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Public Works Committee
CC PW Special Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2018
Date: September 10, 2018
Time: 4:00 PM
Place: Chambers East
Attending: Dennis Higgins, Chair
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
Toni Troutner, Councilmember
1. Call to Order 4:02 PM
2. Roll Call
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Dennis Higgins Chair Absent
Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present
Toni Troutner Councilmember Present
3. Minutes Approval
1. Approval of Minutes dated August 20, 2018
MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated August 20, 2018
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
AYES: Fincher, Troutner
ABSENT: Higgins
4. Changes to the Agenda
No changes
5. S. 228th St. UPRR Grade Separation Project - Public Highway
Overpass Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad - Recommend
Mark Madfai, Design Engineering Supervisor noted that the agreement with
the Union Pacific Railroad is required by the City to install the new bridge
over the Union Pacific Railroad right of way. The cost includes requirements
for construction of the bridge, removal of the at grade crossing, signal and
crossing arms as well as requirements for the contractor working on the site.
Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Public
Highway Overpass Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad for the
South 228th Street UPRR Grade Separation Project in an amount not
to exceed $307,471.00 subject to final terms and conditions
Public Works Committee CC PW Special Meeting
September 10, 2018
Kent, Washington
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acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
AYES: Fincher, Troutner
ABSENT: Higgins
6. Consultant Services Agreements with GeoEngineers, Inc. for S. 228th
St. Project Construction Support
Mark Madfai, Design Engineering Supervisor noted the contract with
GeoEngineers, Inc. supports the South 228th Street project by preparing
needed Geotechnical reports for the design of the bridge foundations, ground
improvements, walls, embankment fill and settlement monitoring for the
Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant
Services Agreement with GeoEngineers Inc. to provide construction
support for the S. 228th St. UPRR Grade Separation Project in an
amount not to exceed $312,217, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
AYES: Fincher, Troutner
ABSENT: Higgins
7. S. 228th St. UPRR Grade Separation – Consultant Services Agreement
with HDR for Construction Support
Mark Madfai, Design Engineering Manager noted that HDR Engineering, Inc.
will provide structural engineering services needed for the design of the
South 228th Street bridge and walls.
Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a consultant
services agreement with HDR Engineering Inc. to provide
construction support for the S. 228th St. UPRR Grade Separation
Project in an amount not to exceed $122,051.64 subject to final
terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public
Works Director.
Public Works Committee CC PW Special Meeting
September 10, 2018
Kent, Washington
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MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
AYES: Fincher, Troutner
ABSENT: Higgins
8. Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Resolution for Downey
Farmstead Project - Recommend
Mike Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager noted that the requested
Resolution is needed in order to apply for all grants current and future and is
required by the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO).
Adopt Resolution No.________ in support of the City’s application for
grant funding assistance from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board
(SRFB) for the Downey Farmstead project.
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
AYES: Fincher, Troutner
ABSENT: Higgins
9. King County Cooperative Watershed Management (CWM) Grant for
the Downey Farmstead Restoration Projec
Mike Mactutis Environmental Engineering Manager noted that the city of Kent
is proposing the construction of nearly 2,000 linear feet of side channel
tributary to the Green River to provide rearing and refuge habitat for
threatened Chinook and other salmon species.
This grant agreement will fund $780,000 of the expected $4.9 million habitat
construction cost.
Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a grant
agreement with King County accepting a 2018 Cooperative
Watershed Management grant in the amount of $780,000 for the
Downey Farmstead Restoration project, subject to final terms and
conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director.
Public Works Committee CC PW Special Meeting
September 10, 2018
Kent, Washington
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MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
AYES: Fincher, Troutner
ABSENT: Higgins
10. Information Only/Downey Change Order
Mike Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager noted that the Downey
Farmstead Restoration project is currently under construction with clearing of
the site and excavation of material.
Mactutis noted that before we knew that we'd get a grant in the amount of
$780,000 from King County we bid the project which was awarded to
Scarsella Brothers, Inc. Assuming the agreement is executed this month,
staff is recommending a change order to the existing contract that would
allow them to move more material from the Downey site; advancing the
project further toward completion without having to mobilize again later.
11. Information Only – Landsburg Mine Update
Mike Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager gave a brief update on
the Landsburg Mine and where we are to date with the Department of
12. Quiet Zone Update
Chad Bieren, Deputy Director / City Engineer gave a brief update on progress
to date on the Quiet Zone.
13. Adjournment 4:44 PM
Cheryl Viseth
Committee Secretary