HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety Committee - 06/12/2018
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Public Safety Committee
CC PS Regular Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2018
Date: June 12, 2018
Time: 4:30 PM
Place: Chambers East
Attending: Toni Troutner, Committee Chair
Bill Boyce, Councilmember
Les Thomas, Councilmember
1. Call to Order 4:30 PM
2. Roll Call
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Toni Troutner Committee Chair Present
Bill Boyce Councilmember Present
Les Thomas Councilmember Present
3. Changes to the Agenda
Council Member Thomas requested adding item 5A Fireworks to the agenda.
Request was approved by Chair Troutner.
4. Approval of Minutes dated April 10, 2018
MOTION: Move to approve the minutes dated April 10, 2018.
MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember
SECONDER: Les Thomas, Councilmember
AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Thomas
5. 2018 Fireworks Ban Communications Plan
Communications Manager Dana Neuts went over the City's Fireworks
Communications Plan included in the agenda.
6. Motion to Revoke Fireworks Ordinance and reinstate previous
MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember
AYES: Thomas
NAYS: Troutner, Boyce
7. Chief's Update - Information Only
Public Safety Committee CC PS Regular Meeting
June 12, 2018
Kent, Washington
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Chief Padilla spoke about the changes to the Service Delivery Model and the
4th of July Staffing Plan.
8. Adjournment 4:51 PM
Committee Secretary