HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Service Commission - 09/27/2017KENT WÀsxtroro¡ Civil Service Commission Agenda Commissioners: Chair Callius Zaratkiewicz, Pauline Thomas, Jeff Piecewicz Regularly Scheduled Meeting September 27,2fJ17 5:3O p.m. Council Chambers East Item 1. 2. 3. 4. Descriotion Call to order Roll Call Changes to the Agenda Action Speaker Chair Zaratkiewicz Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 Time 1 Chair Zaratkiewicz L Approval of the Minutes from the August 23, YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 2OL7 regularly scheduled meeting. 5. Consent Items to Accept YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 A. Notice of discipline dated August LL,2OL7 from Chief Thomas to Ofr. Matt Rausch. B. Letter dated August LL, 2OL7 from Chief Thomas to Travis Eaton congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police Officer effective October 2, 2OL7. C. Letter dated August L6,20L7 from Chief Thomas to Karen Wesson notifying her that she successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status as an Administrative Assistant I effective August L6, 20L7. D. Email and corresponding memo dated August 23,20L7 wherein Chief Thomas accepted the resignation of Ofr, Rex Miller effective September 7, 2017. E. Letter dated August 25,20L7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Andrew Mecham notifying him that his name has been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Experienced/Lateral Police Officer effective August 25, 2Ot7.F. Letters dated August 25,20L7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Cody Blowers, Tyler Breslin, George Kaiser, and Jordan Kriskovic notifying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer, per their request, effective August 25, 2017. Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032, For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856'5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-8OO-833-6388. KENT Waga¡¡dloN G. Letters dated August 25,20L7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Jeff Bridges, Joel Inman, David Kuich, Adam Lutze, James Martin, Loren Meador, Raul Ramos, Joel Searle, and Thomas Slater notifying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25, 2OL7.H. Letter dated September 4, 20L7 from Chief Thomas to Debra Douglas notifying her that she successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status as an Accounting Services Assistant III effective September 4,2OL7.I. Letter dated September 8, 2OL7 from Andrehas Rodriguez-Johnston resigning from her Entry Level Police Officer position and requesting reinstatement to the position of Corrections Officer.J. Memo dated September LL, 2OL7 from Chief Thomas accepting the resignation of Andrehas Rodriguez-Johnston from the position of Police Officer and approving of her reinstatement to the position of Corrections Officer effective September LO, 2Ot7.K. Memo dated September Lt,2OL7 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Ofr. Jennifer Prusa is assigned as Acting Sergeant from September 9-2L, 2OL7.L. Memo dated September 12, 20t7 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that A/C Eric Hemmen will be assigned as Acting Chief from September 13-15, 2Ot7. M. Letter dated September L3,20L7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Pendleton Cook notifying him that his name has been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Experienced/Lateral Police Officer effective September t3, 20t7 .N. Letters dated September L3,20L7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Jeffrey Boisture, Matthew Gagley, Miranda Gleason, Stephen Haithcox, Katie Kent, Kelli Otake, Cory Patterson, Douglas Purcell, Tulane Seville, and Donald Sharp notifying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer effective September 13, 2Ot7. O. Letter dated September t4,2OL7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Keith Henson and Bryan Zils notifying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Entry Level Corrections Officer effective September t4, 20L7.P. Letters dated September L4,20L7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Nicholas Kushner and Travus Goforth notifying them that the¡r names have been removed from the Police Records Specialist eligibility list effective September t4, 2OL7. Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p,m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856'5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-80O-833-6388. KENT W^5HrxôlôN a. Letter dated September L5,2OL7 from Chief Thomas to Robert Bonjukian congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective October 2, 20L7. R. Letter dated September L5,2OL7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Natalie BrinJones notifying him that her name has been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer, per her request, effective September t5, 2OL7 .S. Letters dated September 15,2OI7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Karl Heitman and Jaclynn Silveus notigying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer effective September t5, 2OL7 .T. Letter dated September L5,2OL7 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Jon Geiger notifying him that his name has been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Experienced/Lateral Police Officer effective September L5, 2OL7. 6. Items to Approve YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 A. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on August 24,2OL7.B. Reinstatement list for Corrections Officer that was established on September 8, 2OL7. C. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on September 15, 20L7. 7. Action Items YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 3 A. Memo dated September L8, 2OL7 from Chief Thomas requesting a rule amendment to rule 11.4(c) (1 & 2)B. Memo dated September L9,2OI7 from Chief Thomas requesting permission to test for the rank of Sergeant and that the following process and weights be applied: Written Exam: 25o/o xAssessment Center: 75o/o *Up to the top 12, including ties, will be invited to an assessment center. The assessment center will consist of four (4) exercises Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5;30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032, For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856'5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-8OO-833-6388. KENT w^sBr*ôtó¡ 8 9 and will assess candidates in the following areas: oral communications, interpersonal insight, problem analysis, judgement, decisiveness, planning & organization, and delegation & control. For the Good of the Order Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 Adjournment YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St,, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-8OO-833-6388. Civil Service Commission August 23, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Date: August 23, 2017 Time: 5:30 p.m. Place: Centennial North/South Attending: Callius Zaratkiewicz- Chair; Pauline Thomas, arranged absence; Jeff Piecewicz- Commissioner; Asst. Chief Eric Hemmen; Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner Agenda: 1. Call to Order Chair Zaratkiewicz called the meeting to order at 5:32 PM 2. Roll Call Commissioner Pauline Thomas had an arranged absence 3. Changes to the Agenda None 4. Approval of the Minutes Commissioner Piecewicz made a motion to approve the minutes from the regularly scheduled July 26, 2017 Civil Service Commission meeting. Motion was seconded by Chair Zaratkiewicz; motion passed 2-0. 