HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 2/21/2017Kent City Council Workshop Minutes February 2t,20L7 Kent, Washington Approved March 7, 2OL7 Date: February 2L,2OL7Time: 5 p,m. Place: Council Chambers East/West Attending: Bill Boyce, Council President Tina Budell, Councilmember Jim Berrios, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Council President Boyce opened the meeting at 5:02 p.m. Agenda: 1. B&O Tax Uodate (Threshold v. Exemotionì Barbara Lopez, Deputy Finance Director, introduced Jaya Tripathy and Adam Schierenbeck, the City's B&O tax auditors. Barbara provided information regarding the composition of taxpayers and detailed information regarding reducing the compliance burden through the implementation of a non-registration status or non- reporting status. Barbara provided information regarding the current Multiple Activities Tax Credit and the proposed resolution to eliminate prorating the exemption by converting the $250k exemption to a $250k threshold. This would increase tax due for gross receipt filers. Additionally, Barbara informed the council of an additional resolution to the tax inequity by creating a small business tax credit that would be phased out over 5 years. Barbara detailed the proposed code changes relating to strengthening administrative provisions regarding the appeal process, the waiver of late payment penalties, and the creation of a voluntary disclosure program for previously unregistered businesses. Information was presented regarding proposed effective dates of the proposed changes and next steps including bringing the ordinance before the Operations Committee and then onto the full Council. Council suggested finance communicate the proposed code changes with the Kent Chamber of Commerce. Barbara provided the Council with "credit" options - Classifications and indicated that Kent's tax classifications are currently consistent with the model ordinance. She provided details regarding limitations on "Credit" options - thresholds. Page 1 of 2 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes February 2L,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved March 7, 2OL7 2. Parks, Recreation and Community Services Accomplishments and Work Plan Update Julie Parascondola, Parks Director provided the Council with the 2016 accomplishments and 2OL7 work plan for the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services. A PowerPoint presentation included detailed information regarding all divisions of the Parks, Recreation and Community Service Department that included the following information: Julie provided the Council with the 2L7 work plan forthe administration department including leadership and administrative support, continued focus on sustainable funding, marketing, communications and branding plan, national accreditation gap assessment, Lori Hogan, Recreational and Cultural Superintendent presented information and details regarding the 2016 key accomplishments for recreation and cultural services, in addition to the 20L7 work plan. Dinah Wilson, Housing and Human Services Planner presented information regarding 2OL6 key accomplishments of the Housing and Human Services Division in addition to 20L7 work plan highlights. Alex Ackley, Facilities Superintendent, presented 2016 key accomplishments of the Facilities Maintenance and Operations Division. Alex also provided details regarding his division's 2OL7 work plan. Garin Lee, Parks Operations Superintendent, presented 2Ot6 key accomplishments of the Parks Maintenance and Operations Division in addition to the 2OL7 work plan highlights. Pete Peterson, Golf Operations Superintendent presented 2016 key accomplishments in addition to the 20L7 work plan for the Riverbend Golf Complex. Hope Gibson, Parks Planning Development Manager, presented 2016 key accomplishments in addition to the 2Ot7 work plan for the Parks, Planning and Development Division. rneetin g concl at6 5 p.m. erley A moto City Clerk February 2t,2OI7 Page 2 of 2 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 2L,2Ot7 Kent, Washington Approved March 7, 20L7 Date: February 2L,2OL7 Time: 7 p.m. Place: Council Chambers East/West Attending: Suzette Cooke, Mayor Bill Boyce, Council President Tina Budell, Councilmember Jim Berrios, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at7:02 p.ffi., with Mayor Cooke presiding. 2. Roll Call Councilmembers Ralph and Thomas had excused absences, all other councilmembers were present. 3. Chanoes to the Agenda None 4. PublicCommunications A. Public Recognition: Mayor Cooke recognized John Kay, founder of Torklift as a business leader and major contributor to the people of Kent, including the annual Turkey Challenge fundraising event. Mr. Kay recently passed away. Mayor Cooke recognized Patricia Karrasch, a former King County Parks & Recreation Director, a former president of the international association of Chi Kappa Rho, and Kent leader, who recently passed away. Mayor Cooke recognized Blessing Mhlanga, a junior from Kent Meridian High School, who job shadowed the Mayor today. Blessing provided his journey that brought him and his family to Kent and also expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to shadow the Mayor today. B. Community Events: Council President Boyce provided past and upcoming events at the ShoWare Center, including Bret Michaels on February 23'd, Tacoma Starts on February 24th, Thunderbirds on February 24th, Tony Robbins on March 1't, and the Seattle Mist May 20th. Council President Boyce encouraged everyone to attend events at the ShoWare Center. Page L of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 2L,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved March 7, 2OL7 Councilmember Fincher indicated that the Kent Community Gardens registrations for returning members opens February 22nd and March Bth for new