HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 5/16/2017Kent City Council Workshop
May 16, 2OL7
Kent, Washington
Approved June 6, 2OL7
May 16, 2OL7
5 p.m.
Council Chambers East/West
Bill Boyce, Council President
Jim Berrios, Councilmember
Tina Budell, Councilmember
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
Dennis Higgins, Councilmember
Dana Ralph, Councilmember
Les Thomas, Councilmember
Council President Boyce opened the meeting at 5:02 p.m.
1. 2O16 Finance Wrap Uo & 2O17 lst Quarter Reoort
Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director, recognized Barbara Lopez, Deputy Finance
Director, Kathleen Etheridge, Senior Financial Analyst, and Michelle Ferguson,
Senior Financial Analyst, for their hard work and dedication in preparing the 2Ot7-
2018 adopted budget book. Barbara Lopez provided information regarding the
budget overview, framework, capital program, debt management, budget by
departments, budget by fund, and appendix. The budget book is available at
Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director provide details regarding the 2Ot6 year-end
financial report and the 2OL7 l't quarter financial report. Aaron indicated the March
2Ot7 monthly financial report has been provided for the council's review.
Aaron BeMiller presented information regarding the fiscal cliff and the 2018 budget
process that will be discussed during the June 20, 2OL7, workshop. Aaron detailed
the general fund long-range outlook six-year forecast that includes the loss of
annexation sales tax, the potential loss of streamlined sales tax, the effect of
reduced state funding for LEOFF 2, and the loss of fire insurance premium tax.
Barbara Lopez provided information regarding 2016 B&O revenue collections and
expenditures, in addition to B&O statistics regarding taxpayer accounts, collections,
audit and compliance.
Mill Creek Reestablishment
Matt Knox, Environmental Ecologist, Alex Murillo, Engineering Supervisor, and Mike
Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager, provided the Council with the Public
Works Department's progress on the Mill Creek reestablishment project, in addition
to the challenges they face.
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Kent City Council Workshop
May 16, 2OL7
Kent, Washington
Approved June 6, 20L7
Details were provided regarding Mill Creek, Lower Mill Creek, and Upper Mill Creek.
Alex talked about Mill Creek flooding and the City's efforts to diligently and
expeditiously work to minimize flooding.
Mike Mactutis provided information regarding the record amount of recent rainfall
and the City's partnership with the USGA to monitor the flow of water through Mill
Alex detailed projects to address flooding that include the James Street pump
station, the upper Míll Creek Dam, Mill Creek culvert replacements, and Mill Creek
reesta blish ment.
Matt Knox provided information regarding the Mill Creek Comprehensive Plan that
will reestablish Mill Creek's conveyance capacity. Details were provided regarding
the impacts to wetlands, in addition to the acquisition of mitigation properties. Matt
indicated the department is working on required environmental documentation and
the proposed schedule of the work. Matt also advised the Council of the City's
partnership with Drainage District #L for their work in assisting with maintaining
the creeks. Matt indicated the next step is to enter into an Interlocal Agreement
with Drainage District #1 to solidify the details of required work.
Council President adj ourned e workshop at 6:37 p.m
Kimberley A. Komoto
City Clerk.
May 16, 2OL7
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 16, 2OL7
Kent, Washington
Apprved June 6, 20L7
May 16, 2OL7
7 p.m.
Council Chambers East/West
Suzette Cooke, Mayor
Bill Boyce, Council President
Tina Budell, Councilmember
Jim Berrios, Councilmember
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
Dennis Higgins, Councilmember
Dana Ralph, Councilmember
Les Thomas, Councilmember
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.ffi., with Mayor Cooke presiding
2. Roll Call
All present.
3. Changes to the Agenda
Council President Boyce moved to accept the agenda as presented.
Councilmember Thomas seconded the motion.
The motion passed 7-O
4. PublicCommunications
A. Public Recognition:
Kent Chamber of Commerce - Government Employee of the Year:
Steve Haft, President Elect of the Kent Chamber Board of Directors, presented the
Business Leadership Award to Michelle Wilmot, City of Kent Director of Community
and Public affairs, for her willingness to navigate political waters and keep the
Chamber informed.
Thunderbirds - Cool Bird:
Mayor Cooke recognized the Thunderbirds Hockey Team for winning the 20L7 WHL
Championship. Russ Farwell, Owner/Governor/General Manager, of the Seattle
Thunderbirds, provided a brief recap of the playoff series.
Colin Campbell, Vice President/Assistant General Manager of the Thunderbirds,
thanked the fans for their support and conveyed his appreciation of the fans, City,
and indicated they are happy with the ShoWare Center. Colin indicated the team
will play in the Memorial Cup tournament that will begin on May 19th, with the final
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 16, 20L7
Kent, Washington
Apprved June 6, 2OI7
on May 29th in Windsor, Ontario. The games will be televised on the NHL network
and potentially on KCPQ.
