HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief Pension Board - 10/17/2017 Firemen’s Relief & Pension Board Agenda Board Members: Suzette Cooke, Mayor, Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk, Dana Ralph, Chair of Operations Committee, Sam Grubbs, Retired Firefighter, Al Bond, Retired Firefighter October 17, 2017 3:30 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to order Mayor Cooke 1 2. Roll Call Kimberley A. Komoto 1 3. Changes to the Agenda MOVE TO APPROVE THE AGENDA Yes Mayor Cooke 1 4. Approval of Minutes of July 18, 2017 MOVE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF July 18, 2017 Yes Mayor Cooke 1 5. 3rd Quarter 2017, Financial Transactions MOVE TO APPROVE THE FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS FOR THE THIRD QUARTER OF 2017 Yes Lavina Brennecke 5 6. Amendments to Operating Policies MOVE TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO THE FIREMEN’S RELIEF AND PENSION BOARD OPERATING POLICIES Yes Kim Komoto 10 7. Adjournment MOVE TO ADJOURN THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 17, 2017 Yes Mayor Cooke 1 Unless otherwise noted, the Firemen’s Relief and Pension Board meets quarterly at 3:30 p.m. in the Mayor’s Office located in the City Hall Building, 220 Fourth Ave S, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Kimberley A. Komoto at 253-856-5788 or via email at Kkomoto@KentWA.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. This page intentionally left blank. Firemen’s Relief and Pension Board July 18, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Board Chair, Mayor Suzette Cooke, board members Dana Ralph, Sam Grubbs, and Kim Komoto, Secretary. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director, Suzanne Shaw, Senior Financial Analyst, and Lavina Brennecke, Accounting and Reporting Manager ABSENT: Al Bond 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:32 p.m., with Committee Chair Mayor Cooke presiding. 2. Roll Call Committee member Al Bond was absent 3. Changes to the Agenda Sam Grubbs moved to approve the agenda as submitted, and board member Dana Ralph seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0. 4. Approval of Minutes, dated January 17, 2017 Sam Grubbs moved to approve the minutes dated April 18, 2017, and board member Ralph seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0. 5. 1st Quarter 2017 Financial Transactions Lavina Brennecke, Accounting & Reporting Manager provided details regarding the Firemen’s Relief and Pension Trust Fund Executive Summary, ending June, 2017, including the annual decline in cash and investments. Details were provided regarding the increase in investment interest that is due to investments. Lavina indicated that $3,000 was paid to the actuary to update the schedules. 6. CPI Increase for Retiree of Off-Duty Disabled Susanne Shaw, Senior Financial Analyst, advised that the CPI increase was 2.24% for one retiree and one beneficiary of off-duty disabled firemen. Page | 1 Firemen’s Relief and Pension Board July 18, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending 7. Legislative Update on Pension Fund A. Mayor Cooke presented information regarding the operating budget that is currently in the Legislature. B. The Board discussed the plan in case there are no firefighters from LEOFF1 willing to serve on the Board. Mayor Cooke requested that Kim Komoto reach out to the Law Department to obtain guidance on available options for getting board members outside the current membership of LEOFF1, and to bring any recommendations back to the October, 2017, meeting. 8. Adjournment At 3:44 p.m., Chair, Mayor Cooke declared the meeting adjourned. Kimberley A. Komoto Firemen’s Relief and Pension Board Secretary Page | 2 City of Kent Firemen's Relief & Pension Trust Fund Executive Summary September,2O!7 Cash & lnvestments - September 30. 