HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services Committee - 04/19/2018 Unless otherwise noted, the Parks and Human Services Committee meets at 5 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month in the Kent City Hall, Council Chambers East, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Ron Lashley at 253-856-5101, or via email at RLashley@kentwa.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. Parks and Human Services Committee Agenda Chair - Brenda Fincher Councilmembers - Satwinder Kaur, Julie Parascondola, CPRP Thursday, April 19, 2018 5:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to Order Chair Fincher 01 MIN. 2. Roll Call Chair Fincher 01 MIN. 3. Changes to the Agenda Chair Fincher 01 MIN. 4. Approval of March 15, 2018 Minutes YES Chair Fincher 05 MIN. 5. Resolution for Grant Application #18-1527 to the Recreation and Conservation Office for Service Club YES Bryan Higgins, Parks Capital Project Manager 05 MIN. 6. Park Planning & Development Division Overview NO Hope Gibson 30 MIN. 7. Parks and Recreation Commission Ordinance - Recommend YES Julie Parascondola 05 MIN. 8. Human Services Commission Ordinance – Recommend YES Julie Parascondola 05 MIN. 9. Director’s Report – Information Only NO Julie Parascondola 10 MIN. 10. Adjournment Chair Fincher 01 MIN. PARKS AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Julie Parascondola, CPRP 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5100 DATE: April 19, 2018 TO: Parks and Human Services Committee SUBJECT: Approval of March 15, 2018 Minutes MOTION: Move to approve the March 15, 2018 Minutes. ATTACHMENTS: 1. March 15, 2018 Minutes (PDF) 4 Packet Pg. 2 Page 1 of 2 Parks and Human Services Committee March 15, 2018 Minutes Kent Washington Approval Pending Date: March 15, 2018 Time: 5:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Attending: Chair Brenda Fincher, Councilmembers Tina Budell, and Satwinder Kaur Agenda: 1. Call to Order Chair Brenda Fincher called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Chair Brenda Fincher, Councilmembers Tina Budell and Satwinder Kaur in attendance. 3. Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. 4. Minutes dated February 15, 2018 - Approved MOTION: Councilmember Budell moved to approve the minutes dated February 18, 2018. Councilmember Kaur seconded. The motion passed 3-0. 5. 2013 Fourth Quarter Fee In Lieu Funds Re-allocation - Approved On March 4, 2014, city council accepted $7,875 in fee-in-lieu funds from HS Construction. At that time, the funds were allocated for expenditure at Garrison Creek Park. Since accepting the funds, projects intended for Garrison Creek Park have been delayed and will not resume before the five-year fund expenditure deadline of December 9, 2018. The city must return the funds if they are not used by that date. These funds can still be utilized to benefit the city. We, therefore, ask that the funds dedicated to Garrison Creek Park in 2014 be reallocated toward capital improvements at Kent Memorial Park. MOTION: Councilmember Budell moved to recommend Council reallocate $7,875 of fee-in-lieu funds dedicated to Garrison Creek Park, amend the Community Parks Reinvestment Program budget, and authorize the future expenditure of these same funds for capital improvements at Kent Memorial Park. Councilmember Kaur seconded The motion passed 3-0. 6. Human Services - Presentation – Information Only Merina Hanson, Human Services Manager, will be sharing with the Committee a summary of the City’s Human Services Program to educate and inform the Committee and to allow for any question to be answered, as well as open dialogue and discussion. 4.a Packet Pg. 3 At t a c h m e n t : M a r c h 1 5 , 2 0 1 8 M i n u t e s ( 1 1 8 6 : A p p r o v a l o f M a r c h 1 5 , 2 0 1 8 M i n u t e s ) Page 2 of 2 7. Arts Commission, Ordinance Update – Approved Mayor and staff are introducing a new Commission position – an ‘alternate,’ to be appointed and confirmed by Mayor and City Council. This ‘alternate’ position would serve in a nonvoting capacity, except when a regular member is absent from a meeting, at which point the alternate would then serve as a pro tempore member and will have the ability to vote on all matters coming before the Commission at that meeting. MOTION: Councilmember Kaur moved to recommend Council adopt an ordinance that creates an alternate position on the Arts Commission to fill in for an absent member or vacant position and moves the Arts Commission code provisions from Chapter 4.02 of the Kent City Code to Chapter 2.61. Councilmember Budell seconded. The motion passed 3-0. 8. Director's Report – Information Only Arts and Parks Commissioner vacancies have been filled. 