HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 06/26/2017 (2) Page 1 AGENDA KENT BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD PUBLIC MEETING June 26, 2017 at 5:45 PM. BOARD MEMBERS: CITY STAFF: Melvin L. Roberts Rich Davis Susanne P. Smith Kyle Applebury Nick Swan cc: Toni Azzola Andrew Sobczyk Karen Chandler Cheryl Viseth Scott Taylor Craig Fuller Carla Maloney Brandon Swanson Frank Boosman Dmitriy Zhuravel This is to notify you that the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board will hold a public meeting on Monday June 26, 2017 at 5:45 PM in the North Conference Room of the Centennial Building 400 W. Gowe St. Room Suite 105, Kent, WA. The public is invited to attend. 1. Call to Order 2. Welcome Any Items to add to the agenda? 3. Reconnaissance Any trail conditions to report? Regional Trails Connector (Opening ceremony?) UPRR overpass construction Briscoe park pump track 4. Bylaws and Election Discuss and approve the proposed bylaws (attached to e-mail) Select new Chairperson, vice chairperson and scribe. Where do we keep a record of action items open, active, closed (record keeper)? 5. Discussion on Priority Items Complete the missing Bike Lanes and sidewalk on the north side of James between Lakeside Blvd and Russell Rd. City wants 5’ asphalt path – no bike lane. SE 248th St Video ride along SE 248th Presentation by City Engineering SE 248 from 94th to 132nd Improvements for “Y” project. Plans show what for cycling? SE 248th St and 124th Ave SE – changes to bike facility 132nd Ave SE Pedestrian improvement (out for bid) Installing green cross bike pavement markings in the intersection of 212th and 72nd to alert drivers to the presence of bikes in the intersection. Re-Paint Bike Lanes on both sides of S212th St (East and West of Interurban Trail). Page 2 6. Bicycles May Full Lane Where does Kent need and how do we get “Bicycles May Use Full Lane” signs? BMUFL sign Do we need an ordinance to allow BMUFL signs on streets 1) without shoulders, 2) without bike lanes, 3) on streets with what lane configurations? Where are the exact locations listed (create an ordance) 7. On-going or Future Projects Meet Me on Meeker Bike Lane (6 Yr TIP) Safe Routes To School Improvements by Meridian Elem School (6 Yr TIP) Discuss ideas on a bicycle route (separated/protected) from the Valley up East Hill, maybe even to Soos Creek. (to be added to new TMP?) Transportation Master Plan – Get ready for revision by reading TMP, Non- motorized Document and Parks Open Space document on Kent web. What needs to change? (6 Yr TIP) Brainstorm how do we reach riders and city leaders. How do we get more riders out on trails and streets? Do a City Council workshop on bicycling - subjects to cover – needs, goals, impact, vision zero, counts, $ by riders, $ on Projects, priority. What else should the council members know? Schedule rides for city employees, council members, and ride to work (city hall) from corners of the city and see what the cycling facilities are like. Advocacy Leadership Institute for KBAB presented by Cascade Bicycle Club – When, who can be there? City Election Candidates – who are they and what’s their position on cycling in Kent. Charrette or Town Hall? When? Sat? Where-Senior Center, Data – Maps, Descriptions? Who prepares them (size content?) Table for e-hill, w-hill, valley, individual projects, Meeker, SE 248th – “YMCA”, Downtown? Adjacent City connections, King County-trails, Transit – Metro and Sound Transit? Page 3 Will need KBAB members and city staff on each. City Public Works, Parks, Planning, and Econ Deve need to participate. Can we make it happen and get data for TMP update ? Advertise via reporter, e-mail, social media and get many riders (walkers) to show up so the city realizes the need. 8. Items for this meeting: A. __________________________________________________ B. __________________________________________________ 9. Agenda items for the next meeting: A. ___________________________________________________ B. ___________________________________________________ 10. Adjourn Kent Bicycle Advisory Board (KBAB) 2017 Meeting Dates: Jan 30, Feb 27, Mar 27, Apr 24, May 22 (Tues), Jun 26, Jul 31, Aug 28, Sep 25, Oct 30, Nov 27, Dec26 (Tues) The City of Kent maintains and posts both minutes and agendas of the Bicycle Advisory Board. The “Y” King County kicks in $1M for project – What bike facilities are needed? Lower Russell Rd Levee Project (Green River Framework) Consultant is MacLeod Reckord. Budget has some $ for Transportation Master Plan update, cycling input will be needed. 1. Develop a cross town route (currently a route up east hill) 2. Install lime-green reflective signs on the streets that cross the Interurban Trail 3. Sound Transit ST3 – Bike Route near Link Light Rail (SeaTac to Federal Way). 4. Two way multi-use trail (or Bike Lane) along S 228th St. (Runs west from Interurban) 5. Build UPRR underpass on S259th St in South Kent for bike riding 6. Work on supporting a Complete Streets ordinance for Kent. (Done) 7. Street Map with bicycle facilities shown 8. Hold a Green River Trail re-opening (+Regional Connector Trail) 9. Create a “bike/pedestrian” 2017 plan 10. League of American Cyclists Assessment for Bicycle Friendly City Who, What, When, Where, How? 11. Kent Web site – KBAB portion 12. Coordinating a request for permanent counters for riders and walkers on the trails 13. Development Assistance Brochures and how each impacts cycling 14. School Zone Photo Enforced Speed Limit fines have brought in over 1 million dollars in the first 19 months of operation at 2 schools. KBAB could write a letter recommending a percent (say 10%) of this money go to ongoing bicycle improvement programs. Page 4 15. Transit Board approves final ST3 Plan for November Ballot 16. Complete Street ordinance needs to measure the amount of Walkers, Riders, Miles of Bike Lanes, Miles of trails, and ? 