HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/17/2017Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October t7, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Date: Time: Place: Attending: Approved lI/7/L7 October 17,2OL7 7 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Suzette Cooke, Mayor Bill Boyce, Council President Tina Budell, Councilmember Jim Berrios, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Dana Ralph, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. with Mayor Cooke presiding. 2, Roll Call Mayor Cooke - Present Council President Boyce - Present Tina Budell, Councilmember - Present Jim Berrios, Councilmember - Present Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present Dana Ralph, Councilmember - Present Les Thomas, Councilmember - Present 3. Chanoes to the Aqenda Councilmember Boyce moved to approve the agendas presented, seconded by Thomas. The motion passed with a vote oÍ 7-O. 4. PublicCommunicationsA. Public Recognition Mayor Cooke congratulated Tom Brubaker, City Attorney, as the recipient of the Washington Association of Municipal Attorney's (WSAMA) Earnest Campbell Awardfor Excellence in Municipal Law the organization's top award. Tom was recognized for his many contributions to Washington municipal law, including:o Service as the immediate past president of WSAMA. Presentation of at least 16 subjects at WSAMA conferences. 27 Years of experience working for a municipality (most of them for Kent). Work on various legislative matters that benefit all Washington cities. Teaching a municipal law class at the Seattle University School of Law This is a big honor that recognizes Tom's lifetime of achievements as a municipal lawyer in Washington. Page I of 12 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 17, 2017 Kent, Washington Approved tL/7/L7 Council President Boyce congratulated Tom for the award and expressed the council's appreciation of his work. Mayor Cooke recognized Detective Doug Whitley as the City's October Employee of the Month, B. Appointments for Kent Arts Commission Rhonda Billerbeck indicated Christy Caravaglio, Tonia Goodwillie, Susan Machler, Linda Mackintosh, Hal O'Brien and Suzanne Smith wish to be reappointed to the Kent Arts Commission for additional four-year terms. Rhonda indicated that those interested in serving on a City board or commission can visit KentWA.gov for additiona I information. C. Proclamation for National Arts and Humanities Month Mayor Cooke presented Rhonda Billerbeck with the Proclamation for National Arts and Humanities Month. Rhonda indicated that Kent has one of the oldest Arts Commissions in the State of Washington. Rhonda invited the public to visit the Centennial Center to view the arts gallery. Mayor Cooke thanked Tonya Goodwillie for her work with the Kent's Got Talent competition. Tonya indicated one of her students at Allegro Performing Arts Academy won the competition. D. Proclamation for National Head Start Awareness Month Mayor Cooke presented Mike Heinisch from Kent Youth and Family Services with the Proclamation for National Head Start Awareness Month. The following people provided details regarding the early learning programs: Kay Lancaster, Associate Superintendent of Early Learning Teaching & Family Support at Puget Sound Educational Service District, Lori Pittman, Early Learning Policy and Advocacy at Puget Sound Educational Service District, and Theresa LaRonde, Early Childhood Education Director at Kent Youth and Family Services. E. Community Events Council President Boyce advised of upcoming events at the accesso ShoWare Center and welcomed the public to visit accessoShoWare.com for dates and times of upcoming events and ticket information. Councilmember Ralph expressed her appreciation of the work of the Arts Commission. The upcoming Spotlight Series will be held on October 27th at the Kent Lutheran Church, starting at 7:30 p.m, and will feature Las Migas. Visit KentArts.com for ticketing information. Page 2 of L2 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October L7, 2017 Kent, Washington Approved LL/7/L7 Councilmember Fincher advised that there are Green Kent Events for the next three weekend and run from 9 a.m. -noon. Visit KentWA.com for details regarding upcoming opportunities to participate. F. Public Safety Update Chief Thomas introduced Kyra Doubek as the City's Commercial Sexually Exploited Children Behavioral Health Specialist. Kent partnered with Kent Youth and Family Services to obtain funding for the specialist position. Chief Thomas provided an overview of Kyra's job. Kyra expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to work with the youth throughout Kent, Chief Thomas provided an update on criminal statistics from 2006 - 2016, for person's crime, property crime, robberies, aggravated assaults, rapes, burglaries, thefts/larceny, vehicle prowls, and vehicle thefts. Chief Thomas conveyed