HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 3/21/2017Kent City Council Workshop Minutes March 2L,2OL7 Kent, Washington Date: Time: Place: Attending: Approved April 4,20L7 March 2L,20t7 5 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Bill Boyce, Council President Tina Budell, Councilmember Jim Berrios, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Dana Ralph, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Council President Boyce opened the meeting at 5:03 p,m. Agenda: 1. Kinq Countv Library Svstem's New Strateoic Plan Jose M. Garcia, Jr, Acting Regional Manager/Librarian Services Manager of the King County Library System, presented information regarding the draft strategic scenarios on the King County Library System's Strategic Plan progress to date, 2. Morrill Meadows I YMCA Project Uodate Julie Parascondola, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director, presented an update on the Morrill Meadows I YMCA project. Information regarding why Kent needs the YMCA, Kent's history with the YMCA, an up-to-date status, changes in the site plan, the YMCA design, site complexities, RCO conversion, development costs, timeline, critical assumptions, next steps, and project outcomes. 3. City Hall Campus and Russell Road Shops Soace Planninq Update Alex Ackley, Facilities Superintendent, presented information on the City Hall Campus space planning that included a brief history and background, and space planning options for the departments affected by the study. Alex Ackley also presented information on the space planning for the Public Works maintenance shops at Russell Road Park and the East Hill Operations Center. Information was presented regarding the Parks Department Operations facility. A background summary was presented regarding the East Hill Shops property located off S.E. 249th Street, in addition to the options for the maintenance shops at Russell Road. An update will be presented at the July 18, 2OI7 City Council workshop. e meeting concluded at 6:21 p.m. Sue Hanson Acting City Clerk March 2L,20L7 Page 1 of 1 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 2L,20L7 Kent, Washington Date: Time: Place: Attending: Approved April 4, 20L7 March 2L,2OL7 7 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Suzette Cooke, Mayor Bill Boyce, Council President Tina Budell, Councilmember Jim Berrios, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Dana Ralph, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.ffi., with Mayor Cooke presiding. 2. Roll Call All councilmembers were present 3. Changes to the Agenda Chief Adminístrative Officer, Derek Matheson added an executive session to discuss potential litigation. 4. PublicCommunications A. Public Recognition: Councilmember Thomas recognized UW Women's and Gonzaga Men's basketball teams that have made it to the sweet 16. Councilmember Fincher recognized the students that participated in the Art Walk. B. Community Events: Council President Boyce advised of upcoming ShoWare events, including the Thunderbirds playoff games, Seattle Mist games, the International Festival, and the roller derby, and invited the public to attend events. Mayor Cooke advised that the International Festival to be.held on June 3, 20L7, is a free event. C. Reappointment to Lodging Tax Advisory Committee: The council confirmed the reappointment of Josh Bang, General Manager for the Marriott Town Place Suites to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. D. Public Safety Update: Page 1 of I Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 2L,20t7 Kent, Washington Approved April 4,20t7 Chief Thomas presented Officer Jen Prusa with the Chief's Award of Professional Excellence for her exceptional work to hold members of the Odessa crew responsible for their actions with crimes relating to auto thefts. Chief Thomas and Sergeant Mike Armstrong presented Jill Fuller with the Distinguished Services Award commending her for her tireless dedication, hard work, and implementation of the process in saving the City money for jail medical services. Since z}tt, Jill has saved the City $616,803. Chief Thomas advised that the City Kent Police Department's policy regarding the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems is to enhance the department's ability to save lives, protect propefty and document crime and collision scenes. The Police Department does not currently own any of these devices. Chief Thomas conveyed the prohibited uses of these devices and that the policy is located on the City's website. Chief Thomas provided a crime updated that included the investigation of the shooting incident of the member of the Sikh community and indicated the investigation is ongoing. Additionally, Chief Thomas provided information regarding the stabbing of a man in downtown Kent. Chief indicated the Washington State Patrol is assisting with this active investigation. E. Intergovernmental Reports: Council President Boyce advised that Councilmember Fincher was recently appointed as the alternate member to the Mental Illness Drug Dependency committee. Councilmember Budell serves on the Sound Cities Association Domestic Violence Initiative. The last meeting was held on February L6, 2Ot7, and the next meeting is May L8, 2OL7, at the Norm Maleng Regional Justice Center. Councilmember Higgins serves on the King County Regional Transit Committee. At the March t5, 2Ot7, meeting there was a briefing on Metro Connects Plan and One Center City effort. Jim