members. The gardens are located at James Street and 64th Avenue S. International Guitar Night at Kent Meridian Performing Arts Center on February 25th. Mayor Cooke recognized the sponsors and vendors of the "Meet and Greet for the Kent International Festival" and encouraged everyone to attend the festival on June 3, 20L7, from 9:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. at the ShoWare Center. Admission is free. C. Mayoral Proclamation - "Kent is a Welcoming City" Mayor Cooke spoke in support of her proclamation of "Kent is a Welcoming City," that reaffirms Kent as a welcoming community. Mayor Cooke indicated that Council President Boyce signed the proclamation with the Mayor to show their unification. Council President Boyce spoke in support of the proclamation reaffirming the goals of the City of Kent to keep Kent a safe community. Councilmember Fincher expressed her support of the proclamation. D. Appointment to the Bicycle Advisory Board Dmitriy Zhuravel provided the council with reasons he wishes to serve on the Bicycle Advisory Board including his desire to create more bicycle lanes in the City. E. Public Safety Report Chief Ken Thomas and Commander Diane McCuistion provided background on Corrections Officers Brandon Li, Derek Lind, and Nicholle Shelton. Mayor Cooke officially swore the three corrections officers in. Chief Thomas provided the council with details regarding the increase in gun- related incidents, in addition to providing comparisons with other South King County cities for homicides and aggravated assaults. Chief Thomas details what is being done to address violent crimes. F. Intergovernmental Reports Council President Boyce serves on the Sound Cities Association - No report, Councilmember Budell serves on the Sound Cities Association Domestic Violence Committee. Information was presented from the February 16, meeting, including details regarding the hiring of five legal aids by the King County Prosecutor to Page 2 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 2t,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved March 7, 2OL7 provide assistance to victims of domestic violence. The next meeting is scheduled for May at the Regional Justice Center. Councilmember Higgins serves on the King County Regional Transit Committee - Next meeting is scheduled for February 23,2OL7, at the King County Courthouse. Councilmember Higgins thanked the Mayor for her leadership on the welcoming proclamation and added his endorsement. Councilmember Berrios serves on the Puget Sound Regional Council, Economic Development Committee. Information was provided during the work the committee is working on including the goals of strategic strategies for the regional economic plan. Councilmember Fincher serves on the King Conservation District Advisory Committee. Information was presented regarding the urban tree canopy program. Councilmember Fincher was elected as vice-chair of the committee. Councilmember Fincher serves on the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Advisory Council - Next meeting is scheduled for February 22, 20t7. 5. None Public Hearing 6. Public Comment Jack Etheredge expressed his concerns over pedestrian safety on 111th Avenue S.E. Additionally, Mr. Etheridge expressed his appreciation for the Police and their work. He also thanked the councilmembers for their participation in the meeting regarding the construction on 11lth. Charmaine Kauth thanked the council and Derek Matheson for their participation in the recent meeting regarding the construction on 111th, in addition to expressing her appreciation for Toni Azzola and Kyle Ohashi for coordinating the meeting. Charmaine expressed her concerns over the need for major road improvements to 11lth Avenue S.E. prior to connection to the new S.E. 252nd Street. T.J. Petersen expressed his concerns over drunk drivers. Eric Bernard expressed his concerns over the Regional Fire Authorities increasing fire benefit charges. Ted Schwarz thanked the Mayor for her courageous statement of her proclamation and indicated it is important to welcome a diverse community. Page 3 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 2L,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved March 7, 2OL7 Luis Herrera, spoke on behalf of the Washington Community Action Network, and thanked the Mayor for her proclamation. Satwinder Kaur, Kent's Cultural Community chairperson thanked the Chief for his work in the community. Additionally, she thanked the Mayor and council members for the proclamation. Ms. Kaur invited residents to attend community events including the Kent International Festival on June 3, 2OL7. Tye Whitfield thanked the Mayor and council for standing up and making the proclamation. 7. Consent Calendar Council President Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar items A through M, seconded by Councilmember Fincher. The motion passed unanimously 5-O. A. Minutes of Previous Meetings and Workshops - Approve The minutes of the workshop and regular council meeting of February 7,2OL7, were approved. B. Approval of Bills Bills received through Jan. t5,2OL7 and paid on Nov. 30,2016 and Jan. L5,2OI7 after auditing by the Operations Committee on Feb. 7, 2OL7 were approved. Approval of checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount [L/3O/20L6 Wire Transfers 6897 - 6915 $L,9O2,|77.L5tt/30/20L6 Regular Checks 709239 - 7O95t4 93,552,700.84 LL/3O/2OL6 Payment + 100069 - 100091 $63,335.86 Void Checks ($145.93) LL/3O/20L6 Use Tax Payable $1 ,846.37 $5,519,914.29 Approval of checks issued for payroll for Nov. 16 through Nov. 30 and paid on Dec. 5, 20t6: Date Check Numbers Amount L2|5/2OL6 Checks 336839 945.46 Voids and Reissues t2l5/20L6 Advices 378058 - 378875 $1,945,465.66 5t,945,sLL.L2 Page 4 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Check Numbers 6949 - 6967 