2018 Rec guides are now available. Kent Arts Commission 20th year of providing the Spotlight Series wraps up this season on March 23rd. On June 30th, 2017 at Lake Kent-Meridian park a 14-year-old youth became in distressed and at risk of drowning while swimming and went under the water. The Lifeguard manager Shawn Wruth played a lead role in mobilizing quickly with staff to locate and save the citizen. Staff nominated Shawn for the Redcross Hero of the year award. Shawn won the award. On March 7th of 2018, he received his Award and he and staff were recognized for there heroics. Other Business Public Comment – Information Only Tim Petersen addressed committee regarding wanting an audit of funds and services of MultiService Center due to lack of services. Adjournment Chair Fincher adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Ronald Lashley Ronald Lashley Committee Secretary 4.a Packet Pg. 4 At t a c h m e n t : M a r c h 1 5 , 2 0 1 8 M i n u t e s ( 1 1 8 6 : A p p r o v a l o f M a r c h 1 5 , 2 0 1 8 M i n u t e s ) PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Julie Parascondola, CPRP 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5100 DATE: April 19, 2018 TO: Parks and Human Services Committee SUBJECT: Resolution for Grant Application #18-1527 to the Recreation and Conservation Office for Service Club Ballfields Drainage Improvements - Recommend MOTION: Move to recommend council adopt the resolution authorizing the submittal of grant application #18-1527 to the Recreation and Conservation Office, to assist in funding drainage improvements at Service Club Ballfields Park. SUMMARY: Each grant cycle (every other year) staff pursues funding for park development and/or acquisition of property through the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO). Staff is requesting authorization to submit a grant application to the RCO Washington Wildlife and Recreation program to fund drainage improvements for three fields at Service Club Ballfields Park. The total estimated cost of the project would be $160,000, and the YAF grant would pay 50% or $80,000 if funded. BUDGET IMPACT: None SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Authentic Connectivity and Communication, Inclusive Community ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution (PDF) 5 Packet Pg. 5 1 Field Drainage Services for Service Club Ballfields— Application to Recreation & Conservation Office (WWRP) RESOLUTION NO. _______ A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, that authorizes the submission of an application for grant funding assistance through the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program of the Recreation and Conservation Office, as provided for in Chapters 79A.15 and 79A.25 of the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 286 of the Washington Administrative Code, and other applicable authorities, for field drainage services at Service Club Ballfields. RECITALS A. The city of Kent has approved a comprehensive parks and recreation or habitat conservation plan that includes capital improvements at Service Club Ballfields Park. B. Under the provisions of the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program, state grant assistance is requested by the city of Kent to aid in financing the cost of field drainage services. C. The city of Kent considers it in the best public interest to complete the project described in the application. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 5.a Packet Pg. 6 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n ( 1 1 8 7 : R e s o l u t i o n f o r G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n # 1 8 - 1 5 2 7 t o t h e R e c r e a t i o n a n d C o n s e r v a t i o n O f f i c e f o r S e r v i c e C l u b ) 2 Field Drainage Services for Service Club Ballfields— Application to Recreation & Conservation Office (WWRP) RESOLUTION SECTION 1. – Application. Julie Parascondola, the Director of the City’s Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department, is authorized to make formal application to the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board for grant assistance. SECTION 2. – Project Agreement. The City has reviewed the sample project agreement on the Recreation & Conservation Office’s web site at http://www.rco.wa.gov/documents/manuals&forms/SampleProjAgreement.pdf and authorizes Dana Ralph, the City’s Mayor, to enter into such a project agreement, if funding is awarded. The City understands and acknowledges that the project agreement will contain the indemnification and other terms and conditions that are contained in the sample project agreement. The sample project agreement may be revised periodically by the Recreation and Conservation Office. The City recognizes that such changes might occur prior to its authorized representative signing the actual project agreement, and the