HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 09/25/2017 (2)Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Mission: Promote the City as a destination to increase tourism and business development Unless otherwise noted, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meets every other Month on the 4rd Monday at 4:00 p.m. in Centennial North & South Conference Room, 400 West Gowe Street, Kent WA 98032. For information on the above item(s), or upcoming meetings contact Julie Pulliam (253) 856-5702. Committee Members: Bill Boyce, Chair, Tim Higgins, John Casey, Barbara Smith, David Kwok, Andrew Hutchison, Andrea Keikkala, Bryan Powell City Staff: Ben Wolters, Julie Pulliam AGENDA 9/26/17 4:00 p.m. CENTENNIAL NORTH & SOUTH CONFERENCE ROOM (ACROSS FROM ELEVATORS) Item Description Action Speaker(s) Page Time 1. Welcome & Introductions NO Bill Boyce 2 min. 2. Approval of June 26, 2017 Minutes YES Bill Boyce 1 2 min. 3. Budget Update NO Ben Wolters 5 5 min. 4. JayRay Presentation - VisitKent.com YES Bridget Baeth 7 40 min. 5. Vacant LTAC Position NO Ben Wolters 5 min. 6. Next Meeting Date November 27, 2017 YES Bill Boyce 1 min. 8. Adjournment Lodging Tax Advisory Committee June 26, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Draft Approval Pending Page 1 of 4 Date: June 26, 2017 Time: 4 p.m. Place: Centennial North & South Attending: Committee & Chair; Bill Boyce, Andrew Hutchison, Andrea Keikkala, Barbara Smith, Tim Higgins City Staff & Guests; Ben Wolters, Julie Pulliam, Michelle Wilmot, Ryan Hart, Colin Campbell, Jason Thomsen, Bridget Baeth, Florin Mehedint, Ryan Millard, Mike Raven Agenda: Called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm 1. Welcome & Introductions & Corrections Welcome and introductions Move item #5 to item #7 2. Approval of the April 24, 2017 Minutes Andrea Keikkala moved to appro ve the April 24, 2017 minutes a nd Tim Higgins seconded, motion passed. 3. Budget Ben presented the budget as printed in packet. LTAC is on track to go about $20,000 over the revenue budget for this year. Fo recasted expenditures are tracking forward with contracts. Year-end fund balance is about $470,000. 4. ShoWare Ask $60,000 Tim Higgins presented the reason he as General Manager would like the $60,000 which is already approved by the Council for ShoWare Marketing.  He would be better able to use the money more efficiently if it was giving to ShoWare all at once.  When he see an opportunity if the money is already in the ShoWare Marketing Budget he would be able to secure the opportunity without having to continue to come back to the Commi ttee each ti me and maybe loose the opportunity to bid on a show or event.  By doing this ShoWare would be able to move forward with confidence when securing a show or event. Committee would still want a recap of all events that the monies are used for to bring in events to ShoWare Center. Motion: Move to approve from the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for ShoWare Center to have the already approved by Council $60,000 budget in full moved into the ShoWare budget marketing budget to be used as needed to bring different concerts and events. Barbara Smith moved and Andrea Keikala 2nd, motion passed 4-0 Tim Higgins removed himself from the vote. 5. T-Birds Ask - 2017-2018 Season Partnership Package Colin Campbell stated what the T-Birds presentation is ab out is bringing people to ShoWare Center, Kent with the T-birds advertising promotional package. 1 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee June 26, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Draft Approval Pending Page 2 of 4 Presentation Seattle Thunderbirds 2017/18 2019/20 VisitKent.com  Getting people to Eat, Drink, Stay and Play in Kent! 1. Raise awareness for Visit Kent.com to people from around the region. 2. Educate people about opportunities to eat shop, stay and play in Kent. 3. Put heads in beds.  T-Birds member of the Western Hockey League  VisitKent.com Logo on Thunderbirds Team Bus  VisitKent.com Logo on Thunderbirds Team Van  VisitKent.com Logo on Thunderbirds Webcast  VisitKent.com Logo on Print at Home tickets  VisitKent.com Logo on ShoWare arena Dasher boards  An in-house commercial to run between periods  Fun promotions  VisitKent.com Logo on Cool-Bird cut-outs  VisitKent.com Logo on digital program  Radio broadcast on the Fan 1090am 1. 4 30-second spots 2. 1 live read 3. Opening and closing billboards  VisitKent.com placement on the Partner page of the Thunderbirds website.  Broadcast Television 1. 2 30 second commercials 2. 1 Feature sponsor 3. 1 60 second Featurette  Number of room nights 1. Training Camp – 300+ 2. Parents Weekend – 70-80 3. Visiting team – 400+ 4. Playoff games – 150-200 Over the course 1,000 and add over 160,00 fans that is a lot of people coming to Kent and spending money in restaurants and shopping each year.  Total Net investment is $59,400 per season Motion: Move to approve an ask to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee from the Seattle Thunderbirds in the amount of $59,400 for the 2017-2018 Seattle Thunderbirds Season Partnership Package to provide marketing to promote VisitKent.com Andrea Keikala moved and Tim Higgins 2nd, motion passes 5-0 6. USA Softball 16A Girls National Championship – Kent 2018 In 2006 we had approximately 138 teams from all over the country. Last time I was here the Committee asked me to bring back 3 things.  