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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/21/2017Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2L,20L7
Kent, Washington
Approved LzlL2/L7
November 2L,2OI7
7 p.m.
Council Chambers East/West
Suzette Cooke, Mayor
Bill Boyce, Council President
Tina Budell, Councilmember
Jim Berrios, Councilmember
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
Dennis Higgins, Councilmember
Dana Ralph, Councilmember
Les Thomas, Councilmember
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. with Mayor Cooke presiding
2. Roll Call
Mayor Cooke - Present
Council President Boyce - Present
Tina Budell, Councilmember - Present
Jim Berrios, Councilmember - Present
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present
Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present
Dana Ralph, Councilmember - Present
Les Thomas, Councilmember - Present
3. Changes to the Agenda
Council President Boyce added "Other Business 8E - Further discussion on use of
banked capacity."
Councilmember Boyce moved to approve the agenda as amended,
seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed with a unanimous
vote ol 7-O.
4. PublicCommunications
A. Public Recognition
Mayor Cooke publically recognized Dennis Higgins and Jim Berrios for their years of
service. Mayor Cooke also thanked City staff for organized the celebration event
prior to tonight's meeting.
B. Presentation of Giving Campaign Proceeds to Kent Food Bank
Alyne Hansen, Public Disclosure Administrator and Chair of the Fall giving
Campaign, provided a recap of the City's Giving Campaign. There is an 18 member
committee that organizes and hosts the annual event. Alyne presented Janice
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2L,2OL7
Kent, Washington
Approved L2lL2/L7
Hanson, Jenice Choate, Lisa Ellis, and Eric Hemmen, Kent Food Bank board
members, with a check in the amount of $9,046.00. Jenice Choate, Lisa Ellis, and
Eric Hemmen expressed their appreciation for the donation.
Jenice conveyed that on the second Friday in October, the Kent Food Bank hosts an
annual fundraiser at the Kent Covenant Church at 7 a.m. Breakfast is provided by
the Golden Steer. 'lhe 2OI7 breakfast raised $35,000.
C. Proclamation for "Small Business Day"
Mayor Cooke presented Barbara Smith with the Proclamation for "Small Business
Day." Barbara Smith, Executive Director of the Kent Downtown Partnership, spoke
in support of the proclamation and for "shopping local."
Barbara advised that the Kent Lions hosts Winterfest that will be held on Saturday,
December 2nd. The event features Santa's workshop, holiday library readings, and
a 5 p.m. tree lighting.
D, Legislative Update - Representative Tina Orwall
Representative Orwall provided an update on Legislative activity, public safety,
McCleary, mental health, air quality study, and the capital budget. Information was
presented on topics for the next legislative session that includes gang prevention,
drag racing, human trafficking, language access, foreclosure/abandoned properties,
and student loan debt.
The Mayor and councilmembers expressed their appreciation for the work of
Representative OrwaIL
E. Community Events
Council President Boyce advised of upcoming events at the accesso ShoWare
Center and invited everyone to visit for event and ticket
Information was presented regarding the December t4, 2Ot7, celebration of Mayor
Cooke's service to the City that will be held at the accesso ShoWare Center at 5:30
Councilmember Ralph announced 3l't annual Celtic Yuletide Concert that will be
held at the Kent Meridian Performing Arts Center. December 3'd @ 3 p.m.
Councilmember Fincher advised that the Greater Kent Historical Society's open
house will be held on Sunday, December LO,2OL7, from 1-4 p.m.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2t,2OL7
Kent, Washington
Approved L2/L2/L7
Mayor Cooke advised that the Rededication of Chief Robert E. Lee Building will be
held on November 3O,20t7 from 11:30 a.m. - noon.
Mayor Cooke advised that the Kent Commons Holiday Bazaar will be held on Friday,
December I,2OL7 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, December 2,20L7,9 a.m, - 4
F. Public Safety Update
Chief Thomas conveyed that detectives have arrested two suspects involved in the
November 2, 2OL7 homicide in Kent. One of suspects was a person previously
convicted of 3 felonies, sentenced to life, and then had his sentence commuted.
Chief Thomas provided brief backgrounds on the four officers swore in tonight.
Mayor Cooke conducted the swearing in of officers Taylor Burns, Travis Eaton, Nick
Grave, and Elmer Querubin.
Chaplain Pat Ellis introduced Chaplain Jay Abram, the new volunteer Chaplain for
the City of Kent Correctional Facility. Chaplain Abram expressed his appreciation
for the opportunity to serve the Kent community.
