HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 5/2/2017Kent City Council Workshop Minutes May 2,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 2OL7 Date: May 2,20t7 Time: 5 p.m. Place: Council Chambers East/West Attending: Bill Boyce, Council President Tina Budell, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Dana Ralph, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Council President Boyce opened the meeting at 5:04 p.m Aoenda: 1, Whv Parks? Investing in Kent's Quality of Life Julie Parascondola, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director, provided an overall view of the Parks programs and services that contribute to economic viability, foster health and community wellness, steward and protect public lands, create social equity and connection. Hope Gibson, Parks Planning and Development Manager, provided information regarding how the City approaches park planning. Hope reviewed the Parks and Open Space Plan that has four core themes: Quality Public Spaces, Performance- Based Approach, Transformation through Reinvestment, and Sustainable Funding. Hope reviewed the Parks asset analysis that included a review of declining quality public spaces, and failure of park assets/amenities Brian Levenhagen, Parks Planning and Development Senior Park Planner provided information regarding a performance-based approach The Parks Department's assessment of the recreational value of parks vs. a performance based approach, Brian presented information regarding the City's planning for the future of parks with transformation through reinvestment. Brian gave an overall view of strategic projects by regions. Brian presented information regarding current investment vs. future investment, and financial needs. Details regarding the 2017-2018 reinvestment projects were provided in addition to a review of assets being addressed. Brian indicated a recreational value project sheet is being utilized for each project. Brian provided a review of recreational values being added to various parks. Page 1 of 2 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes May 2, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 2OL7 Julie indicated the next step is to ask the question: "How much are we, as a city and community, willing to re-invest in the livability?" Council President Boyce suggested reaching out to the community. Councilmember Higgins suggested Parks have conversations regarding raising the baseline budget in addition to seeking voter approval. Julie advised that she will work on educating the public to create excitement and provide information so that the public will understand the backlog of work to be done in the parks in addition to coming up with sustainable funding that will help make strides, including working towards accreditation. Councilmember Higgins indicated that through the recession, the Parks Department was impacted by cuts more than any other department and that we need to make a conscious effort to fix Kent's parks. Councilmember Fincher requested the Parks Department come up with financial benefits to home values. Councilmember Berrios requested the Parks Department come up with options for the future. Council President recessed the workshop at 5:45 p.m. Councíl President reconvened the workshop at 5:54 p.m. and advised that the presentation by Sound Transit is cancelled. Council President adjourned the workshop at 5:55 p.m. a Kimberley City Clerk May 2, 2OL7 Komoto Page 2 of 2 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Date: Time: Place: Attending: Approved May 16, 20L7 May 2, 2Ot7 7 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Suzette Cooke, Mayor Bill Boyce, Council President Tina Budell, Councilmember Jim Berrios, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Dana Ralph, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.ñ., with Mayor Cooke presiding. 2. Roll Call All present. 3. Changes to the Agenda Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson added an item to Other Business for the North Park Sound Wall and removed item 98.2Ot7 Plastic Markings 4. PublicCommunications A. Public Recognition: The Mayor recognized the Thunderbirds for their recent win. Mayor Cooke recognized David Hammond as employee of the month for May and thanked him for his service to the City. B. Proclamation for Affordable Housing Week: Jo Cherland, Division Director with Catholic Community Services accepted the Affordable Housing Week Proclamation. C. Proclamation for Kent Healthy Eating Day: Shamso Issak, Executive Director of Living Well Kent, along with other committee members, accepted the Proclamation for Kent Healthy Eating Day. D. Artwork Donation from Pierce Estate Ronda Billerbeck, Parks Cultural Program Manager presented information regarding donations of artwork from the Pierce Estate. Ronda presented a brief history of Page 1 of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 2,20L7 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 2OL7 Danny Pierce and his past donations of artwork to the City. The Pierce family donated 10 pieces of art valued at nearly $40,000. The artwork is currently on display on the third floor of the Centennial Center. Mayor Cooke