Have opening ceremonies at ShoWare C enter which we do want to have. Meet May 31st had a good meeting. Tim will be getting back with the numbers. This should be a go, but cost still needs to be figured out. Tim Higgins said he will make this event work. 2 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee June 26, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Draft Approval Pending Page 3 of 4  Andrea wants t-shirts and other things to promote the event. Free ad i n the program. We met and I have a better idea of what she is wanting.  We should be able to get rid of the $5.00 per room night Motion: Move to approve an ask to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee in the amount of $20,000, $10,000 in 2017 and $10,000 in 2018 for the Softball 16A Championship. Tim Higgins moved and Andrea Keikala 2nd, motion passes 5-0 7. JayRay update on website Website Project  Goals  Site Map  Schedule  Progress Report Goals  Inspire visitors to ch oose Kent-website should function as an authentic, inspiration piece (think coffee table magazine)  Encourage overnight stays/hotel bookings  Responsive display (mobile and table, both landscape and portrait)  Simplify layout and navigation  Easy to use content management system  Improved bounce rate  Improve search engine ranking/SEO New Features  WordPress backend  Search bar  Newsroom  Enhanced featuring TripAdvisor plugin  Improved events calendar  Custom landing pages/URLs for campaigns Success Metrics  Increase unique visitors  Decrease bounce rate Site Map  Explore o Things to do o Attractions o Entertainment o Outdoor Recreation o Shopping o Sports o Day Trips o Weekend Trips o Family Adventures o 10 Free Activities  Eat & Drink o Restaurants 3 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee June 26, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Draft Approval Pending Page 4 of 4 o Beer, Wine & Spirits o Happy Hour Sports o Local Favorites  Stay o Hotels o Camping & RV Parks  Travel o Your Basecamp o Planning tools o Airport o Maps o Transportation Schedule  Discovery – approved site map shared w/LTAC 6/26  Definition - (Wireframe/Sketches) w/LTAC 7/24  Design – approved design w/LTAC 8/28  Development – Final website approval for LTAC 9/25 Website launched to public 9/26 Progress Report – Since our last meeting 1. Site map created 2. New stories and listings drafts started 3. Photo-shoot for new images scheduled Progress Report – Before our next meeting 1. Complete work on wireframe/sketches 2. Complete stories and listings 3. Completer photo-shoots for new images Chair Boyce stated we are going in the right direction Andrew what is the best way to get the feedback to JayRay. Ben asked Bridget to contact the Committee to ask for their feedback Ryan Hart - last meeting. Next Meeting August 28, 2017 @ 4 p.m. Meeting adjourned 5:00 p.m. Submitted Julie Pulliam, LTAC Secretary 4 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2018 Actual Actual Adjusted Budget YTD Est. Actual Adopted Budget Beginning Fund Balance 371,803 394,516 472,260 469,386 469,386 415,200 Revenues Lodging Tax 279,466 293,347 280,500 175,720 284,000 286,110 Miscellaneous Income 411 1,512 500 2,828 4,000 500 Total Revenues 279,878 294,859 281,000 178,548 288,000 286,610 Expenditures Services & Charges 10,000 10,311 16,560 4,431 16,560 17,190 Marketing 144,977 166,191 168,000 145,514 168,000 168,000 Projects & Events 23,665 25,000 75,000 25,000 25,000 15,000 Chamber 18,500 18,500 18,500 9,250 18,500 18,500 ShoWare Branding & Marketing 60,022 (13) 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Total Expenditures 257,164 219,989 338,060 244,195 288,060 278,690 Change in Fund Balance 22,713 74,870 (57,060) (65,647) (60) 7,920 Ending Fund Balance 394,516 469,386 415,200 403,740 469,326 423,120 Lodging Tax Operating Fund as of August 31, 2017 5 Lodging Tax Revenue by Month 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Variance % of Change January 12,759 13,395 13,336 16,651 17,552 18,474 922 5.3% February 10,621 10,886 12,550 13,424 14,410 15,163 753 5.2% March 14,020 11,641 13,004 13,870 16,517 17,130 614 3.7% April 12,828 13,023 14,787 14,512 17,505 19,187 1,682 9.6% May 14,285 14,764 16,742 17,421 18,210 21,895 3,685 20.2% June 13,681 14,664 15,636 17,213 21,337 21,174 (163) -0.8% July 15,267 17,290 20,058 22,598 23,960 25,904 1,944 8.1% August 5,202 23,152 26,947 34,809 33,870 36,793 2,923 8.6% Year to Date 98,664$ 118,816$ 133,061$ 150,498$ 163,360$ 175,720$ 12,360$ 7.6% September 25,468 28,734 33,976 38,364 38,142 October 25,742 31,628 35,047 37,780 39,611 November 19,629 19,525 24,710 29,028 31,007 December 18,469 18,916 22,583 23,796 20,474 Full Year 187,971$ 217,618$ 249,377$ 279,466$ 292,594$ 175,720$ 12,360$ 4.2% % Change:2.8%15.8%14.6%12.1%7.2% as of 9/19/2017 6 ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: September 19, 2017 TO: Chair Bill Boyce and Lodging Tax Advisory Committee FROM: Ben Wolters, ECD Director & Bridget Baeth, JayRay RE: VisitKent.com presentation For Meeting of September 25, 2017 SUMMARY: JayRay has been working closely with the City of Kent to design the new VisitKent.com website. Since we last met with the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) and got your initial guidance, we have had calls and in-person meetings with Ben, Michelle, and Julie from the City to review the site, make some modifications, and finalize the design. We are excited to share the responses during the LTAC meeting on Monday, September 25th. During and following the meeting, there will be the opportunity to share your thoughts, comments, and questions. Depending on the feedback we receive we would propose completing the editing on Sept 29th and begin the project development phase by Sept. 29th this schedule would allow the new site to go live by October 16th. EXHIBITS: Presentation will be presented at meeting BUDGET IMPACT: Yes, already budgeted MOTION: Information Only 7