710586 - 7LO887 Check Numbers Checks Voids and Reissues Advices 380504 - 381339 February 2L,2OL7 Kent, Washington Amount $2,82L,t37.82 $L,540,228.t7 $35,778.88 ($0.00) $5.016,14 Amount $0.00 Approved March 7, 20L7 Approval of checks issued for vouchers Date L/L5/20t7 Wire Transfers L/L5/20L7 Regular Checks L/L5/2O[7 Payment + Void Checks t/L5/20L7 Use Tax Payable $4,4O2,L6t.OI Approval of checks issued for payroll forJan. l through Jan. 15 and paid on Jan. 20, 2OL7 Date L/20/20L7 L/20/2OL7 *L,77O,7LL.04 çL,77O,7tt.04 C. Excused Absence of Councilmember Ralph - Approve Council approved an excused absence for Councilmember Ralph as she was unable to attend the City Council meeting of February 2L,2OL7. D. Excused Absence of Councilmember Thomas - Approve Council approved an excused absence for Councilmember Thomas as he was unable to attend the City Council meeting of February 2L,20L7. E. Appointment to Bicycle Advisory Board - Confirm Council confirmed Mayor Cooke's appointment of Dmitriy Zhuravel to the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board for a two-year term. F. Microsoft Product Licensing - 2Ol7 Enterprise Agreement - Authorize The Mayor was authorized to execute all documents necessary to enter into a three-year contract with SoftwareOne, the reselling agent for Microsoft Inc., in the amount not to exceed ç367,L06.02, to renew the Microsoft Enterprise Software Agreement, and to ratify all acts consístent with this motion, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the IT Director and City Attorney. G. South 21,2rh Street Erosion Repairs - Accept as Comptete The Mayor was authorized to accept the South 2L2th Street Erosion Repairs project as complete and release retainage to Maroni Construction, Inc. upon receipt of standard releases from the state and the release of any liens. Page 5 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 2t,2Ot7 Kent, Washington Approved March 7, 20L7 H. Budget Certification for Annexation Sales Tax Credit Resolution - Adopt Resolution No. 1940 was adopted, certifying the Panther Lake annexation sales tax credit of $5,746,730, for the period of July L, 2OL7 through June 30, 2018 I. December 2O16 Supplemental Budget Adjustment Ordinance - Adopt Ordinance No. 4237 was adopted, approving the consolidating budget adjustment ordinance for adjustments made between December 1 and 3L, 20L6, reflecting an overall budget increase of $765,000. J. 2016 Paint Line Striping I RPM Replacement and South 2OBth Street Permanent Signing - Accept as Complete The Mayor was authorized to accept the 2016 Paint Line Striping / RPM Replacement and South 208th Street Permanent Signing project as complete and release retainage to Stripe Rite, Inc. upon receipt of standard releases from the state and the release of any liens. K. 2016 Plastic Markings - Accept as Complete The Mayor was authorized to accept the 2016 Plastic Markings project as complete and release retainage to Specialized Pavement Markings, upon receipt of standard releases from the state and the release of any liens. L. Transportation Improvement Board Complete Streets Grant - Accept The Mayor was authorized to sign the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board Complete Streets grant agreement in the amount of $250,000 subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, M. Permit Fees Revisions - Resolution - Adopt Resolution No. 1941 was adopted, which corrects mathematical errors for some plan review, permit, and inspection fees established through Resolution No. 1939 by repealing Resolution No. 1939, adopting a new resolution in its place, and ratifying all prior acts consistent with the new resolution. 8. Other Business A. Riverbend Gateway Development Update - fnformation Only Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director provided an update on the Riverbend Gateway development including reviewing the detailed, revised schedule. Mr. Wolters explained the permitting process, public hearing on the development agreement and the Council's vote on the development agreement and purchase and sale agreement. Information was provided regarding design review, civil permits and finally the closing date for phase L Page 6 of 7 Kent City Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 2L,2017 Kent, Washington Approved March 7, 20t7 9. Bids None. 1O. Reoorts from Standing Committees, Council and Staff Council President - Council President Boyce provided information regarding today's workshop topics that included an update on the B&O taxes and the 2017 work plan for the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department. Mayor - Mayor Cooke provided detailed information regarding the streamline sales tax mitigation fund dollars that the City receives and potential ramifications if the city loses the funds earlier than anticipated, as proposed by the senate. Administration - Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer indicated his report is in the agenda packet and there is no executive session this evening. Economic and Community Development - No report. Operations - No report, Parks and Human Services - Councilmember Fincher advised the council of details regarding CDBG grant fund recipients. Public Safety - Councilmember Berrios expressed his appreciation of the efforts and of Police Department and the Chief's past and continued work in reaching out to the community. He indicated there is a diversity task force meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. on March 9,2Ot7. Public Works Councilmember Higgins indicated the commíttee discussed concerns over the potential of the installation of cell infrastructure to city poles. Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority - None. 11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session None. û Kimberley City Clerk moto February 2t,20L7 Page 7 of 7