Chief Thomas and Assistant Chief Eric Hemmen advised that the City of Kent is the
first city in the state of Washington to be accredited in patrol operations and
Chief Thomas and Assistant Chief Hemmen, presented Officer Ron Harvey and
Officer Scott Kulin with letters of commendation; Administrative Assistant Jill Fuller,
Officer Mike Armstrong, and Commander Diane McCuistion with Chief's Award of
Professiona I Excel lence.
F. Intergovernmental Reports
Council President Boyce serves on the Sound Cities Association Policy Board
Public Issues Committee. No Report.
Councilmember Budell serves on the Sound Cities Association Domestic Violence
Initiative Committee. The Final meeting of the year was held on November 16,
20t7 discussed #Metoo that related to sexual harassment and sexual violence.
Councilmember Budell indicated that additional staff are being hired to follow up on
Orders of Surrender.
Councilmember Higgins serves on the King County Regional Transit Committee.
During the last meeting the Metro Connects Development Program was adopted
that implements steps identified in the long range plan. Metro will be implementing
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
new Rapid Ride
November 2t,20t7
Kent, Washington
Approved t2lL2/t7
routes. The 2OL7 Metro service evaluation report was also
Councilmember Berrios serves on the Puget Sound Regional Council Economic
Development Board. No report.
Councilmember Ralph serves on the Transportation Policy Board Regional
Transportation Committee. Federal Safety Performance measures were discussed
regarding adopting targets regarding safety in an effort to reduce the number of
fatalities and serious injuries. The Board also discussed the Transit Integration
Reports and how to integrate transit systems.
Councilmember Fincher serves on the King Conservation District Advisory
Committee. Currently reviewing book of work and data collection to be more
deliberate on what is being collected. If you wish to serve on the advisory
committee or board, visit for additional information.
Councilmember Fincher conveyed that the Urban forestry program is ready to rollout. Grant funds will be available to help catalog access and expand the tree
canopy in South King County.
Councilmember Fincher serves on the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Council.
No report.
5. Public Hearing
6. Public Comment
Ted Schwartz, a Kent resident provided public comment and in support of safe
injection sites, in addition to expressing his appreciation for Councilmembers
Berrios, Higgins, and Mayor Cooke.
Kirk Nelson, a Kent resident, provided public comment and expressed his
appreciation for the work of the City staff providing him with information. Mr.
Nelson also expressed concerns over the school parking lot at the bottom of James.
Sally Goodgeon, a Kent resident, expressed her appreciation of Mayor Cooke,
Councilmember Higgins, and Councilmember Berrios. She thanked Councilmember
Berrios for the generosity of his restaurant for feeding 350-400 people on
Thanksgiving. Ms. Goodgeon invited the public to attend Hope for Families 2017
that will be held at on Thursday, December 7th at11:30 at the Golden Steer
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2L,20L7
Kent, Washington
Approved t2/L2/L7
Uriah Presto, a Kent resident and attendee at Kentwood High School. Expressed her
concern over racial issues and sexual harassment in the Kent Schools. Mayor Cooke
suggested Ms. Presto apply to serve on the Youth Board.
Tye Whitfield, a Kent resident, spoke in support of the Kent Parks and Recreation
programs and requested the Council find funds to support the Parks programs.
April StaiRosa, a Kent business owner spoke in opposition of increasing the City's
B&O tax.
John Schneider, a Past president of the Kent Chamber of Commerce, spoke in
opposition of the increase to the B&O tax. Mr. Schneider also read an email from
Sysco, a Kent business in opposition of increasing the B&O tax,
Carmen Goers, a representative from a Kent business and co-chair of the Kent
Chamber of Commerce, spoke in opposition of increasing the City's B&O tax.
Zandria Muchaud, Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission, spoke in support
of increasing the B&O tax.
Robert Toensing, a Kent resident, spoke on behalf of Columbia Distributing and a
resident of the City of Kent in opposition of increasing the City's B&O tax.
Jennifer Hamor, a Kent resident, spoke in opposition of increasing the City's B&O
Same Pace, a Kent resident, spoke on behalf of the Association of Realtors, and
expressed his opposition to increasing the City's B&O tax.
Cindi Cameron, a representative of a City of Kent business and spoke in opposition
to increasing the City's B&O tax.
Annie Sieger, Vice Chair of Kent Parks and Recreation Commission spoke in support
of increasing the City's B&O tax.
Steve Haft, Senior Vice President of Oberto, and president elect for the Kent
Chamber of Commerce, spoke in opposition of increasing the City's B&O tax.