City accepts the responsibility and the presumption that its authorized representative shall have conferred with the City as to any such changes before she executes the project agreement on the City’s behalf and so executes with the City’s authorization. SECTION 3. – Use of Funds. Any grant assistance received will be used for only direct eligible and allowable costs that are reasonable and necessary to implement the project referenced above. SECTION 4. – City Match & Non-Cash Commitments. The City expects its matching share of project funding will be derived from City funds and that pursuant to WAC 286-13-040 the City must certify the availability of match at least one month before funding approval. In addition, the City understands it is responsible for supporting all non-cash commitments to this project should they not materialize. 5.a Packet Pg. 7 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n ( 1 1 8 7 : R e s o l u t i o n f o r G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n # 1 8 - 1 5 2 7 t o t h e R e c r e a t i o n a n d C o n s e r v a t i o n O f f i c e f o r S e r v i c e C l u b ) 3 Field Drainage Services for Service Club Ballfields— Application to Recreation & Conservation Office (WWRP) SECTION 5. – Grant on Reimbursement Basis. The City acknowledges that if the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board approves grant assistance for the project, the Recreation and Conservation Office will pay the City on only a reimbursement basis. The City understands reimbursement basis means that the City will only request payment from the Recreation and Conservation Office after the City incurs eligible and allowable costs and pays them. The Recreation and Conservation Office may also determine an amount of retainage and hold that amount until the project is complete. SECTION 6. – Dedication in Perpetuity. The City acknowledges that any property acquired with grant assistance must be dedicated for the purposes of the grant in perpetuity unless otherwise agreed to by the City and the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board. The City agrees to dedicate the property in a signed “Deed of Right” for fee acquisitions, or an “Assignment of Rights” for other less than fee acquisitions (which documents will be based upon the Recreation and Conservation Office’s standard versions of those documents), to be recorded on the title of the property with the county auditor. SECTION 7. – Immediately Available to the Public. The City acknowledges that any property acquired in fee title must be immediately made available to the public unless the Recreation and Conservation Office director or the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board agrees to other restrictions. SECTION 8. – Resolution – Part of Application. This resolution becomes part of a formal application to the Recreation and Conservation Office for grant assistance. 5.a Packet Pg. 8 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n ( 1 1 8 7 : R e s o l u t i o n f o r G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n # 1 8 - 1 5 2 7 t o t h e R e c r e a t i o n a n d C o n s e r v a t i o n O f f i c e f o r S e r v i c e C l u b ) 4 Field Drainage Services for Service Club Ballfields— Application to Recreation & Conservation Office (WWRP) SECTION 9. – Public Comment. The City provided appropriate opportunity for public comment on this application. SECTION 10. – Certification. The City certifies that this resolution was properly and lawfully adopted following the requirements of the City and applicable laws and policies and that the person signing as authorized representative is duly authorized to do so. SECTION 11. – Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this _______ day of , 2018. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this ______ day of , 2018. DANA RALPH, MAYOR ATTEST: KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___ ARTHUR “PAT” FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY P:\Planning\Grants\All IAC-RCO\Service Club Ballfields Drainage #18-1527 5.a Packet Pg. 9 At t a c h m e n t : R e s o l u t i o n ( 1 1 8 7 : R e s o l u t i o n f o r G r a n t A p p l i c a t i o n # 1 8 - 1 5 2 7 t o t h e R e c r e a t i o n a n d C o n s e r v a t i o n O f f i c e f o r S e r v i c e C l u b ) PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Julie Parascondola, CPRP 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5100 DATE: April 19, 2018 TO: Parks and Human Services Committee SUBJECT: Park Planning & Development Division Overview SUMMARY: Hope Gibson, Park Planning & Development Manager, will be sharing with the Committee a summary of the City’s Park Planning & Development responsibilities, in an effort to educate and inform the Committee and to allow for any questions to be answered, as well as open dialogue and discussion. