HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development Committee - 10/09/2017Economic and Community Development Committee Minutes October 9, 2Ot7 Kent, Washington 5 Approval LLl13/L7 Date: October 9,20t7Time: 5:00 p.m, Place: Council Chambers Attending: Bill Boyce, Jim Berrios, Tina Budell, Charlene Anderson, Matt Gilbert, Hayley Bonsteel, Danielle Butsick, Brennan Taylor, Kimberlee McArthur, Kurt Hanson, Ben Wolters, Julie Pulliam Agenda: 1. Call to Order 5:00 p.m 2. Roll Call 3. Chanoes to the Aqenda None 4.Aporoval of Minutes Council Member Jim Berrios MOVED and Council Member Tina Budell Seconded a MOTION to approve the minutes of September 11, 2077. Motion PASSED 3.O. Sounder Station Access Imorovement Long Ranger Planner Danielle Butsick presented Sound Transit restored funding for the Kent Station Access Improvements project in 2016; the project was initially authorized in 2008, and suspended in 2010 as a result of the recession. A new parking structure is the main project component, but pedestrian and non-motorized improvements will be included as well. ECD staff continues to partner with Sound Transit staff to ensure that the project is consistent with City of Kent long-term goals and that implemented improvements enhance the character of Kent's downtown, Sound Transit engaged in extensive public outreach including open houses, stakeholder meetings, and a technical advisory committee to guide selection of site alternatives. Staff worked with Sound Transit staff and consultants to narrow the list of alternatives to four sites. This presentation will provide detailed information on each site to facilitate a recommendation from the committee regarding a preferred site. Based on the findings of Sound Transit's alternatives analysis and alignment with city vision and goals, staff recommends Site 3 for the parking garage location. This aligns with the recommendations both from the stakeholder group and from community members participating in the open house event. The stakeholder group and members of the public overwhelmingly stated a preference for Site 3. Staff will be available at the October 9 meeting to provide information and answer questions. Motion: Recommend the City Council authorize the mayor and council president to submit a letter on behalf of the city to the Sound Transit Board of Directors recommending Site 3 alternative sitel as the location for the Sounder Access Improvements project parking garage. Page 1 of 4 Economic and Community Development Committee Minutes Civil Construction Permits Submitted vs. 2015-2OL6 Civils Submitted - 26 2075-2016 Civils Issued - 18 20I6-20L7 Civils Submitted 40 2076-2OL7 Civils Issued - 31 October 9, 2017 Kent, Washington 6 Approval Pending Council Member Tina Budell moved, Council Member Jim Berrios seconded, and the motion passed 3-O Permittinq Volumes and Timelines - Information Onlv Development Engineering Manager Brennan Taylor, Building Services Manager Kimberlee McArthur, ECD Director Ben Wolters, presented the city is experiencing historic levels of permitting activity. Staff will be presenting a summary of permitting volumes over the last two year highlighting permit review and permit issuance performance. Economic Growth in Kent - Permits Submitted vs. Issued 20L6 Civil Submitted - 19 20L6 Civil Issued - 13 20L6 Minor Civil Submitted - B 20L6 Minor Civil Issued - 7 2077 Civil Submitted - 23 2017 Civil - Issued - 7 20L7 Minor Civil Submitted - 10 2OL7 Minor Civil Issued - 3 Issued year to Year Comparison 7 Civil Construction Permit Review Timeline Breakdown Days to get permit out 2015-2Ot6 Civils Submitted - 658 2015-2016 Civils Issued - 293 Days waiting on applicant 2O16-20L6 Civils Submitted - 459 2Ot5-20I6 Civils Issued - I45 Days of city review 2015-2016 Civils Submitted - 2ts 2OI6-20LG Civils Issued - L54 Permit Applications Intake 20L6-20I6 Total Applications Year to Date 2016-3636; 2017-3922; 286 more taken in in 2017 Permit Applications Issued 2Ot6-2077 Total Issued Permits Year to Date 2016-3353; 277-3859i 506 more issued in 2Ol7 Rental Housinq Inspection Proqram Uodate-Information Onlv Current Planning Manager Matt Gilbert presented on the Rental Housing Inspection Programs progress over the summer, consultants from Futurewise and Living Well Kent have held public outreach meetings with multifamily housing residents on the East Hill, West Hill and in the Valley. The purpose of these meetings was to better understand the issues related to housing quality as we develop a multifamily housing inspection program. At the October 9th Page 2 of 4 Economic and Community Development Committee Minutes October 9, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approval Pending ECDC meeting, staff will be joined by Shamso Issac of Living Well Kent to share the results of the outreach and discuss the next steps in program development. 8. Meet Me on Meeker, Desion & Construction Standards - Information Onlv Long Range Planner Hayley Bonsteel presented Meet Me on Meeker as the collaborative redesign of a key gateway and commercial "main street" connecting the Green River to the historic downtown. The project has continued to draw interest and support from the community and around the region since its inception in 2015. Staff have been working with transportation consultants to develop street standards as an overlay to the adopted Design and Construction Standards. Once adopted, any redevelopment that occurs along the corridor will contribute to the vision of a safe and welcoming corridor that embraces businesses and helps create a true sense of place. The project was born out of the Economic Development Plan adopted in 20L4, and is highly consistent with over 30 policies in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan, over 15 policies in the 2008 Transportation Master Plan, and the Complete Streets ordinance adopted in 2016. Public input has helped staff ensure the relevance of design and engineering choices to the community who lives, works or travels along Meeker today. The attached draft standards are preliminary; they are undergoing staff review but do not yet include staff feedback. Staff will be available at the October 9tn meeting to share a high level overview of the standards and discuss the project work to date, including outreach and timing. 9. Sound Transit Update - Information Onlv Kent Des Moines Station Area Northwest Urban Village Confluence a) Intersections b) Nature c) People d) Ideas Woven a) Tapestry b) Mosaic Transform or Metamorphosis a) Evolution Diminishing the Distance a) Closer together: people, places, and cultures Edge a) The Forest Edge b) Light at the edge of the Forest Luminescence a) A welcoming beacon for commuters b) Warm welcoming glow c) A sense of safety Balance Page 3 of 4 Economic and Community Development Committee Minutes October 9, 2OL7 Kent, Washington Approval Pending a) Equilibrium between nature, homes and commuting to work Living with Nature a) Inspired by trees, earth, water, light and being open while being sheltered How did this type of architecture arise? 1, Temperate climate 2. Shipping and logging industry 3, Heavy timber wharf buildings What it looks like today 1, As heavy timber becomes more scarce, current architecture incorporates steel framing much the same way heavy timber was used Color 1. Pops of accent colors can work in concert within a natural pallet Building features that are typical in PNW Modernism 1. Simple rectilinear spaces arranged to work with the site. 2. Large glazed rooms look outward to views 3. Overhangs 4. Glowing warmth 5, Exposed steel or wood framing as the design feature, rather than applied ornamentation. 6. Honest expression of materials; wood, steel, glass, brick, concrete Adjourned m m c strative Assistant III mic and Community Development lie Pull Page 4 of 4