HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Cultural Communities Board - 07/25/2017Approval Pending KENT CULTURAL COMMUNITIES BOARD MEETING MINUTES July 25, 2017, 6:30 pm Morrill Meadows Park _______________________________________________________________ Attending: Marwa Almusawi, Yusuf Bashir, Marvin Eckfeldt, Rand Al Hammadi, Satwinder Kaur, Hussein Al Kinani, Norma Maldonado, Sonia Morales, Mizanur Rahman, Cesar Rangel, Ta Kwe Say, Ted Schwarz, Sharndeep Kaur Shoker, Vaivao Semisi-Tupou Absent: Beabe Akpojovwo, Davies Chirwa, Shamso Issak, Josephine Karanja, Yuriy Zaremba Elected Officials, Staff & Guests: Mayor Suzette Cooke, Dinah Wilson, Patrick Briggs, Michelle Wilmot, Toni Azzola, Johnetta Rowsey & various guests/family members of the CCB After a grilled meal with side dishes was served (thank you to the meal preparers, Patrick Briggs, Toni Azzola, & Dinah Wilson) Chair Satwinder Kaur called the meeting to order at approximately 7:15 pm. August 22, 2017 Meeting Dinah Wilson asked for a show of hands for those who wanted to meet in August, noting that City boards/commission sometimes take the month off for vacation. CCB overwhelmingly voted to meet in August. Chair Kaur announced that she is trying to secure the Kent Historical Museum for the August meeting. Comments on Mayoral Candidates’ Forum Overall it was a very good forum and the CCB praised the planning committee for a job well-done. It was noted that the audience submitted a large number of questions and the candidates only had time to address a few. It was suggested that next time we should organize the forum to allow more questions from the audience. Update on Community Engagement Coordinator Hire – Michelle Wilmot, Communications/Public Affairs Manager, Mayor’s Office Michelle Wilmot was introduced to the CCB. She said that interviews would take place on 7/26 and that she anticipated that the CEC would start work on August 16th. Amina Ahmed from Partners in Employment is assisting with interviews, and Yusuf Bashir also volunteered to assist. Approval Pending Toni Azzola – Neighborhood Program Coordinator, Mayor’s Office Toni summarized the Neighborhood Program, which offers funds to recognized neighborhood councils to develop and implement projects which will enhance the livability of their communities. (She offered to do a presentation about the program at a future CCB meeting.) Councils must submit competitive applications to request funds. The next application deadline is September 1, 2017. To access the website with a link to applications go to: https://www.kentwa.gov/residents/neighborhood- program/neighborhood-grant-program . Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm, but members were encouraged to stay and enjoy the park if they wished.