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government, Authentic Connectivity and Communication, Thriving Neighborhoods and Urban Centers, Sustainable Funding, Inclusive Community 6 Packet Pg. 10 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Julie Parascondola, CPRP 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5100 DATE: April 19, 2018 TO: Parks and Human Services Committee SUBJECT: Parks and Recreation Commission Ordinance - Recommend MOTION: Move to recommend Council amend Section 2.60.020 of the Kent City Code to reduce the membership of the Parks and Recreation Commission from 16 to 12 members; to provide for only one youth representative position; and to create an alternate position on the Commission. SUMMARY: In an effort to maintain continuity within the Parks and Recreation Commission when vacancies and transitions occur, the Mayor and staff are introducing a new Commission position – an ‘alternate,’ to be appointed and confirmed by Mayor and City Council. This ‘alternate’ position would serve in a nonvoting capacity, except when a regular member is absent from a meeting, at which point the alternate would then serve as a pro tempore member and will have the ability to vote on all matters coming before the Commission at that meeting. If a position as a regular member of the Parks and Recreation Commission becomes available, the alternate may assume that position without any further confirmation of Council, and then a solicitation for a new alternate would begin. However, the alternate’s appointment would be permissive and not mandatory. In addition, in an effort to maintain consistency with Commission sizes throughout the City, the number of Commission seats is hereby reduced from 16 to 12, which now includes only one youth position instead of two. Attached for your review and comment is a draft ordinance that will allow for the above changes to occur within the Parks and Recreation Commission. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovation Government, Authentic Connectivity and Communication, Thriving Neighborhoods and Urban Centers, Inclusive Community ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance Amending Section 2.60.020 (PDF) 7 Packet Pg. 11 1 Amend KCC 2.60.020 - Re: Parks and Recreation Commission ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 2.60.020 of the Kent City Code to: (1) reduce the membership of the Parks and Recreation Commission from 16 to 12 members; (2) to provide for only one youth representative position; and (3) to create an alternate position on the Commission that would allow the alternate to act in the place of an absent member and to assume a vacant position should one become available during the alternate’s term. RECITALS A. The Kent Parks and Recreation Commission was established in July of 2014, and its primary purpose is to help guide and assist the City as the City works to establish and prioritize its parks and recreation services. The Parks and Recreation Commission is a conduit of information for the public on matters related to parks and recreation projects. The commission promotes the development of dynamic and well-rounded parks and recreational opportunities, and serves in an advisory capacity to the mayor, city council, and city staff. B. Although the Parks and Recreation Commission is required to hold regular meetings, at times it has been difficult to obtain the quorum necessary to transact business due to the absence of its members at those meetings. Reducing the membership of the Commission will allow for the 7.a Packet Pg. 12 At t a c h m e n t : O r d i n a n c e A m e n d i n g S e c t i o n 2 . 6 0 . 0 2 0 ( 1 1 8 9 : P a r k s a n d R e c r e a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n O r d i n a n c e - R e c o m m e n d ) 2 Amend KCC 2.60.020 - Re: Parks and Recreation Commission efficient operation and effective completion of business. This ordinance will reduce the membership of the commission from 16 to 12 members and require only one youth representative. C. In addition to making the changes needed to effectively and efficiently transact business, this ordinance will also create a new position on the Commission that will allow a person to be appointed as an alternate. It is intended that when all members of the Commission are present, the alternate will serve in a nonvoting capacity. If, however, a member is absent from any meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the alternate will serve as a pro tempore voting member for that meeting and may vote on all matters before the Commission. The alternate may also assume any position that is vacated by an incumbent member or otherwise becomes available during the alternate’s tenure without the necessity of further Council confirmation. A search for a new alternate would then be undertaken. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. – Amendment – Revise KCC 2.60.020. Section 2.60.020 of the Kent City Code entitled “Membership, terms, residence requirements,” is amended as follows: Sec. 2.60.020. Membership, terms, residence requirements. A. Number of members. The membership of the city parks and recreation commission shall consist of 12 16 appointed members, in addition to an optional alternate. each of whom shall beMembers are to be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. Each member of the commission shall have an equal vote in decisions of the commission, 7.a Packet Pg. 13 At t a c h m e n t : O r d i n a n c e A m e n d i n g S e c t i o n 2 . 6 0 . 0 2 0 ( 1 1 8 9 : P a r k s a n d R e c r e a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n O r d i n a n c e - R e c o m m e n d ) 3 Amend KCC 2.60.020 - Re: Parks and Recreation Commission except for the alternate, who the the all of mwill serve in nonvoting capacity. B. Alternate Member. An alternate may be appointed to the commission by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. Once appointed and confirmed, the alternate will serve in a nonvoting capacity when all regular members are present at a meeting of the parks and recreation commission. When a regular member of the parks and recreation commission is absent from a meeting, the alternate will serve as a pro tempore voting member for that meeting and may vote on all matters before the commission. Should a position as a regular member on the parks and recreation commission become available during the alternate’s term, the alternate will assume that position as a regular member without any further council confirmation required. CB. Terms of office. The term of office for commissioners shall be for three years, except for the initial terms as provided below. 1. Commissioners may only serve up to two consecutive terms, except for those commissioners appointed to an inaugural term that is less than three years in length. If, however, a commissioner was appointed to an inaugural term that was less than three years in length, then that commissioner shall be permitted to serve two consecutive three-year terms after the inaugural term expires. 2. The term of office of the first six commissioners appointed and confirmed shall expire December 31, 2015; the term of the second six commissioners appointed and confirmed shall expire December 31, 2016; the term of office of the final four commissioners appointed and confirmed shall expire December 31, 2017. 3. When a vacancy occurs on the parks and recreation commission, the alternate will assume that position as a regular member without any further council confirmation required. The mayor shall then appoint, subject to council confirmation, a new alternate 7.a Packet Pg. 14 At t a c h m e n t : O r d i n a n c e A m e n d i n g S e c t i o n 2 . 6 0 . 0 2 0 ( 1 1 8 9 : P a r k s a n d R e c r e a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n O r d i n a n c e - R e c o m m e n d ) 4 Amend KCC 2.60.020 - Re: Parks and Recreation Commission commissioner.appointment for that position shall be for three years, or for the remainder of the unexpired term, whichever is the shorter period of time. DC. Residence requirements. At least 610 persons appointed to serve on the parks and recreation commission shall reside within the corporate limits of the city. To the extent practicable, appointment shall reflect a balance and diversity of users of and interests in Kent’s parks and recreation services, and shall include not more than two one (1) youth representatives of high school age who lives within the city’s municipal boundaries. ED. Removal. The mayor may remove members from the parks and recreation commission in the following instances: 1. A commissioner resigns from the commission; or 2. A commissioner is absent from more than two consecutive regular meetings; or 3. A commissioner is absent four times within any 12-month period; or 4. Upon the joint recommendation of the commission’s chair and the parks and recreation director. Any decision to remove a commissioner shall be final, and there shall be no appeal. SECTION 2. – Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. – Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the 7.a Packet Pg. 15 At t a c h m e n t : O r d i n a n c e A m e n d i n g S e c t i o n 2 . 6 0 . 