Brandon Parsons, a resident of Kent spoke in support of increasing the City's B&O
Jennifer Ritchie, a resident of Kent and City of Kent Parks Commissioner, spoke in
support of increasing the City's B&O tax.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
Wire Transfers
Regular Checks
Payment Plus
Void Checks
Use Tax Payable
Check Numbers
7L8200-7 18592
November 2t,2Ot7
Kent, Washington
$ 10.1 19.28
Approved L2/L2lt7
Councilmember Fincher read an email from Mike Heinisch, Executive Director of
Kent Youth and Family Services, into the record supporting the increase of the B&O
tax and supporting the Ordinance Amending Chapter 3.28 of the Kent City Code.
7. Consent Calendar
Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar items A
through P seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed
unanimously with a 7-O vote.
A. Minutes of November 7, 2OL7t Council Meeting, and November 14,
2OL7, Special Workshop - Approve
The minutes of the November 7, 2Ot7, Council Meeting, and November L4, 2OL7,
Special Workshop - were approved.
B. Payment of Bills - Approve
The bills received through October L5,20L7, and paid on October 15, 2OL7, and
audited by the Operations Committee on November 7, 2OL7, were approved.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Approval of checks issued for payroll for October L, 20L7 through October 15,
2OL7 and paid on October 2O,2OL7:
Check Numbers
Checks 0
Voids and Reissues
Advices 396269-397L55L0/20/2Ot7 $1,628.183.54
C. 2OL7 Docket Report - Approve
Council approved the 2017 Annual Docket Report as recommended by the Economic
and Community Development Committee.
D. 2016 Docketed Code Amendments - Ordinance - Adopt
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2L,2Ot7
Kent, Washington
Approved L2lt2/L7
Council adopted Ordinance No. 4257, approving the 2OL6 docketed code
amendments as recommended by the Economic and Community Development
E. Multifamily Tax Exemption - Marquee on Meeker - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign the Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption
Agreement with Marquee on Meeker LLC, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the Economic and Community Development Director and City
F. Multifamily Tax Exemption - David Myakovsky - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign the Multifamily Housing Property Tax
Exemption Agreement with David Myaskovsky, subject to final terms and
conditions acceptable to the Economic and Community Development Director
and City Attorney.
G. Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Washington
Military Department - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to accept the Emergency Management Performance
Grant from the Washington Military Department/Emergency Management Division
and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in the amount of #70,697, sign all
necessary grant documents, amend the budget, and authorize expenditure of the
funds in accordance with final grant terms and conditions acceptable to the City
H. Contract Renewals for Medical, Dental, Vision, Basic Life, Voluntary
Life, and Long Term Disability Insurance - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to approve renewal of the City's contracts for medical,
vision, and dental benefits with Premera, Vision Service Plan (VSP), and Delta
Dental for three years, and Kaiser Permanente (formerly Group Health) for one
year, and to approve switching from Standard Insurance to Cigna for a new 3-year
contract for Basic Life, Voluntary Life, and Long Term Disability insurance, subject
to approval of final terms and conditions by the Human Resources Director and the
City Attorney.
I. Consolidating Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Third Quarter of
2OL7 - Adopt
Ordinance No. 4258, was adopted, approving the consolidating budget adjustments
made between July 1, 2Ot7 and September 30,2077, reflecting an overall budget
increase of $3,1t7 ,760.
J. Write-Off Uncollectable Accounts - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to write-off uncollectable accounts owed to the City in
the amount of $150,006.24, subject to final approval of the Finance Director and
City Attorney.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2L,2OL7
Kent, Washington
Approved L2/L2/L7
K. 2OL7 Third Quarter Fee-In-Lieu Funds - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to accept ç4,233 of fee-in-lieu funds, amend the
Community Parks Reinvestment Program budget, and authorize the future
expenditure of these funds for capital improvements at Service Club Ballfields Park.
L. Amendment to King County Conservation Futures Interlocal
Agreement - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign amendment "Q" to the King County Conservation
Futures Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, for funds in the amount $150,000, to be
used toward the purchase of the Walla property at Clark Lake, subject to final terms
and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director.
M. Consultant Services Agreement with Berger Partnership for West
Fenwick Park Renovation Design - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign a consultant services agreement with Berger
Partnership, in an amount not to exceed $215,298.00, for design and construction
oversight of the West Fenwick Park Renovation Phase II, subject to final terms and
conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney.
N. 2018 Water Treatment Chemical Supply Contract with JCI Jones
Chemicals, Inc. - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign the 2018 Water Treatment Chemical Supply
Agreement with JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc. for Gas Chlorine and 25o/o Sodium Hydroxide,
in an amount not to exceed $120,505.00, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
O. City of Kent Water System Plan Extension Request to Washington
State Department of Health - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to approve a two-year extension request for the Kent
Water System Plan, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City
Attorney and Public Works Director.