Berrios serves on the Puget Sound Regional Council Economic Development Board that is continuing work on the Regional Economic Strategy Plan. Councilmember Ralph attended the Transportation Policy Board meeting that discussed the Access to Transit portion of the 2040 Transportation Update. Councilmember Ralph also attended the South County Area Transportation Board Page 2 of 8 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Check Numbers 6968 - 6988 710888 - 7tt33L March 2L,2OL7 Kent, Washington Amount $2,224,255.LL $4,032,444.93 $t76,27t.34 ($o.oo) Approved April 4, 20L7 Meeting that also discussed One Center City Plan and the impacts it will have on Kent riders. Councilmember Fincher serves on the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Advisory Committee meets on March 23'd. Councilmember Fincher also serves on the King Conservation District. Recent discussion focused on urban forestry projects. 5. None Public Hearino Approval of checks issued for vouchers Date L/3L/20L7 Wire Transfers L/3U2OL7 Regular Checks I/3L/2OL7 Payment + Void Checks 6. Public Comment T.J. Petersen expressed his desire to have the City provide a safe place for the homeless community. Kendra Smith shared a poem with the Council. Richard Schilling requested the City Council create a climate that makes it more costs effective for those owners to offer a better deal for residents. Tye Whitfield expressed her concerns of the seniors with regards to safety of senior residents living at the SHAG communities. 7. Consent Calendar Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar items A through O, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously 7-O. A. Minutes of Previous Meet¡ngs and Workshops - Approve The minutes of the workshop and regular council meeting of March 7, 2OL7 were approved. Approval of Bills Bills received through Feb t5,2Ot7 and paid on Jan. 31 and Feb. 15, 2Ot7 after auditing by the Operations Committee on March 7, 20L7 were approved. B Page 3 of 8 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Approved April 4,20t7 Use Tax Payable March 2t,2077 Kent, Washington l$1 .775.88) Amount $0,00 Amount $0,00 $6,431,195.40 Approval of checks issued for payroll forJan. 16 through Jan. 31 and paid on Feb. 3,2OL7: L/3t/20L7 Date 2/3/20L7 Date 2/Ls/20L7 2/L5/2Ot7 2/Lsl2OL7 Date 2/t7/2OL7 Wire Transfers Regular Checks Payment + Void Checks Use Tax Payable Check Numbers 6989 - 7009 7LL332 - 7Lt602 Check Numbers Checks Voids and Reissues Advices 381340 - 3821852/3/2OL7 $1.609,814,08 $1,609,814.09 Approval of checks issued for vouchers 2/Lsl20L7 Amount $1,991,953.37 $2,839,934.05 $54,188.34 ($602.3s) s4.444.96 $4,889,918.37 Approval of checks issued for payroll for Feb. 1 through Feb. 15 and paid on Feb. 17, 20L7: Check Numbers Checks Voids and Reissues Advices 382186 - 3830242/L7/2017 $1.491.620.ss $1,491,620.55 C. City of Kent Investment Policy - Ordinance - Adopt Ordinance No. 4238 was adopted that repeals and replaces Chapter 3.02 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Investment Policy." D. Water District #lLL Franchise Ordinance - Introduce An ordinance establishing a l0-year franchise with King County Water District # 111 was introduced. E. Ordinance Amending Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code "Parking" - Adopt Page 4 of 8 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 2L,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved April 4,20L7 Ordinance No. 4239 was adopted, amending various sections within Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code to address parking in the City of Kent. F. Interlocal Agreement with King County for Animal Services - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign the Interlocal Agreement with King County for animal services beginning January L,20L8 through December 31,2022, on the condition that the total number of municipal participants does not decrease, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. G. 2016 Final Supplemental Budget Adjustment Ordinance - Adopt Ordinance No. 4240 was adopted, approving the final consolidating budget adjustment ordinance for adjustments made between December 1 and December 3L,2Ot6, reflecting an overall budget increase of 93,693,440. H. Reappoint Josh Bang to Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - Confirm Council confirmed the re-appointment of Josh Bang to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for an additional 4-year term. I. 2OL7 Consultant Services Agreement with JayRay Ads & PR, Inc. - VisitKent - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign the 2017 Consultant Services Agreement with Jay Ray Ads & PR, Inc. to provide marketing for VisitKent in an amount not to exceed $164,635.00, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Economic & Community Development Director and City Attorney. J. Contract with COWI for Milwaukee II Levee - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with COWI, in an amount not to exceed $178,975.00 for an alternatives analysis of flood protection facilities for the Milwaukee II Levee, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. K. Contract with ICF International for the Mill Creek Environmental Impact Statement - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with ICF International to produce an Environmental Impact Statement for the Mill Creek Reestablishment Project in the amount of $348,88L.77, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. L. Goods