5. Consent Items to Accept A. Memo dated July 17, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Ofr. Ian Warmington will be assigned as Acting Sergeant July 25- August 4, 2017. B. Memo dated July 21, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Ofr. Lyndon Baron will be assigned as Acting Sergeant July 22-27, 2017. C. Letter dated July 24, 2017 from Chief Thomas congratulating Louis Kristopher on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective August 16, 2017. D. Memo dated July 25, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that A/C Rafael Padilla will be assigned as Acting Chief July 25-27, 2017. E. Memo dated July 25, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Cmdr. Mike O’Reilly will be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief July 29- August 7, 2017. F. Memo dated July 26, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Cmdr. Todd Durham will be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief August 1-4, 2017. Page 1 of 4 Civil Service Commission August 23, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending G. Letter dated July 28, 2017 from Chief Thomas to Marcia Morris notifying her that she successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status as a Police Records Specialist effective July 28, 2017. H. Memo dated August 2, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Sgt. Tim Ford will be assigned as Acting Commander July 31- August 3, 2017. I. Memo and corresponding letter dated August 2, 2017 from Chief Thomas regarding the promotion of Chris Ward to Corrections Sergeant effective August 16, 2017. J. Letters dated August 3, 2017 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Entry Level Corrections Officer candidates Untarious Simmons and Matt Umstead notifying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for that position effective August 3, 2017. K. Letters dated August 3, 2017 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Entry Level Police Officer candidates Marc Duque, Amber Rowland, and Wayne Throckmorton notifying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for that position effective August 3, 2017. L. Letters dated August 3, 2017 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Experienced/ Lateral Police Officer candidates Christopher Twiggs and Daniel Parsons notifying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for that position effective August 3, 2017. M. Memo dated August 3, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that Cmdr. Tracey Church will be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief August 8-19, 2017. N. Letter dated August 4, 2017 from Chief Thomas congratulating Nicholas Grave on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police Officer effective September 1, 2017. O. Memo dated August 10, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that A/C Rafael Padilla will be assigned as Acting Chief August 14-20, 2017. P. Memo dated August 10, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that A/C Derek Kammerzell will be assigned as Acting Chief August 21-27, 2017. Q. Memo dated August 10, 2017 from Chief Thomas notifying the Commission that A/C Eric Hemmen will be assigned as Acting Chief August 28-30, 2017. R. Letters dated August 10, 2017 from Chief Examiner Winecka to Entry Level Police Officer candidates Daniel McCormick and Dietrich Fenske notifying them that their names have been removed from the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for that position effective August 10, 2017. S. Letter dated August 11, 2017 from Chief Thomas to Chellsi James notifying her that she successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status as a Police Officer effective August 11, 2017. T. Letter dated August 11, 2017 from Chief Thomas to Ian Lentz notifying him that he successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status as a Police Officer effective August 11, 2017. Page 2 of 4 Civil Service Commission August 23, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending There being no questions or discussion, Chair Zaratkiewicz made a motion to accept consent items A-T. Commissioner Piecewicz seconded; motion passed 2-0. 6. Items to Approve A. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on August 4, 2017. B. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Corrections Officer that was established on August 10, 2017. C. Continuous Testing Eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on August 10, 2017. Chair Zaratkiewicz made a motion to approve into record items A-C. Commissioner Piecewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. 7. Action Items A. Memo dated August 14, 2017 from Chief Thomas requesting permission to test for the position of Public Education Coordinator and that the following process and weights be applied: Written Assessment: 30% (70% passing score required) Oral Board: 70% (70% passing score required) Background: Pass/Fail Polygraph: Pass/Fail If there is a sufficient in-house applicant pool, the process will consist solely of an oral board and Chief’s Interview. If there isn’t a sufficient in-house applicant pool, the department requests that the position be open to the public and that up to the top 15 candidates from the written assessment move on to the oral board process. Chief Examiner Winecka noted that if the process were to stay in-house that the weight of the oral board would then be 100%. With that clarification, Chair Zaratkiewicz made a motion to grant permission to test for the position of Public Education Coordinator with the weights as listed along with the addition of the oral board having a weight of 100% for an in-house testing process. Commissioner Piecewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. Page 3 of 4 Civil Service Commission August 23, 2017 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending 8. For the Good of the Order 9. Adjournment Commissioner Piecewicz made a motion to adjourn. Chair Zaratkiewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. Meeting was adjourned at 5:36 PM. Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner August 23, 2017 Page 4 of 4 KENT RECEIVED sËP 2 Û 2017 l-{uman Resources City of Kent POLICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Police 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6800 Re PHONE: 253-856-5800 Via email mrausch@kentwa.gov August L7,2077 Officer Matt Rausch Kent Police Depaftment Internal Affairs No. 17-006 Notice of Discipline Officer Rausch The Kent Police Department conducted an internal affairs investigation into allegations that you on May 19, 20L7, you v¡olated Policy 15,20 and RCW 46.6L.055 when you entered an intersection against a red light and caused a collision with another vehicle. On July 24, 2OI7, a Notice of Pre-disciplinary Hearing was issued which described the facts and policies surrounding this matter. On August 7, 20L7, a Pre-Disciplinary Hearing was held with you and your KPOA representatives. After considering the facts and the statements made during the Pre-Disciplinary Hearing, I have determined that on May 19, 20L7, you violated Policy 15.20 and RCW 46.6L.055, and issue a finding of "sustained." I am also issuing a finding that the accident was "Preventable Resulting in Major Damage," As a result, I am imposing a one shift (10 hour) suspension, You are permitted to utílize accrued leave hours when you take your suspension. Your suspension shall be served within the next four weeks. I am also ordering to attend EVOC training. Please arrange that training through your supervisor. As a final note, I appreciate your acceptance of responsibility in this matter. Officer safety is of upmost impoÉance in the Department, and it is important we do all we can in this rega com reciate the hard work and dedication you show this Department and our I am confident ¡t will continue well into the future {:c un om Police Chi Arthur "Pãt" Fitzpatrick, Deputy City Atlorney Dave Luxenberg, Attorney for KPOA Wayne Graff, KPOA Representative Ken Clay, KPOA President Leialani Jensen, Labor Relations Manager Marty Fisher, Human Resources Director tt-a, 't tjj ì :. M.rvr¡n 3u¿rrrr, {-r-rr¡rr City of Kent Police Department - Accred¡ted Police Agency KE T POLICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Police 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-956-6900 PHONE: 253-856-5800 W sHtñctÞff August lL,2O!7 Mr. Trävis W, Eaton Re: Employment Offer Dear Mr. Eaton; conqratulations on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police officer for the Kent police Department. Weare looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Departmentðnd the City of Kent. This letter is to confirm.our recent offer of employment. Your employment w¡th the city will be effectiveMonday, october 2, 20t7 ' upon rece¡pt of thi; lelter, please caft irãíning Sergeant Bill Blowers at (253)856-5858 for details on your duty assignment, You wiil be receiv¡ng an email from NeoGov with a link toacrivate your city of Kent onboarding accounl. Please noilfy HR Re-cru¡tment at (253)856-5270 if youdon't receive the link withln. three business days of the date of this letter. It is critlcal that you set up youraccount to review new employee information and complete all checklist tasks as ass¡gned piior to yourstart date. we anticipate this process wiil take you approximatery 15 minutes. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientat¡on on Monday, october 2, at 10:00 AM with theBeneflts staff in Human Resources. Please bring document(s) r"quiiåo oy goremme.tt iegutations ror attnew hir-es providing proof of your eligibllity to work in the united States, which you will need to completeyour I-9 form' A list of acceptable documents can be found on your onboardinj portat. eteàiã ."port tothe Hir¡ng Unit at the Kent Police Department at 8:00 ÀM and cóntacLRecruitíni brficer wayne Graff whow.ill facilitate your first day including a 9:00 AM appointment w¡th Multimedia to'have yourtiÇ access cardphoto taken. Yo.ur start¡ng base salary as a probationary la[eral police officer will be at Step E, g6,479 per rnonth. youwill be provided with a bank of 40 hours oi annual ieave and 40 hours of sick leave, vou w¡il be ptaced onprobationary status for one year from your date of híre, All other benefits will follow your union contract.Ad-ditionally, you quafify for our $10,000 Lateral l-liring lncentive which is payable in tivo piyments($5'000. on your first paycheck, and $5,000 upon your successfuf completion or proaatiã{-l'eis appticantetaxes). upon your successful completion of probation, you are eligible?or a training opportunity ot yourchooslng within the preqÍribed. parameters (up to 6r,'oö0, up to oire week, in-state-, airãloù ieíateo¡ tofurther your professional development, If the terms of this offer of employmenl are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on theacceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting officer wayne Gráff at thã address lisledaDove. Again, I look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a mernber of the Kent police Depärtment, Sincerely, Accepted, og! < ãc c,vj =3 Padilla W Act¡ng Ch¡ef of Police cc: Civil Service Commission Human Resources Accreditation * Mnyon Suzerre Coore Ctty of Kent pot¡ce Department;Ãèã.eã¡teã po¡¡ıilııcy ¡l KENT RECEIVED sÊ.P 2 û 2u7 l{uman Resources City of Kent POLICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Police 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6802WasHTNGToN o O) < =pc OJvt 3 3 o PHONE: 253-856-5800 P!'J¡æ:æ August 16,2Ot7 Karen Wesson Kent Police Department 22O 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Karen, I am pleased to notify you that on August 16,20L7,you successfully completed the twelve (12) month probationary period for the position of Police Administrative Assistant I as required by the Kent Civil Service Rules, and are hereby appointed to regular employment status as Police Administrative Assistant I for the Kent Police Department. Congratulatio on your achievement and best wishes for your future success Si rely, Ken omas Chief of Police cc Civil Service Commission Human Resources Mayon Suzgrrr Cooxr City of Kent Police Department - Accredited police Agency RËCEIVEÐ Miller, Rex To: Cc: Subject: Thomas, Ken Schanbacher, Michael Letter of Resignation 5Lr U V ¿Utt l-luman Resources City of Kent I would like to formally offer this email as my letter of resignation from the Kent Police Department. As we discussed on Tuesday (8/8/L71,I have been offered a job as a captain flying cargo for a company called Ameriflight. lt has been my lifelong passion to fly airplanes and returning to this career field is truly a dream come true. I appreciate the opportunity to serve as a member of this fine department and am truly humbled to have worked with the amazing staff here. As you know, Kent PD is filled with outstanding employees and it has been my honor to have worked with these great people. Many are more than coworkers and have become more like family instead of just folks I work with/for. I would also like to thank you and Kent PD for the opportunities I have had to in both training and assignments that have made me not only a better police officer but a better person in general. I will truly cherish the memories and miss everyone here. I will be starting my new job on September LLth and my last day at Kent PD will be on September 7th Sincerely, Rex Miller RB Miller, Potice officer Traffic Unitl Police Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Direct Line 253-856-5834 | Main 253-856-5800 RBMiller@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.qov Facebook -lw¡jf'$sf YouTube 1 RECEIVËD sEP 2 0 2017 Human Resources CitY of Kent KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA. 98032-5895 WASHtNcToN Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: RE: August 23,20L7 Civil Service Com I I Ken rhomrr, .n,J';;'iJ,,.. {1< Notice of Resignation, Rule 13:02 i have accepted Rex Millers'email dated August L3,20L7, announcing his resignation from the Kent Police Department. Rex's last day of work with the department will be September 7, 20L7. Rex is leaving the department in good standing and we wish him well in his future endeavors. KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natal¡e Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-627OWasH¡NGtoN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25, 2OL7 Mr. Andrew Mecham Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Andrew, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Experienced/Lateral Police Officer effective August 25,2017. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, ña*al.;¿ tñín¿ü<e Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secreta ry / Chief Examiner I Mnvon Suzerre Q6q¡6 -F-¡+n a¡¡t o C'l =Pc (¡)Yt =3 Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasHtNGloN o(') < =Pc (¡)vt =3 o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25,2OL7 Mr, Cody Blowers Dear Cody, I am following up on your correspondence with the Kent Police Department requesting to withdraw from the Entry Level Police Officer testing process. This letter is to notify you that your name has been removed from our eligibility list for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25,2077, the date of this letter. Per our city's Civil Service Rules and Regulations you will need to wait a minimum of six (6) months before you reapply for this agency. The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you for your interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors. If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday. Sincerely, ña*øl;¿, tñi v,,øcrl<at Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent Mnyon Suzrrre Cooxe ':+y ^r ue-+ u"-  Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasHìñGToñ OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25,20L7 Mr. Tyler Breslin Dear Tyler, I am following up on your correspondence with the Kent Police Department requesting to withdraw from the Entry Level Police Officer testing process. This letter is to notify you that your name has been removed from our eligibility list for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25,20L7, the date of this letter. Per our city's Civil Service Rules and Regulations you will need to wait a minimum of six (6) months before you reapply for this agency. The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you for your interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors, If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday. Sincerely, Na;falU. t'ú i v,t'd<¡'-t Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent O Mnvon Suzerre Coore ogì < =UC OJYt = = Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WÂsHrNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CTVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25,2OL7 Mr. George Kaiser Dear George, I am following up on your correspondence with the Kent Police Department requesting to withdraw from the Entry Level Police Officer testing process as you have been hired elsewhere. This letter is to notify you that your name has been removed from our eligibility list for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25,2OL7, the date of this letter. Per our city's Civil Service Rules and Regulations you will need to wait a minimum of six (6) months before you reapply for this agency. The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you for your interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors, If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday, Sincerely, Na-fo-l;ø túine¡-kP Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent o Ol < =pc CJvt 3 =D^-^..---^ h^--4---rO Mnyon Suzrrre Coore Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natal¡e Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasHtNoToN o C') < =Pc o)Yj =3 o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25,2Ot7 Mr. Jordan Kriskovic Dear Jordan, I am following up on your correspondence with the Kent Police Department requesting to withdraw from the Entry Level Police Officer testing process. This letter is to notify you that your name has been removed from our eligibility list for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25,2OL7, the date of this letter. Per our city's Civil Service Rules and Regulations you will need to wait a minimum of six (6) months before you reapply for this agency. The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you for your interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors. If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday. Sincerely, Ña-F6-!;J- l,,J t¡^¿r'kP Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent Mnvon Suzrrrr Coorr Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WaSHTNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25,20t7 Mr. Jeff Bridges Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Jeff, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25, 20t7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, N¿¿¿;¿ tñi¡.zc'?,t--' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secreta ry / Chief Examiner o? =uc c,Vj 3 3 O Mnyon Suzerre Cooxe Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WASHtNGToN o(') < BPcoYt =3 o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSTON August 25,20t7 Mr. Joel Inman Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Joel, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Test¡ng Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25,2OL7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commiss¡on within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www,kentwa.qov. Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment, Sincerely, Ña*dl;¿ Lúircd<*. Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner MnyOn Suzerre Coore ¡¡ly ^r r-'+ ¡J''-@ Marty Fisher, Director KENT cIvIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DMSION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WÂsHtNGfoñ OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25,2017 Mr. David Kuich Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear David, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to cons¡der you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25, 2017. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.qov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, ¡n"*no¿ lñi',¿<L' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner O M4VOA SUZefff QqgKE ¡rT af-I-¡rt ll-Ëâ ca..¿æ--E¡^F-,t--{å o c'r < =Pc OJvj = = Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasHtNcroN OFFIGE: 253-856-5282 CIVTL SERVTCE COMMISSTON August 25,2017 Mr. Adam Lutze Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Adam, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to cons¡der you further for employment with this agency, Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the pos¡tion of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25,2017. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure, Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.qov Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment Sincerely, Ña*U;¿. t'Jits)<t.-, Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner O MnyOn SUZeffe COOKE a¡æ_Daôâ¡*E ¡rt, Marty Fisher, Director o C't < BPc c)Yt 3 3 KENT cIvIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DMSTON Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WaSHtNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25,2017 Mr. James Martin Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear James, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25, 2OI7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov. Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñato¿;a tÑ¡nn'clca'- Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner o('l < =ÐcoYj 3 3 O MnyOn SUZfffe Ç99¡6 .¡+y ^f r--+ t¡¡¡-âã-Þ¡¡æ-eñ-f-É¡+.aÃi- Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasHtNGToN OFFICE: 253-a56-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25,20L7 Mr. Loren Meador Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Test¡ng Eligibility List Dear Loren, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25, 2OL7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Comm¡ssion within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, ñajrr¿;¿ uüÌyvd<*., Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner O Mnyoa Suzerre Coore o Ol < =Pc qJ É 3 3 Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WÂsHrNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25,2017 Mr. Raul Ramos Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Raul, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to cons¡der you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25, 2Ot7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, ñdiîJ;-!- lñínøù,L- Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner O Mnyon Suzrrre CooKE Marty Fisher, Director o C't < =Pcq)Yt 3 = KENT cIvIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DTVTSION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WASHTNGToN o Oì < =Pcovj = =o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25,2Ol7 Mr, Joel Searle Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Joel, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective August 25, 2017. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) e56-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ña¡al;¿, vúinzcl<t-' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Mnyon Suzerre Coore '¡+y ^3 v^-+ tl" a'¡ a,Fâ  Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasHtNGfoN o Ol < =PCoYt 3 3 o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 25,20t7 Mr. Thomas Slater Re: Removal from city of Kent continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Thomas, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the posit¡on of Entry Level Police officer effective August 2s, 2017. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.qov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ña-f¿ue;¿- \.,ú i n¿ o+<t- Natalie Winecka Cívil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Mnyon Suz¡rre Coore _ .¡+y ^f rÃã+ urrË-ã Þ^êdr,- â¡{E¡åt Marty Fisher, Director KENT RECËIVËÐ stP 2 0 2017 *-{uman Resources CitY of Kent POLICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Police 22O 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032' Fax:253-856-6802WÂsHrñGloN PHONE: 253-856-5800 ffiæ September 4,20L7 Debra Douglas Kent Police Department 220 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Debra, I am pleased to notify you that on September 4,2017, you successfully completed the twelve (12) month probationary period for the position of Police Accounting Services Assistant III as required by the Kent Civil Service Rules, and are hereby appointed to regular employment status as Police Accounting Services Assistant III for the Kent Police Department. Congratulations on your achievement and best wishes for your future success. Si rel Ken Th omas Chief of Police cc Civil Service Commission Human Resources Ol < Bp C c)Yt 3 3 a Mnyon Suzrrrr Coore City of Kent Pol¡ce Department - Accredited Police Agency TO ,{ry^ANDUM FROM: DATE SUBJECT: Chief Ken Thomas Andrehas Rod riguezJohnston September 9th,2077 Corrections Officer Reinstatement Chief Thomas, This letter is to request to resign as an Entry Level Police Officer. I'm requesting reinstatement as a Corrections Officer, a position I resigned from prior to the current job I have. I also wanted to take the time to thank you for your considerat¡on and offer of this opportunity. I am serious and dedicated to this job and this department. I know my capabilities and I know my work ethic and drive will lead me to make the best of this situation. I will take every training opportunity offered to assist me in achieving my goals. Becoming a Kent Police Officer is my ultimate goal and I will do what it takes to get me there. Again, I wanted to thank you for your time and consideration of my reinstatement and training opportunity. Sincerely, Andrehas M. Rodriguez-Johnston, 7 107 95 1 KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 WasHtNcróN Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: RE: September LL,20t7 civil Service Commission ll I Ken Thomas, Chief of Pol¡ce{d\ Notice of Resignation, Rule 13.02 Reinstatement, Rule 10,02 (b) I have accepted Andrehas Rodriguez-Johnston's letter dated September B, 2Ot7 resigning as a Probationary Police Officer Recruit from the Kent Police Department. Her last day as a Probationary Police Officer Recruit was September 9,2017. In her letter, she requested, and I have approved, her reinstatement as a Police Corrections Officer effective September L0, 20t7. KENT RECEIVED stP 2 0 2017 Human Resources City of Kent POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 WaEHINGToN Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: RE: ]l( September It,20t7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, 11.06 Officer Jennifer Prusa is assigned as Acting NRT Sergeant from September 9,20L7 through September 2L, 2OI7 while Sergeant Andy Kelso is on vacation, KENT RECEIVED SËP 2 O Zl.17 Human Resources City of Kent POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 WaSHINGToN Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: RE: I( September t2,20L7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, 11.06 Assistant Chief Eric Hemmen will be assÌgned as Acting Chief from September 13, 20t7 through September t5,20L7 while Chief Ken Thomas is at a conference, KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WÂsHtNGroN o EN < =c OJvt3 3 o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSTON September 13,2OI7 Mr, Pendleton Cook Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Pen, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Experienced/Lateral Police Officer effective September 13,2017. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website addressis www.kentwa.qov Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ño&"-ll- t'Öir¿-d<*- Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner MnYon Suzerre Cooxe Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COM MISSION September 13,2OI7 Mr, Jeffrey Boisture Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Jeffrey, Thís letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the pos¡tion of Entry Level Police Officer effective September 73,20L7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements, The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa,qov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñae¿,øt t;CiY't¡-kP Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secreta ry / Chief Examiner O Mnyon Suzerrr Coore o Ot < =HC c)Yt =3 Marty Fisher, D¡rector KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax:253-856-6270WasHtNGtoN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September 13,20L7 Mr. Matthew Gagley Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Matthew, This letter is to notify you that after participating in the Chief's Interview portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency at this time. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective September 13, 2OI7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any port¡on of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ño'følr¿. tÚiv¿c*¡-' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner o Ol < =PcoYt 3 3 o Þaea¡ rr¡ac Flan¡r*maniMnyon Suzerre Coore fi+r¡ af lZan* llrrmr¡ Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WAsHtNGToN ogl < =pc OJvt = =o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVTL SERVICE COMMISSION September t3,2OL7 Ms. Miranda Gleason Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Miranda, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective September 13,2OI7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16,05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñai.¿¡P;¿t' úir'eà<"a- Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Mnvon Suzerre Coore Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natal¡e Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WaSHTNGToN OFFICE: 253-8s6-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September L3,2OI7 Mr, Stephen Haithcox Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Stephen, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective September 13,2OI7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure, Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Comm¡ssion within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations, Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñre".u¿ tñ.*c,k¡¿ Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner O Mnvon Suzerre Coorr o Ol < =ycq)vj 3 3 Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WaSHtNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September L3,2OI7 Ms. Katie Kent Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Katie, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective September 13,2017. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñø*a-t:* lÑínzc'l<l- Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secreta ry / Chief Examiner o Ol < =Pco\¿j =3 o Marty Fisher, D¡rector KENT cIvIL SERVICE/ RECRUITM ENT DMSTON Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasHtNGToN o Ol < =Pcq) \¿t 3 =o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September 13,20\7 Ms. Kelli Otake Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Kelli, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the pos¡tion of Entry Level Police Officer effective September t3, 2Ot7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov. Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñ o¿a¿;¿, \Ní¡,zokP Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Meyon Suzrrrr Coore Marty Fisher, D¡rector KENT cIvIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DMSION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WÁsHrNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September 13,2017 Mr. Cory Patterson Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Cory, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective September 13,2017. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure, Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñ o.Io,!';r' tñi ¡,or-l<¡-: Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner ool < =Pc c)Yj 3 3 O Mnvon Suzerrr Coore Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natal¡e Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasH¡NGroN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September 13,2017 Mr. Douglas Purcell Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Douglas, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the pos¡tion of Entry Level Police Officer effective September 13,20L7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñ"*o¿;a tÑír'.¿ol<ø-' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner ool < =ycoY = = =O Mnvon Suzerre Coo<r Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WÁsHtNGToN o Ol < =pc (¡)Yt = =o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September 13,2017 Mr. Tulane Seville Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Tulane, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective September 13,20L7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov , Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñoea¿;* vúír¿c,l<¡-t Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Mnvon Suzerre Coore Marty Fisher, Director KENT cIvIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DMSION Natal¡e Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WÂsHtNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September L3,2OI7 Mr. Donald Sharp Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Test¡ng Eligibility List Dear Donald, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective September L3,2OI7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, N ^tt !;_e-,vú ir.tzc,l<t-' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner O Mnvon Suzrrrr Cooxe o Ol < =P Covj = = Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WaSHtNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-s282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September 14,2OL7 Mr. Keith Henson Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Keith, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Corrections Officer effective September 14,2OL7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Consequently, your name will also be removed from the Entry Level Police Officer eligibility list as that position is a higher grade of service. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website addressis www.kentwa.oov Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. Sincerely, ¡Åa¡*l;u. t¡Jiruy',<t-, Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner O Mnvon Suzerre Cooxe Marty Fisher, Director ool < =!Covt 3 3 KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WaSHtNGToN o cn < =Pc o)vt =3 o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September t4,2OI7 Mr. Bryan Zils Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Bryan, This letter is to notify you that after participating in the Chief's Interview portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to cons¡der you further for employment with this agency at this time. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Corrections Officer effective September 14,2OI7 Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure, Per this rule, you will also be removed from the eligibility list for position of Entry Level Police Officer as well as that posit¡on is a higher grade of service than the pos¡tion of Corrections Officer. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Comm¡ssion within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website addressis www.kentwa.gov Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñ"to¿:- lÑ;r.4*3-- Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Mayon Suzerre Cooxe Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WÂsHtNGToN o Ol < =Pc OJvj = =o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVTL SERVICE COMMISSION September t4,201-7 Mr. Nicholas Kushner Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Nicholas, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Eligibility List for the position of Police Records Specialist effective September !4,2017. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment, Sincerely, ß *tal;-e- vOil<¡)co--' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Mnyon Suzerre Coore Marty Fisher, Director KENT clvrl sERvIcE/RECRUITMENT DMSION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax; 253-856-6270WÂsHtNGtoN o Ol < =uc CJvtI =o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September 14,2Ol7 Mr. Travus Goforth Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Test¡ng Eligibility List Dear Travus, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Eligibility List for the position of Police Records Specialist effective September 14,2OI7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov. Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ño¿a-U¿ t'Jip-r'Kx- Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secreta ry / Chief Examiner Mnyon Suzerre CooKE Marty Fisher, Director KE T POLICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Police 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax:253-856-6800 PHONÊ: 253-856-s8OO W^sH¡Noro! Re: Employment Offer Dear Mr. Bonjukian; Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer for the Kent police Department. Weare looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Departmentand the City of Kent. This letter is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the city will be effectiveMonday, October 2,20L7. Upon receipt of this letter, please callTraíning Sergeant a¡ti'elowers at (253)856-5858 for details on your duty assignment. You will be receiving an email from NeoGov w¡tn a i¡nk toactivate your City of Kent Onboarding account. Please notify HR Relruitment at (253)g56 -5270 tf you don,treceive the link with¡n three business days of the date of this letter. It is critical Èfr"t yo, set up your account to review new employee information and complete all checklist tasks as assigned prior'to your startdate. we anticipate this process will take you approximately ls minutes. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Monday, october 2, at 10:00 AM with theBenefits staff in Human Resources. Please bring document(s) required by goveinment regulations for allnew hires_ providing proof of your eligibility to work in the United btates, wñicn you will neãd to completeyour I-9 form. A list of acceptable documents can be found on your onboardinj portal. please report to th"Hiring Unit at the Kent Police Department at 8:00 AM and contact Recruiting orî¡Ëer Wayne Graff who willfacilitate your first day including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia tJnave your iity access cardphoto taken. Your starting base salary will be at Recruit Step A, at g5,305.00 per month, you will be eligible for a stepincrease on the first of the month following graduation from the Basic Law Enforcement Rcãdemy. you w¡llbe placed on probationary status for 12 months following successful completion of the Basic LawEnforcement Academy. All other benefits will follow youi union contract. Upon your successful completionof probation, you are eligible for a training opportunity of your choosing within the prescribed parameters(up to $1,000, up to one week, in-state, and job related) [o further your professional development. If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on theacceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Officer Wayne Cráff ai the address listedabove. September 15,2A77 Mr. Robert Bonjukian Aga in, I look forward to having an individual of your omas Chief of Police cc Civil Service Commission Human Resources Accreditation qualifications as a member of the Kent police Accepted, Robert Bonjukian oq =pcoY ÉI 3 I M¡von SuzerrE of Kent Police Þepartment -Pol¡ce Agency KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WÂsHtNGToN oc'l < =Ðc c,vj = =O OFFTCE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COM MISSION September t5,2OL7 Ms. Natalie BrinJones Dear Natalie, I am follow¡ng up on your correspondence with the Kent Police Department requesting to withdraw from the Entry Level Police Officer testing process. This letter is to notify you that your name has been removed from our eligibility list for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective September 75,2OL7, the date of this letter. Per our city's Civil Service Rules and Regulations you will need to wait a minimum of six (6) months before you reapply for this agency. The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you for your interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors. If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday. Sincerely, Ñ"+"-t;* t'ðit ¿dc¿- Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent Mnvon Suzerrr Coore Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasHtNGlôN o Ol < =PCq)v ËI =o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September 15,2017 Mr. Karl Heitman Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Test¡ng Eligibility List Dear Karl, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective September 15,2077. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment, Sincerely, Ñata-P¿ ¡Êi"¿cÅ<a'- Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Mnvon SuzerrE CooKe Marty Fisher, Director KENT cIvIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DMSION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WAsH¡NGToN o Ol < =p C,oYt = =o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVTCE COMMISSION September 75,2OI7 Ms. Jaclynn Re: Removal from city of Kent continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Jaclynn, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selectionprocess, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employmentwith this agency' Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing ÈtigiOitity tistfor the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective September !5,2017. our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of anexamination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within sixmonths of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you-may appeal this decisionto the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experienceand education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our websiteaddress is www'kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitiveexaminations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. Sincerely, l{o*al;t l,úinzc-k*. Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WaSHtNGToN oOl < =Pc OJ j =3 o OFFICE: 253-856-5242 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION September L5,2OI7 Mr. Jon Geiger Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Jon, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency, Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Experienced/Lateral Police Officer effective September 15,2OL7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website addressis www.kentwa.gov Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, N A+û.a;L vÔ i n¿-c'Vs'-' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Mevon Suzerre Coore Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 Jeff Piecewicz Commissioner WasHtNcroN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSTON List established:August 24, 2OL7 TO: THE CML SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the posit¡on of Lateral/Experienced Police Officer in the Kent Police Department Steve Howerton Michael Avilucea Pen Cook Jon Geiger Tre Frederick (o8/04/20L7) (o8/04/2Ot7) (08/04/2017) (o8/24/20L7) (o7/Lt/20L7) 1 2 3 4 5 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appear¡ng thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner o cD < =PC OJ t 3 3 O Mnvon Suzrrre Coore P:\RECRUIT\Civil Seruice\Eligib¡lityLists\Pol¡ce\2017\Lateral Pol¡ce Officer- August 24.docx KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: Expiry date of list: Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair September 8, 2OL7 September 8, 2019 CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Faxi 253-856-627O OFFICE: 253-856-5282 Jeff Piecewicz Commissioner WasHtNGtoN TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Reinstatement Eligibility List for the position of Corrections Officer in the Kent Police Department: Andrehas Rodriguez-Johnston I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon, Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner 1 Pauline Thomas Commissioner o O) < =PcoYt 3 3 o Mqvon SuzerrE CooKe Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka . Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 Jeff Piecewicz Commissioner WasHtNGloN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:September 15, 2Ol7 TO: THE CML SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Lateral/Experienced Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Joshua Hartman Jonathan Mannino Michael Saponara Steve Howerton Michael Avilucea Tre Frederick (os/Lsl20L7) (oe/Ls/2017) (0e/Ls/2017) (o8/04/20L7) (o8/04/20L7) (07/LLl2OL7) 1 2 3 4 5 6 I hereby certify that th¡s list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner o Ol < =pcoYj = =o Mnyon Suzerre Coore P:\RECRUII\C¡vil Serv¡ce\El¡g¡b¡lityLists\Pol¡ce\2017\Lateral pot¡ce Officer- Sept 15.docx KENT CITY OF KENT EMPLOYEE SERVICES 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 PHONE: 253-856-5270 WASH¡ÑGTÔN Memo to: Froml CC: Date: Re: Civil Service Commissioners Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner Wayne Graff, Kent Police Hiring/Recruiting Officer Marty Fischer, Human Resources Director September 18, 2OL7 Requested changes to civ¡l service Rule 11,4.c (1 & 2), procedure for Appointment Dear Commissioners: This memo serves as ð r€quest to change civil service rule 11.4.c (1 a 2) The current rules are as follows: 1. When a Chief wishes to fill a vacancy and a current entry level eligibility Iist exists or lateral entry list, the Secretary/Chief Examiner shall prov¡de the names of the top five (5) candidates who stand highest on the list. The Chief may appoint any person from these names provided by the Secretary/Chief Examiner regardtess of their relative position on the list. (as amended on April 9t 2OO7) 2. lî two (2) or more vacancies are to be filled from an eligibility list, the name of two (2) additional persons shall be provided for each additional position, and the Chief may appoint any person from these names provided by the Secretary/Chief Examiner regardless of their relative position on the list. (as amended on t2l23l2Oo4) Proposed changes: 1. When a Chief wishes to fill a vacancy and a current entry level eligibility list exists or lateral entry list, the Secretary/Chief Examiner shall provide the names of the top seven (7) candidates who stand highest on the list. The Chief may appoint any Person from these names provided by the Secretary/Chief Examiner regardless of their relative position on the list. (as amended on October,2AtT) 2. If two (2) or more vacancies are to be filled from an eligibility list, the name of three (3) additional persons shall be provided for each additional position, and the Chief may appoint any person from these names provided by the Secretary lChiei Examiner regardless of their relative position on the list. (as amended on October, 2r¡17) It should be noted that this requested Civil Service rule change is not intended to change current Civil Service rules regarding promotional testing and appointment procedures. Ken s Respectfully submitted, Natalie Winecka Secretary/Chief Exa miner Wayne Graff Kent Police Hiring/Recruiting Officer a KENT RECEIVEN sEP 2 Û 2017 lluman Resources City of Kent POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5820 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA. 98032-5895 WASHINGTÔN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Memorandum September L9,20L7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Request for promotional test, Rule 9.01 (a) Due to the retirement of Sergeant Bill Blowers, I am requesting permission for a promotional test for Police Sergeant through Public Safety Testing in the late fall / early winter. Examination will consist of two components. The first component will be a written examination which will account for 25o/o of the overall testing score. The top twelve (L2), including ties, from the written exam will move on to the assessment center, The second component will consist of an assessment center that will include four exercises and will evaluate candidates in the following dimensions that will be equally weighted: oral communications, interpersonal insight, problem analysis, judgment, decisiveness, planning & organization, and delegation & control. This component will account for 75o/o of the overall testing score.