HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Service Commission - 03/01/2017KENT WÀsH.{Otqx Item 1. 2. Civil Service Commission Agenda commissioners: chair callius Zaratkiewicz, pauline Thomas, Jeff piecewicz Special Meeting March Lt 2AI7 5:3O p.m, Council Chambers East Action Soeaker Time Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 4 Roll Call Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 3. Changes to the Agenda Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 Approval of the Minutes from the December YES chair Zaratkiewicz 1 2L,2OL6 meeting. 5. Consent Items to Accept YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 Commission to accept into record memos/ letters from the Police department dated December L4,20L6 to February L6,2017 Description Call to order Items to Approve Commission to approve eligÍbility lists for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer, Entry Level Police Officer, and Transitional Police officer, dated January 24,20L7 - February 9,20L7 6 YES Chair Zaratkiewicz 1 7 Action Items Commission to authorize the testing process and weights for the position of Police Records Specialist. YES Chair Zaratkiewícz 5 8. Adjournment YES Chaír Zaratkiewicz 1 Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Se¡vice Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie winecka at 253-g56-s292. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-80O-833-6388. KENT IìËCEIVED 'r"l I8 Zûli 'J{trnâ¡ì ResOurce$ f)ity of Kent POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Pollce Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 WÀsHt¡GfoN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: December L4,2A16 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, 11,06 Memorandum \/ I¡ \t T"{ Detective Ty Sagiao was assigned as Acting Special Investigatíons Unit Sergeant from December 6t 20L6 to December9,2016 while Sergeant Phil Johnson as on vacation. KENT ':r fl (.ì ': lvH l) .:,,ri j & Ì'ðll , -¡ i¡r i ! iill iìesr_¡urces ¡)iiy of Kent Memorandum POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thornas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 WÀgsrNctoN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: December L4,2016 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, 11.06 Detective Brian Lewis will be assigned as Acting Speciaf Investigations Unit Sergeant from December L3, 2A16 to December 16, 2016 while Sergeant Phil Johnson as on vacation. RTCTIVËD ,;r\fü I I2f1ç KENT '..{esrulcr?â , lf Kent POLICE DEPART¡4ENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6800 Address; 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Wâ5xìNçÌoN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: December 14, Z0L6 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, 11.06 Memorandum ,l ,\tr \ Detective Rigo Gonzalez will be assigned as Acting Special Investigations Unit Sergeant from December 20, 2OL6 to December 23,2016 while Sergeant Phil Johnson as on vacation, KENT RECEIVEO jAi\j I 8 7'til Hurnan Resoul'ces City of Kent POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Wasx¡Nc¡oil Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM RE: December 14, 2016 Civil Service Commission I J' Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, 11,06 Detective Luke Brandeberry will be assigned as Acting Special Investigations Unit Sergeant from December 27, 20t6 to December 30, 2016 while Sergeant Phil Johnson as on vacation. KENT i:ìÊcglven rr,: l I2ûl/ ,-; ; t{ i t? )t t Rssourcgs i;ity of Kent POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Wasarnc¡oN Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: RE: December 14,2QL6 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, 11.06 Detective Ty Sagiao wíll be assigned as Acting Special Investigations Unit Sergeant from January 3, 2OL7 to January 6, 2OI7 while Sergeant Phil Johnson as on vacation. KENT ¡.IECEIVED 1,1,N tr I lûll Hunrilt'r Resources Ciiy of f(ent Memorandum POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Wa 3 K r r c I o ñ DATE: TO: FROM: RE: December L4,20L6 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Actíng Appointment, 11,06 Detective Brian Lewis will be assigned as Acting Special Investigations Unit Sergeant from January 10, 2017 to January 13, 2AL7 while Sergeant Phil Johnson as on vacation, KENT NüCFIVÊþ jl\il1 I g ?r:"7 l-iilrrr al'r Resou rces Ciiy r:f Kent POLICE DEPARTMËNT Ken Thomas, Chief of police Phone: 253-856-5820 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 WasHtrcto{ DATE: TO: FROM RE: I IJn 4l r r Memorandum December L6,2016 Civil Service Commission Kenneth Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, 11.06 Commander Jarod Kasner will be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief for the Investigations Division from December L9,2OL6 through December ZZ,2Ot6 while Assistant Chief Padilla is on vacation. {(\t r"J rl !\rìu lrÊiüfrf\/Ê:i) POLICE ADfVlINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chiel of Police 220 Fourth Ave. So, Kent, WA 98032-5895 Fax:253-856-6802 Phone:253-856-5800 KENT J/rN 1 8 i01't i'l r llrla rr lìesr¡u rces Oiiy 6f f(¡-r¡¡ December 2A, 2BL6 iìtiûrilvEI") .l/\N I 'g /tllt I'ji.r¡¡an Fìesuurces r')ity of l(ent Re: Employment Offer Dear Ms. Shelton; Congratulations on being hired as a Probaiionary Corrections Officer for the Kent Police Depar[ment, We are looking forward to working wiih you and know that you have a great deai to offer the Department and the Ciiy of Kent. -lhis letter is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the Cily will be eflective lanuary 3,2017. Upon receipt of this letter, please call Sergeant Pakel<e Pisia at (253) 856-5960 for details on your duty assignment. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on January 3,20L7 at 1Cl:00 a.m. wiih the Benefits Staff in Human Resources. in addition, please report to tlre phcto t'oom on lhe first floor of the Centennial Building at 9:00 a,m. to have your photo taken for your city access card. You¡r starting salary will be at Step A, with a salary of $4,263 per month. You will be eligibie for a step increase af,ter twelve monlhs of ernployment, pending a successful performance evaluation, Ail benefits will be the same as those provlded to other permanent full-time employees, If the terms ol this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on lhe acceptance line and returning one executed original to Natalie Winecl<a in the Human Resources Departrnent at the address listed at¡ove. Again, l look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent Police Deparlment, Since Accepted, N icholle Shelton Chief of Police Civil Service Commission Human Resources Accred itation N icholle Shelton i '. t. i' " cc o :<. u c)Y 3 3 o Mevon Suzerre Coo<e www.ci.kent.wa'us/police C¡ty of Kent Police Department - Nationally Accredited KENT ËIEÇËIVEI) JAN I 8 ?.Av lju¡la¡r Resources i)ity of Kent POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5820 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address; 220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA. 98032-5895 wa9HrNcroil DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Memorandum December 26,2OL6 Civil Servlce Commission Kenneth Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, 11.06 Commander Todd Durham wíll be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief December 26, 2OL6 through December 30, 20L6, while Assistant Chief Kammerzell is on vacation. RECEIVËD Chief Thomas, JAN t I ?017 Human Resources City of Kent l'd like you to accept thls as my letter of resignation. I have thoroughly enjoyed my times here at Kent PD and wish the very best for the department. Unfortunately my wife and I wíll need to move back to Nicaragua because o We have looked into alternatives to stay here but have not found any. My final days will be whatever you need, l'm currently sick but I can come in and meet with you if you need. Again, thank you for the chance to become a Kent Police Officer. lt was an extremely exciting time of my life. Sincerely, Nick White Øffir' 7w*' KENT RECEIVFI) ,lAN I B 2tI1 l-lunran Resources City of Kent Memorandum 13.02 POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of police Phone:253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 W¡sx¡NGToN DATE: ïo: FROM: RE: December 27, 20L6 Civil Servíce Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Notice of Resignation, Rule I have accepted Stephen "Níck" White's letter announcing his resignation from the Kent Police Department. Nick's last day of work with the department is Friday, January 6, ZOL7. We wish him well in his future endeavors. KENT RECEIVED JAN 0 I ?il:' l{unan Resources City 61¡qs¡1 POLICE ADMINISTRATXON Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave, 5o, Kent, WA 98032-5895 Fax: 253-856-6802 Phone: 253-856-5800 December 29,2AI7 Corrections Sergeant James Chapman Kent Police Department 1230 Central Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Dear Sergeant Chapman, I am very pleased that you have accepted the position of Probationary Corrections Sergeant with the Kent Police Department. I wish to formally confirm the salary offer and date of transfer to this position. The position of Correctíons Sergeant is at Pay Grade 32, Step D, at the current base salary of $6,007.00 per month. Your starting date in the new position is January 1,2A17. Congratulations on your achievement and best wishes for you future success. ',Mre Ken Thomas Chief of Police ogl B ç 0):¿; BI a cc Civil Servíce Commission Employee Services Accreditation MnvoR Suzer¡e Cooxr wmv.cl.kent.wa,us/police City of Kent Pollce Department - Nationally Accredited KENT FECEIVEI) JAN I I2.-0i/ Humen Resources City of Kent Memorandum POTICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Pollce Phone: 253-856-5820 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 WasHrNGtoN DAÏE: ïo: FROM: RE: l¡ {,r January 4,2OI7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, 11,06 Commander Tracey Church will be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief of Support Services from January 11, 2017 to January 20,20L7. She will be filling in for Assistant Chief Eric Hemmen who will be on vacation. KE T 1ìr:CËlVt:l"¡ DËt. 2 ',/ ?016 l..luman Resources City of Kent POLICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Pollce 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6800WÂ5Btl¡oroù PHoNE: 253-856-5800 January 4, 2Ot7 Jalene King Kent Police Department 22O 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Jalene, I am pleased to not¡fy you that on January 4,2OI7, you successfully completed the twelve (12) month probationary period for the posÍtion of Administrative Assistant Ii as required by the Kent Civil Service Rules, and are hereby appointed to regular employment status as an Administratíve Assistant II forthe Kent Police Department. Cong ratulations on your ach¡evement and best wishes for your future success Sin Y, Ken omas Chief of Police cc Civil Service Commission Human Resources Ogl BpaoYt 3 It Mavon Suzerre Coot<E City of Kent Police Department - Accredited Police Agency KENT RËCEIVED JAN I I 2üll Human Resources Oity of Kent Memorandum {- POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 WÀsHrNGtôN ÐATE: TO: FROM: RE: January 5,20L7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chíef of Police Acting Appointment, 1 1,06 Detective Ryan Rossmeier will be assigned as Acting Property Detective Sergeant from January 10, 20L7 to January L3,2017 while Detective SergeantTim Lontz is on vacation. KENT RÊCFIVËir JAN I I 201r Hurnan Resources City of Kent POLICE DEPARTMENT Kenneth E. Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 W^s{lhcfoN Memo DATE: TOr FROM: RE: January 5,2Ol7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Assignments, Rule 3.08 I N,,r Officer Daniel Yagi's transfer to the Investigations Division, Special Investigations Unit, previously scheduled for February 5, 2017 has been postponed to June 1, ?4t7. CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT D¡V¡SION Natalie Winecka Civll Service Chlef Examlner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 Clty of KGnt Human RGrourcêr DcpåÉmênt Marty Flsher, Director KENT !Vrlrr{ôfôn OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION January 6,2017 Ms, Conníe Huebner Dear Connie: I am following up on the e-ma¡l that you sent to Officer Wayne Graff request¡ng to withdraw from the Kent Police Department test¡ng process. This letter is to no[ify you that your name has been removed from our applicant list for the position of police Records Specialist effective January 6,2OL7, the date of this letter. per our city's Cívil Service Rules and Regulations you will need to wait a minimum of síx (6) months before you reapply for a position with the Kent police Department. The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you foryour interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors. If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday, Sincerely, l.,j¿r iri.,'.