HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Service Commission - 04/26/2017 (2)Civil Service Commission April 26, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Page 1 of 3 Date: April 26, 2017 Time: 5:30 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Attending: Callius Zaratkiewicz, Chair; Pauline Thomas, Commissioner; Jeff Piecewicz, Commissioner; Diane McCuistion, Corrections Commander; Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner Agenda: 1. Call to Order Chair Zaratkiewicz called the meeting to order at 5:34 PM 2. Roll Call All Commissioners were present 3. Changes to the Agenda None 4. Approval of the Minutes Commissioner Piecewicz made a motion to approve the minutes from the regularly scheduled March 22, 2017 Civil Service Commission meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Thomas; motion passed 3-0. 5. Consent Items to Accept A. Memo dated January 1, 2017 from Chief Thomas stating Ofr. Dan Koehler will be assigned as Provisional Sergeant from March 31- May 9, 2017 B. Letter dated February 10, 2017 to Albert Kim congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective February 28, 2017. C. Letter dated March 1, 2017 notifying the Commission that Sgt. Andrew Grove successfully completed probation and is appointed to regular employment status effective March 1, 2017. D. Letter dated March 1, 2017 notifying the Commission that Ashley Orlowski successfully completed probation and is appointed to regular employment status effective March 1, 2017. E. Letter dated March 1, 2017 notifying the Commission that Michael Anderson successfully completed probation and is appointed to regular employment status effective March 15, 2017. F. Letter dated March 17, 2017 from Chief Thomas congratulating Taylor Burns on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective April 3, 2017. Civil Service Commission April 26, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Page 2 of 3 G. Memo dated March 20, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Cmdr. Todd Durham will be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief March 20-23, 2017. H. Memo dated March 22, 2017 from Chief Thomas accepting the resignation of Ofr. Joel Misterek effective March 27, 2017. I. Memo dated March 22, 2017 from Chief Thomas noting that Sgt. Tim Ford will be assigned as Acting Commander from April 10-13, 2017. J. Memo dated March 22, 2017 from Chief Thomas noting that Sgt. Tim Lontz will be assigned as Acting Commander from April 4-7, 2017. K. Letters dated March 28, 2017 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Kyle Boehmer, Martha Brooks, Annette Castoro, Alex Chong, Justin Campbell, Conner Crooks, Sidney Holsey, Eduardo Morales, Daniel Sanders, Florin Vidican, Paul Yoder, and Jake Zlotek notifying them that they have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer effective March 28, 2017. L. Notice of discipline dated March 29, 2017 from Chief Thomas to Ofr. Bigler. M. Memo dated March 30, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Cmdr. Tracey Church will be Acting Assistant Chief from April 4-7, 2017. N. Letter dated March 31, 2017 to Annamaria Decker congratulating her on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective April 17, 2017. O. Letter dated April 1, 2017 notifying the Commission that A/C Eric Hemmen successfully completed probation and is appointed to regular employment status effective April 1, 2017. P. Letters dated April 1, 2017 notifying the Commission that Cmdrs. Jonathan Thompson and Matt Holmes successfully completed probation and are appointed to regular employment status effective April 1, 2017. Q. Letters dated April 1, 2017 notifying the Commission that Sgts. Matthew Stansfield and Jason Bishop successfully completed probation and are appointed to regular employment status effective April 1, 2017. R. Memo and corresponding letter dated April 7, 2017 regarding the resignation of Ofr. David DesJardin and Chief Thomas accepting his resignation effective April 21, 2017. S. Letters dated April 9, 2017 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Terry Bereta, Nicholas Gibbs, Ethan Glynn, Timothy Haidle, Samuel Icanberry, and Helena Stout notifying them that they have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer effective April 9, 2017. T. Memo dated April 19, 2017 from Ofr. Wayne Graff and Chief Examiner Winecka notifying the Commission of the intent to use remote testing for Lateral Police Officer applicants. Civil Service Commission April 26, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Page 3 of 3 There being no discussion, Commissioner Zaratkiewicz made a motion to accept consent items A-T. Commissioner Thomas seconded; motion passed 3-0. 6. Items to Approve A. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on March 28, 2017. B. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Corrections Officer that was established on April 6, 2017. C. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on April 9, 2017. D. Eligibility list for the position of Parking Enforcement Assistant that was established on April 20, 2017. Chair Zaratkiewicz made a motion to approve into record items A-D. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 3-0. 7. Action Items A. Memo dated April 20, 2017 requesting to test for the rank of Corrections Sergeant. Chair Zaratkiewicz made a motion to grant permission to start testing for the rank of Corrections Sergeant. Commissioner Piecewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 3-0. 8. For the Good of the Order Chair Zaratkiewicz notified the other Commissioners that he would not be in attendance at the May meeting. Commissioners Thomas and Piecewicz confirmed that they would be in attendance. 9. Adjournment Commissioner Thomas made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Piecewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 3-0. Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 PM. Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner April 26, 2017