable Software provided pursuant to the applicable Sales Order is at its current release level, and (ii) future releases of such Software will not degrade processing performance of such Software or cause such Software to fail to comply with the Warranty Standards. 14.2,2 Accesso will, at Accesso's sole election, either replace or repair any of the applicable Software that does not perform in accordance with the Warranty Standards. L4.2.3 Accesso represents and warrants to Customer that Accesso owns (and/or has appropriate licenses for) the applicable Software and Documentation and has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and any applicable Sales Order. L4.2.4 The above warranties allocate the risks between Customer and Accesso arising out of or related to failure of the products and services provided to Customer by Accesso under this Agreement and any applicable Sales Order (including without limitation, all Software, Services, Enhancements, Updates, Deliverables, and Documentation). Accesso's Software and Documentation pricing reflects this allocation of risk and the limitations of liability contained in this Agreement. The warranties set forth above are in lieu of all other express warranties, whether oral or written. t4.3 Accesso does not warrant that the operation of the applicable Software will be uninterrupted or error free. The warranty does not cover any media or Documentation which has been subjected to damage or abuse by Customer. Ihe warranty with respect to the applicable Software does not cover Software which has been altered or changed in any way by anyone other than Accesso or as authorized by Accesso. Accesso is not responsible for any problems caused by a change in the operating characteristics of the computer hardware or operating system that is made after the Acceptance Date. Accesso is not responsible for any problems that occur as a result of the use of the applicable Software in conjunction with non-Accesso software, other than software specified in the applicable Sales Order pursuant to which such Software is licensed to Customer. T4.4 ACCESSO SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED STANDARDS, GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTIES THAT MAY BE ALLEGED TO ARISE AS A RESULT OF CUSTOM OR USAGE. ACCESSO FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS, STATUTORY AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO PRODUCTS OR SOFTWARE WHICH ARE OBTAINED BY CUSTOMER AND NOT MANUFACTURED OR DEVELOPED BY ACCESSO. THE ONLY WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO PRODUCTS OR SOFTWARE NOT MANUFACTURED OR DEVELOPED BY ACCESSO SHALL BE THE WARRANTIES, IF ANY, OF THE MANUFACTURER OR DEVELOPER OF THOSE ITEMS, AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL ACCESSO HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS, OR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF PRODUCTS OR SOFTWARE NOT MANUFACTURED OR DEVELOPED BY ACCESSO. t4.5 Customer represents and warrants to Accesso that (i) Customer has the right to use, disclose and disseminate to Accesso the intellectual property, (including without limitation, Preexisting lntellectual Property), Customer Data, information, specifications and data that it has provided or will provide to Accesso, including but not limited to, all Product Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 iF Ï,9 t Alì 15 information, in order for Accesso to perform the Services and to create the Deliverables, if any, identified in each Sales Order, (ii) Customer has a duly executed and enforceable license for Customer's and Accesso's possession and use of all intellectual property belonging to a third party and provided to or made available to Accesso by Customer or by any third party on behalf of or for the benefit of Customer in connection with this Agreement and/or any applicable Sales Order, and (iii) Accesso's possession and use of the intellectual property (including without limitation Customer's Preexisting lntellectual Property), Customer Data, information, specifications and data provided to or made available to Accesso by Customer or by any third party on behalf of or for the benefit of Customer in connection with this Agreement and/or any applicable Sales Order will not constitute an infringement upon any copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right of any third party. 15 LIMITATION OF TIABILITY: 15.1 Accesso's total liability to Customer for all liabilities, claims or damages arising out of or relating to this Agreement, regardless of cause or the legal theory asserted, including breach of contract or warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability, statutory liability or otherwise, shall not, in the aggregate, exceed two hundred percent (20O%) of the amount actually paid to Accesso under the subject Sales Order for the twelve (1-2) month period immediately preceding such liability, claim, or damage. Any claim by Customer against Accesso relating to this Agreement, other than in warranty, must be made in writing and presented to Accesso within one (1) year after the earlier of: (i) the date on which the Customer accepts the Deliverable(s) at issue; or (i¡) the date on which Accesso completes performance of the Services at issue. L5.2 UNLESS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS, LOST REVENUE, LOST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, LOSS OF USE OR EQUIPMENT DOWN TIME, AND LOSS OF OR CORRUPTION TO DATA) OR pUNtTtVE DAMAGES ARIS|NG OUT OF OR RELATTNG TO TH|S AGREEMENT, REGARDLESS OF LEGAL THEORY UNDER WHICH SUCH DAMAGES ARE SOUGHT, AND EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS. L6 INDEMNITY: L6.t Accesso will defend Customer against any claim, demand, suit or proceeding made or brought against Customer by a third party alleging that the applicable Software infringes a United States patent or United States copyright (each a "Claim Against Customer"), and will indemnify Customer from any damages, attorneys' fees, and costs finally awarded against Customer as