P. South 224th Street Jorgensen Steel Improvements - Right-of-Way
Dedication - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign the deed dedicating right-of-way for the South 224th
Street Improvement Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the
City Attorney and Public Works Director.
8. Other BusinessA. Ordinance - 2OL7 Refunding of Outstanding 2OO9 Utility Revenue
Bonds - Adopt
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2L,2017
Kent, Washington
Approved t2/L2/t7
Aaron BeMiller, the City's Finance Director provide a brief presentation on the 2017
Bond Refunding that was also presented to the Operations Committee on November
7, 20L7.
Councilmember Ralph moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4259, providing for
the issuance of combined utility system revenue refunding bonds in the
aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $16'000,000 for the purpose
of refunding, on a crossover basis, a portion of the City's combined utility
system revenue bonds series 2OO9B taxable (Build America Bonds - Direct
Payment); providing the form, terms and covenants of the bonds;
delegating certain authority to approve the final terms of the bonds; and
authorizing other matters related thereto, subject to the approval of final
terms by the Finance Director and City Attorney. The motion was seconded
by Council President Boyce and passed with a unanimous vote ol7-O.
B. Ordinance Amending Chapter 3.28 of the Kent City Code Increasing
the B&O Square Footage Tax - Adopt
Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director, provided a brief presentation on past Council
discussions, the anticipated additional revenue expected, and the use of the
additional revenue. Aaron indicated the increase the City's B&O Tax that would
take effect January L, 20L9.
Julie Parascondola, Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Director, provided
information regarding the City's adoption of a vision through the Comprehensive
Plan and the Parks and Open Space Plan. The Parks and Open Space Plan,
addressed four goals: Quality Public Spaces, Performance-Based Approach,
Transformation Through Reinvestment, and Sustainable Funding. Julie provided
details on declining quality public spaces, , current vs. future investment, Kent's
quality of life, and challenges and impacts. Julie indicated that investment in public
lands, green infrastructure and the people of Kent absolutely should be considered
a City priority, and that we, as a city and community need to re-invest in the
livability, health, and quality of life for our residents, both current and those yet to
Julie provided information regarding the potential of creating a Metropolitan Tax
Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director, provided a brief
overview of the initial adoption of the City's B&O tax on January L, 2OL3, and how
the imposition of the tax would affect Kent's economy. Ben compared data on
industrial space subject to the square footage tax. Ben indicated new businesses
are relocating to Kent and existing businesses are expanding in Kent.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2L,2OI7
Kent, Washington
Approved L2/L2/17
Ben provided an economic perspective regarding the relative value of parks to a
community. Parks contribute to the economic value of a community by providing
quality of life throughout the community.
Councilmember Ralph moved to adopt Ordinance No. 426Ot amending Chapter
3.28 of the Kent City Code to increase the City's square footage tax to six cents
for warehouse floor space and two cents for other business floor space, and to
allocate one-half of the revenue received from the square footage tax to the
Capital Resources Fund. Councilmember Higgins seconded the motion.
Council President Boyce spoke in support of working together as a City to come up with
solutions to sustainable funding and B&O taxes cannot be the only solution. Council
President Boyce spoke in support of the motion to adopt the ordinance.
Councilmember Higgins spoke in support of the motion.
Councilmember Berrios spoke in opposition of the motion.
Councilmember Ralph spoke in support of the motion.
Councilmember Budell spoke in support of the motion.
Council President Boyce Called for the Vote:
Councilmember Fincher - No
Councilmember Thomas - Yes
Council President Boyce - Yes
Councilmember Ralph - Yes
Councilmember Berrios - No
Councilmember Higgins - Yes
Councilmember Budell - Yes
C. Community Health Engagement Locations - Ordinance - Adopt
Charlene Anderson, the City's long range planner, provided a brief overview of
Community Health Engagement Locations (CHELs), including context to the policy,
existing regulations, key policy considerations, in-site, Vancouver - 2Ot6 statistics,
drug-related crime reports in Kent. Staff proposed two options for code
amendments and recommend alternative B. The Economic and Community
Development Committee recommended prohibiting CHELs within all zoning districts
in the City.
Councilmember moved to adopt Ordinance No. 426, prohibiting
Community Health Engagement Locations in all zoning districts in Kent, as
recommended by the Economic and Community Development Committee.