0 2 0 ( 1 1 8 9 : P a r k s a n d R e c r e a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n O r d i n a n c e - R e c o m m e n d ) 5 Amend KCC 2.60.020 - Re: Parks and Recreation Commission correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. – Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved ATTEST: KIMBERLY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted Date Published APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHUR “PAT” FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY 7.a Packet Pg. 16 At t a c h m e n t : O r d i n a n c e A m e n d i n g S e c t i o n 2 . 6 0 . 0 2 0 ( 1 1 8 9 : P a r k s a n d R e c r e a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n O r d i n a n c e - R e c o m m e n d ) PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Julie Parascondola, CPRP 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5100 DATE: April 19, 2018 TO: Parks and Human Services Committee SUBJECT: Human Services Commission Ordinance – Recommend MOTION: Move to recommend Council amend Section 2.53.040 of the Kent City Code to create an alternate position on the Human Services Commission SUMMARY: In an effort to maintain continuity within the Human Services Commission when vacancies and transitions occur, the Mayor and staff are introducing a new Commission position – an ‘alternate,’ to be appointed and confirmed by Mayor and City Council. This ‘alternate’ position would serve in a nonvoting capacity, except when a regular member is absent from a meeting, at which point the alternate would then serve as a pro tempore member and will have the ability to vote on all matters coming before the Commission at that meeting. If a position as a regular member of the Human Services Commission becomes available, the alternate may assume that position without any further confirmation of Council, and then a solicitation for a new alternate would begin. However, the alternate’s appointment would be permissive and not mandatory. Attached for your review and comment is a draft ordinance that will allow for an alternate to be appointed and confirmed to the Human Services Commission. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovation Government, Authentic Connectivity and Communication, Thriving Neighborhoods and Urban Centers, Inclusive Community ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinace Amending Section 2.53.040 (PDF) 8 Packet Pg. 17 1 Amend KCC 2.53.040 - Re: Human Services Commission and Alternate Position ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 2.53.040 of the Kent City Code to create an alternate position on the Human Services Commission, to allow the alternate to act in the place of an absent member and to assume a vacant position should one become available during the alternate’s term. RECITALS A. The Kent Human Services Commission was created in 1986, and its primary purpose is to promote the development and assessment of human services needs in the city. The Human Services Commission’s duties include making reports and recommendations to the mayor and city council concerning human services needs in the city. B. Although the Human Services Commission is required to hold regular meetings, at times it has been difficult to obtain the quorum necessary to transact business due to the absence of its members at those meetings. This ordinance will create a new position on the Commission that will allow a person to be appointed as an alternate. C. It is intended that when all members of the Commission are present, the alternate will serve in a nonvoting capacity. If, however, a member is absent from any meeting of the Human Services Commission, 8.a Packet Pg. 18 At t a c h m e n t : O r d i n a c e A m e n d i n g S e c t i o n 2 . 5 3 . 0 4 0 ( 1 1 9 0 : H u m a n S e r v i c e s C o m m i s s i o n O r d i n a n c e – R e c o m m e n d ) 2 Amend KCC 2.53.040 - Re: Human Services Commission and Alternate Position the alternate will serve as a pro tempore voting member for that meeting and may vote on all matters before the Commission. The alternate may also assume any position that is vacated by an incumbent member or otherwise becomes available during the alternate’s tenure without the necessity of further Council confirmation. A search for a new alternate would then be undertaken. D. Currently, the Human Services Commission is limited to 10 members. Because the Human Services Commission obtains only those powers granted to it by Council, an ordinance is required to amend the Kent City Code to allow for the appointment of an alternate, and to allow that alternate to act as a pro tempore when a voting member is absent. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. – Amendment – Revise KCC 2.53.040. Section 2.53.040 of the Kent City Code entitled “Membership, terms, residence requirements.” Is amended as follows: Sec. 2.53.040. Membership, terms, residence requirements. A. Number of membersMembership. The membership of the human services commission shall be ten (10) members, in addition to a council representative and an optional alternate. Members are to be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council, with the exception of the council representative, who shall be appointed to the commission by the council president. Each member of the commission shall have an equal vote in decisions of the commission, except for the alternate, the youth representative, and the appointed council representative, all of whom shall serve in nonvoting capacities. 