HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 05/07/2018 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE May 7, 2018 Minutes City of Kent, WA Pending Approval Date: May 7, 2018 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers East 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Committee member Higgins. 2. Roll Call: Dennis Higgins, Committee Chair and Committee members Brenda Fincher and Toni Troutner were present. Absent: N/A 3. Changes to the Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda. 4. Approval of Minutes, Dated April 16, 2018 Committee member Troutner MOVED to approve the Minutes of April 16, 2018. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher. The motion PASSED 3-0. 5. South 228th Street Inter-Urban Trail Connector Grant Agreement with the Department of Commerce - Recommend Mark Madfai, P.E. Design Engineering Supervisor noted this project includes the construction of a shared use travel path along the south side of S. 228th Street between the Interurban Trail and 68th Ave. S. (West Valley Highway). About half of the shared use path lies within the limits of the S. 228th St. UPRR Grade Separation Project. The complete shared use path will be constructed as part of the Grade Separation Project. The City applied for and was awarded two separate grants through the state legislature for the project, one in the amount of $727,000 and the other for $485,000. Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the grant agreement to accept grant funds from the Washington State Department of Commerce in the amount of $485,000 for the South 228th Street Inter-Urban Trail Connector Project and to direct staff to establish a budget for the funds, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Troutner. The motion PASSED 3-0. 6. Information Only/East Valley Highway Sewer Issue - Update Chad Bieren, Deputy Director / City Engineer noted that King County METRO sewer operates a system of sanitary sewer mains throughout Kent. A METRO sewer main under East Valley Highway, near the Les Schwab tires and Tacoma Screw Products stores developed a leak that has allowed groundwater to enter the METRO system. The result of this leak is the loss of fine soil particles near the pipe, resulting in a dip in the roadway. City staff is coordinating with King County METRO staff on repair of the METRO pipe and related surface repairs to fix the roadway. We are currently assessing the area to ensure the pipe repairs have eliminated further damage to the roadway and discussing when and how to complete roadway repairs. Staff will return to the Committee when more information is available. 7. Information Only - 228th Street Corridor Union Pacific Railroad Overpass Update on the Right of Way Acquisition Christina Schuck, City Attorney, noted that staff is still working on acquiring the last property. 8. Information Only/Residential Parking Ordinance Update Rob Brown, Transportation Engineer presented additional information for the committee on the following locations: Kentridge High School Neighborhood: Rob Brown noted that we inherited some parking zones from King County when Panther Lake was annexed in 2010. Staff found documentation that the parking zones were established by King County’s Traffic Engineer. We now have the 3 ordinances that were passed on to us by King County. Staff is going through the ordinances to establish what the next steps will be. Staff will look into reusing the existing signs. Mill Creek Neighborhood – Tim LaPorte noted that he had a discussion with the Police Chief regarding parking enforcement. The City is looking into electronic monitoring of vehicles for parking enforcement. Police are concerned they will not be able to meet expectations if this ordinance was established. This item will be tabled until more information can be gathered. Staff will come back to committee at a future meeting. 9. Sewer Connection Ordinance – Information Only Tim LaPorte noted that the city currently has an existing sewer connection ordinance and that there are about 400 residents within city limits that are not connected to sewer. The Kent city code requires that residents connect if they are within 200 feet and that the Public Works Director can waive or decide when to apply it. The state auditor suggested that we clarify the code. 10. Information Only/Quiet Zone Update Chad Bieren, Deputy Director / City Engineer noted that Rob Brown and Kelly Peterson spent a day last week with Burlington Northern staff looking at possible locations for fencing through downtown along the tracks. The meeting also included a broader range of improvements for the Quiet Zone and also a railroad repair on 84th Avenue S near 212th that we are trying to get Burlington Northern to reconstruct. Adjournment: At 4:50 p.m., Committee Chair Higgins declared the meeting adjourned. Cheryl Viseth, Committee Secretary