HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development Committee - 11/13/2017 (2)Economic and Community Development Committee Minutes November L3,20L7 Kent, Washington 2. 3. 4. Approved Dec. 1t,20L7 Date: November L3,2017Time: 5:00 p.m, Place: Council Chambers Attending: Bill Boyce, Jim Berrios, Tina Budell, Charlene Anderson, Matt Gilbert, Danielle Butsick, Jason Garnham, Dan Abernathy, Yuki Seda-Kane, Ashley Long, Ben Wolters, Julie Pulliam Agenda: 1. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. Roll Call Chanoesto the Aoenda Move item #9 to item #7 &#12 move item #10 to the December meeting. Approval of Minutes Council Member Jim Berrios moved and Council Member Bill Boyce seconded a MOTION to approve the minutes of October 9, 2Ot7. Motion PASSED 2-O. 5. 2O17 Docket Reporto In accordance with 12.02.025 Kent City Code (KCC), planning staff coordinates on an annual basis a list ("docket") of changes suggested by the public or staff to the comprehensive plan and development regulations.The 2OL7 Annual Docket Report lists three site-specific requests; 272nd & I-5, 256OL/25611 looth PL SE, Uddin, that will be forwarded to the City Council for action in 2018, Also provided an update on items that have not been completed from docket reports since 2015 they are Nelson Property Rezone (Urban Separator) Panther Lake Urban Separators, and 2 staff Proposals. Motion: Approve the staff recommendation to move forward to the City Council the 2O17 Site-Specific Amendments and accept the staff recommendation for previous docket items. Council Member Jim Berrios moved, Council Member Bill Boyce seconded, and the motion passed 2-O 2O16 Docked Code Amendments After holding a public hearing on October 23rd, the Land Use and Planning Board recommended City Council approval of the following 2016 docketed code amendments, as revised at the meeting:. Amend the purpose statement for the M1 zoning district,o Delete critical areas definitions and correct related code references.o Increase the height limitation in the MTC-1 zoning district while maintaining height restrictions near residential zoning districts.o Allow house-banked card rooms as principally permitted uses in CC, CM-1, CM- 2, GC, and M1-C zoning districts not located in areas designated Manufacturing/Industrial Center, and as conditionally permitted uses in CC-MU and GC-MU zoning districts. Do not allow house-banked card rooms in areas designated Urban Center on the Land Use Plan Map. Add the following note in the code table wherever house-banked card rooms are allowed: Should any Page 1 of 5 6 Economic and Community Development Committee Minutes November L3,20L7 Kent, Washington Approved Dec. 1L,20L7 court of competent jurisdiction find that the City zoning for house-banked card rooms is unconstitutional or illegal; the City elects to permit a legally-existing house-banked card room to continue operation as a nonconforming legal use and otherwise bans house-banked card rooms. Allow mathematical rounding for calculation of number of lots for subdivisions, short plats and multifamily development, Apply residential design review to all newly-constructed or reconstructed residences. Apply five-foot side yard setbacks to single family residential development in SR-4.5, SR-6 and SR-B zoning districts, Increase the public notice mailing radius for short plats, require a major alteration for access changes to plats and short plats and allow major alterations to retain vesting. MOTION: Approve the Land Use and Planning Board recommendations on the 2016 docketed code amendments as provided in the draft ordinance. Council Member Jim Berrios moved, Council Member Bill Boyce seconded, and the motion passed 2-O Communitv Health Enoaoement Locations Code Amendment Overview: Community Health Engagement Locations (CHELs) o Sites that provide harm reduction services where supervised consumption occurs.r Primary purpose is to engage with drug users to:r Prevent overdoseo Promote safe consumption techniques. Reduce drug-related health riskso Provide access to health and social serviceso Reduce public drug use/discarding of used equipmentr Policy Context. Opiate-related deaths are at crisis levels in King County.. 2L9 heroin and opioid-related deaths in King County in 2016. King County Heroin and Prescription Opiate Addiction Task Force - B recommendations.o Included CHELs as one part of comprehensive strategy.. King County Council voted to limit locations of CHELs to communities whose elected leaders welcome them.o Community Health Engagement Locations: Existing Regulationso Land Use Moratorium: adopted by Kent City Council August 15,2OL7. Prohibits CHELs in all zoning districts in the cityo Federal and State Law:o Prohibits possession of illegal drugs. Prohibits spaces intended for illegal consumption. Key Policy Considerations. Legal conflicts. Policy support by medical / public health orgso Demonstrated efficiency vs, enabling use. Local impactso Alternative Ao Allow CHELs in Commercial-Manufacturing I (CM-I) zoning district as a conditional use Page 2 of 5 a a a 7 Economic and Community Development Committee Minutes November 13,20L7 Kent, Washington 9 Approved Dec. 11,20L7 . Define as a new service land use category. Requires a waiting room of at least 15olo of total floor area. Establish application requirements including statement of need and suitability, public involvement efforts, and "good faith" partnership agreement to minimize negative impactso Treats CHELs similarly to opiate substitution treatment facilities (currently allowed as conditional use). Alternative Bo Permanently adopt code amendment prohibiting community health engagement locations in all zoning districts in Kento Maintains regulation established with moratorium. Timeline: Next Steps. City Council adoption of preferred alternative November 2t, 2Ol7 MOTION: Recommend to the City Council approval of the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation to prohibit Community Health Engagement Locations (CHELS) in all zone districts in Kent. Council Member Tina Budell moved, Council Member Jim Berrios seconded, and the motion passed 3-O Multi Familv Tax Exemption An application for multifamily tax exemption was received by the City on June 23,2OI7 for Madison