challenges in addressing effectively dealing with the youth. King County Sheriff John Urquhart presented Chief Thomas with an award recognizing his efforts organizing a coordinated response of King County police departments during a time of unprecedented gun violence in the early months of 20t7. Chief Thomas indicated Sheriff Urquhaft and the King County Sheriff's Office provides outstand ing support. Chief Thomas invited the public to attend the October 25th, coffee with the Chief that will be held at the Starbucks at 4th & Meeker at 8 a.m. G. Intergovernmental Reports Councilmember Boyce serves on the Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee and advised that the last meeting discussed the Legislative agenda that will focus on the adjustment of property tax cap, investing in public health service, and the homelessness crisis. Councilmember Budell serves on the Associated Cities of Western Washington for the Domestic Violence Initiative. No report. Councilmember Higgins, services on the King County Regional Transit Committee. No report. Councilmember Berrios serves on the Puget Sound Regional Council Economic Development Committee. No report, Page 3 of L2 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October L7, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved tI/7/L7 Councilmember Ralph serves on the Transportation Policy Board that continues to work on the Transportation 2O4O update, discussing climate change, meeting targets for regional with reduction of emissions, and will continue to work on freight strategy - how we integrate humans and transportation, The board received an update from WSDOT on the statewide freight system plan. Councilmember Ralph serves on the South County Area Transportation Policy Board. No Report Councilmember Fincher serves on the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Council. No Report Councilmember Fincher serves on the King Conservation District. No. Report 5. Public HearinqA. Potential Surplus of a Portion of Morrill Meadows/East Hill Park and Removal of any Restrictive Covenants for Construction of a YMCA Center. Julie Parascondola, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director, gave the staff presentation. Julie indicated there is a special council workshop on October L9,2Ot7. Julie provided a review of the surplus process to date, including the recently passed HB 1959 Land Covenant Preservation and Transparency Act, Julie reviewed the details regarding the removal of restricted covenants, and advised of the next steps to surplus the property. Mayor Cooke opened the public hearing Councilmember Ralph sought confirmation that the City has obtained approval from King County regarding the restrictions. Public Comment: Kyle Hoffman, a Kent resident, spoke in support of the YMCA. Kyle indicated he is an 8th grader at Mattson Middle School. He indicated the YMCA encourages kids to be active and it makes outside being fun and enjoyable. It also promotes social skills and provides a safe place to do homework and hang out. Alison Hoffman, a Kent resident, spoke in support of the YMCA, Alison indicated she is a 5th grade student at Sunrise Elementary. She indicated the YMCA is more than a pool. Some YMCAs have dance and yoga and it is a place to make new friends, Janet Hoffman, a Kent resident spoke in support of the YMCA. She indicated when grew up in Kent and utilized the Kent Meridian pool. She indicated the YMCA brings people together so they can get involved in their community. Page 4 of !2 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October t7, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved IL/7/L7 David Lyanu works for the YMCA, including their Alive and Free program that provides for youth at risk. David expressed his support of the YMCA. Chiyo Miyabe, a Kent resident, spoke in support of the YMCA and requested that consideration be made to renovating the Kent Meridian Pool and providing for a facility for the school swim teams. Evelyn Raymond, a Kent resident, spoke in support of the YMCA and expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to get a YMCA in Kent. Council President Boyce moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a 7-O vote. Councilmember Fincher moved to adopt Resolution No. L949 authorizing the surplus of a portion of Morrill Meadows/East Hill Park to allow the YMCA of Greater Seattle to construct a new indoor recreational facility, authorizing the removal of certain restricted covenants on the property in accordance with King County and Recreation and Resources Conservation Office requirements, and authorizing the Mayor to take all necessary actions in accordance with this resolution, and seconded by Councilmember Budell, The motion passed unanimously with a 7-0 vote. B. 2018 Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment - Second Public Hearing Mayor Cooke opened the Publ¡c Hearing. Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director, indicated this is the second public hearing on the 2018 Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment. The first public hearing was held on September L9,20L7, The Mayor presented her proposed budget on September 27, 20t7. The proposed expenditure budget is $330.5m and includes a $98.5m general fund budget. Public Comment: Sylvia Hildebrandt, a Kent resident, expressed her opposition to using banked- capacity. She indicated this would affect seniors. She expressed her concerns over the proposed increase to property and utility taxes,' Council President Boyce moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a 7-O vote. C. 2OL7 Tax Levy for 2O18 Budget Mayor Gooked opened the public hearing for the 2OL7 Tax Levy for the 2018 Budget. Page 5 of 12 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October L7, 2Ot7 Kent, Washington Approved Lt/7/t7 Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director, provided a brief overview of the 2OL7 tax levy for collections in 2018, Aaron indicated the King County Assessor's Office has provided a preliminary propefty tax valuation worksheet of $18.2 billion. Due to the 1olo limit on property tax collections, the 2018 City lev rate calculates to a $1.29 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. Aaron indicated additional information can be obtained by visiting KentWA.gov. Public Comment None Council President Boyce moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a 7-O vote, D. 2OLA-2O23 Gapital Improvement Plan - Second Public Hearing Mayor Cooke opened the second public hearing on the 2OLA-2O23 Capital Improvement Plan. Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director, indicated this is the second public hearing, the first public hearing was held on September 19, 2Ot7. The six-year Capital Improvement Plan is part of the Growth Management Act and is a flexible 6-year plan and contains the City's capital projects and fundíng and is updated annually. Upon adoption, the Capital Improvement Plan will be incorporated in to City's Comprehensive Plan. Public Comment None Council President Boyce moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a 7-O vote. E. Comprehensive Plan/Capital Facilities Element Amendment and Update to Kent City Code Chapter L2.L3 School Impact Fees Charlene Anderson, Long Range Senior Planner, gave the staff presentation. This is the annual update to incorporate recent Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Auburn, Federal Way and Highline school districts, as well as the City's Capital Improvement Program. There is a request within this update to adjust school impact fees. Page 6 of L2 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October t7, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved IU7/17 The school district Plans provide an inventory of existing facilities, estimate growth, the facilities needed to accommodate the growth and anticipated funding for those facilities. School Impact Fees are just one of the financing tools, Charlene indicated the representative from the Highline School District could not attend tonight's meeting and requested their email containing their report be included as a part of the record, Council President Boyce moved to add the letter from the Highline School District regarding their capital planning to the record, and seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a 7-O vote. Ralph Fortunato, Kent School District, Executive Director of Fiscal Services, advised of details of the District's plan that includes modest enrollment growth related to new housing. The new Covington Elementary will provide for an increased capacity of 25o/o. Mr. Fortunato indicated the siting of the new elementary in the Kent Valley is progressing and will increase capacity of about 600 students, The District is also planning for additional classrooms throughout the district. The District has requested a 2.60/o increase to impact fees, which reflects the CPI increase. The single family rate will increase $135 from $5,100 to $5,235, and the multi-family rate will increase $57 from $2,210 to $2,267 per unit. Sally Mclean, Chief Financial Officer for the Federal Way Public Schools District, advised of details of the District's plan, Almost LOo/o of Federal Way's school population reside within the Kent city limits. Sally Mclean advised that the District's impact fees for 2018 are more than doubling, due to an increase in students through new multi-family housing and an upcoming bond measure that will continue current tax collections. The Single-family rate for 2OL7 is $3,198 and will increase in 2018 to $6,842. The multi-family rate for 20L7 is $8,386 and will increase in 2018 to 920,086. The council expressed their concerns over the increase in the multi-family fee. Sally McLean could not confirm that Federal Way has a current moratorium