8.a Packet Pg. 19 At t a c h m e n t : O r d i n a c e A m e n d i n g S e c t i o n 2 . 5 3 . 0 4 0 ( 1 1 9 0 : H u m a n S e r v i c e s C o m m i s s i o n O r d i n a n c e – R e c o m m e n d ) 3 Amend KCC 2.53.040 - Re: Human Services Commission and Alternate Position B. Alternate Member. An alternate may be appointed to the commission by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. Once appointed and confirmed, the alternate will serve in a nonvoting capacity when all regular members are present at a meeting of the human services commission. When a regular member of the human services commission is absent from a meeting, the alternate will serve as a pro tempore voting member for that meeting and may vote on all matters before the commission. Should a position as a regular member on the human services commission become available during the alternate’s term, the alternate will assume that position as a regular member without any further council confirmation required. The human services commission shall consist of ten (10) members, each appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. Each member of the commission shall have an equal vote in decisions of the commission, except for the council representative, who shall serve in a nonvoting capacity. CB. Terms of appointment. With respect t to the members appointed and confirmed to serve on the commission, the following provisions shall apply: 1. At least four (4) commissioners shall reside within the corporate limits of the city. 2. Appointments shall reflect a balance of interests and should be equally proportionate and contain no more than two (2) representatives, to the extent practicable, from each of the following communities, entities, or interest groups: business, educational, spiritual, charitable, civic, past or present receivers of human services, and providers of human services. The commission shall include at least one (1) youth representative of high school age and one (1) council member representative. 3. All members appointed shall serve three (3) year terms, with the following exceptions: 8.a Packet Pg. 20 At t a c h m e n t : O r d i n a c e A m e n d i n g S e c t i o n 2 . 5 3 . 0 4 0 ( 1 1 9 0 : H u m a n S e r v i c e s C o m m i s s i o n O r d i n a n c e – R e c o m m e n d ) 4 Amend KCC 2.53.040 - Re: Human Services Commission and Alternate Position a. The youth representative(s) shall be appointed to at least a one (1) year term, but may be appointed to as much as a three (3) year term; and b. The council representative shall be appointed to a one (1) year term. c. If an alternate becomes a regular member of the human services commission, the individual’s three (3) year term will begin anew upon appointment as a regular member. 4. When a vacancy occurs during a commissioner’s current term, the alternate will assume that position as a regular member without any further council confirmation required. tThe mayor shall then appoint, subject to council confirmation, a new alternate commissioner who shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term. SECTION 2. – Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. – Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. – Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved 8.a Packet Pg. 21 At t a c h m e n t : O r d i n a c e A m e n d i n g S e c t i o n 2 . 5 3 . 0 4 0 ( 1 1 9 0 : H u m a n S e r v i c e s C o m m i s s i o n O r d i n a n c e – R e c o m m e n d ) 5 Amend KCC 2.53.040 - Re: Human Services Commission and Alternate Position ATTEST: KIMBERLY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted Date Published APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHUR “PAT” FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY 8.a Packet Pg. 22 At t a c h m e n t : O r d i n a c e A m e n d i n g S e c t i o n 2 . 5 3 . 0 4 0 ( 1 1 9 0 : H u m a n S e r v i c e s C o m m i s s i o n O r d i n a n c e – R e c o m m e n d ) PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Julie Parascondola, CPRP 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5100 DATE: April 19, 2018 TO: Parks and Human Services Committee SUBJECT: Director’s Report – Information Only SUMMARY: Julie Parascondola, Director of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department, will inform the committee of noteworthy information and upcoming events. 9 Packet Pg. 23