suggested the Greater Kent Historical Society prepare brief histories that would be displayed next to each of the pieces of art. E. Reappointment to Bicycle Advisory Board Mayor Cooke expressed her appreciation for Mel Roberts dedication toward making Kent a bicycle friendly community and recommended his reappointment. Tim Clark thanked the council for their support of the Greater Kent Historical Museum and introduced Tessa Yeaman, the newly appointed Director of the Museum. Tessa indicated she is looking forward to fostering and creating new relationships with the community. F, Community Events: Council President Boyce provided details regarding upcoming events at the ShoWare Center, including the Thunderbirds WHL championship games May 9-11, and encouraged all to attend. Additional events include: Kent Chamber of Commerce Business Gala May 5th @ 5p.m; Seattle Mist, May 2O; Jr Roller Derby May 25-28; 9tn International Festival; and June 3; R&B legend Maxwell. Council President Boyce indicated that the Kent Black Action Commission will host their 6th annual Junteenth on June L7, from lO-dusk at Morrill Meadows Park. Councilmember Fincher advised that youth baseball kicks off this Saturday, and the Junior Olympics will be held on May 13th from 9 - 4 p.m. at Kent Meridian High School. Upcoming Green Kent events will be on May 6th, 9-noon at Clark Lake Park for Habitat Improvement, and Morrill Meadows Mulching on May 20th from 9-noon. Councilmember Fincher indicated that the Spring/Summer Parks guides are available at Kentwa.gov/parks. Councilmember Ralph advised that Relay for Life Kent will be held on June 2nd at Kent Meridian High School and that the Kent Downtown Partnership will host their annual dinner and auction at the ShoWare Center on June gth. Details were also provided regarding the next Team Up 2 Clean Up event on May 13th at Kherson Park, located at Second and Gowe. Page 2 of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 2OL7 G. Economic and Community Development Update: Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director, presented information regarding economic development in the City, including: the Amazon Fresh fulfillment center being relocated to Kent, and Classic Accessories announcement regarding their relocation into a larger facility currently under construction in South Kent. Wolters updated the Council on recent discussions with Dick's Drive-In and with the property owners of the potential site. Ben credited Julie Pulliam with the idea to use the Thunderbird's Coolbird mascot for promoting Kent to Dick's Drive-In. H, Intergovernmental Reports: Council President Boyce serves on the Sound Cities Association Committee - No report. The next meeting is scheduled for May 1Oth. Councilmember Budell serves on the Sound Cities Association Domestic Violence Initiative. No report. The next meeting is scheduled for May 18th. Councilmember Higgins serves on the King County Regional Transit Committee. During the April 18th meeting, the committee discussed alternative services in additional to revamping the metro fare structure. The committee continues its work on Metro connects 2025-2040 long range plan. During July, the committee will begin to review the capital project list with dates and dollar amounts. Councilmember Berrios serves on the Puget Sound Regional Council Economic Development Board. The next meeting is scheduled for May 3,2OL7, and the Board will be discussing the implementation of economic strategy. Councilmember Ralph serves on the Sound Cities Association Executive Board. The Board recently discussed upcoming County levies and the potential effects on cities, Councilmember Ralph announced that the King Conservation Distríct recently appointed Councilmember Fincher to the Equity and Social justice advisory committee. Councilmember Ralph serves on the King County Depaftment of Transportation South County Area Transportation Board and they will meet next week. Councilmember Ralph serves on the King County Regional Law Safety & Justice Committee. No report. Page 3 of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Date 3/Ls/20L7 3/ts/20L7 Wire Transfers Regular Checks Check Numbers 7028 - 7048 711989 - 7L2405 May 2, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Amount çL,982,397.23 $1,198,059.74 Approved May 16, 2OL7 Councilmember Fincher serves on the King County Mental Illness and Drug Dependency (MIDD) Advisory Committee. The Committee is working to determine how to assess the programs to determine how to align with best starts for kids, veterans, and human services. Councilmember Fincher serves on the King Conservation District Advisory Committee. Councilmember Fincher extended an invitation to the public to participate in the community garden project that will be held at the Hillside Church at 930 E. James Street on May 24rh,from 6-8:30 pm. Hillside Church has partnered with World Relief Seattle for this project. 5. None Public Hearing 6. Public Comment Reverend Herbert Carey provided public comment and requested the City donate abandon propefty for his Rights of Passage mentoring program for African American boys ages t2-t9. Ty Whitfield, provided public comment and expressed her appreciation for the assistance from City staff in helping to addressing concerns from senior citizen residents at the area SHAG facilities. 