a result of, or for amounts paid by Customer, under a settlement approved by Accesso in writing, of a Claim Against Customer, provided Customer (i) promptly gives Accesso written notice of the Claim Against Customer, (ii) gives Accesso sole control of the defense and settlement of the Claim Against Customer (except that Accesso may not settle any Claim Against Customer unless it unconditionally releases Customer of all liability), and (iii) gives Accesso full information, and assistance in settling and/or defending the Claim Against Customer. The foregoing obligations shall not apply to the extent a Claim Against Customer arises as a result of (a) modifications to the applicable Software made by any party other than Accesso or Accesso's authorized representat¡ves, or (b) Customer's breach of this Agreement, any applicable Sales Order, and/or any Documentation. Customer shall not settle or compromise any such claim or suit, except with prior written consent of Accesso. Accesso shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by Customer without Accesso's prior written authorization or for any claim based on the use or combination of the applicable Software with any other software not provided by or through Accesso. L6.2 ln the event any such Claim Against Customer is brought or threatened, without l¡miting the foregoing, Accesso may, at its sole option and expense (i) procure for Customer the right to continue use of the applicable Software, or infringing part thereof, on commercially reasonable terms, (ii) modify or amend the applicable Software, or infringing part thereof, or replace the applicable Software, or infringing part thereof, with other software having substantially the same or better capabilities, or (iii) if Accesso reasonably determines that neither of the foregoing is commercially practicable, Accesso may, upon written notice to Customer, terminate this Agreement and/or the applicable Statement(s) of Work at ¡ssue (including any License granted thereunder), in which event each party will be released from any further obligation to the other under the terminated Agreement and/or Statement(s) of Work, except for the obligations that survive termination, so long as Accesso refunds to Customer any prepaid Support Services Fees covering the remainder of the term of any support services so terminated. THE FOREGOING STATES THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF ACCESSO, AND THE SOLE REMEDY OF CUSTOMER WITH RESPECT TO INFRINGEMENT. 16.3 Customer shall indemnify, defend, and hold Accesso, its Affiliates, and their respective shareholders, members, directors, MJAFI'il Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 10 16 managers, officers, employees, independent contractors, agents, and assigns harmless from and against any claims, liability and costs incurred by Accesso to the extent that such claims, liability or costs result from or arise in connection with (i) Customer's breach or alleged breach of its covenants, warranties and representations set forth in this Agreement or any Sales Order, (ii) a third party alleging that any intellectual property (including, without limitation Customer's Preexisting lntellectual Property) or Product information provided to or made available to Accesso by Customer or by any third party on behalf of or for the benefit of Customer in connection with this Agreement and/or any applicable Sales Order infringes a patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property right of any third party, or (iii) any claims by third parties that arise out of or relate to Customer's performance or nonperformance under this Agreement or any Sales Order. t7 NON-WAIVER OF RIGHTS; EXPANSION OF RIGHTS: The failure of either party to insist upon performance of any provision of this Agreement, or to exercise any right, remedy or option provided herein, shall neither be construed as a waiver of the right to assert any of the same or to rely on any such terms or provisions at any time thereafter, nor in any way affect the validity of this Agreement, however, Accesso may, in its sole discretion, increase Customer's rights under this Agreement or any Sales Order from time to t¡me. Customer understands, acknowledges, and agrees that any such increase in rights shall not modify the terms and provisions of this Agreement or any Sales Order, nor establish a course of conduct that affects the enforceability of the written agreement between the parties contained in this Agreement and/or any Sales Order. 18 SEVERABILITY: lf any covenant, condition, term, or provision contained in this Agreement is held or finally determined to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, in whole or in part, such covenant, condition, term, or provision shall be severed from this Agreement, and the remaining covenants, conditions, terms and provisions contained herein shall continue in force and effect, and shall in no way be affected, prejudiced or disturbed thereby. 19 INTERPRETATION; CONFIICTING PROVISIONS: The headings used in this Agreement are solely for the convenience of the parties, and the text of this Agreement shall govern in the event of any conflict or ambiguity. Each party has contributed to the drafting of this Agreement and the language used in this Agreement has been chosen by the parties hereto to express the¡r mutual intent. Consequently, no term or condition contained in this Agreement shall be construed against any party hereto on the ground that such party drafted the term or condition or caused the term or condition to be drafted. This Agreement and all Sales Orders and Statements of Work are intended to be read and construed in harmony with each other, but in the event of a conflict between any provision in this Agreement, or any Sales Order or Statement of Work, the order of precedence shall be as follows: the terms, provisions, and conditions of the Agreement, followed by the terms, provisions, and conditions of the applicable Sales Order, followed by the terms, provisions, and conditions of the applicable Statement of Work. 20 ASSIGNMENT: Customer may not sell, assign, transfer, or otherwise convey any of its rights or delegate any of its duties under this Agreement or any Sales Orders issued hereunder without the prior wr¡tten consent of Accesso, which consent shall not be u nreasonably withheld. 