HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Cultural Communities Board - 11/28/2017Kent Cultural Communities Board Meeting Minutes Place: Kent Senior Activities Center November 28,2OL7 6:30 p.m. Approval Pending Attending (CCB Members): Yusuf Bashir, Marvin Eckfeldt, Mizanur Rahman, Ted Schwarz, Cesar Rangel, Vaivao Semisi-Tupou, Satwinder Kaur, Sara Franklin-Phillips, Ta Kwe Say, Norma Maldonado, Sonia Morales, Rand Al Hammadi, Marwa Almusawi, Sharn Kaur and Davies Chirwa Elected officials, staff & Guests: Mayor Suzette Cooke, Uriel Varela Absent: Pastor Herbert Carey, Samiha Bhuiyan, Guystave Sebatware, Samiha Bhuiyan 1. Call to Order Chair Satwinder Kaur called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm, 2. Roll Call Attendees listed above. 3. Welcome/Changes to the Agenda . No changes to the agenda 4. Approve February Minutes r Marwa motioned to approve the minutes. Mizanur seconded. 5. Announcements Mayor Cooke said a few words about what inspired her to run for Mayor. She also mentioned the importance of having the Cultural Communities Board help guide the city with issues of important to the various cultural groups living in Kent. Ted made an announcement about the importance of getting tested for Hepatitis B & c, He attended the KCDIG meeting where this topic was covered. Ted mentioned the lack of testing in the immigrant communities and the importance of being tested and treated. a a 1 Kent Cultural Communities Board Meeting Minutes Place: Kent Senior Activities Center November 28,2077 6:30 p.m. Approval Pending Sara made the announcement that the state legislature was under a short 60 day session and were looking at the capitol budget' Mayor Cooke mentioned that the Holiday Christmas parade was scheduled for Saturday December 2nd at 2pm. The city will be holding a tree lighting ceremony and there will be free popcorn and hot chocolate. Davies talked about the tragic murder of Linda, a member of Kent's Black Action Commission. Satwinder was invited to a Kiwanis club meeting. The Kiwanis club would like people from different communities to join their organization. They would like to have more diverse groups. She mentioned that there are lots of ways to get involved and hopes that more people join service organizations. 5. Discussion about next year . Satwinder announced that the board needed a new chair' o Mayor Cooke suggested that Setwinder talk about her role as a chair and Cesar talk about his role as a Vice-Chair. o Satwinder said that her role as chair meant that she had to lead each meeting, checking in with the city liaison when needed. She also has to represent the group at various community meetings. o Cesar explained the Vice-chair steps in for the chair when the chair is not available.. Cesar then volunteered to be the next Chair of the board. . Mizanur was then nominated by Cesar to be the next Vice-chair. o Mizanur agreed to be the Vice-Chair. . The group then took a picture with Mayor Cooke and the cake that was purchased in celebration of her years as Mayor. . Ted then moved the conversation to talk about the importance of the City's Human resources board. He mentioned that the City allocates money for non-profit organizations. Ted recommended that we invite Dinah Wilson and Marina Hanson for a presentation on the committee. r Satwinder asked if the information Ted was referring to was shared during the KCDIG meetings.. Sara wanted to know the parameters around the board. What can the board do and not do? She asked what about the group's responsibility in the event of a hate crime.r Mayor Cooke then said that she wanted to groups to listen to what the community was saying and then they could provide advice to the city. . The Mayor then talked about the meeting she recently had with the Iraqi Community Center and the importance of meeting with residents when they have concerns. a a a a 2 Kent Cultural Communities Board Meeting Minutes Place: Kent Senior Activities Center 8. Adiournment Meeting adjourned at B:07 pm. Notes taken by: Uriel Varela November 28,2OI7 6:30 p.m. a Approval Pending Marvin mentioned that he would like to keep the presentations we have at every meeting. He asked if the group still wanted to learn from the presentations? Sara then talked about the importance of supporting each other's community even if the incidents did not affect their own community. Mayor Cooke then said that this conversation needs to be a much longer conversation and that a retreat might help the group decide on what they want this board to look like. a a 3