on construction of multi-family units, but d¡d confirm that King County has not instituted a moratorium. Mayor Cooke indicated that due to the astronomical increase in fees, the Council deserves more information from the School Board or the Superintendent, since it PageT of L2 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Date 09/ts/L7 09/Lsl17 Wire Transfers Regular Checks Check Numbers 7232-7249 717480-7t7787 October 17, 2Ot7 Kent, Washington Amount $2,183,366,55 $1,256,334.60 Approved It/7/17 appears that it is the City of Kent's multi families are bearing the brunt of the increase. Councilmember Higgins clarified that impact fees are for new construction only and that any concerns the public has should be directed to the Federal Way school board. Council President Boyce moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a 7-O vote. 6. Public Comment Mike Heinisch spoke in support of the Veteran's, Senior, and Human Services Levy that is on the November 7, 20t7, ballot. This is the second renewal of this levy. The levy will be allocated to t/3 for veterans, L/3 to needs of vulnerable individuals, and 1/3 to seniors. Bob Saka spoke in support of the Veteran's, Senior, and Human Services Levy. Kirk Nelson, a Kent resident, indicated he will be attending meetings to hold the council accountable. T.J. Petersen, resident of Kent, provided public comment, Lucas Akiyama, resident of Kent, provided public comment and asked how, in the future, the police will get better training to help kids stay out of trouble. 7. Consent Calendar Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar items A through N seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a 7-O vote. A, Minutes of Previous Meetings and Workshops - Approve The minutes of the October 3, 2017, Council Meeting and Workshop and were approved. B. Payment of Bills - Approve Bills received through September 15, 2OL7 and paid on September 15, 2OL7 after auditing by the Operations Committee on October 3, 2Ot7 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Page I of 12 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes oslLs/17 Approved LL/7/t7 October L7,20t7 Kent, Washington $193,511,20 $0.00 $3.632.36 #3,636,844.7L Payment Plus Void Checks Use Tax Payable09/L5/L7 Approval of checks issued for payroll for September 1 through September 15 and paid on September 20, 20t7: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/2O/20L7 Checks 0 90,00 Voids and Reissues 9/20/20L7 Advices 394475-395380 $L,627,897.65 #r,627,997.65C, Ordinance Approving the tndirect Change of Control of Astound Broadband, LLC dlbla Wave Franchise - Adopt Ordinance No.4255 was adopted, approving the indirect change of control of Astound Broadband, LLC d/b/a Wave Franchise. D, Reappointments to the Kent Arts Commission - Confirm Council confirmed the Mayor's reappointment of Christy Caravaglio, Tonia Goodwillie, Susan Machler, Linda Mackintosh, Hal O'Brien and Suzanne Smith to the Kent Arts Commission for additional four-year terms. E. Sounder Access Improvement Project Recommendation - Authorize The Mayor and Council President authorized a letter submittal on behalf of the City to the Sound Transit Board of Directors recommending "Site 3" as the location for the Sounder Access Improvements parking garage. F. Yakima County Inmate Housing Interlocal Agreement - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Yakima County for the purpose of housing Kent inmates as the City may need, during 20L8, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Police Chief. G. Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network Lease Agreement - Cambridge Water Tank Site - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a lease agreement with King County to operate and maintain a wireless communication facility at the Cambridge Tank site for the Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (*PSERN'), subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Page 9 of L2 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 17, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved LL/7/17 H. Commute Trip Reduction Grant - Accept The Mayor was authorized to the sign the Transportation Demand Management Implementation Agreement, WSDOT #GCB.2755, subject to the final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. I. Grievance Procedure - Americans with Disabilities Act - Authorize Ordinance No, 7949 was adopted, adopting a formal City of Kent Grievance Procedure in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). J. U.S. Geological Survey Joint Funding Agreement - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign the federal fiscal year 2018 Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resources Investigations between the City of Kent and the U.S. Geological Survey subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney. K. Internal Financing - Phase 1 LID 363 Project - Ordinance - Adopt Ordinance No. 4256 was adopted, approving the internal financing for Phase 1 of the Local Improvement District 363 Project in an amount not to exceed $3,200,000. L. Interagency Agreement - DUI Operations and Training - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign an interagency agreement, also to be signed by the Presiding Judge, between the Washington Traffic Safety Commission and Kent Municipal Court, subject to final contract terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Kent Municipal Court. M. Bill of Sale for Stryker Business Center Phase 2 WULF - Accept Council was authorized to accept the Bill of Sale from Stryker Business Center Phase 2 WULF, N. Central Avenue South Pavement Preservation and Utility Improvements - Accept as Complete The Mayor was authorized to accept the Central Avenue South Pavement Preservation and Utility Improvements Project as complete and release retainage to Marshbank Construction, Inc. upon receipt of standard releases from the state and the release of any liens. 8. Other BusinessA, Assignment of accesso ShoWare Lease between the Seattle Thunderbirds and City of Kent - Approve Ben indicated Russ Farwell and Colin Campbell, current owners of Seattle Thunderbirds, have been great partners to the City of Kent and have spent years contributing to this community. Page 1O of 12 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October L7, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved 1I/7/17 Ben provided a review of the new owners, the requirements of the consent of the sale, key milestones for the sale, the supporting documents included in today's agenda packet, key points in favor of the sale, and the recommendation of staff, Council President Boyce moved to authorize the Mayor to consent to the transfer of ownership of the Thunderbirds Hockey Team to Silent lce, Inc., subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Economic Community Development Director, seconded by Councilmember Higgins, The motion passed unanimously with a 7-O vote. 9. Bids None. 1O. Reoorts from Standino Committees, Council and Staff Council President's Report - Council President Boyce provided a review of the 2018 Mid Biennium Budget Adjustment discussion during tonight's Council Workshop, The budget is available at KentWA.gov, The next workshop is scheduled for November 14, 2OL7, at 5 p.m. Mayor Cooke - Mayor Cooke advised of opportunities for Volunteers in Police Service with the City, Mayor Cooke advised that she has officially appointed Kathi Jones to be the ambassador/liaison between the Afts Commission and the Land Use and Planning Board. Administration - Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer indicated there has been a recent emphasis enforcing downtown parking due to complaints over commuters parking Ín spaces downtown. During the past month, the parking enforcement officer 40-60 infractions per week and a handful of impounds. Thursday, October 19,20L7, at 5 p,m., a special workshop will be held to receive an update on the YMCA project. Derek advised that on Tuesday, November 2L, 20L7, at 6 p.m., there will be a celebration recognizing outgoing councilmembers. On Tuesday, December 12, 2OL7, at 6 p.m,, there will be a celebration recognizing retiring Mayor Cooke. There will also be a ticketed evening celebration for Mayor Cooke to be held on Thursday, December 14th at the accesso ShoWare Center, Derek indicated there is no executive session tonight. Economic and Community Development - Council President Boyce advised the repoft is in the minutes. Page 11 of L2 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October L7, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved 1L/7/L7 Operations Councilmember Ralph indicated the committee recommended accepting a grant from the Port of Seattle to be used to fund outreach from the Aerospace Joint AppreticeshiSp Committee that will be housed in Kent. The committee also discussed the square footage B&O Tax Parks and Human Services - Councilmember Fincher advised of the special parks meeting on Thursday at 4:30 p.m. Councilmember Fincher conveyed the Green Steward Events will be over the next three weekends from 9 a,m. - noon. Visit KentWA.gov for more information. Public Safety - Councilmember Berrios indicated his report is in the minutes. Public Works - Councilmember Higgins advised his report is in the minutes. Councilmember Higgins provided a general update on the work at the bottom of James Street. Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority - Councilmember Thomas indicated the next meeting will be held October 18,20L7, at 5:30 p.m. at Station 78 that is located in Covington. Lucas Akiyama and Chiyo Miyabe provided comments on their observations of tonight's council meeting, 12. Adiournment At 9:32 p.ffi., Mayor Co a urned the meeting. CI Kimberley City Clerk moto October t7, 20L7 Page 12 of L2