HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Facilities District Board - 07/26/2018Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes Approved October 25, 2OtB July 26,2018 Kent, Washington Date: Time: Place: Attending Board: July 26,2018 4 p.m. accesso ShoWare Center Carmen Goers Mike Miller Lew Sellers Randall Smith Jeff Piecewicz Other Attendees: Erin Buck, SMG Director of Marketing Arletta Voter, SMG Finance Director Pat Fitzpatrick, City Attorney Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk Bill LaForge, Thunderbirds General Manager Sean Runnels, Thunderbirds Director of Ticketing Agenda: 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4 p.m., with Mike Miller presiding. 2. Roll Call Carmen Goers - Present (Arrived at 4:10 p.m.) Mike Miller - Present Lew Sellers - Present Randall Smith - Present Jeff Piecewicz - Present 3, Changes to the Agenda Item 8, Seattle Thunderbirds Update, was moved to item 6. Lew Sellers moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Randall Smith. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4-O 4. Aoproval of Minutes dated April 26, 2O18 Sellers moved to approve the minutes dated April 26,2018, seconded by Smith. The Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4-O. 5. Randall Smith's Reappointment to the Public Facilities District Board - Information Onlv Page 1 of 3 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes July 26,2018 Kent, Washington Approved October 25, 2OL8 Pat Fitzpatrick, City Attorney advised that the City's Economic and Community Development Committee recommended reappointing Randall Smith to the Public Facilities District Board for an additional 4-year term, September 1, 2018 - August L3,2022. The City Council will confirm the reappointment during the August7,2OL8, meeting. 6. Seattle Thunderbirds Update Sean Runnels, Thunderbirds Director of Ticketing, indicated that the season ticket renewal rate is at9}o/o, and there is one less suite sold. Runnels provided details regarding the number of games, including the loss of two Tuesday games. Runnels indicated he will be relocating to Spokane on August 29th but has enjoyed working with the Thunderbirds for the past 17 years. Runnels introduced the Thunderbirds General Manager, Bill LaForge. LaForge indicated he is from Edmonton, was a teacher, went into scouting and coaching and has been with the Silvertips for 10 years. LaForge expressed his excitement for the future and will be hiring an equipment manager and scouts. 7. Finance Reoorts A. City of Kent. In Aaron BeMiller's absence, Chair Miller reviewed the accesso ShoWare Center operating fund ending June 30, 2018, the Kent Special Events Center Public Facilities District Fund ending June 30, 2018, and the Kent Public Facilities District Sales Tax Collections - Inception through June 30, 2018. B. accesso ShoWare Center. Arletta Voter, SMG Finance Director, provided details of the accesso ShoWare Center Income Statement for the quarter ending June 30, 2018, including direct event income, ancillary income, other event income, other operating income, indirect expenses, net income from operations, admission tax, and net income. 8. Operations Uodate a/b. General Manager/Marketing Update. Erin Buck, Director of Sales and Marketing, provided the Public Facilities District marketing update, including total attendance, website traffic, social media activity, and email marketing. Buck conveyed that Pollster ranked the accesso ShoWare Center 134th in the 2018 Midyear Worldwide Ticket Sales Top 200 Arena Venues, and 90th in North America. Page 2 of 3 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes July 26,2018 Kent, Washington Approved October 25, 2OL8 Buck reviewed highlights from the second quarter of 2018, including sell outs, the various private and catering events, and L7 graduations. Buck provided details on the third and fourth quarter of 2018 ticketed events, community and catering events, and non-hockey announced events. Buck indicated that January 4 - January 6, 2OL8, the accesso ShoWare Center will host the State of Washington Wrestling competition that will include college and high school wrestlers. The economic impact is expected to be $300,00 - $400,000. The Kent Downtown Partnership is a major sponsor and the Lodging Tax fund will cover the cost of the facility. B. City of Kent. None 9. Other Business Goers suggested communicating to the residents how the Public Facilities District budget is developed and that the budget may appear to show a loss, but once the admission taxes are taken into consideration, the budget will show a profit rather than a loss. 1O. Adjournment Sellers moved to adjourn the meeting and Piecewicz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4-0. Meeting adj ourned at 4:4O p.m Kimberley A.oto City Clerk/rd Secretary July 26,2018 Page 3 of 3