7 Consent Calendar Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar items A through L, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a vote ol 7-O. A. Minutes of Previous Meetings and Workshops - Approve The minutes of the workshop and regular council meeting of April L8, 2OL7, were approved. B. Approval of Bills Bills received through Mar. 3L, 20L7 and paid on Mar. 15 and Mar. 31, 20L6 after auditing by the Operations Committee on April 18, 20L7 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers Page 4 of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 3/Ls/2OL7 Approved May 16, 20L7 May 2, 2OL7 Kent, Washington $55,845.47 ($0.00) s4 .9L3.22 Amount $0.00 Amount $0.00 ç3,24L,2L5.66 Approval of checks issued for payroll for Mar.l through Mar. 15 and paid on Mar. 20, 2OL7: 3/rs/20t7 Date 3/20/20L7 Date 3/3L/20L7 3/3L/2OL7 3/3t/2017 Date 4/s/20L7 Payment Plus Void Checks Use Tax Payable Wire Transfers Regular Checks Payment + Void Checks Use Tax Payable Check Numbers 7049 - 7067 7t2406 - 7L3048 Check Numbers Checks 0 Voids and Reissues Advices 383863 - 3847L93/20/20L7 $L,537,844.38 $L,537,844.38 Approval of checks issued for vouchers 3/3L/2Ot7 Amount $t,930,369.24 $4,907,596.93 $61,193.84 ($7,132.00) 9t.327.54 $6,893,355.55 Approval of checks issued for payroll for Mar. 16 through Mar. 31 and paid on Apr.5,2Ot7: Check Numbers Checks Voids and Reissues Advices 384720 - 3855824/s/2017 $1.533.518.79 $1,533,518.79 C. Reappointment of Mel Roberts to the Bicycle Advisory Board - Confirm Council confirmed the reappointment of Mel Roberts to the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board for an additional two-year term. D. Ordinance Amending Kent City Code Chapters 3.28 and 3.29 Relating to Business and Occupation Tax - Adopt Page 5 of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2Ot7 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 2Ot7 Ordinance No.4242 was adopted, amending the business and occupation tax code to create threshold, create a non-reporting status and a non-registration status, allow the cancellation of penalties, create a voluntary disclosure program, create a tax credit, and amend the administrative appeal process. E. Ordinance Amending Chapter 3.41 KCC - Add Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team Revolving Funds - Adopt Ordinance No. 4243 was adopted, authorizing creation of a petty cash fund, a flash money fund and an investigative buy fund for VNET operations, increasing the dollar limit of the Police Department Investigative Buy Fund, and making certain other administrative changes to Chapter 3.4L of the Kent City Code. F. Cooperative Purchas¡ng Agreement with Hewlett Packard / WSCA-NASPO for HP Desktop Refresh - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to purchase equipment, software, and services through the cooperative purchasing agreement between HP, Inc. and NASP ValuePoint Cooperative Purchasing Organization, and under Washington State's participation agreement, and to make such purchases within established budgets and through March 3L,2O2O, or such later date as the cooperative may extend. G. Advanced Broadcast Solutions Chambers Technology & Kent TV21 Upgrades - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to execute all documents necessary to enter into a contract with Advanced Broadcast Solutions, LLC, in the amount of $140,660.05, for replacement of the chamber audio and video system, and to ratify all acts consistent with this motion, subject to final contract terms and conditions acceptable to the IT Director and City Attorney. H. Comprehensive Plan Amendments - 2015 Dockets - Ordinance - Adopt Ordinance No. 4244 was adopted, amending the City's 2015 Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Plan Map and Zoning Districts Map as recommended by the Economic and Community Development Committee. I. 2Ot7 l"t Quarter Fee-in-lieu Funds - Authorize Council accepted $43,200.00 of fee-in-lieu funds, amend the Community Parks Reinvestment Program budget and authorize the future expenditure of these funds for capital improvements at Chestnut Ridge Park and Canterbury Park. J. Consultant Services Agreement with Gray & Osborn, Inc., for Cambridge Reservoir Improvements - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Gray & Osborn, Inc. to produce bid documents for the Cambridge Reservoir Improvement Project in the amount of $43,4O0, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, Page 6 of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 20t7 K. S. 212th Way Overlay - Additional Funding - Authorize Council authorized the addition of $1.4 million out of 2OL7 B&O revenues for the 212th Street & 72"d Avenue Intersection repair and the South 2L2rh Way Overlay Project easterly of SR 167 to be utilized this year. L. Schedule 74 Design Agreement with Puget Sound Energy for Undergrounding S. 218th Street Project - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Design Agreement with Puget Sound Energy to develop plans for the under-grounding of electrical lines and services along S 218th Street, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. 