17. At the cross walk at SE256th St and the Soos Creek Trail a signal is needed to help stop the traffic. 18. Budget has some money for Transportation Master Plan update, cycling input will be needed. 19. Build your advocacy toolbox at the Advocacy Leadership Institute Spring 2017 session in Seattle. Court Ruling on road/bike safety App. Court Division 2 https://www.courts.wa.gov/opinions/pdf/D2%2047149-3-II%20Published%20Opinion.pdf We would like to see plans for these items created: 1. Identify and paint the thru bike lanes where they are missing on the left sides of right turn pockets, 2. Identify road segments for installing Sharrows. 3. Identify road segments to be re-configured using “Road Diet” techniques. 4. Identify road segments for installing “Green Bike” lanes, where cars cross Bike Lanes 5. Consider doing a bicycle video. For information, please contact Mel Roberts at 425-417-8931 or Mel@cyclekent.com. Susanne P. Smith 253-856-5533 or Spsmith@kentwa.gov http://www.kentwa.gov/doing-business/permit-center/land-use-notices-of-application http://www.kentwa.gov/services/online-services/ask-a-question-or-submit-a-service- request http://www.kentwa.gov/doing-business/economic-development/planning http://www.kentwa.gov/residents/transportation-and-streets/transportation-planning http://www.kentwa.gov/home/showdocument?id=3338 Trans Master Plan http://www.kentwa.gov/home/showdocument?id=3336 Non-Motorized Study http://www.kentwa.gov/home/showdocument?id=3336 Comp Plan – Trans Element http://www.kentwa.gov/government/public-works/maps Maps http://www.kentwa.gov/Home/Components/ServiceDirectory/ServiceDirectory/249/589 PublicWorks@KentWA.gov Public Works The following documents can impact walking and cycling: (most are on Kent’s Website) Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, Kent City Code, Downtown Strategic Action Plan, Envision Midway (TOD) Plan, Parks and Open Space Plan, Individual Project Plans. Watch for document review periods. NOA- Notice of Applications found in Kent Reporter legal notices that cause street revisions (and need cycling facilities). New Parks Director is Julie Parascondola Contact Phone numbers: Public Works Operations 253-856-5600 for potholes, hazards, maintenance issues. Public Works Construction Mgmt 253-856-5500 for detour problems. Page 5 Trail maintenance contacts in Kent: 1. Green River Trail - Parks Maintenance 253-856-5120 2. Interurban Trail - Parks Maintenance 253-856-5120 3. Frager Road - Open sections (Street Maintenance 253-856-5600), Closed to Vehicular Traffic - Parks Maintenance 253-856-5120 11.Paths along roadways and adjacent to sidewalks - If in right of way - Street Maintenance 253-856-5600 or Private - Property Owner 12.King County Roads Division in un-incorporated areas - 206-477-8100. The portion of Frager Road between the Old Fishing Hole Park (South of W Meeker Street) and Washington Ave N (SR 181) 68TH Ave S is maintained by King County. This page intentionally left blank 1 of 4 KENT BICYLE ADVISORY BOARD BY-LAWS We, the members of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board of the City of Kent, State of Washington formed pursuant to Resolution 1298 of the Kent City Council, do hereby adopt, publish and declare the following By-Laws which shall supersede all other rules and procedures not set by City Ordinance or State Statute. ORGANIZATION AND RULES OF PROCEDURE 1. The official name is "Kent Bicycle Advisory Board" as provided by Resolution 1298. 2. The officers of the Board shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. 3. Officers (A) The Chair shall preside over the Board and exercise all powers incidental to the office, retaining however, the full right as a member of the Board to have a vote recorded in all deliberations of the Board, to propose motions and to second motions. (B) The Vice-Chair shall, in the absence of the Chair from any meeting, perform all the duties incumbent upon the Chair, and retain the full right as a member of the Board to have a vote recorded in all deliberations of the Board, to propose motions and to second motions. (C) The Chair and Vice-Chair both being absent from any meeting, the Secretary shall serve as temporary Chair, who shall have full powers as Chair during the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, retaining the full right as a member of the Board to have a vote recorded in all deliberations of the Board, to propose motions and second motions. (D) The secretary shall set the Board agenda, prepare minutes, and keep such records as are necessary for the property operation of the Board, all of which shall be a matter of public record. (E) Officers shall be elected at the regular meeting in the 11th calendar month of each year, by a majority vote of the authorized membership of the Board; their t erms of office shall run from January 1 following the election meeting until December 31 of the same year, or until a successor has been elected. In the event of a vacancy of any officer, the Board may, at a convenient time selected by a majority present, hold a special election for that position. Any member of the Board is eligible to fill the vacancy. However, if a present officer wins the new position, his present office is considered vacant, as no member can hold two office positions; and, an election should then take place immediately to also fill that position being vacated. By-Laws Kent Bicycle Advisory Board 2 of 4 4. Absences Board members shall notify the Board Chair whenever the member will be absent from a workshop, regular or special meeting, providing a reason for the absence . Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence. 5. Voting (A) The affirmative vote of the majority of those present shall be necessary for the adoption of any motion or other voting matter, unless otherwise specified in these by- laws. 6. Meetings (A) Generally there shall be one Kent Bicycle Advisory Board meeting each month: (1) Meetings. On the last Monday of each month there shall be a meeting of the Board to be held at 5:45 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. to discuss matters. (2) These scheduled meetings may be canceled or convened at other times if deemed necessary by the Chair or, in the absence of the Chair, by the Vice - Chair. (3) The order of business shall be: (a) Call to order by Chair. (b) Roll call. (c) Approval of minutes. (d) Added items. (e) Communications. (f) Notice of upcoming meetings. 7. Agendas, Staff Reports, and Minutes for Regular Meetings (A) A copy of the agenda for every regular meeting of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board shall be sent to each member not less than seven (7) days p rior to the date of the meeting at which such agenda is to be considered. (B) Application Forms. Forms to be used for making applications to be on the Board will be made available on the City website. (C) Minutes and Records. Minutes of all public meetings shall be kept and made part of a permanent public record along with applications made under provisions of law and the complete files of proceedings and actions taken in connection therewith. The Secretary shall provide the Board with a set of minutes of the previous month's meeting which shall be sent to each Kent Bicycle Advisory Board member no later than seven (7) days prior to the next regular meeting of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. These minutes shall be considered for approval by the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board at its next regularly scheduled public meeting and upon approval shall become part of the official record of the action of the Board. By-Laws Kent Bicycle Advisory Board 3 of 4 8. Recording of Minutes Minutes of all regular and special public meetings of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board shall be kept. 9. Temporary Committees The Chair of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board shall have full power to create temporary committees of one or more members and to appoint the members of such committees, charged with such duties as examination, investigation, and inquiry relative to one or more subjects of interest to the Board. No temporary committee shall have the power to commit the Board to the endorsement of any plan or program without its submission to the full body of the Board. 10. Amending By-Laws These by-laws may be amended at any Kent Bicycle Advisory Board meeting by a majority of members of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. All amendments to the by-laws shall be submitted to the Mayor and City Council for their infor mation. 11. Posting Agendas, etc. The following shall be posted on the City website and/or in a conspicuous place in City Hall: (A) The agenda and meeting location shall be posted at least 24 hours prior to the next meeting. (B) Such other matters as requested by the Board, the Chair, or the Secretary. 12. Code of Conduct (A) Prohibited Acts. Members of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board are prohibited from: (1) Acting in a manner which would result in inefficiency, neglect of duty, misfeasance or malfeasance in office. (2) Acting in a manner to intentionally disrupt Board proceedings. (3) Missing 25% or more of the regularly scheduled meetings and workshops in a 12-month period without such absence being excused by the Board. (4) Using his or her position to secure special privileges or exemptions for himself, herself, or others. (5) Directly or indirectly giving or receiving or agreeing to receive compensation, gifts, rewards, or gratuities from any source, except the City of Kent, for a matter connected with or related to the services as a member of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board, unless otherwise provided by law. By-Laws Kent Bicycle Advisory Board 4 of 4 (B) Violation of Code of Conduct: Whenever a member violates a provision of this Code of Conduct, the Board may reprimand said member by motion or by written document and/or may send a recommendation to the Mayor for dismissal from the Board, which recommendation shall contain a statement setting forth the violation or violations alleged to have occurred as well as the facts relat ing to said violation or violations. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENT: That the undersigned Secretary of the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board does hereby certify that the above and foregoing by-laws have been duly adopted by the members of said Board as the by-laws of said Board. ATTEST: BY: Date: _________________, Secretary Kent Bicycle Advisory Board