2017 o Total cash & ¡nvestments have decreased about 570,000 since the same period in 2016. o The Fire Relief & Pension Fund owns a percentage of all the City investments. These are included on the Cash & lnvestment report as Other lnvestments. For the quarter ended September 30,20L7, those investments earned between .84o/o and 2.55o/o. Statement of Revenues and Expenses -September 30,2017 lnterest income lor 2OL7 is higher than we anticipated. The LGIP interest rates have increased all year and were at L.I29o/o at September 30, 2Ot7. The fund has earned over it},tql year to date, compared with S4,5OO in 2016 and SL,6gg in 2015. Pension costs for the year to date are S122,389. Pension costs represent the difference between what firefighters would have received under the city pension vs. their current LEOFF pension benefits. The health insurance cost for 2OL7 has decreased over 20L6. Health insurance amounts are set by the actuarial. For 2OL7 the total annual health insurance cost will be 5200,000, down from 5226,000 in prior years. These costs represent a portion of the cost of health insurance and long-term care insurance costs that are paid by the City. a Date Presented: 7O/ 77 /2OI7 KENT WaSHtNGToN CITY OF KENT FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION TRUST FUND FINANCIAL REPORT September,2OlT MANAGEMENT REPORTS Cash and Investments as of September 30,2017 5 year comparison and breakdown of current investments Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the Nine Months Ended September 30,2017 1 2 Date Presented: LO\T /2O17 City of Kent Firemen's Relief & Pension Trust Fund #620 Cash & lnvestments September 30,2017 Five Year Comparison 9t30t14 9/30/15 $ 776,372 31.68% 1,674,018 68.320/0 _g_?,4s0,999___190.00%_ $ r,944,313 614,535 75.980/" 24.O20/" 9/30/16 $ 814,261 '1.538.531 9130117 $ 1,498,788 786,845 34.610/o 65.39% 65.57o/o 34.43o/o CASH & INVESTMENTS Cash in Checking & LclP lnveslments, at Gost TOTAL CASH & INVESTMENTS LIABILITIES AND RETANED EARNINGS Accrued Expenses Held in trust for Pension Benefits TOTAL LIABILITIES & RETAINED EARNINGS 9/30/13 $ 2,127,3ffi 78.99% 565,977 21.01% _$ 2,9912æ r0ogg2!_ $ 5,025 0.19Yo 2,688,258 99.8r% $ 2.693.283 100.000/o $ 2.558.848 100.00% $ 5,937 0.23% $ 6,471 0.260/a $ 2,352,792 100.00% $ 2.285.633 100.00% $ 6,596 0.28% $ 6,676 0.290/o 2,278,957 99.710/0 $ 2.2E5.633 100.00% . 2,552,911 99.77% 2,443,919 99.74yo 2,346,196 99.720/0 $ 2,558,848 100.00o/o $ 2,450,390 100.00% g 2,352,792 rO0.O0ø I Cash in Checking r Local Gov't lnvestment Pool t Other lnvestments r FHLJvl from 1987 CITY OF KENT FIREMENIS RELIEF AND PENSION FT]ND INVESTMENTS September 30,2Ol7 InvestrnentPr¡¡rchase Security Description Yield Maturitv TotalDate 09/30/t7 09/30/17 09/30/t7 04/lo/87 Cash in Checking Local Goüt Investnent Pool Other Investnents Federal Horrp Ioan Mortgage 0.000% l.l29Yo 0.uo-2.550/0 8.508% Ovemigþt 2 rro.-5 1as. tt/29/19 173,387 838,891 486,510 786,845 $ $ $ $ $ 2.285,633 Date Presented: LOlt7l2OL7 City of Kent Firemen's Relief and Pension Trust Fund #620 Statement of Revenues and Expenses For the Nine Months Ended September 30,2017 Five Year Comparison 9t30t14 9/30/1 5 OPERATING REVEN.UES lnterest lncome Fire lnsurance Premium Tax TOTAL REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Pension Payments to Retirees Health lnsurance Actuarial Study TOTAL EXPENSES NET TNCOME (LOSS) $ 1s7,611 100.00% $180,3E1 100.00% $ 220,73't 100.00%$ 232,166 100.00% S 232,930 100.00% $ 9/30/13 2,599 155,012 94,000 147,750 1.650/o 98.35% 1,482 178,899 107,706 169,500 8,325 0.82o/o 99.18% 37.72% 59.36% 2.92o/o 1,699 219,032 1 18,295 169,500 3,000 0.77% 99.230/" 40.680/o 58.29o/o 1.03% 9/30/16 4,500 227,666 1 19,369 169,500 11,825 1.94% 98.06% 39.7Oo/" 56.37o/o 3.93% 9130117 10,147 222,783 4.360/0 95.640/o 44.35o/o 54.57o/o 1.09% $$$$ 38.88% 61j2% 0.00% $ 241,750 100.00% $ $ (E4,139) 285,s31 100.00% $ 290,795 100.00% $ 300.694 $ (105,r50)$ (68,s2E) 122,389 150,591 000 100.00% $ 275,980 100.00% s 143.050ì 3 2Date Presented: 10117 12017 CITY OF KENT FIREMEN’S RELIEF AND PENSION BOARD OPERATING POLICIES 1.0 PURPOSE To establish the operating policies of the City of Kent Firemen’s Relief and Pension Board. Such policies are applicable to all active and/or retired firefighters of the City of Kent covered by RCW 41.16 and 41.18. These polices are intended to be consistent with all applicable State laws covering firemen’s pension boards. If any section of these policies are held to be in conflict with State law, the remainder shall not be held invalid and shall remain in full force and effect. 2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.1 Application – A filed request by a member for board approval of a claim. 2.2 Claim – A filed request for reimbursement of expenses incurred for the provisions covered by this policy. 2.3 Member – An active or retired firefighter covered by the Firemen’s Relief and Pensions Act. of 1955, hired prior to March 1, 1970. 3.0 THE BOARD 3.1 The Board shall have the powers granted by the State Legislature in RCW Chapters 41.16 and 41.18. 