HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 8/15/2017Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes August t5,2OL7 Kent, Washington Date¡ Time: Place: Attending: Approved September 5, 2OL7 August t5,2O!7 7 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Suzette Cooke, Mayor Bill Boyce, Council President Tina Budell, Councilmember Jim Berrios, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Dana Ralph, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. with Mayor Cooke presiding 2. Roll Call Mayor Cooke - Present Council President Boyce - Present Tina Budell, Councilmember - Present Jim Berrios, Councilmember - Present Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present Dana Ralph, Councilmember - Present Les Thomas, Councilmember - Present 3. Changes to the Agenda None Council President Boyce moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Councilmember Higgins. The motion passed with a vote ol7-O. 4. PublicCommunications A. Public Recognition: ¡. USSSA Conference Men's and Women's Major Tournament Presentation Dave Heldt, Parks and Recreation Program Coordinator, presented information regarding the USSSA Conference men's and women's major tournament, including challenges, and the economic benefits to the city and area businesses. Don Cooper, Director of Marketing and Sponsorship with Easton Sports indicated that the tournament hosted 84 teams and brought in $234,000 in lodging revenues. Don indicated his desire to foster a conversation to make Kent the tournament's Page 1 of 11 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes August L5,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved September 5, 2OL7 hometown. Strojan Kennison, Washington State Director of United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA), expressed his appreciation for the assistance Dave Heldt provided for this tournament. Storjan indicated that "Dave is the best in the country,." And conveyed that this year's tournament was the most successful tournament in the country. Councilmember Higgins recognized the Kent Police Department and the special person that helped bring justice to the families of Louisa Campos and Robert Dias. Councilmember Thomas provided an update on the young man that nearly drown at Lake Meridian. B. Appointments to the Cultural Communities Board: Mayor Cooke introduced new and reappointed members to the Cultural Communities Board. Guystave Sebatware is from the Congolese community and expressed h¡s desire to serve on the board to get more engaged in the community so that he can help community members understand resources available throughout the City. Sara Franklin-Phillips expressed her desire to serve on the board because she has a passion for committee service. Vaivao Semisi-Tupou represents the Pacific Island community and expressed his desire to help involve the Pacific Island community into Kent - a welcoming city. Marvin Eckfeldt represents the European American community. Marvin has been a Kent resident for 50 years. Marvin expressed his excitement over the board's vision of "The world has come to Kent," and indicated he is excited to participate in inclusion and acceptance. He indicated he is refreshed, encouraged, and hopeful. Yusuf Bashir represents the Somali community and expressed his excitement to continue doing great things for the community. Satwinder Kaur represents the Sikh community and is honored to be reappointed to the board. She is excited to bring communities together and to work on issues and concerns of the residents. Mizanur Rahman represents the Bangladesh community and is honored to be reappointed to the board so that he can continue his efforts to integrate his community into the city. Page 2 of 11 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes August L5,20L7 Kent, Washington Approved September 5, 2OL7 Davies Chirwa represents the Central African community. Davies expressed his appreciation for being able to work with both the youth and the elderly in the community. Norma Maldonado is Peruvian and is appreciative for her ability to advocate for the Hispanic community in Kent. Samiha Bhuiyan is of Bengalese descent and indicated that she hopes to help resolve conflicts among the youth throughout the community. Ted Schwarz is of European descent and expressed his appreciation of the Mayor's creation of the Cultural Communities Board that recognizes cultural diversity. C. Community Events: Council President Boyce provided details regarding upcoming events at the ShoWare Center. Visit ShoWareCenter.com for additional details. Councilmember Ralph advised that this is the last week to enjoy the summer concert series at Town Square Plaza, Kent Station, and Lake Meridian Park, Councilmember Ralph invited the public to attend and participate in the Officer Down 5K community fun run that honors police officers. The run is on August 19th at Three Friends Fishing hole and starts at 8 a.m. D. Public Safety Update: Assistant Chief Padilla presented information regarding National Night Out, held on August 1't. There were 91 events, 32 teams, and 87 representatives that visited events throughout the city. A special thanks was given to John Pagel, the City's Community Education Coordinator and Stacey Judd, Public Education Coordinator, for their work organizing and hosting the event. Assistant Chief Padilla provided details regarding the officer-involved shooting on August 9th, in addition to providing details regarding the recent arrest of a suspect involved in the homicide of Louisa Campos and Robert Dias from last August. Information was also provided regarding recent street racer emphasis. Assistant Chief