^" i ')i"-,..'."|'i '::- ' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent :. t:, rJì "( r: (UY -j i:;, fr'lnvt;u Str¿r.'nr Cool<r KENT clvlt SERV¡CE/ RECRUITMENT DMSTON Natalie Winecka Civll Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 o?{{ ()':/ Ì OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION January 6,20L7 Ms. Jamie Young Dear Jamie: I am following up on the e-mail that you sent to Officer Wayne Graff requesting to withdraw from the Kent Police Department testing process. This letter is to notífy you that your name has been removed from our applicant list for the position of Police Records SpecÍalist effective January 6,20L7, the date of this letter. Per our city's Civil Service Rules and Regulations you will need to wait a mínimum of six (6) months before you reapply for a position with the Kent Police Department. The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you for your interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors, If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday. Sincerely, \: :.', .l' 7,1 ¡.t....2.. ¡,\-1, ¡ y'. a: ¡ l.r. .;'t ,'s Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent €tty of Kcnt l{umrn Rcrources Dcpartment, Marty Fisher, Director M.qvon Suzr:-rc Cor.lrr ,¡/' *t .;:;.*KENT' CIVIL SERVICE,/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 Clty of Kcnt l{umtn RGrourcGs Dcprrtmcnt Marty Flsher, Director þiavoir Suzrr¡¡: Coorr OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVTL SERVICE COMMISSION January 6,20L7 Ms. Sylvia Hawthorne Dear Sylvia: I am following up on the e-mail that you sent to Officer Wayne Graff requesting to withdraw from the Kent Police Depaftment test¡ng process. This letter is to no[ify you that your name has been removed from our applicant list for the position of police Records Specialist effective January 6,2OL7, the date of this letter. per our city's Civil Service Rules and Regulations you w¡ll need to wait a minimum of six (6) months before you reapply for a position with the Kent police Department. The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you for your interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors. If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday, Sincerely, 1".:,,¡;l ¿..1., i.t ;..'. ) i ¡.'-¿,.,..1, . ;t ..' Natalie Winecka Civíl Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent clì 4. a r1))lì 3ì KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION January 6,20L7 Ms. Sara Bradley CIVIL SERVICEIRECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Clvil Service Chief Examlner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax:253-856-6270 OFFICE: 253-8s6-5282 l--¿ . Gityof Kcnt Hum¡n RosouicGr Dcptrtment, Marty Fisher, Director g¡5rr!r¡croI Mrvon 5u,:¡.¡ r¡- C,ttlt<r Dear Sara: I am following up on the e-mail that you sent to Officer Wayne Graff requesting towithdraw from the Kent Police Department testing process. This letter is to no[ify youthat your name has been removed from our applicant list for the position of police Records Specialist effective January 6,20L7, the date of this letter. per our city,s CivilService Rules and Regulations you will need to wa¡t a minimum of six (6) monthsbefore you reapply for a position with the Kent police Department. The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you foryour interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future.endeavors. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday. Sincerely, iri¿, i , , !.',"t¡.. ¡., i- ,- ç i .{< 2,. . ' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent :>o(} < -*'- C (UY -: -5 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION January 6,2077 Ms. Amy Barnby SÍncerely, l:<'t;wl tu(-i l', ¡r,i¡'¡.* ¿.{':-¿r- , Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner cIvI[ SERVTCE/RECRUTTMËNT DMSION Natal¡e Winecka Civil Service Chief Examlner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFICET 253-856-5282 t_ ':i tri- . i Gity of K.nt Hum¡n Rclourcce Dcpartmcnt Marty Fisher, Director KENT i¿1:.srlrctrr¡ lvl¡voi¡ Su¿t l'¡r Ct:r-r¡,e Re: Removal from city of Kent continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Amy, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selectionprocess, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employmentwith thjs agency. Your name has been removed from our Eligibility List for the pósition ofPolice Records Specialist effective January 6, ZAL7, our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has falled to pass any portion of anexamination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within sixmonths of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.051 you-may appeal this decisionto the civil service commission within ten (10) working days, We. hope that you will apply for future ,Civil Service positions that meet your experienceand education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 ånA our websiteaddress is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodicallú for future opun .o.petitiveexaminations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for êmployment, :> (:l $ì ') (:(]V ',. 3 KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Clvll Service Chlef Examlner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax;253-856-6270v¿1F,{ıtOrl ql ? <1. 5 t: 1U ),^1 :.: -ì: OFFICE: 253-8s6-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION January 6,2OI7 Mr. Trent Dow Dear Trent, I am following up on your correspondence with the Kent Police Department requestingto withdraw from the Entry Level Police Officer testing process. this letter is tb notif[you that your name has been removed from our etigiLiiity list for the posÍtion of EntryLevel Police Officer effective January 6,20!7, the dãte of this letter. pèr our city,s CivílService Rules and Regulations you will need to wait a minimum of six (6) monthsbefore you reapply for this agency. The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you foryour interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday. Sincerely, N!¿.(irt-4,.