2l APPLICABIE LAW: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Washington, without regard to its laws relating to conflict or choice of laws. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any action to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement or any Sales Order shall be brought in the applicable state or federal court having jurisdiction over King County, Washington. Each party agrees that neither will assert in any such action, suit, or proceeding that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of such court, that the action, suit, or proceeding is brought in an inconvenient forum, and/or that the venue of the action, suit, or proceeding is improper. 22 DISPUTES: ln the event of any dispute, controversy or claim arising under or in connection with this Agreement (the "gj!pule"), then upon the written request of either party, each of the parties will appoint a designated senior business executive to work together for the purpose of endeavoring to resolve the Dispute. The designated executives will confer as often as the parties reasonably deem necessary in order to gather and furnish to the other all information with respect to the matter in issue which the parties reasonably believe to be appropriate in connection with its resolution. Such executives will discuss the Dispute and negotiate in good faith in an effort to resolve the Dispute without resorting to formal proceedings. The specific format for such discussions will be left to the discretion of the parties. No formal proceedings for the resolution of the Dispute under this Section 22 may be commenced until the earlier to occur of (i) a good faith mutual conclusion by the designated executives that an amicable resolution through continued negotiation of the matter in issue does not appear likely, or (ii) the thirtieth (:O'h) day after the initial request to negotiate the Dispute. Any Dispute, arising under, out of, in connection with, or in relation to this Agreement or any Sales Order, if not resolved informally through negotiation between the parties, will be resolved by final and Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 l!i i1:ii.. ., lllf i îfji ¡.iiiìt ir'iì ì..djlri t- .¡{i iiiirl f__- it¡ r j¡ Lt 17 binding arbitration conducted in accordance with and subject to the Commercial Arbltration Rules of the American Arbitration association ("AAA") then applicable. Two (2) arbitrators will be selected by the parties' mutual agreement or, failing that, by the AAA. The arbitrators will each be lawyers with at least ten (10) years of legal experience in the fields of software and information technology. The arbitrators will allow such discovery as is appropriate and consistent with the purposes of arbitration in accomplishing fair, speedy, and cost effective resolution of disputes. The arbitration will be conducted under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure then in effect. Other than those matters involving injunctive relief or any action necessary to enforce the award of the arbitrator, the parties agree that the provisions of this Section 22are a complete defense to any suit, action, or other proceeding instituted in any court or before any administrative tribunal with respect to any Dispute. Nothing in this Section 22 prevents the parties from exercising their rights to terminate this Agreement in accordance with the provisions contained herein. 23 FORCE MAJEURE: Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance of its obligations under this Agreement to the extent such failure or delay is due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of God, acts of a public enemy, fires, floods, terrorism, wars, civil disturbances, sabotage, accidents, insurrections, blockades, embargoes, storms, explosions, acts of any governmental body, failure or delay of third parties or governmental bodies from whom a party is obtaining or must obtain approvals, authorizations, licenses, franchises or permits, or inability to obtain labor, materials, equipment, or transportation (collectively, a "Force Maieure Event"). Each party shall use its reasonable efforts to minimize the duration and consequences of any failure of or delay in performance resulting from a Force Majeure Event. 24 COUNTERPARTS; FACSIMIIE SIGNATURES: This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts but such multiple counterparts shall constitute a single agreement. Facsimile signatures shall be binding upon the parties. 25 NOTICES: All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given by personal service, or by U.S. Certified Mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or by nationally recognized overnight mail service/courier with delivery confirmation, to the other party at its respective address set forth in the preamble hereof. Notices shall be deemed to be given upon actual receipt or refusal by the party to be notified. A party may change its address or addresses for notice by giving the other party notice of the change in accordance with the provisions of this Sect¡on 25. 26 REIATIONSHIP OF PARTIES; PERFORMANCE OF OBIIGATIONS: Accesso is an independent contractor in all respects with regard to this Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall: (i) authorize or empower either party to act as partner or agent of the other party in any manner; (ii) authorize, or empower or deem one party to assume or create any obligation or responsibility whatsoever, express or implied, on behalf of or in the name of any other party; or (iii) authorize, empower or deem a pârty to bind any other party in any manner or make any representation, warranty, covenant, agreement, or commitment on behalf of any other party. Customer understands, acknowledges and agrees that Accesso may discharge all and any of its duties and/or obligations under this Agreement, any Sales Order and/or any Statement of Work through one (1) or more Affiliates of Accesso. 