Padilla provided a brief background of Officer Albert Kim. Mayor Cooke conducted the swearing in of Officer Albert Kim. Assistant Chief Padilla presented Grant Crosby and Antonio Trujillo with Citizen Commendations for their help in assisting Officer Jason Clift on April24,2OL7. E. Intergovernmental Reports: Council President Boyce serves on the Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee. No Report. Page 3 of 11 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes August L5,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved September 5, 2OL7 Councilmember Budell serves on the Sound Cities Association Domestic Violence Initiative Committee, the next meeting is scheduled for August 17th with agenda items regarding the firearm process improvement, a prosecution update, and child advocacy center about domestic violence and firearm surrender program. Councilmember Higgins, serves on the King County Regional Transit Committee. The July L9,2OL7, agenda included a report on speed and reliability for 2016, the In-Motion program that is tailored marketing about services in community - Kent will be the target of another addition to the In-Motion report in the next few years, and a report on metro connects - capital improvement projects. Councilmember Boyce serves on the Puget Sound Regional Council Economic Development Board. The Board anticipates having an updated draft to the regional economic strategy by August 23'd. At the September 6,2OL7, meeting, the board anticipates approving the final economic strategy. Councilmember Ralph serves on the Transportation Policy Board. No Report. Councilmember Ralph serves on the Sound Cities Association Board. No Report. Councilmember Ralph serves on the South County Area Transportation Board. During the August 15, 20L7, meeting, the board heard a report on alternative services (Community Connections) by Metro. The program provides public transportation to parts of King County that don't have infrastructure and have gaps in service. Councilmember Fincher serves on the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Council. The next meeting will be held August24,2Ot7, with an agenda item to discuss the plan to send their budget and program of work to the King County Council. Councilmember Ralph serves on the King Conservation District Advisory Council. The plan of work was presented to the King County Council today by Councilmember Ralph, the Vice-Chair and Mayor John Stokes of Bellevue, the Chair of the King Conservation District Advisory Council. 5. Public Hearing None. 6. Public Comment Susan Olson, a resident of Kent, spoke in support of safe injection sites and sited statistics. Phil Mocek, a resident of Tacoma, spoke in support of harm reduction tactics, including safe injection sites. Page 4 of LL Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes August L5,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved September 5, 2Ot7 Kris Nyrup, a resident of Seattle, spoke in support of Community Health Engagement Locations (CHELS), also known as "safe injection sites," including the costs related to medical care related drug overdoses. Amelia Bertozzi-Villa, a resident of Seattle and an epidemiologist who has published work on opiate mortality, spoke regarding the health system in King County. She requested that the Council vote against the ordinance banning safe injection sites. John Naegle, a resident of Auburn, spoke in opposition of safe injection sites and lobbied for long-term treatment programs to make facilities accessible to addicts. Yanko Kusaisa, a resident of Auburn, spoke in opposition of safe injection sites and requested the council put programs in place to help get people off drugs rather than enabling addicts. Matt Baum, a resident of Kent, spoke in opposition of safe injection sites. Steven Smith, a resident of Kent, expressed his appreciation for the new sidewalks on 260th street. Mr. Smith also spoke in support of helping people with mental health issues rather than safe injection sites. Turina James, a resident of Auburn, spoke in support of safe injection sites. She requested the Council help save lives. Jane Cutter, a resident of Sea Tac, spoke in support of safe injection sites. J.S. Pate, a resident of Kent, spoke in opposition of safe injection sites. Patricia Sulley, a resident of Tacoma, staff attorney for the Public Defender Association, and member of the King County Heroin, Opiate, and Addiction Task Force, detailed recommendations from the Task Force and expressed her support of supervised consumption spaces. Heather Oslau, a resident of Kent, spoke in opposition of safe injection sites. Haley Higgins, a resident of Kent and senior at the University of Washington studying public health, spoke in support of safe injection sites that are centered on harm reduction. Francesca Collins, a resident of Seattle, spoke in support of safe injection sites and indicated she is an advocate for public health. T.J. Pederson, a resident of Kent, spoke in opposition of safe injection sites and índicated the City of Kent is not ready for these sites. Mr. Pederson indicated that Page 5 of 11 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes August L5,2OI7 Kent, Washington Approved September 5, 20L7 Kent does not have the infrastructure to care for the homeless and mentally ill, nor do they have the police resources. Gwen Allen-Carston, a resident of Kent, Executive Director of Kent Black Action Commission, and business owner on the East Hill of Kent, spoke in opposition of safe injection sites. Ms. Allen-Carston invited the public to attend a tribute to the March on Washington, on August26,2OL7, from 10-2 p.m. at the Burlington Green Park which is located at Railroad Avenue North & West Meeker Street in downtown Kent. She encouraged everyone to take a stand against hate. Mari Love, a resident of Kent, expressed her concern over the recent police shootings and the black community. She requested more accountability through the implementation of police/vehicle cameras. 