HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 01/23/20171 2 3 4 5 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee January 23t 2OL7 Start Time 4:OO pm Centennial Center Conference Rooms North & South Committee Members Present: Tim Higgins, Andrea Keikkala, John Casey, Andrew Hutchison, David Kwok, Josh Bang Others Present: Ben Wolters, Julie Pulliam, Ryan Hart, Michelle Wilmot, Jason Thomsen, Colin Campbell, Bridget Baeth, Lindsey Boisvin, Kacie Leacy 1. Board Member Hutchison called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm. Introductions were made. Motion: Board Member casey move to approval the minutes of September 19, 2OL6 and Board Member Higgins 2nd, motion passes washington usssA/GSL - June 22-25, 20L7 Request for fund will be moved to the next meeting. National Champion - Kent 2018 Request for funds will be moved to the next meeting Budget - Ben Wolters presented the budget handed out a corrected budget report from Finance. Julie also sent the corrected one out today to the Committee Members. 20L6 year to date is not final but gives a good look at how we are ending 2016 in terms of revenue and fund balance. Ending fund balance is ç473,425. Looking at the 20L7 budget the Committee can adjust as they feel is necessary. 20L7 projected revenue is $475,200; Wolters feel it will be higher giving where the economy is going. Expenses projections are; Staff time - $t7,L9o; Marketing - 9168,000; projects & Events - g15,000; chamber - $18,500; Showare Branding & Marketing 60,000; totar expenses are projected to be $278,690 ShoWare refrained using their dollars in 2016. ShoWare had a great year with shows and did not have to buy any shows in 2016. Wolters expects a discussion on reinforcing a broader marketing strategy which will be coming with our work with JayRay. Expenditures in the Marketing total of $160,560 include the contracts with Genesis, T-Birds and JayRay. The change in the fund balance is mostly from ShoWare not using their $60,000 in 2016. Revenues are only up a modest amount. 2 6 JayRay Marketing Update - Bridget Baeth presented and introduced Lindsey Bosvin, and Kacie Leacy. Today's Agenda o 20L7 Roadmapo Website & photography o Social Media Management & Strategyo Media Relations. Next Steps 20L7 Roadmap. Discovery & Analysis, strategy, online support - Dec. 19 - Feb. 2g; Phase I. Content Calendar, Marketing Campaigns, Media Pitching & Monitoring, social Media Posting & Management, website Hosting & Management logging, collateral Design, Photo shoots, and Monthry Reporting & Measurement. March 1- December 31; phase II Website & Photography. Website management. Website Transfer, Hosting & Site Review. Google Analytics Review. Annual Calendar of Visitor Events. Clean Up: Update Broken Links. Website Visitors. Most Visited Pages o Hotels, Food, Events o Users o 48olo Desktop o 44olo Mobile o 8o/o Tablet o Average Time on Site o 2.2 Minutes o Bounce Rate - B3o/o (visiting only one page). Visitor Origin (in order) o Seattle, Portland, Vancouver, Kent, San Francisco, Spokane, Tacoma, Yakima o 78o/o Washington, 5o/o California, 2olo New York, and 1olo for the following: Oregon, Arizona, Tennessee, Alaska, Michigan, and Virginia 3 Social Media Management & Strategyo Enhance Social. Sell People on Kent. Visual Engagement. Custom photography . Content Integration. Inspire "Heads in Beds"o Action. Develop Content Ideas. Post Content ' Manâge the communities (comments, Responding to Tweets, etc,). Engage with Visitors and Others ' Grow Your Following. Evaluate Success¡ Posting Outlets. Instagram o Visual outreach and interaction with business and visitor community. Facebook o Repost Instagram photos, share events/afticles and promote content. Twitter o Interact in real time, correspond and develop relationships, share relevant articles/travel tipso Posting Content ' Five Most Common Things On Which Travelers Will Splurgeo Sightseeing o Special Dining Experience o Accommodations o Activities o Shopping. Blog Updates. Event Promotions. Earned Media Coverage ' ShoWare Center Events ' Quarterly Themed Photo Shoots. Reposts. Current Followers (in order) ' Kent, Seattle, Yakima, Portland, Spokane. 32o/o Local, 680/o Regional 4 . Media Management. Keywords in Vision. Media Monitoring. Media Contact Database ' Media Opportunities (Road Trips, Affordable Weekend Getaways, Family Travel, Liquid Tourism, etc.). Media pitching . Haro Opportunities Next Steps. Marketing Plan. Website Recommendationso Phase 1 Complete by February 28th 7. T-Birds Marketing Update o Team Buso Webcasto Print at Home Tickets. Branding Advantages o Brings People into Kent for Dining, Lodging, and Activitieso Educates on City's Offerings o Visitors from Portland, Tri Cities, Spokane, Everett and across Canadao Ability to Change Messaging Throughout Yearo Dasher Board Signage o Visible on Television, Webcast, News/Web/League Highlights. In-house Commercial o Viewed by fans between periods . Ultimate Sports Weekend o Sheri Hand, Grand Prize Winner o Two Club Seats to L0/L4 T-Birds Game o Stay in Kent o Two Meals from Local Restaurants o Tickets to Seahawks Gameo Digital Program o Download to Smart Phone or Digital Device o Interactive o Change Seasonally o Link Website. Broadcast Radio. The Fan - AM 1090. Live Streaming. Included in Broadcast Package o Four 3O-Second Spots o One Live Read o Opening and Closing Billboards 5 a o T-Birds Website. VisitKent.com Placement on Partner page o Easy Lead to Website to Increase Branding Opportuníty TV Bonus. Secured Commercial Space in Portland o Reach Portland winterhawks Fans Attending Games in Kent. 2016/2017 Broadcast Schedule o Saturday, September 24 from Portland - 7:00 pm o Saturday, October 1 from Seattle - 7:05 pm o Saturday, November 19 from Portland - 7:00 pm o Saturday, February 4 from Po¡tland - 7:00 pm o Saturday, February 11 from Seattle - 7:05 pm o Saturday, February 1B from Seattle - 6:05 pm o Saturday, March 11 from Portland - 6:00 pm o Saturday, March 18 from Seattle - 7:05 pm Partnership Package ($59,400) o Team Bus o Webcast "Bug" o Print at Home o Dasher Boards o Promotions o "In House Commercials" o Program w/ Link o Broadcast Radio Package o Website w/ Link o Television Seattle & Poftland a B. Re-appointment of Josh Bang to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - Josh has agreed to serve for another 4 year team as a member of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Motion was brought to the Committee for approval. MOTION¡ Board Member Kwok moved to approve the re-appointment of Josh Bang to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for an additional 4 year term, Board Member Casey seconded, motion passes. 9. Next meeting was set for February 27,20L7 at 4 pm 10. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned by chair Bill Boyce, at 5:10 pm S d J Pulliam LTAC Secretary