¿-.. li\jr'¡,-r, ¿'1.;r. - Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent Clty of Kcnt Hum¡n Roeourcc¡ Oêprltmant Marty Flsher, Director MrìYr-rR SuzErrE Coorr CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION January 6, 2Ol7 Mr. Aaron Larson Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent CIVIT SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Clvil Servlce Chief Exarniner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax;253-856-6270 OFFIGE: 253-856-s282 City of KGnt Humrn RGsourcrr Dcpartment Marty Fisher, Director KENT 1!Á5hr'¡urUil Dear Aaron, I am following up on your correspondence with the Kent Police Department requestingto withdraw from the Entry Level Police Officer testing process, Tiris letter is to notifiyou that your name has been remove-d from our eligiÉiiity list for the josition of EntryLevel Police Officer effective January 6,2oL7, the dJte of thís letter. pår our city,s CivílService Rules and Regulations you will need to wait a mínimum of six (6) monthsbefore you reapply for this agency. The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you foryour interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors, Ifyou have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday. Sincerely, Ñ r^.f ,r- !'-t-. wi t t*l.'l<*..' Õ r-rì <g f: r1, :¿ a > :' M¡rvoR Srizi.rar Coor¡ CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Serv¡ce Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270KENT |Jaa¡rr{arô¡ (l q. c 1l-)V !j OFFICE: 253-8s6-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSTON January 6,20t7 Mr. Re: Removal from city of Kent continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Stephen, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with thís agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing ÈtigiUitity tist for the position of Entry Level Police officer effective January 6, 2oL7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within sixmonths of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16,05, you may appeal this decisionto the Cívil Service Commission within ten (10) workíng days, We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experienceand education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www,kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment, Sincerely, i\j,..{ ;,, {...t¿ \x.ì t' r t.L.l,,!., Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Glty ot KGnt l{uman Rcroutccr DrpartmGnt Mafty Fisher, Director lvl¡von St¡zrne Cnorr KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIV¡SION Natalie Winecka Clvll Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 Clty ol KGnt llumân Resources Dcpaftmcnt Marty Fisher, Director ;!ì:,.'lCi t¡1 1"1,\Y()R Slrr:l: r'fF Cr¡,rr.F OFFICE: 2s3-856-s282 CTVIL SERVICE COMMISSION January 6, 2A77 Mr. Andrew Workman Re: Removal from city of Kent continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Andrew, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selectionprocess, the Police department has decided not to consider you fudher for employmentwith this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Ê¡giUitity l-istfor the positíon of Entry Level police officer effective January 6, 2017. our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of anexamination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within sixmonths of saíd failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.051 you-may appeal this decisionto the CivÍl Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Servíce positions that meet your experienceand education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov , Please check them periodically for future open competitiveexaminations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. Natalíe Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chíef Examiner a) ',tt:. ..> p I (,)'t CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSTON January 6,2At7 Sincerely, i,,i,rr.l" ct.(....,t.. t,, "i i r- ¡.t r:.1< .6...' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner cIvrL SERVTCE/RECRUTTMENT DTVISION Natalie Winecka Clvfl Service Ch¡ef Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFTCE: 253-856-5282 Glty of KGnt l{umtn RGlourcer Dcpa?tmGnt Marty Fisher, D¡rector KENT rV¡sF,,¡crÕ¡ Mr. Dominic Pagano Re: Removal from city of Kent continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Dominic, This letter is to notify you that after participating in the Chief's Interview portion of theselectíon process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further foremployment with this agency at this time. Your name has been remóved from ourContinuous Testing Eligibility List for the positíon of Entry Level políce Officer effectiveJanuary 6, 20L7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of anexamination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within sixmonths of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decisionto the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experienceand education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our websiteaddress is www.kentwa.gov ' Please check them periodìcally for future open competitiveexaminations, Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. ;,o(Jì r{ Þ IJ: ii]\- 7 3 7 M¡yr:r Sr.¡¿¡. ¡ re Coo<r- KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Cív¡l Service Chief Examlner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 City of Kcnt lluman RcaourcGs Þcpartment Marty Fisher, Director lv^9r¡rtôaril lv1,r;on Suztne Coori- OFFICE: 253-856-s282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION January 6,2OL7 Mr. Kevín Perroti Re: Removal from city of Kent continuous Testing Eligibilíty List Dear Kevin, ThÍs letter is to notify you that after participatÍng in the Chief's Interview portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency at this time. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibílity List for the position of Entry Level police Officer effectíve January 6,2OL7. our Civil Service Rules proh¡bit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examinat¡on process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission withín ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements, The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.oov , Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment, Sincerely, fi¿t.i;rd... ¿.. t¡)t' *.