8. Other Business A. Sound Wall - North Park Neighborhood Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director provided information regarding the potential to build a continuous noise wall - roughly 24' high from James Street, North to Hwy 167, that would cost approx. $3 million. Tim LaPorte advised that it would be up to the council to decide if Quiet Zone funds could be used to help pay for the wall. Budell indicated the best solution is to request that Burlington Norther use either the Tukwila or Auburn station for staging. B. Marquee on Meeker/Riverbend Golf Complex - Info Only Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director, provided information in support of the proposed purchase and sale of the par 3 property now known as Marquee on Meeker. Ben Wolters recapped the timeline of activities, provided information on the advisory committee and scoring criteria for project concept, price and contract terms, and firm and team capabilities. Ben Wolters reviewed the goals and objectives for the project that included generating parks funding for capital investment, establishing a high-quality development, in addition to meeting various City objectives. The details of the winning proposal were provided. Ben introduced the development team that included representatives from FNW, Landmark Development Group, LLC and HAL. Examples of project qualities were provided in addition to public space and park connections. Ben Wolters reviewed major milestones of planning review and development engineering in preparation for a purchase and sale and development agreement. John McKenna, Landmark Development Group/FNW, Inc., CEO conveyed his vision for the project and advised that the tax savings received have been reinvested into the Page 7 of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 2,20L7 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 2Ot7 project. McKenna indicated that the project provides walkability and connectivity, which is what the City asked for, Charles Strazzara, Studio Meg Strazzara/Principle-in-Charge, Project Architect, provided extensive details regarding the project that included: responding to the want of connectivity, walkability - creating pedestrian environment, reviewed project plan and quality of materials, and detailed the development concept plan that offers public amenities. Mr. Strazzara reviewed the 200' buffer of open space, tree retention plan, lifestyle plaza and promenade connection to the pathway, urbanism - move to the core, hardwood resilient flooring & solid service counters throughout, under mount sinks, and full stainless-steel appliances. There will be common, hotel-like corridors - all offset doors, open space and parking for residents, guests, and the public. 9. Bids A. 2OL7 Asphalt Grinding - Award Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director gave a brief overview of the proposed project. Councilmember Higgins moved to Award the 2OL7 Asphalt Grinding to Statewide Parking Lot Services, Inc. in the amount ol $62,7OO.OO and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Seconded by Councilmember Ralph. The motion passed unanimously with a vote oÍ 7-O. 10. Reoorts from Standinq Committees, Council and Staff Mayor - Mayor Cooke presented information regarding the next police community meeting to be held May 10th at the police/fire training center at 7 p.m., located at 116th Ave S.E. and S.E. 248th Street, and that there will be a special presentation on firearms training simulator and crime fighting strategies. Council President - Council President Boyce provided details regarding today's workshop topics that included a Parks Department presentation entitled "Why Parks? Investing in Kent's Quality of Life." Parks Director, Julie Parascondola will make today's presentation available on the City's website. Administration - Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer, advised that his written report in the packet and that there is an executive session to discuss property negotiation that is expected to last 30 minutes with action following the session. Page 8 of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 20t7 Economic and Community Development - Council President Boyce indicated he hopes Dick's Drive-In select Kent as their next location. Operations Councilmember Ralph provided information regarding the Committee's discussions regarding expanding the S. 2OB/2L2th project, in addition to discussing a $25 million-dollar budget adjustment that includes the receipt of $20 million dollars of grant funds for projects. The Committee also discussed the need to update the financial policies, including the debt management policy. Parks and Human Services - Councilmember Fincher indicated the Committee discussed the wiffle ball filed at Kent Memorial park in addition to discussing a tobacco-free policy for parks. Public Safety - Councilmember Berrios advised next meeting is scheduled for May gth. Public Works - Councilmember Higgins indicated the Committee heard an update on the "Meet Me on Meeker" project. The Committee reviewed the Six -Year Transportation Improvement Plan's list of projects for the next 6 years. Five projects were removed from the plan since they have been completed or nearly complete. A few new projects were added to firm up the Naden site as the City prepares to surplus the site. Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority - Councilmember Thomas indicated the posting for fire chief went out today. The next meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 17th at Station 78. At 9115 p.m., the Council went into executive sess¡on. At 9:45 p.ffi., executive sess¡on was extended for 1O additional minutes. At 9:58 p.ffi., the Council reconvened 11. Executive Session and Action after Executive SessionA. Property Negotiations, as per RCW 42.3O.ltO(1)(c); to consider the price at which real estate will be offered for sale City Attorney, Tom Brubaker provided a review of the proposed purchase and sale agreement for the area of the Riverbend golf complex existing par 3 course. The purchaser is FNW. The proposed project, "Marquee on Meeker," will consist of 2L quad unit apartments and two six-story podiums. The sale price is $10.5 million and it will be sold in two phases. The eastern half phase one is for $5.25 million, the purchaser will obtain a lease with an option to purchase the western half for $5.25 million. There are conditions required prior to closing. Council President Boyce moved to authorize the Mayor to sign all documents necessary to complete the purchase and sale agreement to sell Page 9 of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2017 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 20L7 the Riverbend Par 3 property for the Marquee on Meeker project, subject to approval of final terms and conditions by the City Attorney. Councilmember Berrios seconded the motion. Discussion: Council President Boyce indicated that since 20L2 the Council has discussed options to sustain the golf course. There was no prior solid plan in place. Council President Boyce indicated that elected officials make tough decisions and reflected on the history of the Kent Station and ShoWare Center developments. He thanked prior councilmembers for making tough decisions. He indicated that he has no doubt that this is the right project for Kent and that he strongly believes we have the right team to put a solid plan/building in place to make a livable, connected city where people want to live - it's all about economic development and that we need to grow the city and generate revenue through taxes or projects. Council President Boyce advised that he will support the motion. Councilmember Higgins expressed that this is a beautiful proposal and project that will be a tremendous asset to the City. He indicated that if we must develop the site, he likes the way this plan preserves public access and public space, He thanked the team and City staff, including Tom Brubaker, Ben Wolters and Kurt Hanson. Councilmember Higgins reviewed his April L, 20L4, Kent Reporter quote regarding being heartsick about surplussing the site and that he voted to surplus the property. He attempted to find other open space advocates to help keep the parcel in open space, but failed. Over the past two weeks King County, the Flood Control District, WRIA 9, and other open space advocates put together solution to keep the property in open space. Since there appears to be a path to keep this property in open space, he cannot vote in support of the purchase and sale agreement. Councilmember Ralph, indicated that the project presented is the best of all the projects submitted. The developer is committed to building a quality project. Councilmember Ralph indicated that the Council has been through a very long process and that something needs to be done to make the golf course sustainable where the only viable option would be a large, multi-family complex. She indicated there is a viable option presented in the 11th hour from regional partners that will preserve the habitat. She expressed her concern over developing the open space and covering the ground, making it impossible to convert the property back to open space. Councilmember Ralph conveyed her desire to inform the public that there was a viable option to have this property remain in open space and that the legislative body refused to consider that option. Page 1O of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2Ot7 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 2OI7 Councilmember Ralph expressed her concerns over the purchase and sale agreement and the lack of a final development agreement. Councilmember Ralph indicated she has concerns over the unresolved fire flow issues, impacts to traffic that have not been fully addressed, and impacts to the school district. There is no business plan to make the 18-hole golf course sustainable. Councilmember Ralph is hopeful that this project is the spark to redevelop the entire Meeker corridor. Councilmember Ralph indicated she would not support the purchase and sale agreement, Councilmember Fincher spoke in support of the purchase and sale agreement, She indicated that she does not want to get rid of land, but this appears to be the only viable option. Councilmember Fincher advised of her