Cool Bird expressed his excitement with a "thumbs-up" for the Thunderbirds.
B. Proclamation for 2OL7 National Public Works Week:
Josh Evans and Marcus Hoff, representatives from the Public Works Department,
accepted the Proclamation for National Public Works Week. The Mayor invited the
public to attend the Public Works Week program on Thursday, May 25 20L7, 9
a.m.-5:30 p.m., at the ShoWare Center. The event is free to the public.
C. Proclamation for Relay for Life - Kent Days:
Mayor Cooke presented Natasha Daily, Community Manager, and Becky Kinney,
Event Co-Leader with the American Cancer Society, Inc., with the Proclamation for
"Relay for Life - Kent Days." The public was invited to attend the June 2nd and June
3'd,201-7, event at French Field located at Kent Meridian High School, from 6 p.m.
to 10 a.m. For more information, visit RelayforLife.org/Kentwa.
D. Proclamation for National Kids to Parks Day:
Mayor Cooke presented Julie Parascondola, Director of Parks, Recreation, and
Community Services with the Proclamation for Kids to Parks Day on May 20, 20L7.
Julie provided information on how to celebrate Kids to Parks Day.
E. King Conservation District - Community Garden
Melissa Tatro, Outreach Coordinator with King Conservation District, and Tahmina
Martelly, Program Coordinator with World Relief, provided details regarding the
Hillside Community Garden and planting party and invited the public to attend. The
Hillside Church, World Relief, and Living Well Kent have partnered for this project.
The Hillside Church is located at 930 East James Street, and the event will be held
Wednesday, May 24th from 6:30 - 8 p.m.
F. Community Events:
Council President Boyce provided information on upcoming events at the ShoWare
Center. Visit ShoWareCenter.com for more information.
Councilmember Ralph invited the public to attend the Downtown Partnership Spring
2OL7 Wine Walk on Friday, May L8,2Ot7,5:30 - 9 p.m. For information, visit
G. Public Safety Update:
Chief Ken Thomas provided information on changes to calls for service and
challenges with maintaining staffing levels. Misdemeanor crimes with no suspect
information will move to online reporting and felony crimes will be filed
electronically. A verified response program for alarm calls to commercial businesses
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 16, 2OL7
Kent, Washington
Apprved June 6, 2OL7
will be implemented. The Chief will seek Council authorization to expend traffic
camera funds to purchase software to manage evidence more efficiently.
Chief Thomas updated the council on how the City, along with multiple jurisdictions
are working cooperatively to decrease gun-related violence.
Chief Thomas expressed his appreciation for Mayor Cooke and Derek Matheson,
Chief Administrative Officer, and their support of bringing together resources in an
effort to take a proactive approach to preventing violence.
Chief Thomas presented a brief background of Officer Shane Rose. Mayor Cooke
performed the swearing in of Officer Shane Rose.
Chief Thomas expressed his appreciation for the work being done by recruiting
officers Wayne Graff and Justin Davis.
Councilmember Ralph indicated the week of May t4-20 is National Police Week that
honors fallen officers. There will be a 5K event on August 19, 2OL7, in Kent to
honor fallen officers.
H. Intergovernmental Reports:
Council President Boyce serves on the Sound Cities Association Policy Board
Public Issues Committee. During the last meeting, the committee discussed the
potential for a Veterans, Human Services, and Senior Levy. Council President
Boyce indicated there was no action taken regarding the Committee expressing
support for the Cultural Access Tax.
Councilmember Budell serves on the Sound Cities Association Domestic Violence
Initiative. No report. The next meeting is scheduled for May l8th at 9:30 a.m., at
the Dawn Center for Peaceful Communities located in Kent.
Councilmember Higgins serves on the King County Regional Transit Committee. The
next meeting is scheduled for May 17th. The Committee agenda includes: (1)
recommendations on the restructuring of regional transit fares; (2) briefing on
parking; (3) briefing on alternative services being experimented with throughout
the county.
Councilmember Berrios serves on the Puget Sound Regional Council Economic
Development Board. At the May 3'd meeting, the Board worked through the Vision
2O4O Economic Strategy. It is anticipated that the Board will complete the process
and roll out the strategy in June.
Councilmember Ralph serves on the Transportation Policy Board. The Board is
currently working on the Transportation 2O4O Update. The Board is focusing on
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and whether they develop the Puget Sound
Clean Air Agency goals or King County's goals.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 16, 2OL7
Kent, Washington
Apprved June 6, 2OL7
Councilmember Ralph serves on the South County Area Transportation Board.
During the last meeting, King County Metro presented information on their carbon-
neutral fleet progress.