¿J..1< a...,' Natalie Winecka Cívil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner :> Õ Llr.i 3 C \t)'.t. 1. ::. :'. KENT RËCFIVEi} IAN 0 4 7011 Hum¿iii ¡-ìesources lìity of Kent POLICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Pollce 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6802 w¡5HrrGfod PHONE: 253-856-5800 Fi*-i-*æ*: January t2,2Qt7 Police Officer Matthew MurPhY Kent Police DePartment 22O 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Officer MurPhY; I am pleased to not¡fy you that on January L2,2AL7, you successfully completed the twelve (12) month probationary period for the posit¡on of Police officer as required by the Kent Civíl service Rules, and are hereby appointed to regular employment status as a Police Officer for the Kent Police Department' congratulations on your achievement and best wishes for your future success Si rely, Ke omas Chief of Police Civil Service Commission Human Resources Assistant Chief Derek Kammerzell cc ()q =ÞC û,Y; 3 (:M¡yonSuzrrrECool<¡,;'.:^-:- r-: - " :s:r'-"-"-'-::::^----E!-:::'i-ì'-"r' -:: r'- -" City of Kent Police Department - Accredlted Police Agency KENT RËCEIVI.:T} .lAN 0 (i ;, '' Fluman Hers¡lf_¡rcçs City of Kent POLICE ADMINTSTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Police 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6802WÂ5HtxGtÕN PHONE: 253-856-5S00 January lB,2017 Police Oflicer Jonathan Johnson Kent Police DePartment 220 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Officer Johnson, I am pleased to notify you that on January L8,2017, you successfully completed the twelve (12) month probationary period for the positíon of Poiice Officer as required by the Kent Civil Service Rules, and are hereby appointed to regular employment status as a Police Officer for the Kent Police Department' Congratulations on your achievement and best wishes for your future success si rel Ke n omas Chief of Políce cc Civil Service Commission Human Resources Assistant Chief Derek Kammerzell ool <I C OJ :¿j 3 B ê M¡von SuzrTru Coorea.' 1-:-"53'':1 :: Clty of Kent Police DepaÉm€nt - Accredlted Pollce Agency T CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civll Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 (tie) (tie) Jeff Piecewicz Commissioner V/^:É j ¡cÌox prrtÇei 2s3-8s6-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:November 14, 2016 TO: THE CML SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Lateral/Experienced Corrections Officer in the Kent Police Department: Brandon Lí Derek Lind Anthony White David Berry David Champion Debra Gee Christopher Johnson (Lt/t4/20L6) (LL/14/2016) (LL/1412016) (rt/t412016) (rL/14t20t6) (1t/14/2a16) (rLlL4/2016) 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rat¡ng of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner ).'aO.i';: 4) >¿ ..1 t:;: Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner lvl¡rt.rn Su;:r rre Coo<c P: \RËCRUIT\C¡vll Serulce\Ellglbllityllsts\Pollce\2016\Lateral Correctlons Office¡-Nôv ZO 16.docx KE T POLICE ADMINISTR.ATION Kenneth E, Thomas Chief of Police 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax:253-856-6800W^tÉttaürðH n o Ctr <3+Jc(uvt = =a PHONE: 2s3-856-5800 December 2B,2At6 Mr. Ian Michael Kerr Re: Employment Offer Dear Mr. Kerr; Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer for the Kent Police Department. We are looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Department and the City of Kent. This letter is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will be effective Wednesday, February 7,2OL7. Upon receipt of this letter, please call Training Sergeant Bill Blowers at (253) 856-5858 for details on your duty assignment. Also, you have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Wednesday, Februàîl I, at 10:00 AM with the benefits staff in Human Resources. Please report at 9:00 AM to the Multimedia photo room on the first floor of the Centennial building to have your city access card photo taken prior to your new employee orientation. Your starting base salary will be at Recruit Step A, at $5,304.00 per month, You will be eligible for a step increase on the first of the month following graduation from the Basic Law Enforcement Academy, You will be placed on piobationãry status for 12 months following successful completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. All other benefits will follow your union contract. If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on the acceptance line and returning one executed orÍginal to Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff at the address listed above' Again, I look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent Police Department. Si Accepted, Ken mas Chief of Police cc: Civil Service Commission Human Resources Accreditation Mnyon Suzrrre Cooxc €ity of Kent Pollce Department - Accredited pol¡ce Agency KENT RECEIVED ir'-q 1 47017 Human Resource$ CitY of Kent POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 WÁsHlNGToñ DATE: TO: FROM: RE: k Memorandum January L3,20t7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Notice of Retirement, Rule 13,02 I have accepted Officer Laine Farr's email dated December 7, 2AL6, announcing his retirement from the Kent Police Department. Laine's last day of work with the department wíll be January 31, 20t7. Laine's service of 28 years with the City of Kent began on March 7, 1988, He's leaving the department under good standing and we wish him well in his future endeavors, KENT RECEIVËD. ttB I 4 7t17 F{uman Resources City of Kent Memorandum POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone:253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 WASHtNGToN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: k January 3t,2OL7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Notice of Retirement, Rule 13.02 I have accepted Officer Kevin Eades email dated January 29,2OL7, announcing his retirement from the Kent Police Department, Kevin's last day of work with the department will be January 31, 20t7. Kevin's service of 28 years with the City of Kent began on January 16, 1989. He's leaving the department under good standing and we wish him well in his future endeavors. KENT RECEIVED Ff.B I 42017 Human Resources City of Kent POLICE DEPARTMENT Kenneth E. Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5888 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 WÀ s H r x cf o N Memo DATE: TO: FROM: RE: February t,20L7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Assignments, Rule 3.08 Effective January 30,2OL7, Detective Mike Afalava was assigned to the Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team (VNET), KENT WasHrNGto¡ RECEIVED JAN $ 0 2017 f-luman Resources City of Kent POLICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave. So. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Fax: 253-856-6802 Phone:253-856-5800 February L,2OL7 Sergeant Matthew Armstrong Kent Police Department 22A 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Sergeant Armstrong, 1 am pleased to notify you that on Jarluer-i/ 31, 2At7, you successfully completed a twelve (12) month probationary period tor the position of Corrections Sergeant. This timeframe includes the three (3) month probation.extension that was agreed upon between the AFSCME union and the Ciiy per a þlemorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed on October 26,2A16. Effective Fel¡ruary 1,2077 you are hereby appointed to regular employment status as a Corrections Sergeant for the Kent Police Department, Congratulations on your achievement and best wishes for your future success. Sin ly, Ken Thomas Chief of Police cc Cívil Service Commission Human Resources Assistant Chief Eric Hemmen O) 3u Co:¿t 3 3 O Mqvon Suzerre Coo<e www.kentwa,govl police City of Kent Police Department - Accredited KENT clvrl sERvrcE/REcRUITM ENT DMSTON Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Exam¡ner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 Wa s H I N G f o N oI =Pc a):¿t 3 3I OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COM MISSION February 2,2017 Mr, Matt Boone Re: Removal from Cíty of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Matt, This letter ís to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to cons¡der you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Eligibility List for the position of Police Records Specialist effective February 2, 20L7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examínation process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service pos¡t¡ons that meet your experience and education requirements, The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñ a* a-P^¿, t'úi Y't-c'l<¿--' Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secreta ry /Chief Examiner Mnyon suzrrre Coors Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natal¡e Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270Wa5HrNoroñ oq 3 ¡Jc Ovt 3 3 I OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION February 2, 2QI7 Mr. Kyle Stevenson Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Kyle, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Eligibility List for the position of Police Records Specialist effective February 2, 20L7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service withÍn six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Servíce positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) e56-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment, Sincerely, ¡Åz'fUp, túiy'¿d<*- Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Mnyon suzr¡¡e Coore Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 WasHtNGroN o Ðl < Bu C.oY; = =I OFFICE¡ 253-856-5282 CryIL SERVICE COMMTSSION February 2, 2OI7 Ms. Angela Hamilton Re: Removal from City of Kent Contínuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Angela, This letter is to notify you that after participating in the Chief's Interview portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency at this tíme. Your name has been removed from our Eligibility List for the position of Police Records Specíalist effective February 2, 2OI7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and educatÍon requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Not a, uli,in,cal<*-t Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner MayOn Suzrrr6 f6g¡¡ . r¡nr-ilrurtj¡"@t Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT OIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270W^sHtNGToN ogl <3pc Yj 3 3 a OFFICE: 253-856-s282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION February 2,2017 Ms. Janelle McMillan Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Janelle, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portÍon of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Eligibility List for the position of Police Records Specialist effective February 2, 20L7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commiss¡on within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positíons that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number Ís (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. Sincerely, N¿rta-l^t vJiY,¿¿<*'t Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secreta ry / Chief Examiner Mnyon Suzerrg Q69¡E - fltu al(nnt.llrrlmn-P¡oarrrccl'tloå¡Ë¡r¡n] Marty Fisher, Director KENT CTVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie W¡necka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WÀsHtNô1ôN oql 3! C. 0):¿j 3I a OFFICET 253'856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION February 2,2AL7 Ms. Ilona Bodderij Dear llona: I am following up on the e-maíl that you sent to Officer Wayne Graff requesting to withdraw from the Kent Police Department testing process. This letter is to notify you that your name has been removed from our applicant list for the position of Police Records Specialist effective February 2, 20L7 , the date of this letter. Per our city's Civil Service Rules and Regulations you will need to wait a minimum of six (6) months before you reapply for a position with the Kent Police Department, The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you for your interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors. If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday, Sincerely, Ñ o*¿'¿ ttú i y'-e-ü<¿-t Natalie Winecka Cívil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent MeyOn SUzeffE COOKE nÊlÍ¡nt llnn¡rllRl¡arrmo ñot-tt-.-* Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WaSHtNGToN oq =Pc 0)Yt 3 3: OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION February 2, 2OL7 Mr. Jacob Crandall Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Jacob, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you fufther for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our ContÍnuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police officer effective February 2, zeLT. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of servÍce within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentlua.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the city of Kent for employment. Sincerely, ¡J o*o¿";t, lñi y'¿ù<-a-l Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner MRyOn SUZerfE Ç99¡¡¡ r ¡ .¡ru ¡f r¡n+ tl'. Marty Fisher, Director KENT RECEIVED 'it.B I 4 2017 i-{urnan Resources üity of Kent POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5820 Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA, 98032-5895 Wa s H r N G f 0 | DATE: ïo: FROM RE: Memorandum February 6,2Ot7 Civil Service Commission Kenneth Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, 11.06 Commander Robert Scholl will be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief February 27, 20L7 through March 3,2AL7 while Assistant Chief Kammerzell is on military leave. KENT RECEIVED FËB I 4 2017 Human Resources City of Kent Memorandum POLICE DEPARTMENT Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-58BB Fax: 253-856-6800 Address: 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 WaSHtNGToN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: k February 7, 20L7 Civíl Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Acting Appointment, I 1.06 Commander Jarod Kasner will be assigned as Acting Assistant Chief of the Investigations Division from February 12, 20L7 through February 25, 2017 while Assistant Chief Rafael Padilla is on vacation. KENT cIvIL SERVICE/RECRUTTMENT DMSION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fðx: 253-856-6270 WasHrNGtoN oc'l < BucoVj 3 3I OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION February 9, 2OI7 Ms. Gloria Powell Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Gloria, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Eligibility List for the position of Police Records Specialist effective February 9,2OL7, Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within síx months of said failure. Pursuant to Civíl Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requîrements, The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Síncerely, ¡Å*",e;* vJi'.¡-ol< ) Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner M¡yon suzrrrr Cooxe Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Ch¡ef Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-855-6270W^sHtNôlôN oq =+tc (¡)Yj 3 3 o OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION February 9,20L7 Mr. Joe Thompson Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Joe, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Eligibility List for the position of Police Records Specialist effectíve February 9,2OL7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within síx months of saíd failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days, We hope that you wíll apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experíence and education requirements. The lob Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa,gov . Please check them períodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ñ"+n¿;-" vúiv-r*¿-t Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secreta ry /Chief Examiner Mnyon suzerrr Cooxr Marty Fisher, Director KENT clvrl SERVICE/ RECRUTTMENT DTVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WÂsHlNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COM MISSION February 9, 2OL7 Mr. Patrick McGrath Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Patrick, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decíded not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective February 9,20L7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-exam¡ned for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure, Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission within ten (10) working days. We hope that you will apply for future Civil Service positions that meet your experience and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment, Sincerely, ÑP+^l;¿t uôír¿ck¿,.-t Natalie Winecka Civil Service SecretarylChief Examiner ogl "iBvEoYj 3 =l Mnyon suzerre Coo<e Marty Fisher, Director KENT CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 wasHtNoloN ogl 3uÉq) \¿t 3 3 a OFFICÊ: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION February 9, 2OL7 Mr. Zachary Rannow Re: Removal from City of Kent Continuous Testing Eligibility List Dear Zachary, This letter is to notify you that after reviewing the background portion of the selection process, the Police department has decided not to consider you further for employment with this agency. Your name has been removed from our Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer effective February 9,2AL7. Our Civil Service Rules prohibit a person who has failed to pass any portion of an examination process to be re-examined for the same or a higher grade of service within six months of said failure. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule 16.05, you may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission withín ten (10) working days, We hope that you wíll apply for future Civíl Service positions that meet your experíence and education requirements. The Job Line number is (253) 856-5272 and our website address is www.kentwa.gov . Please check them periodically for future open competitive examinations. Thank you for considering the City of Kent for employment. Sincerely, Ña+a-P;-¿" vó í ^¿-al<ô') Natalie Winecka Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner Mnvon suz:rre Cooxe Marty Fisher, D¡rector KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natal¡e Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270WasHtNGTol ogl 3+JCoYj 3 3 I OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION February 9,2017 Mr. Matthew Arneson Dear Matthew, I am following up on your correspondence with the Kent Police Department requesting to withdraw from the Experienced/Lateral Police Officer testing process. This letter is to notify you that your name has been removed from our eligibility list for the position of Experienced/Lateral Police Officer effective February 9,2AL7, the date of this letter, Per our clty's Civil Service Rules and Regulations you will need to wait a minimum of six (6) months before you reapply for this agency, The Police department, as well as the Civil Service Commission office, thank you for your interest in the City of Kent and wish you the best in your