27 ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement, including any Sales Orders, Statements of Work, and other ancillary documents issued hereunder and incorporated by reference, constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties and supersedes and replaces any and all prior or contemporaneous proposals, agreements, understandings, commitments or representations of any kind, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter contained in this Agreement. 28 SURVIVAL: Sections 2,5,7,9,!!,!2,L3,!4.4,15, L6, 17,2!,22,23,24,25,26,27, this Section 28 and Section 31 hereof shall survive the termination of this Agreement and continue in effect, unless a specific term of survival ¡s listed in a separate Sales Order. This Section 28 shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, their successors, and permitted assigns. 29 ADMINISTRATION: Documents generated under this Agreement by either party shall be written in the English language. Any dispute which should arise between the parties in relation to this Agreement including concerning its validity, effectiveness, execution, interpretation and termination shall be referred for resolution in the English language. 30 MISCELTANEOUS: Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement and any Sales Order and/or Statement of Work. This Agreement is entered into solely for the benefit of Accesso and Customer and does not create, and shall not be construed as creating, any rights or interests enforceable by any person not a party to this Agreement. This Agreement may be modified, or part or parts hereof waived, only by an instrument in writing specifically referencing this Agreement and signed by an authorized representative of both parties. I,Ï /A F TI Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 L2 18 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Accesso and Customer have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized reprqsentatives to be effective as of the Effective Date set forth in the preamble hereof. ACCESSO CUSTOMER By: Name: Title: By: Name: Title: MAFIIü Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 2017 13 19 EXHIBIT A TRAVEL AND LIVING REIMBURSEMENT POTICY ln an effort to control costs incurred by Customer through Accesso's travel related expenses, Accesso has established limitations, for reimbursement by Customer of Accesso's travel related expenses as follows: ln accordance with the table above, Accesso shall provide an invoice to Customer, and Customer shall reimburse Accesso for all travel related expenses incurred by Accesso. Customer shall make such reimbursement to Accesso in accordance with the terms set forth in Section 5 of the Agreement. ì'L;1 lÅ\ lï "n' Lril ljil l:' [J L Airfare Actual/reasonable cost (recei pt required)Coach class Lodging Actual/reasonable cost for the destination city and shall be no greater than a three-star-hotel Parking Fees Actual/reasonable cost (receipt required) Meals and lncidental S75.00 USD/day (meals, tips, etc.) (receipt required) Mileage Established IRS ratePersonal Auto Mileage Transportation Taxi, Bus, Train, etc.Actual/reasonable cost (receipt required) Actual/reasonable cost (receipt required)Rental Car Refueling Actual/reasonable cost (receipt required) Labor Rates Hourly Rate established in any Sales Order N/ATravel Time Client Cancellation of Scheduled Trip Airfare (Refundable)Actual/reasonable cost (receipt required) Non-refundable airfare Actual/reasonable cost (receipt required) Other Prepaid Travel Costs Actual/reasonable cost (receipt required) Dailv Rate of onsite resourceLabor (Less than 7 days notice) Expense Reimbursable Amount Master Agreement No. City of Kent - 20L7 20 *-laa 91 ßn'*''!_* --ori' Brea kth rou g h Tech nology for a World of Possibilities accesso Proposal for ShoWare Center accesso. Ä \[n-' a- 21 accesso Proposal for ShoWare Center accesso" Prepored For: Tim Higgins Kent, Washington 98032 United States Presented By: George Hambleton Sales Director (s7s) 7s1_-82s3 george.ham bleton @accesso.com Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 2 22 lntroduction At occesso@ we believe technology has the power to redefine the guest experience. We've taken decades of experience in the cultural, global leisure and entertainment markets and developed innovative ticketing and queuing solutions that our clients trust to improve the guest experience and drive more revenue at their venues around the globe. We believe our occesso SiriusworéM point-of-sale solution to be a best fit to provide improved guest service, increased efficiency and streamlined operations. With that in mind, the solution implemented must not only be of the highest quality and represent the latest in technology, but should also be flexible to meet the changing needs of your Live Entertainment. Our flexible system architecture allows you to configure the software according to your operational preferences. occesso, publiclytraded on the London Stock Exchange (AlM:ACSO), has been providing cutting edge ticketing, point-of-sale and queuing solutions to a variety of businesses for over two decades. Over 900 clients world-wide currently utilize our comprehensive solutions. accesso's products and services support a wide variety operations including zoos, aquariums, museums, ski resorts, theme and water parks, concert venues, observation decks and sporting events. occesso employs 350 staff members around the globe. Many of our team members come from backgrounds working within the attractions and cultural industry. ln this way, we are experienced operators who run a technology company serving attractions operators, versus a technology company that happens to serve the Live Entertainment market. Our staff understands the day-to-day operations of managing complex venues and the specific challenges this creates. As a result, we differentiate ourselves through unsurpassed