3.2 Board Members – The Board shall consist of five members in accordance with RCW 41.16. Members shall be: (1) Tthe Mayor, (2) Tthe City Clerk, (3) Tthe Chair of the Finance Committee, (4) Ttwo (2) regularly employed or retired firefighters elected by the firefighters, and (5) a firefighter alternate selected by the firefighter board members who shall serve as an alternate in the event of an absence of one of the regularly elected members. A. Firefighter Board Members – Firefighter Board Members shall be elected by secret ballot of the firefighters, and shall serve a two (2) year term. In the event of a vacancy in the membership of a firefighter or retired firefighter’s seat, the members shall, in the same manner, elect a successor to fulfill the duration of the vacant seat’s term. B. Voting – Board members shall have one vote each. which must be cast by that member in person – no proxy votes. Board members may attend and vote in person, by telephone, or by video call. Any member attending by telephone or video shall ensure the use of a reliable connection is used to ensure that all other members and the public attending the meeting can hear the member without issue. At least one member must be physically present at the meeting at City Hall. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. A simply majority of the quorum is required to conduct business and effect payment of claims. C. Chairperson – The Chairperson of the Board shall be the Mayor. If the Board deems it necessary, a Chairperson – Pro Tem may be elected from the Board’s members to serve in the absence of the Chair. The Chair-Pro Tem shall assume the duties and powers of the Chair in the Chair’s absence. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Board. The Chairperson shall have all duties normally conferred by parliamentary procedures on such offices and shall perform such duties as may be requested by the Board in accordance with the position. 3.3 Secretary – The City Clerk will act as, or appoint, a secretary, to the Board and as such shall keep meeting minutes and maintain all records as the Board shall deem necessary. 4.0 BOARD MEETINGS – GENERAL PROVISIONS 4.1 Meetings – The Board shall regularly meet on a quarterly basis, at City Hall, subject to availability of a quorum, with the time and date determined by the Board. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by a vote of the Board, as necessary. 4.2 Public Attendance – All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. An opportunity shall be afforded all parties to respond and present relevant evidence and argument on all issues before the Board. 4.3 Recordsings – No one attending any Board meeting may video tape or audio tape any portion of the meeting without prior approval of the Board. A. Written Record of Proceedings – The minutes of the meetings shall constitute the written record of the Board. Such record shall be public and maintained by the Secretary. B. Financial Transactions – The City of Kent Finance Director, or his or her designee, is authorized to make investment decisions and to make retirement and other payments or transactions to meet the needs of the retirees and their families as directed by the Board and within the guidelines of investments allowable by State law. Investment and payment decisions shall be submitted for consideration and verification at the next Firemen’s Relief and Pension Board meeting. C. Information Relating to Firefighter Member Claims – Medical evaluation reports and other similar documents and records relating to specific members shall not be distributed to the public or media and in the event specific requests are made for such reports, documents and records pursuant to Chapter 42.1756 RCW (Public Disclosure Law), legal counsel shall determine whether or not such document is exempt from disclosure and if not, whether a court injunction should be sought to enjoin such distribution pursuant to Chapter 42. 1756 RCW. 5.0 REVIEW OF BOARD RULES, AMENDMENTS, REVISIONS PER STATE REQUIREMENTS These Board policies shall be accordingly reviewed and revised, as often as necessary. Member claims are subject to the policies in effect at the time of submission of a claim. 6.0 EFFECTIVE DATE These operating policies shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this day of , 2017. CITY OF KENT FIREMEN’S RELIEF AND PENSION BOARD Suzette Cooke, Mayor and Board Chairperson Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk Aaron BeMiller, Chair of Operations Committee Sam Grubbs, Firefighter Firefighter APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tom Brubaker, City AttorneyLaw Department