future endeavors, If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 856-5282 Monday through Friday. Sincerely, Ño**Ap tñitryt*¡+t Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner & Secretary City of Kent M¡yon Suzer¡¡ Çgg¡E- ¡ ¡¡l'., ^¡ ¡¿âat.r¡un¡¡¡r-LrÊôur¿âs-Dao¡rtg¡lit Marty Fisher, Director KENT RECEIVED FËB I 4 2ot7 t{uman Resources Griùy of i(ent POLICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chiei of Police 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax; 253-856-6800 PHONE¡ 253-856-5800 tÞãtrææiï WÄSdtNGloN February L6,2AL7 COPYPolice Officer David DesJardin Kent Police Department 22A 4lh Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Officer DesJardin, I am pleased to notify you that on February L6,2AL7, you successfully completed the twelve (12) month probationary period for the position of Police Officer as required by the Kent Civil Service Rules, and are hereby appoÍnted to regular employment status as a Police Officer for the Kent Police Department. Congratulations on your achievement and best wishes for your future success Since Y' Ke S Chief of Police Civil Service Commission Human Resources Assistant Chief Derek Kammerzell 1 cc ? =pc 0) :¿ 3 3 3 o Mavon Suzerrr Coorr City of Kent Police Department - Accredited Police Agency KENT cIvIL SERVTCE/RECRUITMENT DMSION Natal¡e Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 Jeff Piecewicz Commissioner Wa3HrIGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5242 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:January 24,2017 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Lateral/Experienced Police Officer in the Kent Políce Department Matthew Arneson (ou24/20L7) I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner 1 Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner €' =uc 0,\¿t 3 3 I Mnvon Suzene Cooxe , P:\RECRUIT\C|V|l Serv¡ce\Elig¡bilityLists\Police\2017\Lateral Police Officer-lan 20t7.docx KENT crvlL sERvrcE/RECRUITMENT DTVTSTON Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-627O leff Piecewicz Commissioner WasÉtNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: January 24, ZAL7 TO: THE CML SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Jacob DesCamp Zachary Rannow Victoria Maratas Jacob Crandall Zachary Shrewsbury Patrick McGrath Albert Kim Miles Kendrick (oL/24/2017) (oL/24/20t7) (or/24/2017) (ot/24/2017) (oL/24/2017) (oL/24/20L7) (oL/24/20L7) (ot/24/2017) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rat¡ng of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner o.'l <3pc OJvj 3 =l Mnyoc Suzerre Coore P:\RECRUIT\C¡V¡l Serulce\Elig¡bilityLists\police\2017\Entry pD Officer-lan 2017.docx KENT Christopher Chandler Jacob DesCamp Sidney Holsey Victoria Maratas Marilyn Cadavid Alex McCollum Jared Merryman Davrin Miller Paul Yoder Giancarlo Dalle Angelini Florin Vidican Jake Zlotek Zachary Shrewsbury Andrejs Vanders Ricky Lawrence Albert Kim Christopher Hubbard Joel Schneider Eduardo Morales Martha Brooks Jason Yoo Darren Mobley Kyle Boehmer Roman Rossiytsev Arjun Dey Miles Kendrick Alex Chong CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 11 T2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 W^sHtNcroN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:February 9,2OL7 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: (02/oe/20t7) (ot/24/20L7) (o2/oe/20t7) (oL/24/20L7) Q2/oe/20t7) (o2/oe/20L7) (o2/oe/20t7) (02/oe/20t7) (02/oe/20t7) (02/0e/2017) (02/oe/2017) (o2/0e/20t7) (0t/24/2a17) (02/0e/2017) (o2/oe/20L7) (ot/24/20t7) (o2/oe/2a77) Q2/oe/2017) (02/os/20t7) (02/0e/2017) (o2/oe/2017) (02/0e120t7) (02/oe/2017) (o2/oe/2017) Q4ae/2017) (07/24/20t7) (02/os/20t7)o Ol < =+JcoYt =3t Mnyon Suzerre Cooxr P:\RECRUIT\C¡v¡l Service\Eli9¡b¡lityLists\Police\2017\Entry PD Offlcer-Feb 9 2017.docx I hereby ceÊify that this list was Iegally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner Jeff Piecewicz Commissisner KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 Jeff Piecewicz Commissioner WAgHtNGToN OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:February 9,2lJ17 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Lateral/Experienced Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Chelsea Weir (o2/osl2aL7) I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rat¡ng of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D, Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner 1 Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner ool <Ipcavj 3 3 a Mnvon Suzerre Coore P:\RECRUIT\Clvil Seruice\EligibilltyLlsts\pol¡ce\2017\Later¡l Pollce Ofticer-Feb 2017.docx KENT CIVIL SERVICE/ RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Serv¡ce Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 Jeff Piecewicz Commissioner WÀgHlNGToñ OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established:February 9,2OL7 TO: THE CML SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Eligibility List for the position of Transitional Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Andrehas Rod riguez-Joh nston (o2/0s/2ot7) I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relat¡ve rat¡ng of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner 1 Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Pauline Thomas Commissioner og¡ < =t)coYt 3 3 I Mnvon Suzerre Cooxe P:\RECRUIT\C¡vll Servlce\Ellgib¡lityLists\Pol¡ce\2017\Trans¡t¡onal Officer-Feb 2016.docx KE T RECEIVED rFB I 4 2017 Human Resources City of Kent POLICE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth E. Thomas Chief of Police 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6800 PHONE: 253-856-5800 WasHtNGloN DATE: TO: FROM: RE: k Memo February B,2OL7 Civil Service Commission Ken Thomas, Chief of Police Civil Service Rule 9.01, Request to Test for Records Specialist The Kent Police Department requests permission to test for the position of Records Specialist at the Secretary/Chief Examiner's earliest convenience, and that the following weights be applied to this testing process: Written: Data Entry: Oral Board: Polygraph: Background: 3Oo/o (70o/o passing score required) Pass/Fail 70o/o (7Oo/o passing score required) Pass/Fail Pass/Fail o Ot < =+)Covt 3 3 a There are currently three vacant positions. Request the top 20 applicants from the written and data entry test move on to the oral board process, MRvon Suzrrrr Cooxe City of Kent Police Department - Accredited Police Agency