client support, value- oriented software solutions, management expertise and user friendly applications that are in a class of their own. Everything we do helps our clients to focus on what they do best, provide outstanding experiences for their visitors. We strongly believe that we are the best fit partner long term - by meeting the ShoWare Center's specific needs today, and more importantly, focused on delivering solutions that address the needs of tomorrow. Our fully integrated retail and F&B solutions are specifically designed forthe attraction industry, and ourvendor/client partnership is unique in a market dominated by legacy software providers. We have outlined details concerning the proposed solution and pricing for your project below. Confidential/Irade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 3 23 Project Quotation Summary accesso's quotation is based on the anticipated system requirements from our current understanding of your project's needs. We look forward to continuing the conversation and adjusting the scope of work to ensure that our solutions are delivering you the very best value accesso Striusware Preltminary Quote Software: Hardware: lmplementation & Training (170 hours): accesso Software Discount - Overall: occesso Software Discount - Retail: ESTIMATED PACKAGE TOTAL BEFORE SALES TAX: s147,500.00 S168,699.58 S zr,zso.oo s(57,600.00) $(3,500.00) *5276,349.58 *10% sales tax of 527,634.95 shall apply occesso Softwa re Discount : 567,700.00 The accesso software discount represents 40% off of all occesso Siriusware software license fees, with the exception of the retail module which is discounted in full, and is being offered tothe Showare Center as part of our long term working relationship' occesso Siriuswaré AnnualTechnical Support:526,550.00 (plus 10% sales tax of 52,655.00) accesso Siriusware Annual Technical Support is free for the first year you use our software; includes 24/71365 support, access to all online documentation and any updates/upgrades to our software. This amount is charged annually beginning one year from the date of implementation' e cce sso I m pl e me ntati o n & Tra i ni ng I nfo rm oti on : We only bill for the actual implementation hours used, so remember that the amount is only an estimate. Those hours will be billed after the implementation is completed. Travel costs and expenses are included in the estimation of hours shown above and will be covered by øccesso Siriusware for 2 trips; the initial onsite and the go-live visit. lnstallation of accesso hardware and software will also be performed by occesso Siriusware. Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 4 24 Additional lnformation: Software Package: The software package includes all the functional elements to configure and offer the venue's products and services, and report on all transactions and system activities. P rofe ssio n ø I Se rvi ce s : All services including (but not limited to) lmplementation, Training, Professional Services and eCommerce customizations are billed monthly as incremental work is completed. Additional Training Full Certification and advanced training for the software can be obtained at the Annual occesso Siriusware User's Seminar and Conference. Attendance is strongly recommended (The next session is September 1,6-23,20L7. Please contact accesso for more details.) Credit Card Processing Hardware, \oftwore, ond Processing occesso Siriuswore does not provide credit card hardware, software or processing services, The Showare Center has been provided information from US Bank/Elavon to provide these services Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 5 25 accesso Striusware Ticketing Detailed So-ftware Quote: 16982 Quantity Product Name Unit Price Total Price 42 Workstation - F&B Quick Service S2,ooo.oo S84,ooo.oo 4 Workstation - F&B Quick Service s2,000.00 $8,ooo,oo 6 Workstation - F&B Quick Service s2,oo0.oo s12,oo0.oo 2 Workstation - F&B Quick Service s2,ooo.oo s4,ooo.o0 5 Workstation - F&B Quick Service S2,ooo.oo Slo,ooo.oo 1"Workstation - Retail s3,ooo.oo $3,000.00 2 Workstation - Standard S4,ooo.oo 58,ooo.oo T accesso Siriusware Core 510,000.00 s10,000.00 1,F&8, Quick & Table S2,5oo.oo S2,5oo.oo t ln-House Cards/Gift Cards s2,5oo.oo s2,5oo.oo 1,Retail S3,5oo.oo S3,5oo.oo Subtotal Si.47,5oo.oo 1,Software Discount - Overall (s57,600.00)($s7,600.00) 1 Software Discount - Retail (5:,soo.oo¡(s3,5oo.oo) Total S86,40o.oo Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 6 26 accesso Siriusware Hordwure Quote: 15148 Quantity Product Name Product Description Unit Price Total Price 1 SQL Server - Dell 620 - I Core SQL Server - Dell PowerEdge 620 lntel@ Xeon@ E5-2667 v2 3.30GH2, 8 Core 32GB RDIMM Memory Windows Server@ 20L2,Standard Ed RAID 5 with Four 500c8 Hot Swap Hard Drives 2 X Hot-plug, Redundant Power Supply,495W 3Yr Basic Hardware Warranty Repair S5,598.40 S5,598.40 4 SQL SERVER 201.4 STANDARD 2 CORE LICENSE SQL SERVER 2014 STANDARD 2 CORE LICENSE *Microsoft requires a minimum purchase of 4 cores* S3,039.i.5 S12,156.60 L Middleware Server - Dell 620 - 4 Core Middleware Server - Dell PowerEdge 620 lntel@ Xeon@ E5-2667 v2 3.30GH2, 4 Core L6GB RDIMM Memory Windows Server@ 20L2,Standard Ed 3Yr Basic Hardware Warranty Repair $3,¿zs.oo $3,¿zs.oo Server Components Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 7 27 562,4s4.00s1,487.00 l-5 inch, lntel@ Core i-3 3220,3.3GH2,4G8 DDR3 SO-DIMM RAM, WIN 10.64 bit, Projected Capacitive Touch. 