Councilmember Ralph participated in the watershed ecosystem forum that is
focused on salmon and habitat restoration for the Green River. The group
approved the capital projects for 2Ot7, that includes a $880,000 grant for the
Downey Farmstead Project.
Councilmember Fincher serves on the King Conservation District Advisory
Committee. The next meeting is scheduled for May L7, 2OL7. Councilmember
Fincher invited the public to attend the planting party at the Hillside Church is
located at 930 East James Street, and the event will be held Wednesday, l{ay 24th
Councilmember Fincher serves on the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Group.
No report.
5. Public Hearino
6. Public Comment
Najma Abdirizak is a member of the Refugee Immigration Advisory Council that
helps the community and attended tonight's meeting to observe. Najma is a
student at Kent Meridian High School. Mayor Cooke invited Ms, Abdirizak to
participate in the Kent Youth Group.
7. Consent Calendar
Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar items A
through M, seconded by Councilmember Thomas.
The motion passed with a vote ol 7-O.
A. Minutes of Previous Meet¡ngs and Workshops - Approve
The minutes of the workshop and regular council meeting of May 2, 2OL7, were
B. Approval of Bills
Bills received through April L5, 20L7 and paid on April L5, 2Ot7, after auditing by
the Operations Committee on May 2,2Ot7 were approved.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
Wire Transfers
Regular Checks
Payment Plus
Void Checks
Use Tax Payable
Check Numbers
7068 - 7084
7L3049 - 713385
Check Numbers
May 16, 2OL7
Kent, Washington
Apprved June 6, 20L7
Approval of checks issued for payroll forApril L,2OL7 - April L5,20L7, and
paid on April 20, 2OL7:
Voids and Reissues
Advices 385583 - 386486 $1.579.500.86
C. Agreements with Compulink Management Center Inc., Cities Digital,
fnc., and Microsoft through Software One - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign all necessary documents to enter into
agreements with Compulink Management Center Inc., Cities Digital, Inc., and
Microsoft through SoftwareOne, to replace the existing Oracle IPM and Captivation
system with Laserfiche, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the
Information Technology Director and the City Attorney, for a total amount not to
exceed $838,100.
D. Agreement with Carahsoft Technology Corporation - Hyper-Converged
Infrastructure for Technical Hardware Upgrade - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign a contract with Carahsoft Technology Corporation
to purchase a hyper-convergence infrastructure system at a cost not to exceed
$436,284.80, subject to final contract terms and conditions acceptable to the
Information Technology Director and City Attorney.
E. Consolidating Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Adjustments between
January Lt 2Ol7 | and March 31, 2OI7 - Adopt
Ordinance No. 4245 was adopted, approving the consolidating budget adjustments
made between January I, 2OL7, and March 31, 2OL7, reflecting an overall budget
increase of $24,995, 1 50.
F. Clear Wireless, LLC, Communication Tower Lease Agreement at Pump
Station #5 - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to enter into a lease agreement with Clear Wireless, LLC, to
operate and maintain a wireless communication facility at the Pump Station #5 site,
subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 16, 2OL7
Kent, Washington
Apprved June 6, 2OL7
G. Clear Wireless, LLC, Communication Tower Lease Agreement at the 3.5
Million Gallon Tank Site - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to enter into a lease agreement with Clear Wireless, LLC, to
operate and maintain a wireless communication facility at the 3.5 Million Gallon Tank
site, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public
Works Director.
H. Consultant Services Agreement with KBA, Inc. for the SOth Avenue
Pavement Rehabilitation Project - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with KBA, Inc to
provide construction project management and material testing for the 80th Avenue
South Pavement Rehabilitation Project in an amount not to exceed $93,000, subject to
final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
I. Downey Farmstead Frager Road Relocation Grant - Accept
The Mayor was authorized to sign an amendment to the grant agreement with the
State of Washington Recreation and Conservation Office to cover a portion of the
additional costs for utility relocation for the Downey Farmstead project, subject to final
terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
J. 2018-2023 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program - Set Public
Hearing Date
Council set June 6, 2OL7, as the Public Hearing date to consider the DRAFT 2OLB-2O23
Six-Yea r Tra nsportation I m provement Prog ra m.
K. Rainier Park Plat RPP5-2163101 - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to approve and sign the final plat plans for Rainier Park (FKA
On Rainier Pond) (FSU-2004-2L / RPP5-2163101).
L. Marbella Plat RPPS-2L6796 - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to approve and sign the final plat plans for Marbella (FKA
Balmoral Heights) (FSU-201O-3 / RPP5-2163796).
M. Smith Court Condominium Project Bill of Sale - Accept
The Mayor was authorized to accept the Bill of Sale for Smith Court Condos, Permit No.