The motion was seconded by Councilmember Budell.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2L,2OL7
Kent, Washington
Approved t2/L2/t7
Councilmember Budell spoke in support of the motion and suggested in-patient
treatment centers are needed in all areas of Kent in addition to halfway housing.
Council President Boyce spoke in support of the motion.
Councilmember Ralph spoke in support of the motion.
Councilmember Berrios spoke in support of the motion
Councilmember Fincher spoke in support of the motion
Councilmember Higgins spoke in opposition of the motion
The motion passed 6 - 1.
D. Resolution Renaming South 238th Street to "Oberto Drive" - Adopt
Steve Haft, Senior Vice President of Human Resources for Oberto, presented
information on the 100th anniversary of Oberto, including humble beginnings from
1918. In 1978, Oberto Sausage Company opened a facility in Kent.
100 Year Anniversary celebration will include the launch of the Special Founder's
Reserve products, leveraging existing partnerships with local sports franchises,
making a big splash at 2018 Seafair, and cultivating stories with local media outlets
through Oberto's social media.
Councilmember Berrios sought confirmation that Oberto will not be relocated out of
the area,
Councilmembers provided comments on their appreciation of the Oberto business in
Councilmember Higgins moved to adopt Resolution No. 1951, renaming
South 238th Street to Oberto Drive. Councilmember Ralph seconded the
Councilmember Ralph, Fincher, and Higgins, expressed their appreciation of Oberto
E. Continuing Discuss¡on on the use of Banked Property Tax
Aaron BeMiller, the City's Finance Director provided additional review on the use of
banked-property tax capacity in 20L8, and the multiple options presented to the
council during recent workshops.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2t,20L7
Kent, Washington
Approved L2/L2/L7
Council President Boyce advised that after today's workshop, a councilmember
requested the council discuss the use of banked property tax during this council
Councilmember Thomas spoke in support of the use of full banked property tax.
Council President Boyce advised Aaron BeMiller to have the budget documents
prepared levying full banked property tax for use in 2018.
9. Bids
1O. Reports from Standing Committees, Council and Staff
Council President's Report - Council President Boyce - No report.
Mayor Cooke The Economic and Community Development Department is
participating in the Puget Sound Regional Council by contributing $2,500 towards
the Commercial Space Sector Study.
Mayor Cooke introduced Michayle Jones, a senior at Kent Meridian High School.
Michayle job shadowed Mayor Cooke today. Michayle provided comments on her
experiences participating in meetings and the workshop.
Administration - Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer, advised that there
will be two opportunities to express their appreciation of Mayor Cooke: A farewell
dinner, on Thursday, December 14th at the accesso ShoWare Center, and Tuesday,
December t2,20L7, at 6 p.m. in the City Hall lobby.
City leaders are hard at work preparing materials for the council orientation on
December 19th @ 4 p.m. The complete Chief Administrative Officer report is in the
packet. There is an executive session tonight to discuss the purchase of property
and collective bargaining, expected to last 15 minutes and action is expected once
the council reconvenes in open session.
Economic and Community Development - Council President Boyce advised that
his report is available in the minutes.
Operations - Councilmember Ralph advised that today's committee recommended
adoption of updates to the City's financial policies.
Parks and Human Services - Councilmember Fincher indicated the committee
reviewed the fee-in-lieu procedures.
Public Safety - Councilmember Berrios - No report.
Public Works - Councilmember Higgins advised his report is in the minutes.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2L,2Ot7
Kent, Washington
Approved t2/I2117
Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority - Councilmember Thomas indicated the
next meeting will be held on December 6, 2OL7, at 5:30 p.m. at station 78 in
At 1O:25 p.ffi., the Council went into Executive Session.
At 1O:44 p.ffi., the Council came out of Executive Session.
Council President Boyce moved authorize the Mayor to sign a Memorandum
of Understanding with the Washington State Council of County and City
Employees, AFSCME, Local2617 Union, to take effect January 1, 2O18, and
to adjust the budget accordingly, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the Human Resources Director and the City Attorney.
Councilmember Ralph Seconded the motion.
Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer clarified that during the recent salary
survey, staff realized they treated some employees unevenly both non-represented
and AFSCME regarding the cost of living. Some employees were brought up to
market effective January 1, 2018, and then applied a cost of living adjustment,
other employees; staff relied on market adjustments to bring the employee up to
market. The net cost is $121,000 that will come from the general fund and other
The motion passed with a unanimous vote oÍ 7-O.
12. Adiournment
M r Cooke adj ned t eme ng at 10:47 p.m.our
Kimberley A.
City Clerk
November 2t,20L7
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