42 xT4015 1_5 rNCH - ¡3 - 4GB Memory - Windows 1_0 57,477.2651_78.03 POSIFLEX, SERVICE, ADVANCE EXCHANGE WARRANTY, 3 YEAR, FOR XT4O1.5 SERIES 42 POSIFLEX, SERVICE, ADVANCE EXCHANGE WARRANTY, 3 YEAR, FOR XT4O1.5 SERIES s70,oo s2,940.00 POSIFLEX, MSR, 3 TRACK, ENCRYPTION CAPABLE, USB WITHOUT FP READER, FOR GENERAL PAYMENT PROCESSORS, FOR XT SERI ES 42 POSIFLEX, MSR, 3 TRACK FOR XT SERIES 59,240.00s220.00 POSIFLEX, CUSTOMER DISPLAY, 9.7IN SECONDARY DISPLAY FOR XT SERIES 42 POSIFLEX, CUSTOMER DISPLAY,9.7IN SECONDARY DISPLAY s10,443.30Sz¿s.os APG Series 100 Cash Drawer -USB - Black - Adjustable Media Slot, ,LG lnch x 16 lnch 42 APG Series 1-00 Cash Drawer -USB - Black - Adjustable Media Slot, ,16 lnch x l-6 lnch 5264.28 $11,099.76 ZEBRA, DS43OB, 2D STANDARD RANGE IMAGER, USB KIT, INCLUDES SCANNER AND 7 FOOT STRAIGHT CABLE 42 ZEBRA, DS43O8, 2D STANDARD RANGE IMAGER, USB KIT, INCLUDES SCANNER AND 7 FOOT STRAIGHT CABLE 5234,2s 55,622.00 Receipt Printer - Star TSP L43 - USB - Black - lncludes Power supply STAR M ICRON ICS, TSP]-43U GRY, THERMAL, PRINTER, 2 COLOR, CUTTER, USB, GRAY, Built-ln POWER SU PPLY 24 Receipt Printer - Star TSP 143-USB-Black Confldential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 8 28 4 Partner Tech EM-300 1-0 INCH Window 10 Tablet PartnerTech EM-300 10 INCH Window 10 Tablet ,4G8,64G8. 3 Track MSR, 2D Bar Code Scanner Wireless, Bluetooth, Battery, Power Adaptor, Hand Strap 5t,zz7.oo 54,908.00 4 Partner Tech EM-300 Base Partner Tech EM-300 Base - 4USB, 4 COM, L Ethernet SzEg.oo ses6.00 4 TWO YEAR NO FAULT DEPOT WARRANTY FOR EM-300 TWO YEAR NO FAULT DEPOT WARRANTY FOR EM-300 s323.00 5t,zgz.oo 4 Star SM-T301- 3 inch RUGGED PORTABLE PRINTER - Bluetooth STAR MICRONICS, MOBILE PRI NTER, SM-T3OO-D85O, PORTABLE THERMAL, RUGGED 3'" ANDROID, WINDOWS, BLU ETOOTH/SERIAL, G RAY, NO MSR, TEAR BAR, INCLUDES AC ADAPTER, BELT CLIP, BATTERY PACK S414.oo St,oso.oo Food and Beverage Concessions Wireless Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 9 29 57,362.005t,2z7.ooPartnerTech EM-300 10 INCH Window 10 Tablet ,4G8,64G8, 3 Track MSR, 2D Bar Code Scanner, Wireless, Bluetooth, Battery, Power Adaptor, Hand Strap 6 PartnerTech EM-300 10 INCH Window 10 Tablet Si_,434.00s239.00Partner Tech EM-300 Base - 4USB, 4 COM, L Ethernet 6 Partner Tech EM-300 Base 51,938.00s323'.00TWO YEAR NO FAULT DEPOT WARRANTY FOR EM-300 6 TWO YEAR NO FAULT DEPOT WARRANTY FOR EM-300 52,484.00íqu.ooStar SM-T301- 3 inch RUGGED PORTABLE PRINTER - Bluetooth STAR MICRONICS, MOBILE PRI NTER, SM-T3OO-D85O, PORTABLE THERMAL, RUGGED 3"; ANDROID, WINDOWS, BLU ETOOTH/SERIAL, G RAY, NO MSR, TEAR BAR, INCLUDES AC ADAPTER, BELT CLIP, BATTERY PACK 6 Food and Beverage Suites Wireless Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 1 0 30 5 xT4015 15 tNCH - i3 - 4GB Memory - Windows 1_0 l-5 inch, lntel@ Core i-3 3220,3,3GH2,4G8 DDR3 SO-DIMM RAM, WIN T0-64 bit, Projected Capacitive Touch. 51.,487.00 S7,¿35.00 5 POSIFLEX, SERVICE, ADVANCE EXCHANGE WARRANTY,3 YEAR, FOR XT4O15 SERIES POSIFLEX, SERVICE, ADVANCE EXCHANGE WARRANTY, 3 YEAR, FOR XT4O1.5 SERIES S178.03 Ss9o.1s 5 POSIFLEX, MSR, 3 TRACK FOR XT SERIES POSIFLEX, MSR, 3 TRACK, ENCRYPTION CAPABLE, USB WITHOUT FP READER, FOR GENERAL PAYMENT PROCESSORS, XT SERIES 570.00 Ssso.oo 5 POSIFLEX, CUSTOMER DISPLAY, 9,7IN SECONDARY DISPLAY POSIFLEX, CUSTOMER DISPLAY, 9.7IN SECON DARY DISPLAY FOR XT SERIES S22o.oo $t,too.oo 5 APG Series 100 Cash Drawer -USB - Black - Adjustable Media Slot, ,1-6 lnch x l-6 lnch APG Series 1-00 Cash Drawer -USB - Black - Adjustable Media Slot, ,16 lnch x 16 lnch s24S.6s sr,243.25 5 ZEBRA, DS43O8, 2D STANDARD RANGE IMAGER, USB KIT, INCLUDES SCANNER AND 7 FOOT STRAIGHT CABLE ZEBRA, DS43O8, 2D STANDARD RANGE IMAGER, USB KIT, INCLUDES SCANNER AND 7 FOOT SÏRAIGHT CABLE s264.28 5t,32t.+o Food and Beverage Bars Standard 5 Receipt Printer - Star TSP L43-USB-Black Receipt Printer - Star TSP L43 - USB - Black - lncludes Power supply STAR M ICRON ICS, TSP143 U GRY, THERMAL, PRINTER, 2 COLOR, CUTTER, USB, GRAY, Built-ln POWER SU PPLY 5234.2s 5r,r71..2s Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 'l 'l 31 s1,487.00 s1,487.00 1-5 inch, lntel@ Core i-3 3220,3.3GH2, 4GB DD R3 SO- DIMM RAM, WIN ].0-64 bit, Projected Capacitive Touch. 1, xr4015 15 INCH - i3 - 4GB Memory - Windows l-0 Si_78.03 $178.03 POSI FLEX, SERVICE, ADVANCE EXCHANGE WARRANTY, 3 YEAR, FOR XT4O15 SERIES 1 POSI ILEX, SERVICE, ADVANCE EXCHANGE WARRANTY, 3 YEAR, FOR XT4O15 SERIES $7o.oo s70.00 POSIFLEX, MSR, 3 TRACK, ENCRYPTION CAPABLE, USB WITHOUT FP READER, FOR GENERAL PAYMENT PROCESSORS, FOR XT SERIES POSIFLEX, MSR, 3 TRACK FOR XT SERIES 1 5220.00 s220.00 POSIFLEX, CUSTOMER DISPLAY, 9.7I N SECON DARY DISPLAY FOR XT SERIES T POSIFLEX, CUSTOMER DISPLAY, 9.7I N SECON DARY DISPLAY s248.6s Sz¿s.os APG Series 1-00 Cash Drawer - USB - Black - Adjustable Medía Slot, ,16 lnch x L6 lnch t APG Series L00 Cash Drawer - USB - Black - Adjustable Media Slot, ,16 lnch x l-6 lnch 5264.28Szaq.ze ZEBRA, DS43O8, 2D STANDARD RANGE IMAGER, USB KIT, INCLUDES SCANNER AND 7 FOOT STRAIGHT CABLE 1, ZEBRA, DS43O8, 2D STANDARD RANGE IMAGER, USB KIT, INCLUDES SCANNER AND 7 FOOT STRAIGHT CABLE 5234.2s$zz+.zs1. Receipt Printer - Star TSP 1-43 - USB - Black Receipt Printer - Star TSP 1-43 - USB - Black - lncludes Power supply STAR M ICRON ICS, TSP143U GRY, THERMAL, PRINTER, 2 COLOR, CUTTER, USB, GRAY, Built-ln POWER SUPPLY Total s168,699.58 Retail Team Store Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 12 32 Kiosk and/or Customer Displays: lfthe proposal above includes a Kiosk and/or Customer Display please budget for the associated Professional Services customizationsbelow. Uponapproval ofthisproposal,aworkorderscopewill berequestedonyourbehalfforyourreviewand approval including final costs and delivery dates. Secondary Display Skinning Pack - Up to 6 hours, S1,500.00 Kiosk Skinning Pack - Up to L0 hours, $2,500.00 Please be advised of the following accesso Siriusware policies Deposit Policy: A 50% deposit is required for hardware orders w¡th the balance due upon delivery to the COMPANY or to accesso Siriusware for configuration. Return Policy: 25 day replacement for DOA hardware - must be returned in original boxes to location specified by accesso. After 25 days, manufacturer warranty service applies. Defective units must be returned to the manufacturer under their warranty and RMA policies. Non-defective hardware returned after 25 days are charged a l-5% restocking fee. No returns will be accepted after 30 days. Shipping Policy: US Clients: 3% of order total minus warranty contracts and service Canadian Clients: L5% of order total m¡nus warranty contracts and service. This includes all GST and HST taxes Ticket orders: L3% of order total for freight shipping. Card orders: 4o/o of order total for shipping Hardware Support Policy: accesso makes every attempt to recommend the appropriate hardware. However, accesso cannot Suarantee compatibility of the hardware with your computers and operating systems, accesso Siriusware's software, or future computers and operating systems. lf the hardware is listed on the accesso Siriusware Hardware Compatibility list, accesso, to the best of its knowledge, believes the hardware is compatible with accesso Siriusware products. accesso will work closely with you to resolve any issues with your hardware purchase. However, ¡f we cannot resolve the issue quickly, we will refer you to the hardware manufacturer who provides hardware support for their product. Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 1 3 33 Software Module Summary ¡.ftäcc€sso SlruuswARE. qccesso Siriuswore provides excellence in retail, food and beverage, and guest management solutions offering all essential features required for every point-of-sale throughout your venue We suggest the followin I occesso products for your project: Module Description Charge Cards Food Service ln-House Cards Memberships and Passes Professional Services Reporting Retail Ticketing lntegrated credit card processing provides faster transactions for your guests and a more efficient day- end reconciliation process for your site. Both Quick Service and Bar Service modules provide features such as remote kitchen printing, check splitting, tipping, and other food service industry features. Fully integrated stored value/gift card module' Creates, manages and tracks mem ber/passholder:/season ticket holder entitlements. Custom work provided by occesso for custom enhancements, eCommerce module customization and any necessary data migration work. Financial and performance reporting tools. Selling, tracking, and management of retail products can be integrated with third party packages for advanced inventory management. The core of the accesso Siriusware ticketing solution, allows for the creation of tickets, events, and capacity controlled products. lntegrated, compliant, credit card processing eliminates double entry and mistakes. Designed to be extremely fast and intuitive for operators. Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the Showare Center 1 4 34 occesso Siriusware integration with occesso Showare An important aspect of this proposal is the integration between occesso Siriusware and occesso ShoWore. Based on our conversations, we would approach this incrementally. The first iteration would focus on allowing a ticket to be used for discounts, season ticket holder benefits, promotions and in-house debit functionality. Once we see some positive KPls, we can explore other options for integratíon. Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center 1 5 35 accesso Cl ient Testimonials accesso's relationship with our clients doesn't stop with the implementation. Our technical support, training and professional services will help you maximize your organization's investment and provide exceptional experiences for your guests' The Accesso team is a winning combination for Holiday World & Splashin' Safari. After more than two decades as a client of Accesso Siriusware ticketing solutions, we were delighted to experience the synergy created this year when we added the Accesso Passport eCommerce solution to 'Iffivl*u'o$ñøMm, provide our guests with a fully integrated, real-time online purchasing system. This developed a simplified, user-intuitive process for purchasing tickets, season passes and cabanas without ever leaving the Holiday World website. Combining the benefits of Accesso Siriusware and Accesso Passport has allowed us to spend less time trouble-shooting online sales issues and more time serving our guests - all while seeing a 35% increase in online ticket sales during our peak season. -Eric Snow, Vice President occesso products and services can be found supporting the POS needs of many high-quality leisure market business, such as: M ffi t0NGwooD GART}EHS snowb]d\/" ÍVlnmmoth I ),\expl ratorium" Ih:¡rrrFordlìIu¡cun¡ t-ø4i Nr\TlONr\1. ACIJÂI?IIJNI tN t3Àl.TlNrcl?li ( ,utxlt r j I 1, | ñ1t l\ t,t lt\{ s I t-rF 1"1-¡ttt ( JR(lf I Confidential/Trade Secrets for the Express use of the ShoWare Center I 6 36 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer Phone: 253-856-5711 Fax: 253-856-6700 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: June 20, 2017 TO: Operations Committee FROM: Michelle Wilmot, Community and Public Affairs Manager SUBJECT: Community Engagement Coordinator position MOTION: No motion required. Information only SUMMARY: The 2017-18 budget adopted by the City Council includes the addition of a Communications Coordinator in 2017 to supplement the City’s communication and outreach efforts. The Community and Public Affairs Manager will update the committee on the job description and recruitment process. Exhibits: None Budget Impact: Included in the 2017-18 budget. 37 This page intentionally left blank 38 FINANCE Aaron BeMiller, Director Phone: 253-856-5260 Fax: 253-856-6255 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: June 20, 2017 TO: Kent City Council Operations Committee FROM: Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director SUBJECT: City Investment Report MOTION: No motion required. Information only. SUMMARY: Per policy, once a quarter the finance director shall submit a report to the Operations Committee that summarizes the City’s investment portfolio. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A BACKGROUND: 39 CITY OF KENT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO March 31, 2017 t7 04/29/16 06/19/ts 03/3t/rs 03/3t/ts 04/12/L6 LO/09/t5 04/to/87 State Local Government Investment CD US Bank FICO Str¡p FICO Str¡p FICO Strip FICO Strip FICO Str¡p Federal Home Loan Mortqaqe Corp 0.702o/o 0.300o/o 1.000o/o 1.019o/o L.L49o/o 0,840o/o L433o/o 8.508o/o Overn iqht 04/28/17 tL/30/t7 0z/08/L8 0s/ 1 1/ 18 12/27/L8 09/26/t9 rL/29/L9 73,042,979 254,874 2,935,544 1,059,456 3,060.2 13 3,982,7t9 4,067,L86 95 1,307 254,874 2,929,397 1,058,169 3,057,55 1 4,022,674 4,068,L78 786,845 Kent Portfol¡o Averaqe Rate of Return: Average Dãvs to I'latur¡w! Averâoc Yêers to llatur¡tv: l.1640lo 544 Days 1.49 Y€ars Date Investment Descr¡Ption Average Yield to Maturi 03l3llt7 PFM Manaoed Portfolio 1.570o/o 1002 Days 24,879,643 24,Ae1,448 24,879,643 24,881,448 Market Value Investment Kent Managed Portfo¡io PFM Managed Portfolio TvI Manased Portfolio 93,33r,579 24,479,643 9,979,55L 93,23O,806 24,88t,448 10,000,143 40 pfrn CITY OF KFNT - ¿+8820000 Description U.S. Treasury Bond / Note Federal Agency Bond / Note Corporate Note Commercial Paper Bank Note Managed Account Sub-Total Accrued Interest Total Portfolio Unsettled Trades 22.74o/o 6.00o/o 5.59o/o Poftfolio Summary and Stat¡stics Par Value Market Value Percent 24,930,000.00 24,968,143.90 o.oo o.oo 22.55o/o 22.83o/o 20.89o/o 0.00o/o US TSY Bond / Note 62.O4o/o Yield to Maturity at Cost Yield to Maturity at Market Duration to Worst Weighted Average Days to Maturity For the Month Ending March 31,2OL7 Note L.99o/o Commercial Paper 6.00% Note 13.92o/o Fed Agy Bond / Note 16.05% 7,570/o 7.58o/o 2.64 1002 15,465,000.00 4,025,000.00 3,445,000.00 1,500,000.00 49s.000.00 24,930,000.00 t5,434,065.07 3,994,282.73 3,463,s66.s6 r,493,798.25 493.930.31 24,879,642.92 1OO.00o/o 88,500.98 62.04 16.05 13.92 6.00 1.99 0-6Months 6-12Months 1-2Years Account Summary Sector Allocation Maturity Distribution Characteristics FFM Asset fulanagemerlt LLç 2 - 3 Yeãrs 3 - 4 Years 4-5Years Over5Years Account 48820000 Page 2 41 { pfm Managed Account Issuer Summary For the Month Ending March 3l-,2Ol7 Issuer Summary Credit Quality (S&P Rat¡ngs) Issuer APPLE INC BB&T CORPORATION BOEING COMPANY CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE CISCO SYSTEMS INC FANNIE MAE FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS FREDDIE MAC ING GROUP NV JP MORGAN CHASE & CO PNC FINANCI,AL SERVICES GROUP TOYOTA MOTOR CORP UNITED STATES TREASURY Total Market Value of Holdinss 744,232.06 495,00L.92 494,L34.00 747,L3t.25 497,L8r.44 374,097.38 2,68L,728.80 938,456.55 746,667.00 492,I83.44 493,930,31 740,833.70 L5,434,065.07 i24,879,642.92 Percent 2.99 1.99 1.99 3.00 2.00 1.50 10.78 3.77 3.00 1.98 1.99 2.98 62.03 AA- 4.98o/o AA+ 81.08% 3.97o/o 3.97o/o A-1 6.00o/o 100.00o/o FFM Arset illlanagement LtC Account 48820000 Page 3 42 -rt/tç,oYE"I Yf I iñîËftMENrs' ,^r+'Y Of Kent Portfolio Summary Portfolio Ratings (best)Portfolio Composition Wgtd Avg YTM * Wgtd Avg YTW ** Wgtd Avg Mat (no call) Wgtd Avg Mat (all called) Mârket Value 3137/2OU r.48% 7.48% 2.65 yrs 1.62 yrs 9,979,951 Sector Agencies Treasuries Certif¡cate Deposits Municipal Bonds Corporate Bonds Mortgages Market Value We¡sht 10,170,000 100.0% I Agenc¡es ¡ Certificate Depos¡ts ¡ Corporâte Bonds r Treasur¡es r Mun¡cipâl Bonds ¡ Mortgates r ArAA r NR U.S. Govt Agency + YfM - Purchose Yield to ** WW - Purchose Yield to Wotst 9.8%, s1.OMM 6 - 12mo L-zyr Matur¡ty Distr¡bution S3MM S2MM S2MM SlMM SlMM so o.o%, So.o 0-3mo o.o%, so.o o.o%, So.o o.o%, So.o L9.V/o,52.OMM 20.e/ô,52.OMM 2 -3yr 27-ú/6,52-tMM 79.7/6,s2.OMM 9.8%, s1.OMM 3-6mo 3-4yr 4-syr 5-7yt 7 - l0yr Over 10yr Maturity Distribution Performance versus Benchmark as of 3/3t/2017 Excluded Securities Sþot Rdte: Portfolio (Yield to Maturity) Benchmark lndex - 2Yr CMT Benchmark lndex - Fed Funds (Upper Bound) Total Return: Portfolio (Total Return) Benchmark lndex - Barclav's 1-3Yr US Govt 1Yr Average 1.14% o.96% o.62% As of 3l3tl20t7 1.48% 1.27% r.oo% lMo Rate 3Mo Rate 6Mo Rate As of t2l3v20t6 lYr Rate 3Yr Rate sYr Rate Cus¡p ParAmount t.L7% 7.22% o.75% -o.20% o.o4% 1.!3% r.22% o.75% o.97% 0.32% \.16% o.77% o50% o.49% -o.77% !.r3% 7.22% o.75% YTD Rate o.57% o32% o.73% o.50% n/a o.44% o.25% n/a 0.33% o.25% nla nla nla 2 * Annuolized Totøl Return o.25% O.74%* 0.66%* Re po rt Date: 3 / 31. / 2OI7 43 TVl ï MEVALUE üTNVESTMENTS Of Kent Portfolio Details - Sorted by Maturity g cusrP/sec-rp 1 3135G0210 2 3135G0TG8 3 3134G66M0 4 3134GA6H2 5 31771KAA5 6 3134G45K6 7 76rt6FAD9 I 761L6FAG2 9 3I34GA6Z2 10 3136G4M14 ParValue 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,03s,000 1,000,000 1,060,000 1,075,000 1,000,000 couÞon *settle Dt 2/2812Ot7 311/2Ot7 2l28l2gt7 2128120].7 3/1l2Or7 2l28l20t7 3/r/20!7 3/rl2Ot7 3/2712017 Mat Dt 9lZ7l20r7 2/8l2OL8 6l22/20L8 2l28l20ts 9/26/201.9 2/28/2020 Tlts/202o 7/7sl2Ù2t 9/27/202r 212812022 Nxt Call Dt 2/28/2Or8 2128/20!8 3127/2Or8 Call Tvpe ADprox. BÞs to call Est¡mâted Redem. Date 9/2712077 2/8/20t8 6/22/2Ot8 2/28/20!8 9/26/2019 2/28120!8 7/ts/2020 LlLs/2O2L 3/27lZOt8 Sec Desc I FNMAt09/27/17 FNMA 0 7/8 02108/18 FHLMC r !/4 06122lL8 FHLMC t 3lA O2lzal79 Ftco o09126/t9 FHTMC ! s/8 02/28/20 RFCSP 0 0215120 RFCSP 0 01/15/21 IHLMC209/27/2t We¡sht 9.8% 9.8% 9.8% 9.8% 70.2% 9.8% LO.4% LO.6% 9.8% 9.8o/o RatinP *+* AAA AAA AAA AAA NR AGY AAA NR AGY NR AGY AAA AAA YTM ** 0.70 o.9z o.94 L.36 1.47 1.63 L.78 1.89 2.00 2.07 yft , ** o.70 0.92 0.94 r.34 1,.47 1.63 7.78 1.89 2.00 2.07 Durat¡on 0.49 0.85 !2r 1.56 2.47 2.29 3.2a 3.78 3.44 3.48 Onet¡me Onetime 1.00 0.88 t-25 1.38 0.00 1.63 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.O7 T7 13Onetime Onetime Onet¡me 5 FNMA 2.07 Se mi-Annual interest poyment ** Yields calculated using cost price, at settlement date *** NR AGY = Non-Rated U.S. Government Agency and AVERAGES 1.00 2.6s 1.62 1.48 1.48 2.30 Maturity Distribution 25% 20% ß% ro% 5./6 ú/6 0-3mo 9.a% 3-6mo 9.A% 6 - !2mo 19.7% 7-2yr 20.o% 2-3yr 2r.o% 3-4yr 19.7% 4-Syr o-o% 5-7Vt o.ooÁ 7 - LOyr o.úÁ Over 10yr 6 Repo rt Dale: 3 / 31"/ 2OL7 44 FINANCE Aaron BeMiller, Director Phone: 253-856-5260 Fax: 253-856-6255 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: May 16, 2017 TO: Kent City Council Operations Committee FROM: Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director SUBJECT: Director’s Report MOTION: No motion: Non-action item SUMMARY: The Finance Director will report out financial or operational item(s). BUDGET IMPACT: BACKGROUND: 45