HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/3/2017Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 3,2OL7 Kent, Washington Date: Time: Place¡ Attending: Approved LO/L7/L7 October 3,2OL7 7 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Suzette Cooke, Mayor Bill Boyce, Council President Tina Budell, Councilmember Jim Berrios, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, CouncÍlmember Dana Ralph, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at7:O2 p.m. with Mayor Cooke presiding. 2. Roll Call Mayor Cooke - Present Council President Boyce - Present Tina Budell, Councilmember - Present Jim Berrios, Councilmember - Present Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present Dana Ralph, Councilmember - Present Les Thomas, Councilmember - Present 3. Changes to the Agenda After Mayor Cooke's addition of item 4K Introduction of Keven Liu, Councilmember Boyce moved to approve the agendas presented, seconded by Thomas. The motion passed with a vote ol7-O. 4. PublicCommunicationsA. Public Recognition: B. King County Gouncilmember Dunn's Annual State of the County Briefing. King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn briefed the council on flood issues and King County's budget. The budget included support for the King County Air Support and Rescue program were included in the budget. King County focuses on flood control that protects lives, homes, business, and property. Work is being done to develop a warning center that will provide real- time flooding information. Page 1 of 9 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 3,20t7 Kent, Washington Approved tolL7/L7 Councilmember Dunn advised that the Citizen Advisory Committee helps identify projects with the highest priority for protecting residents, Detailed information regarding funding for levee projects were provided. An open house is scheduled for 5 p.m. on October 25,2Ot7, at the Green River Community College Kent Station campus. The topic is regarding the Lower Russell Road Levee - Green River Corridor Plan to help identify most-needed levee improvements. Councilmember Dunn provided details of funding allocated to youth resources Councilmember Dunn expressed his deep appreciation of Mayor Cooke and indicated she has been a great leader and strong advocate for the city. Councilmember Dunn presented the Mayor with a 1999 article in which she was featured. Councilmembers expressed their appreciation of the work Councilmember Dunn has done for the City of Kent. C. Proclamation for Torklift Central's Seventh Annual Kent Turkey Challenge Kerstin Stokes from Torklift Central expressed appreciation of support of the annual challenge. Their goal is to raise $25,000 and collect 10,000 pounds of food. The challenge runs October 12 Nov 15, 20L7. Call 253-299-0060 or email marketing@torklift.com. Visit Torkliftcentral.com/turkey for more information. D. Proclamation for Sixth Annual Green Kent Day Bryan Higgins, Parks/Facilities Program Planning Coordinator, provided information regarding the Sixth Annual Green Kent Day that will be held on October 28,20L7, from 9 a.m. - noon at the Puget Power Trail located at 64th Avenue South and South 226th Street. Visit KentWA,gov/GreenKent to register online. E. Proclamation for *RELEAF" 2OL7 Clark Lake Park Bryan Higgins, Parks/Facilities Program Planning Coordinator, provided information regarding *RELEAF' 20L7 at Clark Lake Park. Visit KentWA.gov/GreenKent for more information. F. Proclamation for National Retirement Security Week Sonia Rogers accepted the proclamation for National Retirement Security Week. Sonja indicated National Retirement Security Week runs October 15 - 2L. Visit ICMARC.oTg for more information. G, Appointment of Youth Commissioner to the Human Services Commission Page 2 of 9 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 3,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved LOlL7/L7 Mayor Cooke advised that Mohammed Murad was not able to attend tonight's meeting. H. Community Events Council President Boyce announced that Erin Buck is the new Director of Marketing at the accesso ShoWare Center. Council President Boyce detailed upcoming events and encouraged the public to attend. For details regarding upcoming Thunderbird games - visit accessoShoware.com. Councilmember Fincher advised that the Sikh community will hold a candlelight vigil on October 4, 20L7, at 7 p.m. to honor victims of the tragedy in Las Vegas. The location is 12431 SE 286th Place in Auburn. Mayor Cooke encouraged the public to attend the Christmas Cantata at the accesso ShoWare Center on October 4th @ 7 p.m. Councilmember Ralph advised that the 20L7-2OL8 Spotlight Series begins on October 6,20L7, at the Kent Meridian Performing Arts Center, Visit KentWA.gov for u pcoming performa nces. Councilmember Ralph advised that October 7, 20L7, is the Kent Has Talent performance that will be held at the Kent-Meridian Performing Arts Center. Visit KentWA.gov for more information. Councilmember Ralph advised that on October tL,2OL7, there will be a Kent Police community meeting thatwill begin at7 p.m. and will be held atthe PantherLake Elementary School. The topic is Portable Observation Devices (cameras). I. Economic and Community Development Update Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director, provided an update on Economic and Community Development in Kent. Ben Wolters advised that for the Naden site, a request for information will go out in next few weeks, focusing on sale of southern portion of site. A draft schedule and criteria will be shared with an advisory committee that includes Councilmembers Boyce, Ralph and Berrios. Additional members include Mike Miller and Barbara Smith from the Kent Downtown Partnership; staff members include Ben Wolters, Kuft Hanson, Derek Matheson, and Hope Gibson. Ben reviewed the proposed schedule. A property adjacent the Naden Site, owned by Brutsche, has been cleaned up and been listed on