discussion with a King County councilmember who advised that obtaining 100o/o funding would be a heavy lift, even if everyone is rowing in the same direction. She expressed her concern with maintaining the property if it were to be kept in open space. She expressed her appreciation of the wonderful job.the selection team did in coming up with a well- planned project with quality amenities. Councilmember Budell indicated she struggled with losing open land, but knows that the Council must be fiscally responsible, Councilmember Budell indicated that the Council did not adopt a $20 car tab fee to balance the budget, in addition to speaking regarding the impact of the loss of $5 million in streamline sales tax in 2018, Councilmember Budell expressed her concern over the need to increase the City's tax base through B&O taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes. Councilmember Budell indicated a one-time sale to a conservatory will not solve the City's financial issues. Councilmember Budell detailed the potential issues with keeping the property in open space. Councilmember Budell supports the development, loves the amenities, open space, access to river, and that the developer is from Kent and is passionate about the project. Councilmember Budell fully-supports the purchase and sale agreement. Councilmember Berrios expressed that he is comfortable with the purchase and sale agreement, including the provisions in dealing with the development agreement. Councilmember Berrios expressed his concern that the Council is now being presented with a new proposal without including him. He indicated that there is no certainty with this new proposal or where the funding would come from. Councilmember Berrios expressed his concern that King County is not present at tonight's meeting since they knew this discussion would be taking place. Councilmember Berrios indicated that Kent is changing and that we need to keep Page 11 of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 20t7 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 2OL7 up. He advised that that developer has made every effort to work with us to meet the City's needs and is comfortable with this developer. Councilmember Berrios indicated he will support the purchase and sale agreement. Councilmember Thomas reviewed some of the benefits to parks that were presented during today's Council workshop. He indicated that when the ShoWare Center and Kent Station were developed, the ball fields that were lost during development were to be replaced, but they were not. Councilmember Thomas indicated that he likes the developer and the quality of the project. Councilmember Thomas indicated that he would not vote in support of the purchase and sale agreement. Councilmember Fincher clarified that the King County councilmember she spoke with had ideas on where to obtain funding, but indicated he did not see it possible to obtain King County Council votes to get it passed. Councilmember Higgins indicated that he failed to reach out to Councilmember Berrios and inform him on a new proposal. He conveyed that Councilmember Upthegrove did not want to get in between the council and mayor, since the Mayor was not in favor of this proposal. Councilmember Higgins indicated that after speaking with Councilmember Upthegrove that we would not be successful in pursuing the alternate option. Councilmember Berrios expressed his concern with this new proposal and whether King County would take responsibility for resolving issues on the property that may include crimes and maintenance. Mayor Cooke indicated that it is important for Councilmembers to understand that funds from the Flood Control District would require removing some of the existing levy and increasing the height of the levy. Funds from the Conservation Futures require extremely limiting access and also requiring that the property be left in its natural habitat state. Council President Boyce indicated that this is a tough decision. He indicated that if King County was to give the City money for the property, he does not believe it would create economic sustainability. Councilmember Ralph clarified that since the Council was not allowed to proceed with pursuing this option, the details of the project could not be provided. Councilmember Thomas indicated that since this is the only viable option, he will be changing his vote in favor of the purchase and sale agreement. Page 12 of 13 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes May 2, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved May 16, 2OL7 Councilmember Fincher conveyed her support of maintaining green space and the benefits to parks, but that she does not see any other viable option for this parcel. Councilmember Thomas called for the quest¡on. Councilmember Thomas requested a roll call. Councilmember Berrios voted yes Council President Boyce voted yes Councilmember Budell voted yes Councilmember Fincher voted yes Councilmember Higgins voted no Councilmember Ralph voted no Councilmember Thomas voted yes The motion passed with a 5-2 vote. 12. Adjournment At 10:40 p.m., Mayor Cooke adjourned the meeting. o ti^¡b Kimberley A City Clerk May 2, 2017 moto Page 13 of 13