HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development Committee - 07/10/2017Economic and Community Development Committee July 10 12, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved August 14, 2017 Page 1 of 3 Date: July 10, 2017 Time: 5:04 p.m. Place: Centennial North and South Attending: Bill Boyce, Jim Berrios, Tina Budell, Charlene Anderson, Matt Gilbert, Hayley Bonsteel, Bill Ellis, Ben Wolters, Toni Azzola, Julie Pulliam Agenda: 1. Call to Order 5:04 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Changes to the Agenda Meet Me on Meeker will be moved up to item 5. 4. Approval of Minutes Council Member Jim Berrios MOVED and Chair Bill Boyce Seconded a MOTION to approve the minutes of June 12, 2017. Motion PASSED 2-0. 5. Meet Me on Meeker- Update on line survey results Hayley Bonsteel and William Ellis presented outreach survey responses from the community on how they access Meeker Street (walking, assisted mobility, driving a vehicle or riding a bike). This survey was advertised through word-of-mouth, project contacts and an article in the Kent Reporter. The survey received 225 responses as of 7-3-2017, and more are expected to come in. The survey showed that 43% of survey takers reported that visiting a business is the primary reason why they are accessing Meeker. The rest of the results show that a third of self-reported drivers are commuters seeking to get to and from work. The survey also asked what would compel you to visit meeker more often, top answers include: If there were better businesses (28%), If it felt more welcoming and safe (22%), If there were more opportunities for entertainment (19%), If there were more parking (12%), If there were better lighting (10%) and If I could either walk or ride my bicycle there from home. Council Member Berrios would like concerns for traffic issues to be addressed from residents from the West hill for housing that is now developing, and is not contributing, currently to the data from these surveys. Hayley and William will continue to bring updates of mitigating traffic by transforming HOV lanes for better access to community members. 6. Villa Real Neighborhood Toni Azzola Neighborhood Program coordinator presented to the council Lisa McSherry, president of Vila Real Neighborhood. The neighborhood is west of Panther Lake to include 128 homes. Lisa describes the neighborhood as diverse, made up of single- family homes. She described the comradery of neighbors, and usage of play areas and basketball courts. Lisa would like to access more resources such as translation to be able to do outreach to help to continue to combine the diverse community. Economic and Community Development Committee July 10 12, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Page 2 of 3 Motion: Recommend Council adopt a resolution that recognizes the Vial Real Neighborhood Council, supports its community building efforts, and confers all opportunities offered by the City’s Neighborhood Program. Jim Berrios moved, Tina Budell seconded, and motion passed 3-0 7. Sound Transit Service Agreement – Cost related to project review & permitting Charlene Anderson presented an update to begin: Anderson explained current work with Sound Transit for street designs, right of way and widths. Sound Transit will be creating two new streets; 236 and 234, upgrading 30th Street, improving 272nd, as well as access streets. The city is now working on a staff level non-binding letter of concurrence so that Sound Transit can begin their property acquisitions. Anderson explained that work is also being done to access the feasibility of a Regional Detention facility. Sound Transit will need to construct detention facilities for the new roadways, under public ownership, as well as their own private detention needs. There is also discussion on how to activate the first floor of the garage, in the form of activating the exterior with artwork or including food carts/networks around the plaza. Anderson expressed the need and want for council suggestions and feedback on this. Transit Service Agreement: Anderson presents for an approval of a funding agreement for retroactive city staff work which began on January 12th after the City signed a memorandum of understanding with Sound Transit. The presented funding agreement is for roughly $300,000, which would hold as a cap amount for actual City staff time on the project. Motion: Recommend to the full City Council approval of the City Services Agreement and Task Order #1 pertaining to reimbursement of staff time for establishing performance requirements to be included in the Request for Proposals to design/build contractors for the Federal Way Link Extension, subject to final approval by the Chief Administrative Officer and City Attorney. Tina Budell moved, Jim Berrios seconded, and motion passed 3-0 8. Cancer Care Site- Update Matt Gilbert, Current Planning Manager and Ben Wolters, ECD Director presented updates for the project to build a 308 unit urban style apartment community. The zoning of this project is Community Commercial Mixed use, which has the requirement that 25 percent of the building area be commercial property. The proposal is to consider for commercial and live in purposes, to include a commercial store front with standard home/apartment amenities. The proposal is similar to Meet Me on Meeker, which includes factors like on-street parking for commercial use and wider pedestrian walk ways, in order to meet the 25 percent standard. After researching the Kent City Code, it was found that this proposal of a live/work space would meet the standard. Economic and Community Development Committee July 10 12, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Page 3 of 3 Gilbert presented the background that the code does not currently state what can be considered commercial space and what can’t be counted. However, the code does state certain standards to include that: the nature of the use does not create impacts that are out of character with the zone, and that the use is consistent with the purpose of the zone (to provide commercial space) and that the use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Gilbert explains that if all of those requirements are met, that the director can approve uses that are not clearly defined within the code. This update is for the Council to consider modeling this proposal around more Mixed- Use Commercial properties for commercial and retail opportunities for future projects. Council expressed concerns for the commercial space being pushed for further apartments versus the push to invite actual businesses in Kent. They also expressed concern on the addition of these units to the already increasing traffic concerns. Wolters responded with the current efforts with WDOT to test out a General Purpose lane, along with considering the close driving time with the Link Light Rail project from this project to help reduce traffic. 9. ShoWare- Update Wolters reports that the purchase of the new POS system will go forward and will be implemented over the next few months. The signage for the final design and procurement for Accesso ShoWare has the goal of being up for the T-birds opening day of September 23, 2017. Wolters also confirmed that the new signage for the Accesso ShoWare will come at no cost to the City, using the no interest loan through SMG and more favorable terms on the ticket contract to cover the cost of the sign. The council would like to explore a minimal report on Tax revenue from 2014 to present on Kent Station, by the zip code. 10. Director’s Report Wolters updates council that there is progression on a draft request for information for the Highlands property that was approved by council for surplus. The Naden property surplus site is still on schedule for fall 2017, a request for information still needs to be sent out. The final house on the property was demolished on the day of the council meeting Wolters anticipates exceeding revenue projections for the year for permitting. Meeting Adjourned 6:32 p.m. Julie Pulliam Administrative Assistant III Economic and Community Development