Plaza Apartments, a 157-unit, seven story building proposed to be located on the north side of Meeker St. between Madison Avenue and Uplands Playfield Park. The site is comprised of four vacant parcels, some of which have been the site of squatting, building and zoning code violations, and other illegal activity. A multifamily tax exemption provides a limited eight-year exemption from "ad valorem" property taxation for developments that meet the eight criteria in Kent City Code 3.25.04O, which relate to the location, size, and design of the project. Adopted by the City Council 1998 and amended in 2016, the purpose of the City's multifamily tax exemption is to encourage residential development in targeted areas of the City and on vacant and underutilized sites to reduce development pressure on single family neighborhoods and support transit use in urban centers. Downtown Design Review approval was granted for the project on May 24, 2OL7, and plans for civil construction are under review. The applicant has worked closely with City staff to revise the plans to comply with the design and multifamily tax exemption criteria and staff recommends approval of this request for a multifamily tax exemption, The final step in the process for the tax exemption is Council approval of the agreement, MOTION: Recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption Agreement with David Myaskovsky, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Economic and Community Development Director and City Attorney. Council Member Jim Berrios moved, Council Member Tina Budell seconded, and the motion passed 3-O Page 3 of 5 Economic and Community Development Committee Minutes November L3,20L7 Kent, Washington Approved Dec. 1L,2OL7 An application for a multifamily tax exemption was received by the City on October 4, 2OL7 for Phase I of the Marquee on Meeker project, Marquee on Meeker is a mixed use development comprised of 498 residential apartment units and 12,000 square feet of commercial space in twenty-three separate buildings, located at the existing Riverbend Par 3 golf course on the south side of West Meeker St. A Development Agreement establishing the terms and conditions of this project was approved bytheCityCouncil onAugustL,2OIT. Phaselof thisprojectiscomprisedof 2BB residential apartment units and 6,000 square feet of commercial space in fifteen separate buildings, located on the westernmost portion of the project site. The remainder of the Marquee on Meeker project will be the subject of a separate Multifamily Tax Exemption application at a later time. Applications for downtown design review and civil construction have been submitted to the City and are currently under review, A multifamily tax exemption provides a limited eight-year exemption from "ad valorem" property taxation for developments that meet the B criteria in Kent City Code 3.25.040, which relate to the location, size, and design of the project. Adopted by the City Council 1998 and amended in 20L6, the purpose of the City's.multifamily tax exemption is to encourage residential development in targeted areas of the City and on vacant and underutilized sites to reduce development pressure on single family neighborhoods and support transit use in urban center areas, MOTION: Recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption Agreement with Marquee on Meeker LLC, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Economic and Community Development Director and City Attorney. Council Member Tina Budell moved, Council Member Jim Berrios seconded, and the motion passed 3-O 10. Rental Housino Inspection Proqram Information Onlv City staff has worked closely with Futurewise and Living Well Kent to develop a draft policy for the Rental Housing Inspection program. After a summer of intensive public outreach, the team is preparing to share the draft with stakeholders and Kent residents who attended the outreach events and gave valuable input. Staff and the consultant team will be at the November 13tn meeting to review the draft policy with the ECDC and discuss next steps in the process. Safe & Healthy Rental Housing Program - Draft Policy Review. Project Overviewo Draft Policyo Community Engagemento Data Analysiso Policy Researcho Project Timelineo Summer/Fall - Community Engagement, Data Analysis, Policy Research, Draft Writing Page 4 of 5 Economic and Community Development Committee Minutes November t3,2OL7 Kent, Washington Approved Dec. 1t,2OL7 o Winter - today Draft Policyo Q What's the purpose o A To protect the public health, safety, and welfare of tenants by encouraging the proper maintenance of residential rental housing.o Q Will rental homes need to meet the building code?o A Only the minimum health and safety standards of the Kent building code. We made a checklist to clarify what's required.o Q How will it work?o A Owners of rental units will register their properties with the City. All registered properties will be inspected for health and safety by a certified inspector.o Q How will it work?o A On a predictable schedule (ie; once every three years)o What will inspectors look for?o A Basic health and safety components like: Structural integrity; weather exposureo Q What will inspectors look for?o A Ventilation systems; plumbing & sanitation; Heat, water, and water facilitieso Q What will inspectors look for?o A Defective or hazardous electrical wiring and/or service; safe and functional exits; smoke & carbon monoxide detectorso Q What happens if a rental home fails an inspection?o A Re-inspection is scheduled, The goal is to work with landlords to bring their properties into compliance,o Q When will this start?o A First inspection would likely occur 6 months after the policy is adopted. Key Questionso Q What are the most important types of rental housing to inspect?o Q What expected program features are missing?o Q What features may have unintended consequences?o Q What aspects of the policy are confusing or unclear? Next Stepso 2017 summer/Fall: community Engagement, Data Analysis, policy Research, Draft Writingo 2018 Winter: Draft Writingo 2018 Spring: Community Feedback from tenants, landlords, inspectors; Final Draft Meetin urned 7:OO m a a a Assistant III Community Development Pullia omtc a nd Page 5 of 5