and Services Agreement with Western Systems for Traffic Signal Cabinets - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to sign a Goods and Services Agreement with Western Systems for the purchase of six traffic signal cabinets and plug-in electrical components in an amount not to exceed $L58,622.47, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Page 5 of 8 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 2L,20t7 Kent, Washington Approved April 4,2OL7 M. FMSIB & PSRC Grant for S. 228th St UPRR - Accept The Mayor was authorized to accept $4.35 million of grant funds from the Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board and $3 million of federal grant funds awarded through the Puget Sound Regional Council and authorize staff and/or the Mayor to sign any necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. N. Kent Kangley Pedestrian Improvements - Accept as Complete The Mayor was authorized to accept the Kent Kangley Pedestrian Improvements project as complete and release retainage to R.W. Scott Construction Company, upon receipt of standard releases from the state and the release of any liens. O. l't Avenue S. Storm Drainage Improvements - Accept as Complete The Mayor was authorized to accept the 1st Avenue S Storm Drainage Improvements project as complete and release retainage to Northwest Cascade, Inc. upon receipt of standard releases from the state and the release of any liens. 8. Other Business None. 9. Bids A. 2OL7 Asphalt Overlays Project - Award Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, presented information regarding the projects that will be completed with this bid award. Councilmember Higgins moved to award the 2O17 Asphalt Overlay Projectsto Lakeridge Paving Co., LLC., in the amount of g1,82OrO49.OO and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, seconded by Councilmember Ralph. Motion carried 7-O. 10. Reoorts from Standing Committees, Council and Staff Mayor - Mayor Cooke invited members of the Kentwood High School civics class to speak regarding the issues that have been discussed at tonight's meeting. Mayor Cooke conveyed that she gave a radio interview today on the topic of Kent's diversity, Mayor Cooke also spoke with the Covington Mayor regarding the topic of Covington's desire to be classified as a large city. Mayor Cooke expressed that she will oppose Covington and Bonney Lake's request to become a large city. Mayor Cooke serves on the Regional Policy Committee and spoke regarding "Access for All." Add¡tionally, Mayor Cooke spoke regarding the SR 5O9/L67 project and the issue of the local contribution match. Finally, Mayor Cooke provided information regarding the Senate's budget that includes Kent's sales tax mitigation funds. Council President - Council President Boyce provided details regarding today's workshop topics that included King County Library System's New Strategic Plan, an Page 6 of 8 Approved April 4, 2OL7 update on both Morrill Meadows and the YMCA Project and a City Hall Campus and Russell Road Shops Space Planning Update. Administration - Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer, conveyed that on March 22, 20L7, the City Council and Kent School District will have a joint meeting starting at 5:30 p.m. and will discuss the siting of a new elementary school, marijuana challenges in schools, strategic plan alignment, school parking challenges, and immigration issues. Derek advised that his report is included in today's agenda packet and that there will be an executive session tonight to discuss potential litigation that is expected to last 15 minutes and that there will be no action. Economic and Community Development - No Report Operations Councilmember Ralph provided details regarding the City's investments and where funds are being invested. In February of 2013 the City had $43.9 million in cash and investments and in February of 2Ot7 the City had #t42 million in cash and investments. The City is working to have solid reserve funds in the event the City loses streamline sales tax and annexation funds, Parks and Human Services Councilmember Fincher provided information regarding issues discussed at the recent meeting including the potential to have a Futsal field to be located at West Fenwick Park. Public Safety Councilmember Berrios provided information regarding information discussed at the recent meeting including unmanned aerial systems and the City's policy. Public Works Councilmember Higgins provided information regarding information discussed at the recent meeting including the potential site for a new Sounder parking garage. Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority - Councilmember Thomas advised that Chief Schneider has resigned, effective September 4,2Ot7. The next meeting is scheduled on April L9,2OL7, at 5:30 p.m. and will be held at Station 78 located in Covington. Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 11. Executive Session and Action after Executive SessionA. Potential Litigation, as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(¡) At B:30 p.m., Mayor Cooke advised that the council will convene session. March 2L,2OL7 Kent, Washington At 8:46, Mayor Cooke reconvened the meeting, with no action. 12. Adjournment At 8:46, Mayor Cooke adjourned the meeting. Page 7 of I into executive Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 2L,20L7 Kent, Washington Sle//arrrrt -Sue Hanson Acting City Clerk March 2L,20L7 Approved April 4, 2OL7 Page 8 of 8