RECC-2072368, for watermains, including: 7 gate valves, 3 hydrants, 1 blow off valve,
and 633 linear feet of 8" ductal iron waterline; sanitary sewers, including: 4 manholes
and 621 linear feet of I' PUC sewer line; and storm sewers, including 1 manhole.
8. Other Business
9. Bids
A. 2Ol7 Crack Sealing Project - Award
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 16, 20L7
Kent, Washington
Apprved June 6, 2OI7
Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, gave a brief overview of the 20L7 Crack Sealing
Councilmember Higgins moved to award the 2O17 Crack Sealing Project to
Evergreen Asphalt & Concrete in the amount of çL27,L25, and authorize
the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and
conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
Seconded by Councilmember Ralph.
The motion passed with a vote ol7-O.
B. 2OL7 Plastic Markings - Award
Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, gave a brief overview of the 2OL7 Plastic
Markings Project.
Councilmember Higgins moved to award the 2O17 Plastic Markings Project
to Stanley Patrick Striping, Co., in the amount of çL72,695, and authorize
the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and
conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
Seconded by Councilmember Fincher.
The motion passed with a vote of 7-O.
c 2OL7 Paint Line Striping & Raised Pavement Markings Replacement -
Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, gave a brief overview of the 2Ot7 Paint Line
Striping & Raised Pavement Markings Replacement Project.
Councilmember Higgins moved to award the 2017 Paint Line Striping and
Raised Pavement Markings Replacement Project to Stripe Rite, Inc,, in the
amount of i274ß6O, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary
documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City
Attorney and Public Works Director. Seconded by Councilmember Ralph.
The motion passed with a vote ol7-O.
D. South 208th Street Road Repair & Guardra¡l Installation Project -
Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, gave a brief overview of the South 208th Street
Road Repair & Guardrail Installation Project.
Councilmember Higgins moved to award the South 208th Street Road
Repair and Guardrail Installation Project to NPM Construction, Co., in the
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 16, 20L7
Kent, Washington
Apprved June 6, 2OL7
amount of $3O3r855.5O, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary
documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City
Attorney and Public Works Director. Seconded by Councilmember Fincher.
The motion passed with a vote of 7-O.
1O. Reports from Standing Committees, Council and Staff
Mayor - Mayor Cooke advised that she, along with City staff, will speak in front of
the Port of Seattle Commission, regarding the third phase of the 2281h Street
Corridor Project. The Commission agreed to provide $595K towards the project,
but want to have the City provide information as to whether the project is still
needed, and if the City can project what the level of future freight traffic will be.
Mayor Cooke indicated the Puget Sound Regional Council will hold its annual
assembly on May 3L,2OL7.
Mayor Cooke took a point of personal privilege to wish her mother a Happy
Birthday! On May 20th' she turns 90 years young.
Council President - Council President Boyce provided details regarding the two
workshop presentations today: (1) 2016 Finance wrap up and 2OL7 l't quarter
report that included the 20L7-20L8 budget book; and (2) Mill Creek
Reesta blish ment project.
Administration Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer, indicated his
written report is in the packet and there is an Executive Session expected to last 20
minutes, and no action will follow the session.
Economic and Community Development - Council President Boyce indicated
the report is in the minutes.
Operations - Councilmember Ralph. No report
Parks and Human Services - Councilmember Fincher indicated the next meeting
is scheduled for May 18, 20t7. Additionally, information was provided regarding
the Green Kent mulching event that will be held on May 20, 20L7, from 9-noon at
Morrill Meadows park. Councilmember Fincher encouraged everyone to celebrate
"Kids to Parks Day" on May 20,2OL7, by getting out and enjoying parks.
Public Safety - Councilmember Berrios indicated the Committee discussed the
importance of updating the Police Department's service delivery model, including
effectively communicating changes to businesses that that may be affected.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
May 16, 2OL7
Kent, Washington
Apprved June 6, 2OL7
Public Works - Councilmember Ralph advised that the committee recommended
changes to the complete streets ordinance and that the Public Works staff gave a
presentation regarding city-wide cleanup efforts.
Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority - Councilmember Thomas. No report. The
next meeting is scheduled for May L7,2OL7, at 5:30 p.m., and will be held at
Station 78 that is located in Covington.
At 8:32 p.rr.r the Council went into executive sess¡on.
11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session
A. Property Negotiations, as per RCW 42.3O.I1O(1)(c); to consider the
price at which real estate will be offered for sale
At 8153 p.ffi., Executive Session was extended for an additional 15 minutes
At 9:1O p.m., Executive Session was extended for an additional 1O minutes
At 9:19 p.m., the Council reconvened.
12. Adiournment
At 9:20 p.m., Mayor Cooke adj ourned the meeti ng.
Kimberley A. Komoto
City Clerk
May 16, 2OL7
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