7. Consent Calendar Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar items A through I seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed with a vote ol 7-O. A. Minutes of Previous Meetings and Workshops - Approve The minutes of the regular council meeting of August t, 2Ot7, were approved. B. Appointments to the Cultural Communities Board - Confirm Council confirmed the appointments of Guystave Sebatware, Sara Franklin-Phillips, Ted Schwarz, Rand Al Hammadi, Vaivao Semisi-Tupou, Marvin Eckfeldt, Sonia Morales Osegueda, Yusuf Bashir, Hussein Al Kinani, Cesar Rangel, Satwinder Kaur, Sharnshoke Kaur, Mizanur Rahman, Davies Chirwa, Norma Maldonado, Samiha Bhuiyan (Youth), Ta Kwe Say, Dr. Herbert Carey (Alternate), and Marwa Almusawi (Alternate), all to one-year terms that will end on July 31, 2018. C. 7-Eleven On-Site and Off-Site Improvements Project B¡ll of Sale - Accept Council accepted the Bill of Sale from the 24OL2104th Avenue S.E. 7-Eleven on and off-site improvements project for frontage improvements. D. Bridge Inspection Services Agreement with Harris & Associates for LID 363 - South 224th Street Improvements 84th Avenue South to 88th Avenue South - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Bridge Inspection Services Agreement with Harris and Associates to provide services for the South 224th Street Improvements Project (84th Avenue South to 88th Avenue South) in an amount not to exceed $260,L57.O4, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Page 6 of 11 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes August L5,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved September 5, 20t7 E. Materials Testing Contract with Mays Testing for LID 363 - South 224th Street Improvements 84th Avenue South to 88th Avenue South - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Materials Testing Contract with Mayes Testing Engineers, Inc., to provide services for the South 224th Street Improvements Project (84th Avenue South to BSth Avenue South) in an amount not to exceed $69,296.00, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. F. Consultant Contract with AECOM for Upper Mill Creek Dam Improvements - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with AECOM in an amount notto exceed çLL4,554.18, forthe Upper Mill Creek Dam Improvements Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. G. Upper Mill Creek Dam Improvements King County FIood Control District Sub-Regional Opportunity Fund - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to accept the King County Flood Control District Sub- Regional Opportunity Fund in the amount of $191,815, for the Upper Mill Creek Dam Project, and to establish a budget for the funds to be spent on this project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. H. Bahamas Final Plat - Approve Council approved the Bahamas Plat Final Plat Plan and authorize the Mayor to sign the final plans. I. Puget Sound Energy Reimbursement Agreement - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Reimbursement Agreement with Puget Sound Energy to reimburse the City of Kent for right-of-way restoration in the Star Lake and Highland neighborhoods in an amount not to exceed 52L3,O97.50, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. 8. Other Business A. Riverbend Golf Complex "Marquee on Meeker" Development Agreement - Authorize Kurt Hanson, Deputy Director of the Economic and Community Development Department, gave a brief presentation that included a timeline of events leading to tonight's decision. Kurt reviewed the site plan, project phasing, and provided details of improvements the developer will make to Meeker Street. Kurt clarified that the Developer will construct improvements on the south side of Meeker Street in addition to the center medians, but will not construct the improvements on the nofth side of Meeker Street. Kurt provided specific details of the Development Page 7 of 11 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes August L5,2017 Kent, Washington Approved September 5, 2OI7 Agreement, various vesting, the Transportation Impact Fee, easements and licenses. and required Kurt provided details regarding the retail component of the development. The Developers requested a departure from the Kent City Code. Finally, Kurt provided specific details regarding the City's multi-family property tax exemption program. Councilmember Boyce moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Riverbend Complex "Marquee on Meeker" Development Agreement, subject to final terms and cond¡t¡ons acceptable to the City Attorney, seconded by Councilmember Budell. Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-O. Councilmember Thomas called for the question. Council President Boyce spoke in support of his motion. Councilmember Ralph expressed her frustrations with the project and indicated that she would vote in favor of motion. She also expressed her appreciation of FNW and City staff. Councilmember Higgins indicated he would vote in favor of the motion Councilmember Thomas indicated he would vote in favor of motion. Councilmember Berrios provided thoughts on the retail component of the project Councilmember Fincher spoke in support of motion and her appreciation of staff and the passion of FNW. Councilmember Budell spoke in support of motion B. Six-Month Moratorium/Interim Official Control - Prohibiting Community Health Engagement Locations (safe injection sites) - Adopt Tom Brubaker, City Attorney, gave the staff presentation and indicated tonight's action would set a temporary ban rather than a permanent ban. Council will gain information, evaluate the pros and cons to determine if they wish to allow safe injection sites in the City. A public hearing is required and is proposed to be set for September 5, 2Ot7. If Council moves forward with moratorium, the City will begin the land use planning process that will allow for another public hearing. This begins the process of gathering information to determine what message the City will send to King County. Mr. Brubaker indicated King County's resolution includes a provision to set aside $2.1 million dollars for sites within King County. Page 8 of 11 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes August L5,20L7 Kent, Washington Approved September 5, 2OL7 Councilmember Higgins requested Recital "C" be removed from the Ordinance, because it is contradicted by facts. Councilmember Ralph moved to adopt Ordinance No. 425Ot with the removal of Recital "C", imposing a moratorium and interim official control regarding the prohibition of community health engagement Iocations, safe injection sites, and other uses or activities designed to provide a location for individuals to consume illicit drugs, seconded by Councilmember Budell. Motion passed with a vote of 6-1. Councilmember Berrios - Aye Council President Boyce - Aye Councilmember Budell - Aye Councilmember Fincher - Aye Councilmember Higgins - No Councilmember Ralph - Aye Councilmember Thomas - Aye Councilmember Ralph spoke in support of her motion. Councilmember Budell spoke in support of the motion Councilmember Boyce spoke in support of the motion Councilmember Fincher spoke in support of the motion Councilmember Higgins spoke in opposition of the motion Councilmember Thomas spoke in support of the motion 9. Bids None. 1O. Reoorts from Standinq Committees, Council and Staff Council President's Report Council President Boyce provided information regarding the information presented during tonight's workshop, including construction inflation, Sound Transit Auburn/Kent Sounder Station Access Improvement Project and Federal Way Link Extensíon. Mayor Cooke Mayor Cooke provided a response to a posting to the Police Department Facebook page asking why the City has a Police Department Headquarters dedicated to Robert E. Lee. Mayor presented an in-depth history of Robert E. Lee, a former Kent Chief of Police Emeritus and Councilmember. Administration - Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer, indicated there is no executive session and his report is in the agenda packet. Page 9 of 11 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes August t5,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved September 5, 20L7 Derek recognized Tom Brubaker, City Attorney, Ben Wolters, Director of Economic and Community Development, Kurt Hanson, Deputy Director of Economic and Community Development, Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, Julie Parascondola, Parks Director, and former Parks Director Jeff Watling and their staff for their hard work on the "Marquee on Meeker" Purchase and Sale and Development Agreement, along with the permitting process, Derek also thanked Tom Brubaker and his staff for their work this past week on the community health engagement locations moratorium. Economic and Community Development - Council President Boyce indicated the report is in the minutes. Operations - Councilmember Ralph indicated today's committee recommended a budget adjustment ordinance and two grants totaling over $9 million dollars for transportation projects. She also indicated the Finance Department has developed a new method to track B&O funds. Parks and Human Services - Councilmember Fincher. The next meeting is August L7, 2OL7. Councilmember Fincher indicated registration for fall and winter sports opens August 2t, 2017. Adaptive Recreation registration opens August 16, 20L7. Visit Webreg@KentWA.gov for more information. Public Safety - Council President Boyce provided details regarding traffic school fees in addition to expanding the program to senior citizens. The committee also recommended extending the lease term of the Panther Lake police substation. Public Works - Councilmember Ralph indicated the committee discussed changes to WRIA 8, the committee reviewed of transportation grants, updates on the South 248th Street project, and had a discussion on the Hawley road levy and Horseshoe Bend levy. Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority - Councilmember Thomas advised that the August 16, 2Ot7, meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. at fire station 76. Councilmember Thomas indicated Matt Morris from Henderson, Nevada has been hired as the next Chief. Good of the Order Councilmember Higgins expressed his concerns over President Trump's disturbing remarks regarding hate groups. Councilmember Fincher requested that everyone speak up and reach out to others to get to know other people. Page 1O of 11 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes August t5,2Ot7 Kent, Washington Approved September 5, 20L7 Councilmember Budell indicated hate has no place in this country and requested that people step out of their comfort zone and get to know others that look different. 11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session None. 12. Adjournment At 10:06 p.m., Mayor Cooke adjourned the meeting 4,,^^,^1,¡.û Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk August t5,20L7 Page 11 of 11