the commercial MLS for $3.2 million, Page 3 of 9 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 3,2Ot7 Kent, Washington Approved LOlt7/L7 Ben Wolters advised that the former site of JC Penny in downtown has been leased to a soon-to-be-named business. Ben Wolters advised that a pre-application request was received from WoodSpring Suites hotel looking to locate an extended-stay hotel at 405 Novak Lane. Ben provided an update on the proposed work for the underpass lighting projects under Highway 167. Four bids received - all high. The City will reject all bids and readvertise. The James street underpass lighting should be completed the 1't half of 2018. Ben advised that the Thunderbirds have new owners! Dan Leckelt and Lindsey Leckelt, co-CEOs of Silent-Aire, an engineering and data center equipment manufacturing company. The WHL board and City Council must approve the sale. Ben provided a timeline of events necessary to complete the sale. Ben provided an update on the Sound Transit second parking garage to support commuter rail at the Kent Station. Sound Transit is narrowing their selection of a preferred site for further study. The preferred site is located south of James Street from Central Avenue to the Burlington Northern railroad. Mayor Cooke introduced Kevin Liu; Kevin participated in a job shadow today with Mayor Cooke. Kevin conveyed that he is currently a senior at Kentridge High School. Over the summer, while participating in the Kent Sister City program, he decided to pursue a career in political science and is interested in international government. J. Intergovernmental Reports Council President Boyce serves on the Sound Cities Association Policy Board Public Issues Committee. No report. Councilmember Budell serves on the Sound Cities Association Domestic Violence Initiative Committee. Next meeting is November 16th. Councilmember Budell provided details regarding a recently-created referral guide for the Trans and non- gender conforming community that was sponsored by the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Group. Councilmember Higgins serves on the King County Regional Transit Committee. Agenda items included the recently passed recommendation to change Metro's fare structure from two-zone to a flat fare of ç2.75. The recommendation will go to the full county council and will take effect 6/L/20L8. The revised rate structure will benefit South King County residents commuting to downtown Seattle. Councilmember Higgins advised that the public should contact Metro with issues regarding buses not running on time. Councilmember Higgins advised that Metro recently made a service change by increasing Sounder trips and increased the frequency of Route 169. Page 4 of 9 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 3,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved LOlL7/t7 Councilmember Berrios serves on the Puget Sound Regional Council Economic Development Board. The new regional economic strategy is complete. Next meeting is in December. Councilmember Ralph serves on the Law, Safety, and Justice Committee. The recent agenda included discussion on immigration issues. Councilmember Fincher serves on the King Conservation District Advisory Committee. The committee is in the process of evaluating programs to award $900,000 in grant funds for food programs. The committee will be evaluating programs that will get food to people. Evaluation criteria will include infrastructure, consumer demand, land access, market assistance and technical assistance, food safety, business management. Councilmember Fincher serves on the Mental lllness and Drug Dependency Group. Details regarding the requirement to integrate medical, mental, primary and specialty health by April L, 2O2O. Detailed information was provided regarding the Access to Care, Accountable Communities of Health projects, and treatment on demand. 5. Public Hearing None. 6. Public Comment Kirk Nelson expressed his frustration with the lack of landscaping maintenance at the James Street Pump Station. Additional concerns were expressed regarding the landscape rocks along James Street and panhandlers throughout the city. Amanda Nelson expressed her appreciation of Mayor Cooke's interest in getting issues resolved at the Kent Meridian pool. Amanda Nelson requested additional repairs at the pool in addition to adding more splash parks in City parks. 7. Consent Calendar Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar items A through L seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed with a unanimous vote ol7-O. A. Minutes of Previous Meet¡ngs and Workshops - Approve The minutes of the September L9,20L7, Council Meeting and Workshop and September 26,2Ot7, Special Council Meeting, were approved. B. Payment of Bills - Approve Page 5 of 9 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 3,20L7 Kent, Washington Approved LOlL7/L7 Bills received through August 31, 20L7 and paid on August 31, 2OL7 after auditing by the Operations Committee on September 19,20L7 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount OB/3L/I7 Wire Transfers 72L6-7231 9L,724,262.34O8/3L/L7 Regular Checks 7I6854-7L7479 96,373,82t.26O8/3L/L7 Payment Plus 9192,904.05 Void Checks (916,093.00) O8/3L/L7 Use Tax Payable ggït.Z4 $9,275,945,99 Approval of checks issued for payroll for August 16 through August 31 and paid on September 5,2OL7: Date Check Numbers Amount 9/5/2OL7 Checks 0 $0.00 Voids and Reissues 9/5/2OL7 Advices 393575-394474 9L,657,420.3L $L,657,420.3L C. Appointment of Youth Commissioner to the Human Services Commission - Confirm Council confirmed the Mayor's appointment of Mohammed Murad to the Kent Human Services Commission - Youth Commissioner. D. Ordinance Approving the Indirect Change of Control of Astound Broadband, LLC dlbla Wave Franchise - Introduce No action - introduce only. E. Telecommunications Franchise with MCIMetro Access dlbla Verizon Access Transmission Services - Ordinance - Adopt Ordinance No. 4253 was adopted, establishing a lO-year franchise agreement with MCIMetro Access d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, subject to final approval by the City Attorney. F. 2018 Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment - Set Date for Second Public Hearing Council set October t7, 2OI7, for the second public hearing of the 2018 M¡d- Biennium Budget Adjustment at the regular City Council meetíng. G, 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Plan - Set Date for Second Public Hearing Council set October t7, 20L7, for the second public hearing of the 20LB-2O23 Capital Improvement Plan at the regular City Council meeting. Page 6 of 9 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 3,20L7 Kent, Washington Approved tllL7/L7 H. Comprehensive Plan/Capital Facilities Element Amendment and Update to Kent City Code Chapter Lz.Lg School Impact Fees - Set Date for Public Hearing Council set October t7, 20L7, as the date for a public hearing to consider amendment of the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan and amendment of Chapter L2.L3 Kent City Code to incorporate updated Capital Facilities Plans of the Auburn, Kent, Federal Way and Highline School Districts, the City's 2OL8-2023 Capital Improvement Plan, and changes to adopted school impact fees. I. 2OL7 Tax Levy for 2O18 Budget - Set Hearing Date Council set October t7, 2OL7, for the public hearing on the 2OI7 tax levy for the 2018 budget at the regular City Council meeting. J. South 224th Street Improvement from 88th to 94th Condemnation Ordinance - Adopt Ordinance No. 4254 was adopted, authorizing the condemnation of property or property rights necessary to construct the S. 224rh St. Improvement from 88th to 94th Project. K. Goods and Services Agreement with Western Systems, Inc. for Traffic Signal Cabinets - Authorize Mayor was authorized to sign a Goods and Services Agreement with Western Systems, Inc. for the purchase of traffic signal cabinets and lighting panels in an amount not to exceed $119,103.60, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. L. James Street Pump Station - Accept as Complete Mayor was authorized to accept the James Street Pump Station Project as complete and release retainage to Rodarte Construction, Inc., upon receipt of standard releases from the state and the release of any liens. L Other Business None. 9. Bids None. 1O. Reoorts from Standing Committees, Council and Staff Council President's Report - Council President Boyce provided a brief recap of the presentations from tonight's workshop that included an update on financial policies, a presentation of the Adaptive Recreation Program, and an update of the recently issued FEMA remapping. Council President Boyce conveyed that the Kent Black Action Committee will host a candidate's forum on Friday, October L3, 20t7, at the Kent Commons from 6-9 Page 7 of 9 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 3,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved tÙlL7lt7 p.m. The forum will be for the Kent Mayoral candidates, the Kent School Board candidates and the King County Sheriff candidates. Additionally, on October 20, 2OL7, the Kent Black Action Committee will host an event for the City Council candidates from 6-9 p.m. at the Kent Commons. Mayor Cooke - Mayor Cooke advised of the Mayoral Candidate Forum that is being hosted by the Kent Cultural Communitie3s Board. October 10 @ 7 p.m. at Kent Meridian High School in the East Wing. Administration - Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer, highlighted the special workshop scheduled for Thursday, October 19, 2OL7 at 5 p.m., to brief the City Council on the Morrill Meadows/YMCA project including the related budget, project management, and new market tax credit. Derek advised that the City will be emphasizing LEAN projects and the Council will be briefed during a December L2, 20L7, workshop. Derek Matheson advised that there is an Executive Session tonight to discuss potential litigation and is expected to last 10 minutes without any action following the session. Economic and Community Development - Council President Boyce - No report. Operations - Councilmember Ralph advised that the committee recommended accepting a grant for DUI court. Parks and Human Services - Councilmember Fincher advised of the Special Workshop meeting to be held on October t9,20L7, at 5 p.m. to discuss the YMCA. The Parks and Human Services Committee will begin at a special time of 4:30 p.m. on October L9, 2OL7. Councilmember Fincher reviewed the KentWA.gov for more information. upcoming Green Kent events. Visit Public Safety - Councilmember Berrios - Next meeting is October 10, 2Ot7. Reminded the public of the Kent Police Department community meeting on October LL,2OL7, @ 7:30 p.m. at the Panther Lake Elementary. Public Works - Councilmember Higgins advised of the discussion regarding the Sound Transit preferred site and that the Council will be submitting a "will of the council" to Sound Transit. Meet me on Meeker design and construction standard are on a fast-track and will be before the council for consideration in November. Councilmember Higgins indicated the committee is working on options for Quiet Zone work. Page I of 9 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October 3,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved L0/L7/t7 Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority - Next meeting on October 4, 2OL7, at 5:30 p.m., at Station 78 in Covington. At 8:36 p.ffi., the Council went into Executive Session. 11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session A. Potential Litígation, as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) At 8:48, the Council ended the Executive Session 12. Adjournment At 8:48 p.ffi., Mayor Cooke advised there is no action following the Executive Session and adjourned the meeting. û'. Kimberley City Clerk Komoto October 3,2Ot7 Page 9 of 9